In their paper, Kronheimer and Mrowka constructed an instanton homology $J^{\#}$ for webs and foams and conjectured that for planar webs, $\dim J^{\#}=\#\text{ of Tait colorings}$. According to my limited understanding, $J^{\#}$ is a sort of a TQFT (with $\mathbb{F}_2$ coefficient), or a functor from the category of webs and foams to the category of $\mathbb{F}_2$ vector spaces and morphisms.
There is a familiar TQFT in one lower dimension which is clearly related to the number of Tait colorings : namely, the (Chern-Simons) quantum invariant for the second symmetric representation of $SU(2)$. In the classical limit $q=1$, it is exactly the number of Tait colorings.
I know this is probably just a far-fetched speculation, but I am curious if these two TQFTs can be somehow related. More precisely, is it possible to categorify the latter such that it becomes $J^{\#}$ when reduced to the $\mathbb{F}_2$ coefficient?