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Indecomposable injectives over Weyl algebras

Let $A=A_n(\mathbb{C})$ be the $n$-th Weyl algebra over the complex field. Then $A$ is a left Noetherian noncommutative ring. Is there a complete classification of indecomposable injective $A$-modules?...
Doug Liu's user avatar
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Convolution algebra of a simplicial set

Consider a simplicial set $X^\bullet$ with face maps $d_i$ (assume the set is finite in each degree so there are no measure issues). Then given two functions $f,g:X^1\to \mathbb{C}$ one can form their ...
Josh Lackman's user avatar
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Finitistic dimension conjecture — why artin algebras?

As I understand it, the finitistic dimension conjecture says that if a ring $A$ is finitely generated over a commutative artinian ring $K$, then the finitistic dimension of $A$ is finite. My question ...
Finitistic dimension's user avatar
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Regular coherence of tensor algebras

Under what conditions on a bimodule $M$ over a noetherian commutative ring $R$ is the tensor algebra $T=T_R(M)$ regular coherent? A theorem of Gersten says this is true for a free bimodule $M$. If $M$ ...
Willie C's user avatar
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Is each TS-topologizable group TG-topologizable?

Definition 1. A topology $\tau$ on a group $X$ is called $\bullet$ a semigroup topology if the multiplication $X\times X\to X$, $(x,y)\mapsto xy$, is continuous in the topology $\tau$; $\bullet$ a ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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On skew monoid rings and skew ordered series rings

To my knowledge (see, e.g., H.H. Brungs and G. Törner's Skew Power Series Rings and Derivations [J. Algebra 87 (1984), 368-379]), skew polynomial rings were first introduced by Ø. Ore in 1933: Given ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Corollaries of Kleene's Theorem (Regular Languages)

Kleene's theorem that finite automata (specifically, nondeterministic) are expressively equivalent to regular expressions seems to be a powerful and not immediately obvious tool for untangling the ...
TomKern's user avatar
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Nullstellensatz for maximal left ideals of quantum plane

Let $R=\mathbb{C}\langle x,y\rangle/\langle xy=qyx\rangle$ be the quantum plane algebra. Does some sort of Nullstellensatz holds for the maximal left ideals of $R$? By this we mean all maximal left ...
user498029's user avatar
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A non-commutative, left duo ring whose only unit is the identity

Let $R$ be a ring (here, rings are always associative, unital, and non-zero). We say that $R$ is a left duo ring if $aR \subseteq Ra$ for every $a \in R$. Question. Is there a non-commutative, left ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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A projective module over a domain that is not faithfully flat?

Let $R$ be a (noncommutative) unital ring which is a domain and let $\mathcal{N}$ be a non-zero projective (right) module. Projectivity of course implies that $\mathcal{N}$ is flat, but does the fact ...
Tim Montegue's user avatar
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When is the submonoid preserving a subspace finitely generated?

Let $T$ be a topological space with at least one open set whose closure is not open. Let $G$ be a finitely generated group acting by homeomorphisms on $T$. Let $S\subset T$ be a subspace. Under what ...
Nassim's user avatar
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Buchberger's criterion for Gröbner bases in $k$-algebras with multiplicative basis and admissible order

Let $R$ be an associative $k$-algebra with multiplicative basis $\mathcal B$ with an admissible order on $\mathcal B$. Let $G \subseteq R$ be a subset. A multiplicative basis $\mathcal B$ means that $...
Berber's user avatar
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Is the group ring of an amenable group, viewed as multiplicative monoid, amenable?

Motivated by this question, it seems natural to ask the following: Question 1: Is there a [finitely generated discrete] torsion-free virtually Abelian (but not Abelian) group $G$ so that the ...
ARG's user avatar
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Do you know rings without involutions, auto-anti-isomorphics? In that case, what is the minimal example?

Do you know rings without involutions, but auto-anti-isomorphic (isomorphic to their opposite)? In that case, what is the minimal example? If a ring has an involution f, then f is an anti-automorphism;...
José María Grau Ribas's user avatar
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non-abelian tensor products of several groups

R. Brown and J-L. Loday had defined the tensor product of two arbitrary groups acting on each other. Let $G,H$ be groups with actions on each other on the right. each group act on itself by ...
M masa's user avatar
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Color algebras and color involutions

If $A$ is a $G$-graded algebra then one can define on it a color involution, i.e. a bijective linear map preserving the grading such that the image of a product of two homogeneous elements is defined ...
Fabrizio's user avatar
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On noncommutative transcendence degrees

The original transcendence degree for (noncommutative) division algebras is the Gelfand-Kirillov transcendence degree, due to I. Gelfand and K. Kirillov ([ Sur les corps li´es aux algèbres ...
jg1896's user avatar
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Division in the universal enveloping algebra

Let $\mathfrak g$ be a (semisimple) Lie algebra, $\mathfrak b\subset \mathfrak g$ a Borel and $\mathfrak n = [\mathfrak b,\mathfrak b]$. Then I am interested in solving certain division problems in $U(...
Rik Voorhaar's user avatar
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Is $x \in A_1$ left algebraic over the subalgebra generated by $p$ and $q$, $[q,p]=1$?

