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When is a reduction not a reduction?

Every mathematician understands the concept of reducing a complicated problem to a simpler problem. "Without loss of generality, we may assume…" However, I've noticed that some kinds of "...
Timothy Chow's user avatar
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Feasible Type Theories

I am looking for references about efficient type theories, efficiency in the sense of computational complexity, and type theory in the sense of Martin-Lof's type theories. Has there been any studies ...
Kaveh's user avatar
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Is integer GCD in NC?

Wikipedia, in the page mentions integer GCD is in NC by citing ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Complexity of continued fraction arithmetic operations

Let $A = [a_0; a_1, \dots]$ and $B = [b_0; b_1, \dots]$ be continued fractions. Let's say that we want to compute $A+B$ or $A \cdot B$ while staying in the continued fraction representation. So, for ...
Oleksandr  Kulkov's user avatar
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Vertex cover in bipartite graphs with bounds on cost and size

Suppose we have a bipartite graph $G$ with non-negative integer vertex costs. We would like to find a vertex cover of cost at most $C$ and size (number of vertices) at most $S$, where $C$ and $S$ are ...
Edith Elkind's user avatar
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Computing the zeta transform of a Boolean function: Space-time tradeoff

Let $f : \mathbb{F}_2^n \to \mathbb{F}_2$ be a Boolean function in $n$ variables. The zeta transform of $f$ is the Boolean function $\zeta_f : \mathbb{F}_2^n \to \mathbb{F}_2$ defined by $$\zeta_f(y) :...
Oslow's user avatar
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Finding the maximal component of a vector in sublinear time

Given a vector $u \in \Bbb R^n$, finding the value of the largest component of $u$ needs linear time in $n$. However, what if we additionally know that $u$ lies in some linear subspace $U \subset \Bbb ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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On earlier references for $P=BPP$ and Kolmogorov's possible view on modern breakthroughs involving randomness?

Kolmogorov and Uspenskii in this paper '' speculate $P=BPP$ in $1986$. They do this without getting into circuit lower bounds and from a different view ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Complexity of scissors congruence?

Where is the complexity of the problem 'Given two bounded compact convex integral polyhedra in $\mathbb R^n$ presented by $O(poly(n))$ integer valued halfspaces given by linear inequalities with ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Is there a "promise" at the heart of mixing times for random walks on Cayley-graphs?

I'm interested in some questions about the computational complexity of bounding the mixing time of random walks on Cayley-graphs of finite groups like that of the Rubik's Cube Group $G$. Determining ...
Mark S's user avatar
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Is there a decomposition strengthening of the Sauer-Shelah Lemma?

Let $S \subset \{-1,1\}^n$. For a subset $A \subset [n]$ let $P_A$ denote the coordinate projection operator on S; in other words let $P_A(S)$ be the coordinate projection of $S$ onto the coordinates ...
Mark Lewko's user avatar
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Digraph weak connectivity in $O(V)$ space and $O(V+E)$ time

A digraph is called weakly connected if its underlying undirected graph is connected. You are given a digraph $G$ with $V$ vertices and $E$ edges as a read-only data structure consisting of lists of ...
Brendan McKay's user avatar
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Finding the optimal mixture of two convex functions

I am trying to find an efficient way to solve the problem $$\min_{p,x_1,x_2} p\cdot f(x_1)+ (1-p) \cdot f(x_2)~~~~~ s.t.\\p\cdot g_1(x_1) + (1-p)\cdot g_2(x_2)\leq 1 \\ 0\leq p \leq 1$$ where $x_1,x_2\...
Robert Lowell's user avatar
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Complexity of finding three perfect matchings with no edge in common in a bridgeless cubic graph

According to a conjecture: Conjecture (Fan & Raspaud, 1994) Every bridgeless cubic graph contains three perfect matchings with no edge in common. Equivalent statement here Main question: ...
joro's user avatar
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Variant of orthogonal Procrustes problem

The orthogonal Procrustes problem seeks a matrix $M$ that minimizes $||AM-B||_F$ subject to $M^TM=I$, where $M$ is $d\times d$ and both $A$ and $B$ are $n\times d$. Geometrically, $M$ rotates a set of ...
Matt's user avatar
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Enumerating (generalized) de Bruijn tori

Given a cyclic word $w$ of length $N$ over a $q$-ary alphabet and $k \in \mathbb{Z}_+$, consider the directed multigraph $G_k(w) = (V,E)$ with $V \subset$ {$1,\dots,q$}$^k$ given by the $k$-lets (i.e.,...
Steve Huntsman's user avatar
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Time functions of non-deterministic Turing machines

Let $M$ be a non-deterministic Turing machine which recognizes a language $L$, that is, for every input word $u$ there is an accepting computation with input $u$ if and only if $u\in L$. The smallest ...
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What is the maximal advantage of randomized over deterministic algorithms for approximation in the worst-case?

