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Category whose morphisms are commutative monoids but not enriched

In a recent investigation, I constructed a category $\mathcal{C}$ with the following property. For objects $X,Y \in \mathcal{C}$, the morphism set $\text{Mor}(X,Y)$ is a commutative monoid with ...
F J's user avatar
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Another matrices for a semigroup with intermediate growth

Nathanson showed that the Okninski's semigroup $S$ of $2×2$ matrices which is generated by the set $H=\{A,B\}$, where $ A=\begin{bmatrix} 1&1\\ 0&1\\ \end{bmatrix} , B=\begin{bmatrix} 1&0\\...
mahdi meisami's user avatar
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Functional equation $f(x*y) = f(f(x)*f(y))$

Find all endo-functions $f$ on a commutative semigroup $(\mathbb{S},*)$ such that $f(x*y) = f(f(x)*f(y))$. Typical case of interest are $(\mathbb{N},+)$ or $(\mathbb{Z}/k\mathbb{Z},+)$ or $(\mathbb{Z}/...
Jérôme JEAN-CHARLES's user avatar
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Abelianization of the group of invertible elements in a finite local ring

Let $R$ be a finite local $\mathbb{F}_q$-algebra. Assume that $R\cong R^*$ as left $R$-modules. Are there any known results about the abelianization $(R^{\times})_{\mathrm{ab}}$? (We can factor $R$ be ...
Ehud Meir's user avatar
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The "hyperbolicity preserving" probabilities

A classical fact (due to Polya ?) is that if $P\in{\mathbb R}[X]$ has only real roots (one says that $P$ is hyperbolic), and $a$ is a real number, then the roots of $$L_aP(X):=\frac12(P(X+ia) +P(X-ia))...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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Pseudo-coherent complexes over sheaves of non-commutative rings

I am posing a question on derived categories to which I was not able to find an answer anywhere in the literature. I would appreciate any answer, hint or suggestion. Assume that $\mathcal{R}_X$ is a ...
Flavius Aetius's user avatar
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Interleaving in Viennot's Heaps models?

I am looking for past results on interleaving of heaps (in the sense of Viennot). For a very simplified example, suppose I have two pieces, (b1 a1 b1), and (b2 c2 b2), where the letter represents a ...
holloway's user avatar
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Exponential of a sum in a non-commutative graded algebra

Let $a,b$ be two elements of a graded algebra $A$ such that $\deg(a)=1$, $\deg(b)=0$ and $[a,b]\neq 0$. I would like to know whether there exits an explicit expression for the degree 1 component $$\...
BinAcker's user avatar
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Sequences generated from commuted quaternions and general commuted linear transformations

Given a pair of non-commuting linear transformations, $A$ and $B$, define the "next pair" in a sequence as $A*B$ and $B*A$. I am interested in finite cycles (i.e., the sequence eventually ...
bobuhito's user avatar
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Effect on finite transformation semigroup under a particular modification of the generators

The following question arises in connection with problems in automata theory related to the road problem. Let $f_1, f_2: [N] \to [N]$ be maps such that the transformation semigroup $S = \langle f_1, ...
Sophie M's user avatar
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First isomorphism theorem for inverse semigroups together with v-prehomomorphisms?

In this old paper D. B. McAlister has introduced another class of morphisms for inverse semigroups, called v-prehomomorphisms. For such a morphism $\theta : S \to T,$ instead of preserving the ...
Bumblebee's user avatar
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What is this algebraic object (special case of a semigroup)?

Let $(M,*)$ be a finite semigroup. Further we demand the following: Zero element: $\exists0\in M \forall m\in M:0*m=0=m*0$. Left cancelation: $\forall m,n,n'\in M:0\neq m*n =m*n' \Rightarrow n=n'$. ...
kevkev1695's user avatar
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Rings where every indecomposable principal right ideal is extensive

Let $R$ be a (commutative or non-commutative, associative) unital ring. Following Nicholson & Yousif [1, p. 21], we say that a right ideal $\mathfrak i$ of $R$ is extensive if every $R$-linear ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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On the rings $R$ with the property that $eR \cong fR$ for all primitive idempotents $e, f \in R$

Let $R$ be a (commutative or non-commutative) ring with identity. As usual, an idempotent $e \in R$ is primitive if $eR$ (the principal right ideal generated by $e$) is indecomposable as a right ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Terminology for an kind-of principal fibration

My interest is in topological monoids, but I think the question may make sense (in some fashion) for monoids of sets. Let $M$ be a topological monoid, and let $X$ be a pointed space that $M$ acts on, ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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Why $\beta S$ is not a semigroup when $S$ is a (directed) partial semigroup?

