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2 answers

Hyperelliptic Jacobians with (or without) CM

Let $C$ be a hyperelliptic curve $y^2 = f(x) $ defined over $\mathbb{Q}$, where $f(x) \in \mathbb{Q} [x]$ is a polynomial of degree $n=5$ or $6$, and $J = Jac(C)$ its Jacobian. I know Zarhin's result [...
Kazuki  Sato's user avatar
14 votes
8 answers

Applications of the idea of deformation in algebraic geometry and other areas?

The idea of proving something by deforming the general case to some special cases is very powerful. For example, one can prove certain equalities by regarding both sides as functions/sheaves, and show ...
0 votes
1 answer

Power series rings and the formal generic fibre

Let $S = K[[S_1,\ldots,S_n]]$ and consider $d$ elements \begin{equation*} f_1,\ldots,f_d \in S[[X_1,\ldots,X_d]] \end{equation*} and the prime ideal ${\frak P} \colon\!= (f_1,\ldots,f_d)$ generated ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Maximum number of bounded primitive integer points in a zero-dimensional system

Given a set of $n$ many degree $2$ algebraically independent and thus zero-dimensional system of homogeneous polynomials in $\mathbb Z[x_1,\dots,x_n]$ with absolute value of coefficients bound by $2^{...
VS.'s user avatar
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3 votes
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Extending section of étale morphism of adic spaces

This question is related to Lifting points via étale morphism of adic spaces. Fix a complete non-archimedean field $k$. Let $(A,A^+)$ be a complete strongly noetherian Huber pair over $(k,k^\...
Nib's user avatar
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Automorphy Factor from Vector Bundles on Compact Dual

So I'm coming from an algebraic geometry perspective and I'm trying to carefully piece together the story of interpreting automorphic forms as sections of vector bundles on Shimura varieties. I think ...
Benighted's user avatar
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Level structures in deformation spaces of $p$-divisible groups

I am reading (parts of) the paper "Moduli of $p$-divisible groups" by Scholze and Weinstein, and I am stuck at understanding the definition of level structures in Rapoport-Zink spaces (cf. Definition ...
Nib's user avatar
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30 votes
4 answers

Motivation for zeta function of an algebraic variety

If $p$ is a prime then the zeta function for an algebraic curve $V$ over $\mathbb{F}_p$ is defined to be $$\zeta_{V,p}(s) := \exp\left(\sum_{m\geq 1} \frac{N_m}{m}(p^{-s})^m\right). $$ where $N_m$ is ...
Rdrr's user avatar
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1 answer

Étale fibration for $K[[X_1,...,X_n]]$

Let us consider a formal power series ring $A_n \colon= K[[X_1,\ldots,X_n]]$ with $0 \ll n < \infty$ and we shall consider a prime ideal ${\frak P}$ of $A_n$ such that $1 < {\mathrm{ht}}({\frak ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Gauss lemma for a complete Noetherian domain

Suppose that $R$ is a Noetherian complete domain over a field $K$. Suppose that a monic polynomial $f(X) \in R[X]$ (i.e., the highest degree $X^e$ in $f$ has the coefficient $1$), satisfies the ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Smooth proper variety over a number field with prescribed bad reductions

Given a number field $K$, and a finite set $S$ containing finite places of $K$. When can we find a smooth proper geomerically connected variety $X$ over $K$ such that $X$ has good reduction outside $S$...
Zhiyu's user avatar
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5 votes
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What integer value can be the conductor of a $g$-dimensional abelian variety over $\mathbb Q$?

Fix a positive integer $g$. What positive integer $N$ can be the conductor of a $g$-dimensional abelian variety over $\mathbb Q$ ? For example, as there is no abelian varieties over $\mathbb Z$, $N$ ...
Zhiyu's user avatar
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How to decide whether the isogeny between Neron models is etale?

