What can be said about compact embedded exact Lagrangians in the $n$-dimensional generalized pair of pants e.g. the hypersurface in $(\mathbb{C}^*)^{n+1}$ defined by the equation:
$$ 1+\Sigma_i z_i = 0 $$
By exact, I mean with respect to the standard Liouville structure coming from being an affine variety. For example, can we provide restrictions on their homotopy type? In his thesis, Sheridan has constructed a very interesting immersed Lagrangian sphere $L$ using tropical geometry and computed the $A_\infty$ algebra $HF^*(L,L)$, where $HF^*$ is the Floer cohomology. But I cannot see any obvious embedded exact Lagrangians in there (EDIT: As Zack points out below there are some very natural exact Lagrangian tori in the pair of pants coming from the fact that there are natural Liouville subdomains isomorphic to $(\mathbb{C}^*)^n$). Because the classification of real surfaces is so explicit, the case $n=2$ may be the most interesting to consider. Of course if one assumes a sufficiently strong version of homological mirror symmetry, it should be possible to say something. But I am more interested in what can be deduced using "standard techniques."
Somewhat more speculatively, are there any compact embedded exact Lagrangians which are not tori in the generalized pair of pants?