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Inverse of special upper triangular matrix

Consider the following $n \times n$ upper triangular matrix with a particularly nice structure: \begin{equation}\mathbf{P} = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & \beta & \alpha+\beta & \dots & (n-3)\...
dff's user avatar
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7 votes
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Smallest singular value of $X\mapsto AX^{T}+XA^{T}$

Question: Given the long and skinny matrix $A\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$ with $m\ge n$, define the matrix valued operator $$\mathcal{A}:X\mapsto AX^{T}+XA^{T}.$$ What is the tightest nontrivial lower-...
Richard Zhang's user avatar
6 votes
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Inequality between nuclear norm and operator norm for positive definite matrices

I will use $\|\|_*$ to denote the nuclear norm (sum of singular values) and $\|\|_2$ to denote the operator norm / matrix 2-norm (largest singular value). Consider two positive definite $n \times n$ ...
macko's user avatar
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Behavior of matrix rank under thresholding of its elements

Let $A$ be a $n \times n$ real matrix of, say, rank $r$. Consider the matrix $$\max \{0,A\}$$ whereby each negative element of $A$ is set to $0$ and the non-negative elements are left unchanged. Is ...
gradstudent's user avatar
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14 votes
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A simple but curious determinantal inequality

Let $A$ and $B$ be $n\times n$ Hermitian positive definite matrices and $k>0$ real. Then $A^k$ is well-defined and experimentally, we have $$\det(A^k+BABA^{-1})\geqslant \det(A^k+BA^{-1}BA),$$or ...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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Equivalence Classes of a Subgroup of Similarity Transformations

Let $X$ be a real, finite-dimensional vector space and $A, B, C,$ and $D$ be matrices on $X$. I'm interested in the similarity classes of the block matrices $$ \begin{bmatrix} A & B\\ C & D\\ ...
JMJ's user avatar
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7 votes
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Bound the eigenvalue of product of matrices?

Let $H$ be a $n \times n$ real symmetric matrix that has eigenvalues with absolute value less than 1. Define the matrix $M = \prod_{i=1}^n (I - e_ie_i^{\top}H)$ where $e_i$ denotes the $i^\text{th}$ ...
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8 votes
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Determinants (and traces) of linear maps of matrices

Let $k$ be a field or a commutative ring with unit and let $F:M_n(k)\to M_n(k)$ be a $k$-linear map. Suppose that $F$ is given in the form $F(X) = A_1XB_1 + \cdots + A_m X B_m$ for some $A_i,B_i\in ...
M.G.'s user avatar
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Eigenvector of a nonnegative matrix in closed form

Consider $n\times 1$ vector $\alpha = (\alpha_{1}, ..., \alpha_{n})$, where $0<\alpha_{i}<1$, and $\sum_{i=1}^{n}\alpha_i = 1$. Construct the $n\times n$ zero-diagonal matrix $A$ with $(i,j)$-th ...
Abhishek Halder's user avatar
1 vote
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Can I modify the singular values of a matrix in order to get a negative eigenvalue?

Let $A \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ be a real nonsymmetric matrix with eigenvalues $\left\{\lambda_i : i=1..n\right\}$ with positive real part $\Re(\lambda_i) > 0$ $\forall i=1..n$ Let $A=U\Sigma ...
Astor's user avatar
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Define a matrix function with a specific property

Let $S$ be the set of all positive semidefinite Hermitian matrices of order $mn$ over $\mathbb{C}$. Any matrix $H$ can be partitioned into blocks $H_{ij}$ of order $n$ that is $H_{mn \times mn} = (H_{...
Supriyo's user avatar
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Singular value decomposition of a low rank weak diagonally dominant M-matrix. When is the unitary polar matrix positive semi-definite?