Let there be an isogeny $f:A_1 \rightarrow A_2$ between two abelian varieties over a $p$-adic field $F$ and assume $f$ has degree $p^n$. By the universal property we get a moprhism $f_0: \mathcal{A}_1 ...
Zhiyu's user avatar
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9 votes
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Kronecker's theorem in higher dimension

Recall the following classical theorem of Kronecker: if $P(x) \in \mathbb{Z}[x]$ is a monic irreducible polynomial with all roots on the unit circle $S^1$, then $P(x)$ is a cyclotomic polynomial (and ...
François Brunault's user avatar
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On the exponent of a certain matrix $A$ in characteristic $p > 0$

Let $A$ be a square matrix in characteristic $p > 0$ with both column and row having length $(1 + p^0 + p + \cdots + p^i)$, where $i \geq 0$. Suppose that further the $(m,n)$-component $a_{m,n}$ ...
Pierre's user avatar
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rank of Jacobian of Fermat curve and Chabauty-Coleman method

Consider the fermat curve $F(p)$ over $\mathbb Q$ which is the projective closure of $X^p+Y^p=1$ inside projective plane, where $p$ is a prime number and without loss of generality we assume $p>2$. ...
Zhiyu's user avatar
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Does there exist a discrete valuation subring $R$ of $K((t))$ ($K$ a number field) of residue characteristic $p$ with $\mathrm{Frac}(R) = K((t))$?

Let $K$ be a number field, and let $K((t))$ be the field of formal Laurent series. Let $p > 0$ be a prime. I have two questions: Does there exist a discrete valuation subring $R$ of $K((t))$ of ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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12 votes
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Mixed characteristic analogue of algebraicity of the diagonal of two-variable power series?

Let $f=\sum_{n,m \geq 0}^{\infty}[a_{nm}]p^ny^m \in \mathbb Z_p[[y]]$, where $a_{nm} \in \mathbb F_p$ and $[\cdot]$ means the Teichmüller lifting. Define $I(f)=\sum_{n \geq 0}[a_{nn}]p^nt^n \in \...
Zhiyu's user avatar
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field of definition of CM abelian varieties

When $A$ is a CM abelian variety of dimension $1$ (i.e., an elliptic curve), then we have a result that if it has CM by a maximal order then it has a model over a number field $F$ where $F$ is the ...
Vincent's user avatar
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lemma II.2.4 in Harris-Taylor (about drinfeld-katz-mazur level structure on 1-dimensional $p$-divisible groups)

Lemma II.2.4 on page 82 in Harris and Taylor's "The Geometry and Cohomology of Some Simple Shimura Varieties" (or lemma 3.2 here), says that given a Drinfeld(-Katz-Mazur) level structure $\alpha:(p^{-...
aytio's user avatar
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26 votes
1 answer

What automorphic forms are expected to occur in the zeta function of moduli space of curves?

Assume $g \geq 1$ and $n \geq 0$, the moduli stack ${\mathcal {M}}_{g,n}$ classifies families of smooth projective curves of genus $g$ with $n$ marked points , together with their isomorphisms. It has ...
Zhiyu's user avatar
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How to compute Galois representations from etale cohomology groups of a generalized flag variety?

Let $G$ be a connected reductive group over a number field $K$, $P$ be a parabolic subgroup of $G$ defined over $K$, $X=G/P$ be the generalized flag variety which is a smooth projective variety over $...
Zhiyu's user avatar
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11 votes
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Can the orbit with respect to a rotation on the torus hit an algebraic variety infinitely often?

Question: Does there exist a $d$-tuple $\alpha = (\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_d) \in \mathbb{R}^d$ (with $1,\alpha_1, \dots,\alpha_d$ linearly independent over $\mathbb{Q}$) and an algebraic variety $V \...
Jakub Konieczny's user avatar
3 votes
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Maximum number of integral roots in degree $d$ polynomial?

Given $f(x_1,\dots,x_n)\in\mathbb Z[x_1,\dots,x_n]$ such that Each coefficient is bound in absolute value by $B$ Degree of each variable in any monomial is bound by $d$ Total degree is $d'$ $f(x_1,\...
Turbo's user avatar
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Final step in Coppersmith?