Let $A_1:=A_1(x,y,k)$ be the first Weyl algebra over a field $k$ of characteristic zero, namely, the $k$-algebra generated by $x$ and $y$ with relation $yx-xy=1$. Let $f:(x,y) \mapsto (p,q)$ be a $k$-...
user237522's user avatar
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Values attained by the coheight of $(H \setminus H^\times)^k$ as a function of $H$ and $k$

Edit (Apr 24, 2017). I'm updating this post in the light of the latest developments of a related thread. Let $H$ be a multiplicatively written, commutative monoid, and set $M := H \setminus H^\times$,...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Is a central simple algebra necessarily cyclic if it splits after a cyclic Galois extension?

Let $A$ be a central simple algebra of degree $n$ over $k$, $\dim_kA=n^2$, let $K/k$ be a cyclic galois extension of degree $n$. Suppose $A\times_kK\cong M_n(K)$, does this imply that $A$ is a cyclic ...
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When a ring is a polynomial ring?

In the paper (2.11) the authors show that if $k^*$ is a separable algebraic extension of $k$ and $x_1,x_2, \ldots, x_n$ are indeterminates over $k^*$ and a normal one dimensional ring $A$ with $k \...
mukhujje's user avatar
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An order in $\mathbb Q[G]$ which is a maximal $\mathbb Z_p$-order in $\mathbb Q_p[G]$ for finitely many primes $p$

Let $G$ be a finite group and $S$ a finite set of prime numbers. I know that every separable $\mathbb Q$-algebra $A$ contains a maximal $\mathbb Z$-order but I wonder if the following is true. Is ...
eddie's user avatar
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Centers of Noetherian Algebras and K-theory

I'll start off a little vauge: Let $E$ be a noncommutative ring which is finitely generated over its noetherian center $Z$. Denote by $\textbf{mod}\hspace{.1 cm} E$ the category of finitely ...
Floresza's user avatar
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Catenarity of monoid algebras

Let $R$ be a commutative ring, let $M$ be a commutative monoid, and let $R[M]$ denote the corresponding monoid algebra. Suppose further that $R$ is universally catenary. One may ask for conditions on $...
Fred Rohrer's user avatar
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Nilpotent operator of the Weyl algebra

For a research project I'm currently working on, I came across the following problem: Let $A=$ $^{k <x,y> }\Big/_{(yx-xy-1)}$ be the Weyl Algebra over a field $k$ of characteristic $p$, where $...
u1571372's user avatar
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On the computational complexity of the Hilbert polynomial of numerical semigroup rings

Let $(R, \mathfrak{m}) = k[[X^a, X^b, X^c]]$, $a<b<c$, $gcd(a, b, c) = 1$, be a semigroup ring. We have $R$ is a Cohen-Macaulay local ring of dimension one. It is well known that $\ell(R/\...
Pham Hung Quy's user avatar
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Is the "algebraic closure" of the quaternions, finite dimensional? [closed]

This post is a sequel of: What's the algebraic closure of the quaternions? $\mathbb{H}$ is algebraically closed for the polynomials of the form $\sum a_r x^r$, but it is not for the polynomials ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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A construction on commutative monoids similar to the semidirect product

Let $M_1$ and $M_2$ be commutative monoids, $M_1$ written additively with identity $0$ and $M_2$ multiplicatively with identity $1$. Furthermore, let $M_2$ act on the left on $M_1$ via monoid ...
Alexander Bors's user avatar
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Correspondence between numerical semigroups and polynomials?

A numerical semigroup $A$ is defined as a subsemigroup of the semigroup $(\mathbb{N},+)$ of the positive integers such that the set $\mathbb{N}\setminus A$ is finite. Equivalently (for a subsemigroup) ...
Miroslav Korbelar's user avatar
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determine if a toric variety is Gorenstein

Let $G$ a simply connected group over $k$ and $car(k)=0$. Let $T_{+}=(T\times T)/Z_{G}$ we consider the closure $\overline{T}_{+}$ of the torus $T_{+}$ in $\prod End(V_{\omega_{i}})\times\prod\...
prochet's user avatar
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Deformation of modules over noncommutaitve rings

Let $M$ be a finitely generated module over a commutative ring $R$. The first order deformation of module $M$ is parametrized by $Ext^{1}(M,M)$ and the obstruction is parametrized by $Ext^{2}(M,M)$. ...
user2013's user avatar
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Is there a homological way to compute quiver presentations?

