Let $G$ be a finitely generated group with a probability measure $\nu$. Suppose we have a finite first moment function $f:G\to \mathbb{R}$, i.e, such that $\Sigma_{g\in G}f(g)\nu(g)< \infty$. Then, with a simple change of variables we obtain
$(1) \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\ \Sigma_{g\in G}f(g)\nu(h^{-1}g)=\Sigma_{hu\in G}f(hu)\nu(u)=\Sigma_{u\in G}f(hu)\nu(u).$
I would like to find a class of finitely generated semigroups $S$ where equation $(1)$ is still valid, or replace it for a similar one. Although not completely desirable, some assumptions on the probability measure can be imposed. For instance, we could impose that, for pricipal ideals,
$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\ \Sigma_{g\in S}\nu(g)=\Sigma_{g\in eS}\nu(g)=\Sigma_{g\in Se}\nu(g)$
for every $e\in S$ or, a less restrictive assumption, for every idempotent $e\in E(S)$. If $S$ is a right group or a completely simple semigroup, formula $(1)$ apply. Unfortunaltely, these classes of semigorups are too elementary for my pourposes. It seems finitely generated semigroups such that the equation $a^{-1}x=b$ has always finitely many solutions would work.