Let $A$ be an $n \times n$, non-symmetric, real, weak diagonally dominant M-Matrix. Its diagonal is strictly positive, its off-diagonal is negative or zero and all its columns sum to zero. $A$ has ...
Astor's user avatar
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A question concerning positive definite matrix functions

Let $C(e^{i\theta})$ be an $m\times n$ ($m\ge n$) matrix-valued continuous function of $\theta\in[-\pi,\pi]$. Let $A_1(e^{i\theta})$ and $A_2(e^{i\theta})$ be two $n\times n$ positive definite matrix-...
Ludwig's user avatar
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Solving $\text{trace}\left[\left(I + pY\right)^{-1} \left(I - p^{2}Y\right)\right] = 0$ for scalar $p$

For given $n\times n$ real symmetric positive definite matrices $X_{1}, X_{2}$, let $Y := X_{1}^{-1}X_{2}$, and let $I$ be the identity matrix. I would like to solve the following equation for the ...
Abhishek Halder's user avatar
5 votes
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Diagonalization of real symmetric matrices with symplectic matrices

Consider the following real symmetric matrix $M=\left[\begin{array}{ccc} A & B\\ B^T & D \end{array}\right]$ Both A and D are real symmetric $n\times n$ matrices. B is a real $n\times n$...
fagd's user avatar
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The $n$th power of a matrix by Companion matrix

At first, I want to explain why did I say the $n$th power of a matrix by companion matrix. Suppose that $A$ is a matrix of order $d$ over an ordinary field. There are several methods to obtain a ...
Amin235's user avatar
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Is this inequality involving the Frobenius norm right?

Let $A$ be a generic (or varying) square, real $ n \times n$ matrix. Let $G$ be a fixed $n \times k$ matrix, $k < n.$ Denote by $||.||_F$ the Frobenius norm. Is it true that $||AG||_F \geq c(G) ||...
Learning math's user avatar
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Is the following inequality true for the norm of Moore-Penrose pseudoinverses?

Let $L$ be a real, positive semi-definite, symmetric, square matrix, with pseudoinverse $L^{+}$. It can be shown for the operator norms $||.||_{op}$ that: if $L$ is invertible and $||I - L||_{op} < ...
Learning math's user avatar
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The order of companion matrix over various modulo

We consider a positive integer number and call it our modulo and denote it with $m$. We choose a positive integer number like $p$ and call it the degree of our polynomial. We select $p$ integer ...
Amin235's user avatar
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A question on the smallest singular value

Let $X(r)$ be the set of matrices $A \in M(n \times m)$, $n \leq m$, such that the norm of $A$ (largest singular value) is smaller or equal than $1$ and the smallest singular value of $A$ is smaller ...
Ricardo's user avatar
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Reverse Minkowski (and related) Determinant Inequalities

For positive semidefinite matrices $A,B,C \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$, the following inequalities are well known: $$(\det(A+B))^{1/n} \geq (\det A)^{1/n} + (\det B)^{1/n} $$ and $$\det(A+B+C) + \...
Tom's user avatar
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Condition number after some "non standard" transform

Given a positive definite matrix $A$, and a diagonal matrix $B$ with positive diagonal entries, is the following inequality generally true? $$\kappa((A + B)(I + B)^{-1}) \leq \kappa(A)$$ $I$ is an ...
randomprojection's user avatar
6 votes
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Bounding the non-multiplicativity of isometric projection

Every $A \in \text{GL}_n(\mathbb{R})$ has a unique Polar decomposition: $A=O_AP_A$, $O \in \operatorname{O}_n, P \in \operatorname{Psym}_n$. In particular the orthogonal factor is given by $$O_A=A(\...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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Is this a full rank matrix? [closed]

According to the answer of znt to the previous version, I revise the question as follows: Is there a real $(n-1)\times n$ matrix $A$ such that $A$ is not a full rank matrix and satisfy $a_{ii}&...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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The functional equation $T(x\otimes y)=T(x)\otimes T(y)$ on the matrix algebra

Is there a non trivial sequence $(T_{n})$ of linear operators $T_{n}$ on $M_{n}(\mathbb{C})$ such that $$T_{nm}(X\otimes Y)=T_{n}(X) \otimes T_{m}(Y) $$ where $X$ and $Y$ are in $M_{n}(\mathbb{C})$ ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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The state-transition-matrix of a physical system,

Here's a simple but potential research problem that I am learning about. Let's say I am studying a physical system that is governed by N objects. At each time, each object is either "active" and ...
User001's user avatar
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$P(Z)$ is matrix polynomials. Why is $s_n$ smooth in a neighbourhood of $Z$?

