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Questions tagged [floer-homology]

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Lagragian floer homology vs homology of $\Omega(L_0,L_1)$

I'm very new to this subject, so apologies for a very naive question and probably many mistakes. Let $M$ be some compact sympletic manifold with $L_0,L_1$ Lagrangian submanifolds which intersects ...
Andy Jiang's user avatar
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Continuation map interpolating two quadratic Hamiltonians with respect to different contact boundaries

Let $(M,\lambda)$ be a Liouville manifold. Consider two different contact boundaries $\partial_{\infty}^1M$ and $\partial_{\infty}^2M$ with respect to the same Liouville flow $Z$. Each of them ...
ChiHong Chow's user avatar
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Heegard diagrams for three-manifolds

I have a basic question about the Heegaard diagrams involved in providing a framework for calculation of Floer-Homology of three-manifolds. Typically such diagrams look like Figure 1 and Figure 2 here ...
user267839's user avatar
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Definition of signs of isomorphisms $c_u : o(x_1) \to o(x_0)$ in the definition of Floer cohomology via Seidel's book

I'm reading Paul Seidel's book "Fukaya Categories and Picard-Lefschetz Theory", chapter 12, and I'm currently trying to understand the differential on Floer cohomology in terms of ...
Matija Sreckovic's user avatar
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Roadmap to Floer homotopy theory?

I am a young postdoc working in symplectic topology. Recently I became intrigued by Floer homotopy, especially after seeing it had been applied to classical questions in symplectic topology. (e.g. ...
6 votes
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Spectral flow of Dirac operator twisted by instanton

Suppose $E$ is a $SU(2)$-bundle over a closed three manifold $M$ and $S$ is the spinor bundle over $M$. Also assume $D_{A(t)}:\Gamma(S\otimes_{\mathbb c} E)\to \Gamma(S\otimes_{\mathbb c} E)$ is a ...
Gorapada Bera's user avatar
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Conley Zehnder index for Floer homology of a symplectomorphism

I'm trying to get some intuition for the Conley-Zehnder index in the setting of Floer homology of a symplectomorphism $\phi : (M,\omega) \to (M,\omega)$. Let's assume that $\phi$ only has non-...
Riccardo's user avatar
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Is there an symplectic field theory compactness theorem applicable in the context of Floer cohomology of a symplectomorphism?

Is there any reference in the literature about results regarding symplectic field theory (SFT) compactness for a neck-stretch in the context of Floer homology of a symplectomorphism $\phi \colon (M,\...
Riccardo's user avatar
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Bubbling off of a pseudo holomorphic sphere on surface with cylindrical ends

I need some clarification about the reason why we have a sphere bubbling off in the situation described by Seidel in The Symplectic Floer Homology of a Dehn Twist. I’ll try to summarize to the best ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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Lagrangian intersection Floer homology: understanding some assumptions

Let $(X,\omega)$ be a symplectic manifold and $L\subset X$ be a Lagrangian subspace. Let $\mu_L:H_2(X,L;\mathbb{Z})\to \mathbb{Z}$ be the Maslov index homomorphism. Usual hypothesis Recall that $L$...
Overflowian's user avatar
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The Floer Equation is Elliptic

Let $(M,\omega)$ be a symplectic manifold and $H \in C^\infty(M \times \mathbb{S}^1)$. Furthermore, let $J$ be an $\omega$-compatible almost complex structure on $M$. The Floer equation is the ...
TheGeekGreek's user avatar
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Differential of the Rabinowitz Action Functional

On an exact Hamiltonian system $(M,d\alpha,H)$ define the Rabinowitz action functional $$\mathcal{A}^H \colon C^\infty(\mathbb{S}^1,M) \times (0,+\infty) \to \mathbb{R}$$ by $$\mathcal{A}^H(\gamma,\...
TheGeekGreek's user avatar
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Background needed to understand modern research on knot homology theories