In the final step in Coppersmith technique we have $n$ polynomials (possibly non-homogeneous) in $\mathbb Z[x_1,\dots,x_m]$ where $m\leq n$ and using elimination theory we extract the common integer ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Universal elliptic curve over anticanonical tower

While I'm reading Scholze's paper "On torsion in the cohomology of locally symmetric varieties" he constructs the anticanonical tower passing through the construction of an integral model $X_{\infty}$ ...
rime's user avatar
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13 votes
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Is there a substitution that relates every Fermat curve to an elliptic curve?

I asked this question on MSE but didn't get any response, so I'm asking here. I apologize in advance if this question is not research level. A Fermat Curve of degree $n$ is the set of solutions to $x^...
YiFan's user avatar
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Finiteness or infiniteness for Galois representations with unusual Hodge numbers

Say a representation $\operatorname{Gal}(\mathbb Q) \to GL_n(\overline{\mathbb Q}_\ell)$ has big monodromy if the Zariski closure of the image of $\operatorname{Gal}(\mathbb Q) $ contains $SO_n$ or $...
Will Sawin's user avatar
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3 answers

Where's the best place for an algebraic geometer to learn some algebraic number theory?

There are lots of introductions to number theory out there, but typically they are streamlined to assume as little prerequisite knowledge as possible. I'm looking for a text which does the opposite -- ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
10 votes
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Are there infinitely many real multiplication fields of abelian surfaces over $\mathbb Q$?

Do there exist infinitely many real quadratic fields $F$ such that there is an abelian surface $A$ over $\mathbb Q$ whose ring of endomorphisms, tensored with $\mathbb Q$, is $F$? Do there exist ...
Will Sawin's user avatar
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Does every section of the map Gal$(\overline{k(\!(t)\!)}/k(\!(t)\!))\rightarrow$ Gal$(\overline{k}/k)$ stabilize a compatible system of roots of $t$?

There may be some technical issues with the question, but hopefully what I mean is clear... Let $k$ be a number field (or maybe any finitely generated field over $\mathbb{Q}$ of characteristic 0) ...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
13 votes
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Hensel lemma and rational points in complete noetherian local ring

Let $A$ be a complete noetherian local ring and $\mathfrak{m}$ be its maximal ideal. If we have several polynomials $f_i \in A[X_1, \dots, X_m]$ which have a common zero $x_n$ in $A/\mathfrak{m}^n$ ...
Zhiyu's user avatar
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Generalizing characterizing crystalline representations of dimension 2 to certain special classes of crystalline representations of higher dimension

Let $A$ be an abelian variety defined over a number field $K$, and let $v$ be a prime of $K$ such that $A$ has good reduction modulo $v$. Let $\rho$ be the representation of $G_K = \text{Gal}(\...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
20 votes
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Curves over number fields with everywhere good reduction

My question is the following:$\newcommand{\Q}{\Bbb Q} \newcommand{\Z}{\Bbb Z}$ What is known about number fields $K$ fulfilling the condition $C_{g,K}$ "there is a smooth projective curve of ...
Watson's user avatar
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Reference Request: Cohomology and limits of coherent topoi. (Non-abelian case)

SGA 4 VI Discusses finiteness conditions one can impose on topoi to make limits behave correctly. I am not that familiar with SGA but it is my impression that this expose only discusses abelian ...
Ian Gleason's user avatar
4 votes
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Subsets $E$ of $\mathbb{F}_{p^k}$ with vanishing polynomial subset sums

The following question arose in some discussions recently as a misunderstanding of another problem. Question: Which subsets $E\subset \mathbb{F}_{p^k}$ satisfy the property that $ \sum\limits_{x\in E}...
Josiah Park's user avatar
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Point Counts on $G$-torsors over Finite Fields

Let's assume we have a $G$-torsor $X_{1} \to X_{2}$, where $G$ is a finite abelian group, and both $X_{1}$ and $X_{2}$ are defined over $\text{Spec}(\mathbb{Z})$. Is there an easy way to compute $\#...
Benighted's user avatar
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Are the ideles literally a Picard group?