Let $A_j \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times n}$, ($j = 0,1,2,\ldots,m$) and $P(Z) = A_m Z^m + \cdots + A_1 Z + A_0$ is a matrix polynomial, and $Z $ is a complex variable. $Z$ is eigenvalue of $P(Z )$ if $\...
R.T MAN's user avatar
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26 votes
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Real square roots of symmetric matrices

In joint work with Andreas Fischle (TU Dresden, Germany) and Patrizio Neff (U Essen, Germany) we needed to use the following statement: If $S$ is a real $n\times n$ matrix with $S^2$ symmetric, then ...
Lev Borisov's user avatar
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Lower bound on the sum of singular values for a sum of Hermitian matrices

Denote the eigenvalues of an $n\times n$ matrix $\mathbf{X}$ by $\lambda_i(\mathbf{X})$ and its singular values by $\sigma_i(\mathbf{X})$, $i=1,\ldots,n$. When $\mathbf{X}$ is Hermitian, we know that $...
Bullmoose's user avatar
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Boundary of pseudospectra

Suppose: $B_i \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times n}$, $0<w_i\in \mathbb{R}$ $(i = 0,1,2,\ldots,m)$ ${\rm P}(x) ={\rm{B}_m} x ^m + \cdots + B_1 x + B_0$ is a matrix polynomial, and $x $ is a complex ...
R.T MAN's user avatar
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Weyl-type inequality for non-Hermitian matrices?

What is the weakest known condition under which a Weyl-type eigenvalue perturbation inequality holds? Does some analogue hold for normal matrices, for example?
Aryeh Kontorovich's user avatar
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Uniqueness and invariance of the LDLT decomposition

A real symmetric positive semi-definite matrix $A$ can be decomposed in the form $A = P^TLDL^TP$, where $P$ is a permutation matrix, $L$ is a lower unit triangular matrix and $D$ is a diagonal ...
user3749105's user avatar
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Let $M = \frac{1}{2}(A + {A^T})$ be real symmetric nonnegative matrix. Why does $\rho (A) \le {\lambda _{\max }}(M)$?

Let $A \in M_n$ be nonnegative, and consider the real symmetric nonnegative matrix $M = \frac{1}{2}(A + {A^T})$. Why does $\rho (A) \le {\lambda _{\max }}(M)$?
1_1's user avatar
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A question on Perron–Frobenius theorem [closed]

Let $A \in M_n$ is nonnegative(all $a_{ij}\ge0$). Suppose $A$ has a nonnegative eigenvector(all entries$\ge0$ ) with $r ≥ 1$ positive entries and $n − r$ zero entries. Why is there a permutation ...
user85008's user avatar
9 votes
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Fast Upper Triangular Matrix Exponentiation

Let $Q_n$ be a $n\times n$ matrix with $Q_n=\begin{pmatrix} -\lambda_1-\mu_1 & \lambda_1 & 0 & \cdots\\ 0 & -\lambda_2-\mu_2 & \lambda_2 & \cdots\\ \vdots & \vdots & \...
Alex R.'s user avatar
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Which ordering of factors is needed to obtain this kind of determinantal inequalities?