I am a student of mathematics, and have some background in Algebraic Topology (Hatcher, Bott-Tu, Milnor-Stasheff), Differential Geometry (Lee, Kobayashi-Nomizu), Riemannian Geometry (Do Carmo), ...
user142103's user avatar
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Locality in Floer theory

There appears to be a dearth of resources and references for the question of 'locality' in Floer theory. In particular, I cannot seem to find any complete statement of what people refer to as '...
John Rached's user avatar
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How is the instanton Floer homology of Seifert fibrations related to that of a trivial fibration

My question centers around the relationship of the Chern-Simons theories of a Seifert fibration and the trivial product space $\Sigma_g \times S^1$, and its implication for instanton Floer homology. ...
Mtheorist's user avatar
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$A_{\infty}$ multiplications on Morse cochain complex

Can the higher order $A_{\infty}$ multiplications defined by Fukaya be made trivial(by perturbing gradient trees) when Morse cochain complex is isomorphic to Morse cohomology, in which case the cup ...
Arun 's user avatar
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Floer equation and Cauchy Riemann equation

Consider a symplectic manifold $(M,\omega)$ with the property that $\pi_2(M) = 0$. Given a time dependent hamiltonian $H_t$ on $M$, and a $\omega$-compatible almost complex structure J on M, we may ...
cr1t1cal's user avatar
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Intuition about bubbling off a ghost bubble

I'm trying to improve my intuition about the bubbling phenomenon for $J$-holomorphic curves $\Sigma \to (M,\omega)$, where $\Sigma$ is a compact Riemann surface with possibly boundary. I assume that ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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The singular cohomology embeds into the symplectic cohomology

Viterbo's theorem on cotangent bundles $M=T^*N$ tells you in particular that singular cohomology $H^*(M)$ gets embedded in $SH^*(M)$ via the $c^*$ map. Having a Weinstein manifold (or more generally ...
Filip's user avatar
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Reference Request: Central Curvature "Fix"

Context: In Lagrangian-Floer theory, the (an) $\mathbf{A}_\infty$-algebra of a Lagrangian is curved. However, the curvature is central. One consequence of this is that you can get an uncurved $\mathbf{...
Patrick Clarke's user avatar
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Is there any known relationship between sutured contact homology and Legendrian contact homology?

On one hand, Colin-Ghiggini-Honda-Hutchings' construction ( provides an invariant of a Legendrian $L$ in a closed contact manifold $(M,\xi)$ via the sutured contact ...
Ian Montague's user avatar
21 votes
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How is Chern-Simons theory related to Floer homology?

Chern-Simons theory (say, with gauge group $G$) is the quantum theory of the Chern-Simons functional $$CS(A)=\frac{k}{8\pi^2}\int_M \text{Tr}\left(A\wedge dA + \frac{2}{3}A\wedge A \wedge A\right)$$ ...
Henry's user avatar
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Morse theory for pairs of submanifolds of complementary dimension

If you have a closed monotone symplectic manifold $M$, then to any pair of closed monotone Lagrangian submanifolds $L_1$, $L_2$ you can associate (modulo some bubbling assumptions) a $\mathbb{Z}_N$-...
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Floer cohomology from mapping spaces of $\infty$ categories

There's a meta-observation (of Urs Schreiber, who attributes it to Ken Brown and Lurie) that 'cohomology theories come from mapping spaces of $(\infty,1)$ categories'. This is described in detail at ...
zzz's user avatar
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Is the instanton homology for webs and foams a categorified Chern-Simons?

In their paper, Kronheimer and Mrowka constructed an instanton homology $J^{\#}$ for webs and foams and conjectured that for planar webs, $\dim J^{\#}=\#\text{ of Tait colorings}$. According to my ...
Henry's user avatar
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Does there exist a candidate for 'holomorphic' instanton Floer homology?