I understand that in the number field / function field analogy, the ideles $\mathbb I_K$ of a number field $K$ are supposed to be analogous to the Picard group of a function field. Question: Is this ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
11 votes
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Fourier transforms and nontrivial vector bundles

We know that in arithmetic, geometry and analysis, Fourier transforms of various forms show up. For example, we have the classical Fourier transform, Fourier-Mukai transforms in the setting of ...
user131711's user avatar
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Traces of Frobenius Endomorphism on Etale Cohomology and $G$-torsors

I have a smooth, projective, and rigid Calabi-Yau threefold $X$ defined over $\mathbb{Q}$. Such spaces always have integral models. Let's assume we have an action on $X$ by a finite abelian group $G$...
Benighted's user avatar
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Nontrivial p-divisible groups over $\mathbb Z$ for general prime $p$

In Tate's famous paper about $p$-divisible groups, for a prime number $p$ he asks whether there exists a $p$-divisible group $G$ over $\mathbb Z$ such that $G$ is not a direct sum of $\mu_{p^\infty}$ ...
Zhiyu's user avatar
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Comparison between Faltings height and Modular Height

Motivation/Context: In Faltings’ proof of the Mordell conjecture, there is a theorem that establishes a finiteness of abelian varieties with respect to the Faltings height under certain conditions. ...
Amathena's user avatar
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Homogeneous polynomials which ramify completely on a hypersurface

Let $F \in \mathbb{Z}[x_0, \cdots, x_n]$ be a homogeneous polynomial. Let $V \subset \mathbb{P}^n(\mathbb{C})$ be a hypersurface (defined over $\mathbb{Q}$ say), given by a homogeneous polynomial $G(...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
12 votes
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Statistics for rational points on curves of genus $g$ over $\mathbb{F}_q$, $g\gg q$

Consider the distribution of the number of $\mathbb{F}_q$ points as I range over smooth projective curves of genus $g$ (defined over $\mathbb{F}_q$). If $q\gg g,$ the Hasse-Weil bounds give me a lot ...
dhy's user avatar
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Can discriminant polynomials become perfect powers on hyperplanes?

Let $$\displaystyle f(x) = a_d x^d + a_{d-1} x^{d-1} + \cdots + a_0.$$ Consider the discriminant of $f$, denoted by $\Delta(f)$, defined as $$\displaystyle \Delta(f) = a_d^{2d-2} \prod_{i < j} (\...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
5 votes
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What is $\mathrm{O}_q/\mathrm{SO}_q$ if $q$ is a quadratic $\mathbb{Z}$-form which is degenerate?

Any binary quadratic $\mathbb{Z}$-form $q$ induces a symmetric bilinear form $$ B_q(u,v) = q(u+v) - q(u) -q(v) \ \ \forall u,v \ \in\mathbb{Z}^2 $$ and it is considered non-degenerate (over $\mathbb{...
Rony Bitan's user avatar
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Hasse principle and its failure for a special class of plane cubics

Let $X$ be a variety defined over a number field $K$. The Hasse principle, or the local-to-global principle, asserts that $X(K) \ne \emptyset$ if and only if for each completion $K_v$ of $K$, we have $...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
35 votes
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Is there a rigid analytic geometry proof of the functional equation for the Riemann zeta function?

The adèles $\mathbb A$ arise naturally when considering the Berkovich space $\mathcal M(\mathbb Z)$ of the integers. Namely, they are the stalk $\mathbb A = (j_\ast j^{-1} \mathcal O_\mathbb Z)_p$ ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
2 votes
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Dimension formulae for Jacobi forms

I'm interested in locating dimension formulae for (more general) Jacobi forms associated with a lattice $L$ (where the Jacobi forms of Eichler-Zagier correspond to $L=A_1$). Unfortunately, the ...
Hercules's user avatar
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holomorphic continuation of motivic $L$-functions

The question is rather easy to formulate: when is the $L$-function of a pure motive over $\mathbb{Q}$ expected to have a holomorphic (as opposed to simply meromorphic) continuation to the complex ...
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