Let $A$ and $B$ be $n\times n$ Hermitian positive definite matrices. The curious determinantal inequality given here, which can be stated as $$\det (A^{4}+ ABBA+BAAB+B^{4})\ge\det(A^{4}+ AABB+BBAA+B^{...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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Almost commuting unitary matrices

Suppose that $A_1,\dots, A_k$ are unitary matrices such that any two of them can be approximated by commuting unitary matrices. i.e. for any $i$ and $j$, there are unitary matrices $A_i'$ and $A_j'$ ...
Omid Hatami's user avatar
-1 votes
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finding a unitary submatrix inside a random matrix

Let $\mathbf{R} \in \mathbb{C}^{~m \times n} $ with $m \leq n $ be a random matrix, whose entries are i.i.d zero mean random variables with circularly symmetric Normal distribution. Let where $r$ be ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Integral roots of circulant matrix

When does the circulant matrix have only integral roots? For example: all roots of the adjacency matrix of the complete graph $K_n$ are integer, which its adjacency matrix is circulant, but in case ...
L S B. user255259's user avatar
35 votes
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A curious determinantal inequality

In my study, I come across the following curious inequality, which I do not know a proof yet (so I am asking it here). Let $A, B$ be $n\times n$ (Hermitian) positive definite matrices. It is very ...
M. Lin's user avatar
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Perturbation of eigenvalues of some special matrices

In perturbation theory of linear operators, one major question is how the eigenvalues of a linear operator $A$ change under a small perturbation, $A(x) = A + xP$, with $x\in\mathbb{R}$. For instance, ...
shahulhameed's user avatar
7 votes
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Eigenvectors as continuous functions of matrix - diagonal perturbations

The general question has been treated here, and the response was negative. My question is about more particular perturbations. The counterexamples given in the previous question have variations not ...
Beni Bogosel's user avatar
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Convexity of the product of two exponential matrices

Let $S\subset\mathbb{R}$ be a convex set and $\mathbb{S}^{n}$ be the set of real symmetric matrices of order $n\times n$. A matrix valued function $\Gamma: S \rightarrow \mathbb{S}^{n}$ is said to ...
Tadashi's user avatar
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Is my particular finite dimension Toeplitz matrix always strictly positive?

Let $H(\omega), \; -\pi \leq \omega \leq \pi$ be a real-valued function with a continuous band of zeros, that is (for simplicity) $H(\omega)=0, \; |\omega|\geq \beta \pi$. Define a sequence of banded ...
Tommy Ding's user avatar
9 votes
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Bound on the ratio of top 2 eigenvalues

Let $P$ be a $n \times n$ stochastic matrix such that $P_{ij}=\tau$ if $i \neq j$ and $P_{ii} = 1 - (n-1)\tau$ where $0<\tau < \frac{1}{n}$. It is clear that the largest eigenvalue of $P$ is 1, ...
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3 votes
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Upper bounds on elements of a matrix

During my research I have come across matrices this type $$C=B\left(B^T B\right)^{-1}B^T\ ,$$ where $B$ is an $m\times n$ real matrix. If $B^TB$ is not invertible, then $\left(B^T B\right)^{-1}$ ...
yohbs's user avatar
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How to show the square root function of a positive semidefinite matrix is differentiable? [closed]

How to show the square root function of a positive semidefinite matrix is differentiable? In this context PSD means symmetric PSD.
Hao S's user avatar
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Diagonalization of the matrix $(1/(i+j+\rm{const}))_{i,j}$

Consider the following infinite matrix: $A_{i,j}=\frac1{i+j+\gamma}$, $0\leq i,j<\infty$, $\gamma>0$ is a constant. Is it known how to diagonalize $A$, or, say, calculate $(I+tA)^{-1}$ for ...
Fedor Petrov's user avatar
8 votes
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Unitary factor in polar decompositions

Let $A, B$ be $n$-square (Hermitian) positive definite matrices. Let $AB=U|AB|$ be the polar decomposition of $AB$. So $U$ is unitary (called the unitary factor of $AB$). What is the optimal constant $...
M. Lin's user avatar
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Can anyone help me deduce a matrix inequality?

The following lemma is taken from references firstly. Lemma 1 [1-2] Given matrices $Q=Q^{T} , F, M$ and $N$ of appropriate dimensions, then $$Q+MFN+N^{T}F^{T}M^{T}<0$$ for all $F$ satisfying $F^{...
lovewinter's user avatar