I have recently been studying with colleagues the representation theory of certain finite monoids that come up in probability theory and combinatorics, see Ken Brown's beautiful survey here. These ...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
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Noncommutative analog of Koszul complex

Let $R=R_0 \oplus R_1 \oplus R_2 ...$ be a graded not necessarily commutative algebra over field $k$ and $R$ is generated by $R_1$, $R_0=k$. In commutative situation if one wants free resolution of $R/...
Sasha Pavlov's user avatar
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What is the pro-algebraic completion of the free semigroup on one generator?

This question is motivated by an attempt to understand what is going on in Tom's post from a certain point of view. Let $\mathbb N^+$ be the free semigroup on one generator (so the positive natural ...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
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Global dimensions of orders over non-Gorenstein centers

This question concerns the following Lemma 4.2 in this paper by Van den Bergh: Lemma: Let $R$ be local, normal Gorenstein ring of dimension $d$. Suppose $M$ is a reflexive $R$ module such that $A=\...
Hailong Dao's user avatar
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Associative binary operations on natural numbers

Which are all the associative binary operations on natural numbers ? Certain results in this regard can be found in arxiv:math/0508215. It appears that such associative operations cannot grow too fast....
Elemer E Rosinger's user avatar
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What is a "double star-product"

Michel Van den Bergh introduced the notion of a double Poisson algebra. The definition is cooked up such that the representation varieties of such an algebra are Poisson varieties. Is there a notion ...
DamienC's user avatar
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How to work with co-multiplication?

Let $C$ be a coalgebra and $\Delta: C \to C\otimes C$ a co-multiplication map. Then, due the co-associative property we can consider $\Delta^m$. But how is defined $\Delta^{m}: C \to C^{\otimes m}$? ...
Binai's user avatar
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"Completion property" in $(\beta\omega,+)$

Let $\beta\omega$ be collection of all ultrafilters on $\omega$ (principal and non-principal). We endow $\beta\omega$ with an operation $+$ in the following way. For ${\bf a}, {\bf b}\in \beta\omega$, ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Is being graded commutative a necessary condition on $A$ such that $H^*(A)$ is commutative?

If we consider any differential graded algebra $A^\bullet$, then its homology is a graded algebra, since the tensor product interacts well with homology. A sufficient condidtion for the homology to be ...
curious math guy's user avatar
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Cancelable commutative monoids with finite maximal subgroups

Suppose $\mathcal{M} = (M, +, 0)$ is a cancelable commutative monoid. Let $G$ be the maximal subgroup of $M$, i.e. $$G = \{ a \in M \colon (\exists b \in M)\, a + b = 0 \}.$$ For $a, b \in M$ say $a \...
Nate Ackerman's user avatar
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Dual of a projective module

Let $R$ be a noncommutative ring with unit, let $P$ be a projective left $R$-module, and denote $^{\vee}\!P := \,_R\mathrm{Hom}(P,R)$. One often sees it written that projectivity implies an ...
Fofi Konstantopoulou's user avatar
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How many idempotent relations are there on an $n$-element set?

As far as I know, it is an open problem to give a formula counting transitive relations on an $n$-element set. Is it easier to count the idempotent relations, that is relations that are both ...
Michał Masny's user avatar
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Representations of finite commutative band semigroups

I think it's clear that commutative semigroups S that are also bands, i.e. $e^2 = e$ for all e, correspond to finite posets (consider the elements of the semigroups as sets, where the intersection of ...
Puraṭci Vinnani's user avatar
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Comonads from monoids

The following construction is probably known. I think it should work in any closed symmetric monoidal category, but I will play it safe and formulate the question in the concrete, cartesian closed ...
Gejza Jenča's user avatar
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RIng that is flat over a subring as a right module but not as a left module

What is an example of a ring $R$ and a subring $S \subseteq R$ such that $R$ is flat as a right module but not flat as a left module. The following question is my motivation: Faithful flatness for ...
Alain Rochefort's user avatar
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Left module which cannot be made into a bimodule?

Let $A$ be a noncommutative unital algebra, defined over $\mathbb{C}$ say. What is an example of a left $A$-module $M$ that does not admit a right $A$-module structure giving $M$ the structure of a ...
Fofi Konstantopoulou's user avatar
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$M$ is finitely generated as $A$-module iff $M/A_{>0}M$ is finitely generated as $A$ module?

Let $A$ be a nonnegatively graded algebra and $M$ a nonnegatively graded $A$-module. Then, $A_{>0}M$ is a graded $A$-submodule of $M$. (Here, given a nonnegatively graded algebra $A$, we've ...
Jakob W's user avatar
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When are simple holonomic D-modules of the form $\mathcal{D}/\mathcal{D}L$?

Let $\mathcal{D}=\mathcal{D}_X$ be the sheaf of rings of differential operators on a smooth algebraic curve $X$. Since $\dim X=1$, the D-modules of the form $\mathcal{D}/\mathcal{D}L$ are necessarily ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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