Let $A$ and $B$ be Banach algebras. Consider a right Banach $A$-module, $E$, and a right Banach $B$-module, $F$, as well as a Banach algebra morphism $\pi\colon A\to\mathcal L_B(F)$ into the bounded $B$-linear operators on $F$. Then $\pi$ makes $F$ into a left Banach $A$-module, and the actions of $A$ and $B$ commute. Thus, the (completed) tensor product $E\otimes_AF$ has the structure of a right Banach $B$-module.
Question: Is the tensor product of two compact operators again compact?
To be more precise, let $F\in\mathcal K_A(E)$ and $G$ be both $A$- and $B$-linear. Is $F\otimes_AG\in\mathcal K_B(E\otimes_AF)$? As for Hilbert C*-modules, the compact operators on a Banach module are the closure of the linear span of the finite rank operators. Thus, it suffices to consider the case where $F=F_1F_2$ with $F_1\in\mathcal L_A(A,E)$, $F_2\in\mathcal L_A(E,A)$, and where $G=G_1G_2$ with $G_1\in\mathcal L_B(B,F)$, $G_2\in\mathcal L_B(F,B)$. However, the tensor product $F_i\otimes_AG_i$ is not defined since $B$ itself does not carry an $A$-module structure.