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Embedding a monoid into a group via its monoid ring

Suppose I have a monoid $(M,\, \cdot,\, e)$ equipped with a monoid homomorphism $\textrm{length} : M \rightarrow \mathbb{N}_+$ into the monoid of natural numbers under addition where $e$ is the only ...
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Is each TS-topologizable group TG-topologizable?

Definition 1. A topology $\tau$ on a group $X$ is called $\bullet$ a semigroup topology if the multiplication $X\times X\to X$, $(x,y)\mapsto xy$, is continuous in the topology $\tau$; $\bullet$ a ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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7 votes
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Representation theory of the full linear monoid

The full linear monoid $M_N(k)$ of a field $k$ is the set of $N \times N$ matrices with entries in $k$, made into a monoid with matrix multiplication. A representation of $M_N(k)$ on a vector space $V$...
John Baez's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Is there a $3$-commutative algebra?

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic $0$. If $m\ge2$, I denote $P_m$ the standard polynomial in $m$ non-commutating indeterminates: $$P_m(X_1,\dotsc,X_m)=\sum_{\sigma\in\mathfrak S_m}\epsilon(\sigma)...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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Abelianization of the group of invertible elements in a finite local ring

Let $R$ be a finite local $\mathbb{F}_q$-algebra. Assume that $R\cong R^*$ as left $R$-modules. Are there any known results about the abelianization $(R^{\times})_{\mathrm{ab}}$? (We can factor $R$ be ...
Ehud Meir's user avatar
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A minimal semigroup generating subset of the additive reals

I asked this on MSE, but I was told to ask it here because it is a difficult question. Consider the additive magma of the real numbers, $(\mathbb{R};+)$. Does there exist a subset $S$ of the reals ...
user107952's user avatar
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On skew monoid rings and skew ordered series rings

To my knowledge (see, e.g., H.H. Brungs and G. Törner's Skew Power Series Rings and Derivations [J. Algebra 87 (1984), 368-379]), skew polynomial rings were first introduced by Ø. Ore in 1933: Given ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Corollaries of Kleene's Theorem (Regular Languages)

Kleene's theorem that finite automata (specifically, nondeterministic) are expressively equivalent to regular expressions seems to be a powerful and not immediately obvious tool for untangling the ...
TomKern's user avatar
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Injective modules

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional $k$-algebra and let $I$ be an injective module。My question is whether $I$ is a direct sum of finite-dimensional injective modules。
Sun YongLiang's user avatar
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The highest degree of a polynomial on a finite group

This question is motivated by the comments and the answer to this MO-question. First let us recall some definitions. A function $f:X\to X$ on a group $X$ is called a polynomial if there exists $n\in\...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Polyextremal groups

A polynomial of a semigroup $X$ is a function $f:X\to X$ of the form $f(x)=a_0xa_1\cdots xa_n$, where $a_0,a_1,\dots,a_n$ some elements of the semigroup $X^1=X\cup\{1\}$, called the coefficients of ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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25 votes
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The number of polynomials on a finite group

A function $f:X\to X$ on a group $X$ is called a polynomial if there exist $n\in\mathbb N=\{1,2,3,\dots\}$ and elements $a_0,a_1,\dots,a_n\in X$ such that $f(x)=a_0xa_1x\cdots xa_n$ for all $x\in X$. ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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The "hyperbolicity preserving" probabilities

A classical fact (due to Polya ?) is that if $P\in{\mathbb R}[X]$ has only real roots (one says that $P$ is hyperbolic), and $a$ is a real number, then the roots of $$L_aP(X):=\frac12(P(X+ia) +P(X-ia))...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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So many types of subwords! How are they called?

Let $\mathscr F(X)$ be the free monoid on an alphabet $X$, the carrier set of $\mathscr F(X)$ being the union of $X^{\times k}$ (the Cartesian product of $k$ copies of $X$) as $k$ ranges over $\mathbb ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
3 votes
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Graded global dimension of a graded algebra

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $0$. Let $A := k \langle x,x^{-1},y \rangle /(xy-qyx, x^{d_1}-ay^{d_2})$, where deg$(x)>0$, deg$(y)>0$, $q,a \in k^*$ and $d_1\text{deg}...
YkMz's user avatar
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To find a DFT for complex functions on a semigroup

For a certain commutative semigroup of integer size $n$, $G=(\{1,2,\dots,n\},\circ: x\circ y\mapsto \min(n,x+y))$, consider all complex functions on it, denoted by $\mathbb C[G]$ or $\mathbb CG$. ...
CommonAnts's user avatar
12 votes
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Stone–Čech compactification as a semigroup

Let $G$ be a topological group (we can assume that $G$ is countable and discrete) and let $\beta(G)$ be the Stone–Čech compactification of $G$. It is known that $\beta(G)$ can be turned into a left ...
Serge the Toaster's user avatar
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Compactness of the minimal ideal of a compact Hausdorff polytopological semigroup