Let $X\subset Y$ be Banach spaces and $B_X:=\{x\in X: \|x\|_X\le1\}$ be the unit ball of $X$. The goal is to find an approximation of every element from $B_X$ with error measured in $Y$ by using at ...
Mario Ullrich's user avatar
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In finite model theory, is "invariant FOL with $\varepsilon$-operator" unavoidably second-order?

Throughout, all structures are finite. Say that a class of finite structures $\mathbb{K}$ is $\mathsf{FOL}_\varepsilon^\text{inv}$-elementary iff it is the class of finite models of a sentence in the ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Complexity implications on computability

Are there any known links between complexity theory and computability theory by which I mean non-trivial theorems of the form: If NP $\neq$ co-NP then there is no strong minimal pair of r.e. sets or ...
Peter Gerdes's user avatar
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What is the fastest algorithm for multiplying one given number with many others?

When multiplying two numbers with each other, which are $n$-bit numbers, there are several algorithms like the one of Karatsuba ($O(n^{\log_2 3})$) and a new one doing it even better (Harvey - Van der ...
tobias's user avatar
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Is the matrix multiplication exponent $\omega$ independent from the choice of the base field

The matrix multiplication exponent, usually denoted by $\omega_{F}$, is the smallest real number for which any two $n\times n$ matrices over a field $F$ can be multiplied together using ${\...
Nick Chen's user avatar
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Finding an $\mathbb{F}_q$-point on one specific intersection of quadrics

Let $\mathbb{F}_q$ be a finite field of large characteristic and $a_1, a_2, \cdots, a_n \in \mathbb{F}_q$ be some pairwise different elements. I assume that $\sqrt{-1} \in \mathbb{F}_q$. Consider the ...
Dimitri Koshelev's user avatar
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Fastest sine of a large power of 2

What is the fastest known way to calculate $\sin(2^{n})$ for large integer $n$? I only need the highest few bits to be correct. I suspect that the compute time required scales with $n$ (and actually ...
bobuhito's user avatar
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Certificate for computation of ideal class group

Is there a known way of producing a certificate that can be used to more quickly verify that an ideal class group of a number field was computed correctly? More formally, I would like to know if there'...
Daniel Hast's user avatar
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Existence of $\{0,1\}$-solution to a system of linear equations with coefficients in $\{0,1\}$

Crossposted at Theoretical Computer Science SE A problem I study reduces to a system of linear equations $A\mathbf{x}=\mathbf{1}$ where $A$ is an $m\times n$ matrix with each entry $a_{ij}\in\{0,1\}$....
Surpass2019's user avatar
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Are there any neusis-hard/neusis-complete problems?

I have lately been enjoying Richeson's Tales of Impossibility (see MAA review), an accessible book on the famous problems of Euclidean geometry including angle trisection/cube doubling/heptagon ...
Mark S's user avatar
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Does $\mathsf{Q}$ have any interesting provably recursive functions?

This question was asked and bountied at MSE without success. For an appropriate theory $T$, say that an $n$-ary $T$-provably recursive function is a $\Sigma_1$ formula $\varphi$ with $n+1$ free ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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special classes of ideals (eg. toric) that admit faster Buchberger algorithm?

I have heard that toric ideals allow one to speed up the Buchberger algorithm considerably (see Grobner bases of toric ideals, Remark 2,3). My question is two-fold: What are the precise complexity-...
Siddharth Bhat's user avatar
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The expressiveness of functions computable on trees

Motivation: Let's define a function computable on a $k$-ary tree as a function composed with simpler computable functions defined at each node such that a function of this kind defined on a binary ...
Aidan Rocke's user avatar
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Is integer circuit membership undecidable?

According to wikipedia integer circuit in its simplest form is succinct representation of multivariate polynomial with integer coefficients. Decidability if an integer is represented by the integer ...
joro's user avatar
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Problem to efficiently compute the Volume of $d$ anchored 4D cuboids

An easy still unsolved special case of Klee's measure problem with applications in multiple objective optimization is described in the following. Let $[\vec a_1,\vec b_1],\dots,[\vec a_n,\vec b_n]$ ...
Lviv Scottish Book's user avatar
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Complexity of calculating $f^{(n)}(0)$/extracting a coefficient of a functions taylor-series

Many combinatorial problems can be solved using generating functions. In such a case, we obtain a function $f(x)$, which (for usual) has a taylor-expansion: $$ f(x) = \sum_{n\ge 0 } a_n x^n $$ So ...
Sudix's user avatar
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Finite axiomatizability and $\mathrm{PA^{top}}$

Is $\mathrm{PA^{top}}$ finitely axiomatizable? If not, does it have a finitely axiomatizable extension (allowing new predicates but not new variable types) that has arbitrarily large finite models? $\...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
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Homogeneous linear and quadratic inequalities

I have a bunch of vectors $b_i \in R^n$ for $i = 1,\ldots,N$ and a bunch of (indefinite) matrices $A_j$ for $j = 1,\ldots,M$. Let's consider the set $S \subset R^n$ of $x \in R^n$ vectors such that $$...
Fetchinson0234's user avatar
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How many CNOT gates are needed to compute scalar multiplication in a finite field of characteristic 2?