Given a semigroup $(S, *)$ we extend the semigroup operation $*$ of $S$ to a operation $*$ on $\beta S$ (the set of ultrafilters on $S$) defined as $$ \mathcal{U} * \mathcal{V} = \left\{ A \...
andpe's user avatar
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Free monoids on posets

I've suddenly found myself working with some free monoids $F(S)$ in which the set $S$ is a poset, and the order extends to an order $F(S)$, satisfying if (but not only if) $s_1, s_2, \ldots, s_r, t_1, ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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Strongly graded rings

In Theorem 3.1 of Graded rings over arithmetical orders, the authors prove that for a strongly $\mathbb{Z}$-graded ring $R$, if $R_0$ is left and right Goldie and a maximal order in its (classical) ...
a196884's user avatar
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A list of low-dimensional associative $\mathbb{C}$-algebras with non-trivial centers

I am looking for a list of (examples of) low(est)-dimensional non-commutative associative unital $\mathbb{C}$-algebras $A$ with non-trivial centers $Z(A)$ (hence non-semisimple). For our purposes $Z(A)...
M.G.'s user avatar
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Separable nonassociative algebras

In his paper "Structure and Representation of Nonassociative Algebras", Schafer notes that an arbitrary nonassociative algebra over a field is separable "if and only if the ...
a196884's user avatar
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Maximal orders separable over their centre

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a central simple $K$-algebra, where $K$ is an algebraic number field. It is known that $\mathcal{A}$ is separable over $K$ (following the definition of DeMeyer and Ingraham's book)...
a196884's user avatar
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What is known about the algebraic completion of a monoid?

It is the monoid obtained by adjoining all solutions of polynomial equations. I'll demonstrate how to adjoin a single solution to a polynomial equation to a monoid: Let $W$ be a monoid and let $p(x)=q(...
David Pokorny's user avatar
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Has an "algebraic manifold" been defined before? Are there any non-trivial examples?

Let $S$ be a set and $\cdot$ a partial binary operation on $S$. A subset $F\subseteq S$ is $\cdot$-closed if the following condition holds: for all $f,g\in F$, if $(f,g)\in\mathrm{dom}(\cdot)$, then $...
David Pokorny's user avatar
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What is the real name for the initial object in the category of "monoid-valued measures of intervals" on transitive relations?

(I'm not asking for a true/false answer; I have a true algebraic fact and I'm looking for a reference in the literature. By the way, there is a version of this theorem that replaces monoid with $R$-...
David Pokorny's user avatar
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Is every cyclic right action of a cancellative invertible-free monoid on a set isomorphic to the set of shifts of some homography?

The terms are defined in a related question. [1] Conjecture 1. Let $A$ be a set, $W$ a cancellative invertible-free monoid, and $\cdot\colon A\times W\rightarrow A$ a cyclic right $W$-action generated ...
David Pokorny's user avatar
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terminology for a kind of two-sided module over a monoid

If $M$ is a monoid object in a pointed category $\mathcal{C}$, then a right $M$-module is an object $X$ equipped with a morphism $\alpha: X\times M\to X$ that satisfies the usual rules. There are ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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On logarithmic schemes

I have two questions on logarithmic schemes Can we explicitly construct a chart for any coherent logarithmic scheme? By definition of coherence it must have a chart but given a coherent sheaf of ...
S.D.'s user avatar
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Universal bimodule for homotopy biderivations

Recall the commutative story: for a commutative algebra $A$, its module of differentials $\Omega (A)$ is characterized by the universal property that any derivation $\delta \colon A \to M$ is in a ...
Dasha Poliakova's user avatar
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Shape of possible counterexamples to the Jacobian and Dixmier Conjectures

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero. It is well-known, see for example Corollary 10.2.21, that if $(x,y) \mapsto (p,q) \in k[x,y]^2$ is a counterexample to the two-dimensional Jacobian ...
user237522's user avatar
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How exactly to adapt Brown's collapse from monoids to algebras?

In The Geometry of Rewriting Systems (Springerlink behind paywall), Kenneth Brown describes a method to collapse the bar resolution of a monoid. Roughly: Given a simplicial set $X$ equipped with a ...
Hilario Fernandes's user avatar
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What is the normalized complex of a simplicial set with a monoid action?

This question is a follow up to this question I posted on Math.SE. I will make this question self-contained, though. In a certain point on the paper The Geometry of Rewriting Systems, Kenneth Brown ...
Hilario Fernandes's user avatar
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Is the Upper Banach density always zero with respect to some sequence of Finite subset

The following question came to me while reading the paper 'Density in Arbitrary Semigroups' by Hindman and Strauss. Question: Given an infinite subset $A$ of $\mathbb{N}$ such that $A^c$ is also ...
Surajit's user avatar
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Schemes for conditional distributions (monads)

(Note: This is a heuristic question. I'm trying to work out if this idea makes sense. I don't have much background in this area, so apologies if I'm wide of the mark.) Suppose you have a monad ...
prdnr's user avatar
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When a semigroup ideal is a determinantal ideal?