A semigroup $X$ endowed with a topology is called $\bullet$ a topological semigroup if the semigroup operation $X\times X\to X$ is continuous; $\bullet$ a semitopological semigroup if for every $a,b\...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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7 votes
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Symmetry of unique generator property

In this article: Canfell, M. J. "Completion of Diagrams by Automorphisms and Bass′ First Stable Range Condition." Journal of algebra 176.2 (1995): 480-503. the author defines a ring $R$ to ...
rschwieb's user avatar
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An action on multiplicatively antisymmetric matrix

A matrix $ Q=(q_{ij})$ is called multiplicatively antisymmetric over a field $ F $ if $ q_{ii}=1 $ and $ q_{ij}={q_{ji}}^{-1} $.Let $ \mathcal{Q} $ be the set of all $ n \times n $ multiplicatively ...
Sky's user avatar
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The smallest cardinality of a cover of a group by algebraic sets

$\DeclareMathOperator\cov{cov}$A subset $A$ of a semigroup $X$ is called algebraic if $$A=\{x\in X: a_0xa_1x...xa_n=b\}$$ for some $b\in X$ and $a_0,a_1,...,a_n \in X^1=X\cup \{1\}$. The smallest ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Simple modules of quantum planes

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field. Let $R := k\langle x,y \rangle/(yx-qxy) (q \in k^*)$. We often call $R$ a quantum plane. If $q$ is a primitive $n$-th root, then for any $(\zeta, \xi) \in k^* ...
YkMz's user avatar
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Automorphisms of special egg-box diagrams

By a egg-box diagram I will simply mean a (possibly infinite) rectangular array of holes, with some of the holes containing an egg (denoted by a filled-in circle) and the rest of the holes are empty (...
Pace Nielsen's user avatar
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On the maximum elements of a numerical semigroup that have order between $n$ and $2n$

Let $S$ be a submonoid of the non-negative integers $\mathbb Z_{\geq 0}.$ If $\mathbb Z_{\geq 0} \setminus S$ is finite, we say that $S$ is a numerical semigroup. Let $S^*$ denote the collection of ...
Dylan C. Beck's user avatar
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What are the n-ary subsemigroups of $\mathbb{N}$?

There is a well-known result about the subsemigroups of $\mathbb{N}$ stating that the additive subsemigroup generated by a (finite) set $A$ of $\mathbb{N}$ is cofinite in $\mathbb{N}$ if and only if $\...
AMLimbach's user avatar
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Countably infinite monoids with minimal right ideals

Is there any classification of countably infinite monoids with minimal right ideal? or at least in some classes of monoids?
khers's user avatar
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The generators of twisted homogeneous coordinate rings

Let $X$ be a projective scheme over an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic $0$. Let $\sigma$ is an automorphism of $X$ and $\mathcal{L}$ be an invertible sheaf on $X$. Let $B := B(X, \...
YkMz's user avatar
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Does the choice of the algebraically closed field of characteristic $p$ have influence on the module category?

Let $G$ be a finite group and $p$ be a prime number dividing $|G|$. Let $k$ be the algebraic closure of $\mathbb{F}_p$. Let $K$ be another algebraically closed field of characteristic $p$ which is not ...
LSt's user avatar
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Grouplike and idempotent monoids

Call a monoid group-like if it embeds into its group completion. There exists an obvious tension between group-like and idempotent monoids in that a group cannot contain non-trivial idempotent ...
Alexander Praehauser's user avatar
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Algebraic proof that the monoid ring of a torsion-free monoid is reduced

In what follows, I say that a monoid $M$ is torsion-free if the $n$-th power map is injective for all $n \geq 1$. I have a proof of the following result: Claim: if $M$ is a torsion-free commutative ...
Moinsdeuxcat's user avatar
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On the Hilbert function of a numerical semigroup

Recall that a numerical semigroup $S$ is a submonoid of the non-negative integers $\mathbb Z_{\geq 0}$ whose relative complement $\mathbb Z_{\geq 0} \setminus S$ is finite. Observe that the collection ...
Dylan C. Beck's user avatar
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Noncommutative group schemes corresponding to quantum groups

I'm not an expert on quantum groups by any stretch, so forgive me if this question seems overly naive. That said, I was wondering if there is a way (or if there has been any attempt in the literature) ...
Dat Minh Ha's user avatar
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About a recent paper of Rickard on finitistic dimension

Apologizes if this is a basic question, but I am new to the area of finite dimensional algebras. I am reading the paper "Unbounded derived categories and the finitistic dimension conjecture" ...
Reading finitisitic's user avatar
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What is the relationship between ramification in central simple algebras and in fields?