The Euler characteristic of instanton Floer homology agrees with the Casson invariant. Thomas introduced the notion of holomorphic Casson invariant, defined using the holomorphic Chern-Simons ...
John Rached's user avatar
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Symplectic displacement energy for several intersection points?

Let $(X, \omega)$ be a symplectic manifold. For any non-empty subset $Y \subset X$ we may define the displacement energy as $$ e(Y)=\mathrm{inf}\{||\phi||_H \: | \phi \in Ham(X, \omega), \phi(Y) \cap ...
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Ozsváth-Szabó's contact invariant on the Brieskorn sphere $\Sigma(2,3,6m+1)$

According to Theorem 1.7 of Mark-Tosun's paper, the Brieskorn sphere $\Sigma(2,3,6m+1)$ admits two tight contact structure $\xi_{i}\ (i=0,1)$. They are both Stein fillable and they are contactomorphic ...
user44651's user avatar
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Finding basis of cohomology of a symplectic manifold by using Symplectic Minimal Model Program

My question is about Floer theory via symplectic surgery of Minimal Model program for finding basis of cohomology. Motivation: Perelman for solving Thurston's Geometrization Conjecture used some sort ...
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Manifold of mappings between $M$ and $N$, with non-compact source $M$

EDIT: Let $M$ and $N$ are two smooth manifold and suppose $N$ is compact but $M$ is not necessarily compact. For my purpose, I just need to consider the case $M=\mathbb R \times S^1$ or $\mathbb R \...
Hang's user avatar
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Fredholm property about $L^p$-extension $(p\neq 2)$ of differential operators

The following is a well-known result for elliptic operators. Theorem. Let $P: \Gamma(E)\to \Gamma(F)$ be an elliptic operator of order $m$ between vector bundles $E$ and $F$ over a compact ...
Hang's user avatar
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Monopole Floer Homology vs. Heegaard-Floer theory

I have a (possibly very naive) question: what is the relation between Monopole Floer Homology and Heegaard-Floer theory? (both known and conjectured) Is there some version of Atiyah-Floer conjecture ...
Nati's user avatar
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Exact triangle for monopole Floer homology with $\mathbb{Z}$-coefficient

Let $Y$ be oriented 3 manifold with torus boundary and let $\gamma_{j}$ (j=0,1,2) be three curves on its boundary with $\#(\gamma_{j}\cap \gamma_{j+1})=-1$. We denote by $Y_{j}$ the manifold obtained ...
user44651's user avatar
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Laplace eigenvalue and floer theory

I'm trying to study the spectrum operator via Floer Theory. The idea is to consider the Rayleigh quotient as an operator on the Hilbert space $W^{1,2}$ and to study it's negative gradient flow. Any ...
D.M.'s user avatar
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Parametric Sard-Smale theorem - when is the generic set open?

I am learning Morse/Floer Theory and in my work on my master's thesis I want to apply the parametric Sard-Smale theorem. I.e. I consider a Banach bundle $\mathcal{L} \to \mathcal{M}\times \mathcal{G}$ ...
MBIS's user avatar
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Regularity of the taut foliation

In Eliashberg-Thurston's famous paper "Confoliations" Corollary 3.2.11, they proved that Irreducible three manifold with $b_{1}>0$ admits semi-fillable contact structure using Gabai's theorem in ...
user44651's user avatar
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Reference Request: "Neck Stretching Procedure" (In Symplectic Field Theory)

I've been reading some papers in Symplectic Geometry which refer to something called "Stretching the neck", and give reference to Eliashberg, Givental and Hofer's SFT paper (
Yaniv Ganor's user avatar
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Gromov-Floer compactness for C^0 convergence of complex structure/ C^1 convergence of Hamiltonian

Let $M$ be a compact symplectic manifold, $J$ a possibly surface dependent complex structure, and $H$ a Hamiltonian on $M$. I am interested in a variant of Gromov-Floer convergence for solutions of ...
Daniel Pomerleano's user avatar
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What can be said about compact embedded exact Lagrangians in the generalized pair of pants?