Let $S=\langle n_1,...,n_r \rangle$ be a commutative semigroup, and let $I_S \subset k[x_1,...,x_r]$ the associated ideal of $S$, defined as the kernel of the polinomial map $\varphi:k[x_1,...x_n] \...
Paolo1994's user avatar
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A variation on Dixmier's counterexample concerning centralizers in $A_1$

This question asks the following: "Suppose $k$ is a field of characteristic zero and $P$ and $Q$ are commuting elements of the first Weyl algebra. Is it true that $P$ and $Q$ are polynomials in some ...
user237522's user avatar
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Relation between left projections

Let $A$ be a Baer *-ring. Let $x$ be in $A$, $L(x)$ is the left projection of $x$ that is the smallest projection with $L(x)x=x$. Q. Let $p,q$ are projections in $A$ with $p\leq q$. For a given ...
ABB's user avatar
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The statue of a sequence of finite projections

Let $A$ be a Baer $*$-ring. Let $\{p_n\}$ be a sequence of finite projections in $A$. True or false? Suppose that there is no $N$ with $p_n=p_{n+1}$ for $n\geq N$. We have then $\inf_{1\leq n\leq ...
ABB's user avatar
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something concerning finite projections

Let $A$ be a Baer *-ring. Let $x$ be an isometry (meaning $x^*x=1$ where $1$ is the unit of $A$). Let $e$ be a finite projection in $A$ such that $ex^ne=ex^n$ for every $n\geq0$. Q. Can we say that ...
ABB's user avatar
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A generalized Cauchy type functional equation

Let $(S,+)$ be an abelian semigroup . Let $f:S \to \mathbb C$ be a function such that for some positive integer $n>1$, $f(x+y)^n=(f(x)+f(y))^n,\forall x,y \in S$. Then is it true that $f(x+y)=f(x)...
user521337's user avatar
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Free module over $H$-module algebra

Let $H$ be a finite dimensional Hopf algebra, $R$ be a $H$-module algebra and $V$ be a finite dimensional $H$-module such that $R\otimes_{k} V$ is a finitely generated $R$ module under the action: $r.(...
Sam's user avatar
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What is known about the cohomology of the matrix monoid?

When I say the cohomology of a monoid, I mean that of its classifying space (considering the monoid as a category with a single object). Let $M_n(R)$ be the monoid of matrices with matrix ...
Cihan's user avatar
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Presentation of amalgamated sum as a quotient of the direct sum

I am currently reading Arthur Ogus' "Lectures on Logarithmic Algebraic Geometry" ( I'm trying to understand why the amalgamated sum of ...
gmp's user avatar
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Invertibility under base change for the Weyl algebra instead of for the polynomial algebra

From Lemma 1.1.8, we obtain the following: Assume that $R \subseteq S$ are commutative rings and $u: R[x,y] \to R[x,y]$ is an $R$-algebra endomorphism that has an invertible Jacobian, namely, $Jac(u(x)...
user237522's user avatar
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When is $R/Soc(R)$ reduced?

Let $R$ be a ring with identity. It is readily checked that when the quotient $R/S_r$ is reduced, the nilpotent elements of $R$ fall into $S_r$, where $S_r$ is the right socle of $R$. Is the converse ...
karparvar's user avatar
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A exemple of a strongly-continuous contraction semigroup : how to prove the contraction?

I am trying to prove that $P_t := e^{\lambda t (P-I)}$ (where $Pf:= \int f(y) P(\cdot , dy)\in \mathcal{C}_0(\mathbb{R}^d)$, for $f\in \mathcal{C}_0(\mathbb{R}^d)$, $P$ being a probability kernel), is ...
Netchaiev's user avatar
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Generating larger atoms from smaller ones in a simple $\text{C}_0$-monoid

Let $P$ be a finite set, $\mathscr F(P)$ the free abelian monoid with basis $P$ (which I'll write multiplicatively), $H$ a submonoid of $\mathscr F(P)$, and $\mathcal A(H)$ the set of atoms of $H$ (...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Is there a (nontrivial) known example of an algebra over a complete regular local ring with the following property?

I am working on some algebras over complete regular local algebras. But I am not sure whether such rings are worth to study. I am looking for some examples of these algebras. Let $(R,\mathfrak{m})$ be ...
Homa81's user avatar
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Any link between abelian $R/J(R)$ and 2-primal condition

Let $R$ be noncommutative unital ring such that each element of the quotient $R/Soc(R_R)$ is idempotent. If the nilpotent elements of $R$ form an ideal, is it true that the idempotents of $R/J(R)$ ...
karparvar's user avatar
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A class of finitely generated semigroups

Let $G$ be a finitely generated group with a probability measure $\nu$. Suppose we have a finite first moment function $f:G\to \mathbb{R}$, i.e, such that $\Sigma_{g\in G}f(g)\nu(g)< \infty$. Then, ...
user148455's user avatar
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What is the real name of this relation and operation on a particular set of maps between cancellative monoids?

Let $A,B$ be cancellative monoids and define a transducer as a map $f\colon A \rightarrow B$ such that $f(1)=1$ and for all $a_1 ,a_2 \in A$, there exists a $b \in B$ such that $f(a_1 a_2)=f(a_1) b$. ...
David Pokorny's user avatar

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