Suppose $K$ is the field of fractions of a Dedekind domain $R$, and let $L$ be a finite extension of $K$. There is a notion of ramification of primes of $K$ in $L$, which describes how $\mathfrak p \...
user's user avatar
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On continuous seminorms on Fréchet-Stein algebras

Let $K$ be a discretely valued complete non-archimedean field and $U$ be a left Fréchet-Stein algebra as defined in Algebras of p-adic distributions and admissible representations, with a Fréchet-...
FPV's user avatar
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Indecomposable contracting maps on the integers

$\def\ZZ{\mathbb{Z}}$Call a function $f : \ZZ \to \ZZ$ "contracting" if $$|f(j) - f(i)| \leq |j-i|$$ for all $i$, $j \in \ZZ$. The contracting functions form a monoid under composition; call ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
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Reference request: Left $R/k$-modules [closed]

In the paper titled: On the module of differentials of a noncommutative algebra and symmetric biderivations of a semiprime algebra I found the following definition: Let $k$ be a commutative ring with ...
The Student's user avatar
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On the definition of the Cherednik algebra of a variety with a finite group action

Let $X$ be a connected complex smooth affine variety, acted on by a finite group $G$. We define a reflection hypersurface $(Y,g)$ as a smooth codimension one subvariety $Y\subset X$ which is fixed by $...
FPV's user avatar
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An f.g.u. duo monoid is unit-duo: True or false?

Let $H$ be a monoid (written multiplicatively) with the property that $H = H^\times A H^\times$ for some finite $A \subseteq H$ (shortly, an f.g.u. monoid), where $H^\times$ is the group of units of $...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Type of numerical semigroups is not bounded when embedding dimension is $\geq 4$

I am currently studying numerical semigroups. I know that there is no upper bound for the type of a numerical semigroup with embedding dimension greater or equal than $4$. There is a famous example by ...
kubo's user avatar
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Ultracategories with one object

Historically, the theory of ultracategories was invented by Makkai to prove a strong conceptual completeness theorem for first-order logic, roughly: if $T$ and $S$ are two first-order theories such ...
user480841's user avatar
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Can we define partial group actions on (finite) sets via generators and relators?

Let $G = \langle Y | R \rangle$ be a finitely presented group. A partial group action on a set $X$ is a premorphism into the inverse semigroup $$ \mathcal I (X) = \{ f: A \to B : A, B \subseteq X, f\...
jpmacmanus's user avatar
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Quasi-coherent cohomology in non-commutative algebraic geometry

In non-commutative algebraic geometry, the motto so to speak is to replace the study of a scheme $X$ with the study of the category $D_{qcoh}(X)$ of quasi-coherent sheaves and study the properties ...
curious math guy's user avatar
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Proving the spectrum of the Young-Jucys-Murphy elements by formal computation in the degenerate affine Hecke algebra

This is really a followup to Why are Jucys-Murphy elements' eigenvalues whole numbers? , specifically to Igor Makhlin's beautiful answer. I'm trying to make it even more beautiful by getting rid ...
darij grinberg's user avatar
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When are simple holonomic D-modules of the form $\mathcal{D}/\mathcal{D}L$?

Let $\mathcal{D}=\mathcal{D}_X$ be the sheaf of rings of differential operators on a smooth algebraic curve $X$. Since $\dim X=1$, the D-modules of the form $\mathcal{D}/\mathcal{D}L$ are necessarily ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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The combinatorics of $(f \partial)^n$ in the noncommutative setting?

This is a noncommutative version of these three previous questions: differential operator power coefficients Сlosed formula for $(g\partial)^n$ A Leibniz-like formula for $(f(x) \frac{d}{dx})^n f(x)$? ...
M.G.'s user avatar
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How to go from primitive idempotents in $\text{End}_A(M)$ to primitive idempotents in $A$?

Let $K$ be a large enough finite field, let $A$ be a finite-dimensional $K$-algebra. Moreover, let $M$ be a finitely generated $A$-module and let $M = M_1\oplus ... \oplus M_n$ be a decomposition of $...
Bernhard Boehmler's user avatar
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Nullstellensatz for maximal left ideals of quantum plane

Let $R=\mathbb{C}\langle x,y\rangle/\langle xy=qyx\rangle$ be the quantum plane algebra. Does some sort of Nullstellensatz holds for the maximal left ideals of $R$? By this we mean all maximal left ...
user498029's user avatar
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Moduli spaces of stable sheaves on noncommutative projective schemes

In noncommutative algebraic geometry in the sense of Artin and Zhang, can we construct moduli spaces of stable sheaves on noncommutative projective schemes as (commutative)schemes ? I would appreciate ...
YkMz's user avatar
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Problem 0.9.10 in Cohn's "Free Ideal Rings and Localization in General Rings" (CUP, 2006)

Let $S$ be a monoid. On p. xvii of P.M. Cohn's Free Ideal Rings and Localization in General Rings (CUP, 2006), one reads that an element $u \in S$ is regular if (quote) "[...] it can be ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar

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