What can be said about compact embedded exact Lagrangians in the $n$-dimensional generalized pair of pants e.g. the hypersurface in $(\mathbb{C}^*)^{n+1}$ defined by the equation: $$ 1+\Sigma_i z_i = ...
user36931's user avatar
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$C^0$ estimates in wrapped Lagrangian Floer cohomology

Let $(M, d\theta, \theta, Z)$, be an exact Liouville domain, where $Z$ is the Liouville vector field and $\theta$ is the primitive of the symplectic form. Let $\bar{M}$, be the symplectic completion ...
user36931's user avatar
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use Floer homology to prove the fixed points

I read paper, in page 21, there is a proposition: Let $(M,\omega)$ be a closed symplectic manifold with $\pi_2(M)=0$. Let {$f_t$}, $f_0$ = id, $f_1= f$ be a Hamiltonian path on M generated by a ...
Asou's user avatar
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Do we get a instanton $S^{3}$ if we do $1/n$ surgery on a knot in $S^{3}$?

Consider the following question: Let $K\subset S^{3}$ be a nontrivial knot, and let $Y$ be the manifold obtained by doing $1/n$-surgery ($n\geq1$). Is it possible that the instanton Floer homology of $...
user44651's user avatar
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Computation of symplectic quasi-state

A subset of a symplectic manifold is called strongly non-displaceable if it cannot be displaced by symplectomorphisms. A meridian in a $2$-torus is displaceable by a symplectomorphism, but not by a ...
Hwang's user avatar
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A question about solutions to Floer's equation which are asymptotic to a stationary point

Let $M$ be a compact symplectic manifold and $H$ a time independent Hamiltonian on $M$. Let $\alpha$ be a solution to Floer's equation $$ u(t,s): S^1 \times \mathbb{R} \to M$$ $$(du+X_H\otimes dt)^...
user36931's user avatar
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Question about transversality for PSS map in Hamiltonian Floer cohomology

Let X be a compact symplectic manifold and $H_t,J_t$ a Floer regular pair of $\mathbb{S}^1$ dependent Hamiltonians and complex structures. The PSS maps are defined by considering $\mathbb{C}$ with a ...
user36931's user avatar
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Unobstructed Lagrangian tori

Let $X$ be a compact symplectic manifold, $U$ a Darboux chart, and $L$ a standard Lagrangian torus in $U$. Is $H^1(L)$ weakly unobstructed in the sense of Fukaya-Oh-Ohta-Ono (that is, does $b \in H^1(...
Chris Woodward's user avatar
9 votes
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Orientations for pseudoholomorphic curves with totally real boundary condition

I am trying to understand what the obstructions are to orienting moduli spaces of pseudoholomorphic curves with totally real boundary condition. I believe that Fukaya-Oh-Ohta-Ono have shown that if ...
Sam Lisi's user avatar
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Floer homology and Invariants for Einstein Field Equations?

Motivation: There have been the instanton (anti-self dual connection) solutions to the Yang-Mills equation $d_A^\ast F_A=0$ which extremize the YM energy $\int_M|F_A|^2$, leading to the Donaldson ...
Chris Gerig's user avatar
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What does Yang-Mills and mass gap problem has to do with mathematics?

I'm not very experienced in this topic, but I read a short description of the Yang-Mills existence and mass gap problem, and as long as I understood it has mainly physical consequences and ...
12 votes
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Why is Heegaard Floer Homology defined in terms of Sym$^g\Sigma_g$ instead of Pic$^g\Sigma_g$?

Recall the definition of Heegaard Floer homology: $\Sigma_g$ is a closed surface, and $\{\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_g\}$ and $\{\beta_1,\ldots,\beta_g\}$ are sets of attaching circles. Then Heegaard ...
John Pardon's user avatar
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