I want to know if scalar multiplication over a finite field of characteristic 2 is generally easier to compute than a linear transformation over a vector space over $F_{2}$. Suppose that $p(x)$ is an ...
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
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Collapsing the Exponential time Hierarchy with a complete language as oracle

It is known that $\mathsf{P^A=NP^A}$ is true for every $\mathsf{EXP}$ complete language $\mathsf{A}$. The question is the whether the similar things hold for Exponential time Hierarchy. Is there ...
Erfan Khaniki's user avatar
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Quantum P vs NP equivalent problem

If $P = NP$, does it follow that $BQP = NP^{BQP}$? I came up with this question when I was thinking about how $P = NP$ can be described as "does every decision problem where a proof for YES can be ...
NXTangl's user avatar
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One-sided version of the random oracle hypothesis

The random oracle hypothesis states that relationships between complexity classes hold iff they hold relativized to a random oracle with probability 1. This is false, but all of the counterexamples I ...
Alex Mennen's user avatar
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Collapsing the Intuitionistic Bounded Arithmetics Hierarchy

Let $iT$ be the intuitionistic first order theory with non-logical axioms of classical first order theory $T$. Theorem1. If $\mathsf{T^i_2}\vdash \mathsf{T_2}$, then $\mathsf{T^i_2}$ proves that the ...
Erfan Khaniki's user avatar
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Fourier basis for sub-Gaussian spaces?

Let $(\mathcal{X}, \pi)$ be a probability space such that $\pi$ has full support. Consider $L^2(\mathcal{X},\pi)$ to be the inner product space of function $f: \mathcal{X}^n \to \mathbb{R}$, with ...
Kcafe's user avatar
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Complexity of $\mathbb{Z}^n$ tilings

Let $\mathcal{T} \subset \mathbb{Z}^n$ be a finite set. Let $\Lambda \subset \mathbb{Z}^n$ be a full rank lattice. We say that $\mathcal{T}$ is a $\Lambda$-tile for $\mathbb{Z}^n$ if the following ...
Campello's user avatar
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Littlewood-Richardson rule for the complete flag variety: GapP complete?

The cohomology ring of a complete flag variety $X$ has a basis of Schubert classes $S_u$ for permutations $u$. Define the Littlewood-Richardson coefficient $c_{uv}^w$ for permutations $u,v,w$ to be ...
Matt Samuel's user avatar
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Complexity of approximating the size of the range of a matrix

Given an $m$ by $n$ matrix $M$ with $m \leq n$ and elements from $\{-1,1\}$, let us define: $$S_M = |\{Mx : x \in \{-1,1\}^n\}.$$ It is NP-hard to compute $S_M$ exactly I believe by applying the ...
Simd's user avatar
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Is there a program for theory of incompleteness in NP?

Motivated by Suresh's post, Techniques for showing that problem is in hardness limbo, it seems that there might be an underlying theory that explains why some of these problems can not be complete for ...
Mohammad Al-Turkistany's user avatar
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A specific case of the $p$-center problem

Given a fixed positive integer $m$, let $\cal{S}$ be the subset from $\mathbb{R}^m$ defined as $\cal{S} = \{u \in \mathbb{R}^m \mid \forall i \in \{1, \dots, m\}, u(i) > 0$ and $\sum_{i=1}^m{u(i) = ...
user109711's user avatar
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Any reason to believe that $NP \neq P$ is unprovable in ZFC

We know $NP \neq P$ from a lot of point of view like empirical reason,or theoretical reasons such as finite model theory or descriptive complexity.Although we find so many reasons to believe $NP \neq ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
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A linear optimization problem on a graph

Let $G=(V,E)$ be a finite graph and let $f$ be any positive function defined on the vertices. Put weights on the vertices $v_{i}$, way $w_{i}$ so that $\sum_{i=1}^{n}w_{i}\leq 1$. Assume that every ...
TOM's user avatar
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Are there sampNP-intermediate problems?

This questions is approximately cross-posted from theoretical computer science stackexchange Ladner's theorem establishes that if $\mathsf{P} \ne \mathsf{NP}$ then $\mathsf{NPI} := \mathsf{NP} \...
Vanessa's user avatar
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Best lower bound for proof complexity of graph asymmetry

Graph automorphism problem ( GA) of determining whether a graph has a nontrivial automorphism is a good candidate for a problem in $NP$-intermediate. I'm looking for references that study the ...
Mohammad Al-Turkistany's user avatar

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