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On the convolution of generalized functions

It is provable that $f_\lambda\to f\Rightarrow f_\lambda*g\to f*g$ if $g$ has a compact support (shown in my textbook). In my particular case, $g=u(t+\triangle t)-u(t-\triangle t)$. Does for that ...
Harun Šiljak's user avatar
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Projective tensor powers of Banach spaces over a normed field

Let $E$ be a Banach space over a complete normed field $\mathbb K$. Is it possible to classify all proper $E$ for which the projective seminorm $p_n$ defined on the $n$-th tensor power of $E$ is a ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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Besicovitch Covering Constant for R^1

In the case where $E\subset\mathbb{R}^1$, a Besicovitch cover of $E$ is a cover by open intervals such that each point of $E$ is the center of some interval in the cover. The Besicovitch Covering ...
cxseven's user avatar
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Schrodinger Operators with diverging Potential

Is it well known that if $ H = -\bar{\Delta} + V$ (which is defined over $ L^2( \mathbb{R} ^n $ ) and $ lim_{|x| \to \infty } = + \infty $, then $ H$ has compact resolvent? Does someone know of any ...
Jason Mraz's user avatar
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references for families of conditionaly negative definite matrices

We say that a matrix $A\in M_n(\mathbb{C})$ is a conditionaly negative definite matrix if it is hermitian and if for all complex numbers $c_1,\ldots,c_n$ such that $c_1+\cdots +c_n=0$ we have $$ \sum_{...
BigBill's user avatar
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Improved versions of discontinuous functions

Given a set X (such as the set of points in an interval), the space ℝX of all real-valued functions on X is not usually the function space we work with -- it is "too large" in some sense. Thus, ...
Vaughn Climenhaga's user avatar
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Nuclear Space problem

I need to show that if X is compact,then C(X) is nuclear.Also is the condition X is metrisable necessary. I am at present attending a conference "Recent Aadvances in Operator Theory". This problem ...
Koushik's user avatar
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Reference request for sums of Grothendieck spaces

I much appreciate your help with my previous question. Now, I'd like to ask about a reference. I need a fact asserting that if $p\in (1,\infty]$ (with emphasis on the case $p=\infty$) then the $\ell_p$...
Alfredo Ortuño's user avatar
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Spectrum of the Normal Operator associated to compact supported spectral measures

Let $\mathcal{H}$ be a Hilbert space and $E:\Sigma\to\mathcal{L}(\mathcal{H})$ be a compactly supported spectral on the Borel $\sigma$-algebra $\Sigma$ of $\mathbb{C}$. Then we can form the bounded, ...
Robert Rauch's user avatar
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Absolute values and Frobenius norm [closed]

The Frobenius, or Hilbert-Schmidt, norm of an $n$ by $n$ matrix $A$ is defined as $\|A\|_2 = \sqrt{\sum_{i,j=1}^n |A_{ij}|^2}$. The absolute value of $A$ is the unique positive matrix $|A|$ satisfying ...
Chris's user avatar
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Which Banach spaces have categorical duals?

I was looking carefully at all the definitions, trying to understand exactly what was going on in this question on categorical duals in Banach spaces. It seems that in the category of Banach spaces ...
Andrew Stacey's user avatar
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about decomposition of a non-negative definite operators

Hello, Many years before, I had the following problem. We first give a definition. Given a non-negative definite real-valued definite matrix $n^2\times n^2$ matrix $M$, it is called separable if it ...
Anand's user avatar
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Weak convergence in measure for negligible sets.

Let $X$ be a Polish space and $(P_n)$ a sequence of Borel probabilities which converges weakly in measure to a Borel probability $P$. By this i mean that for any $f\in C_b(X)$ which is continuous and ...
Theluze's user avatar
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Gradient of the energy functional in $H^{1,2}$-norm

I have to use estimates for the gradient of the energy functional on the free loop space of a fixed compact manifold $Q$. As such, one considers $H^{1,2}$-maps of the circle into $Q$. The energy ...
Orbicular's user avatar
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Analytic continuation of instantaneous eigenstates of a time-dependent hamiltonian

We are considering the instantaneous eigenstates of an analytically time-dependent hamiltonian and I would like to know how legitimate it is to extend them to the complex plane. Specifically, our ...
Emilio Pisanty's user avatar
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Weak lower semi-continuity

Which conditions assure the weak lower semicontinuity of, say, an integral functional of the type $F(u):=\int_\Omega f(u(x),Du(x))dx$ on $W^{1,2}(\Omega,\mathbb{R}^N)$ for a bounded, if you will even ...
Sebastian Scholtes's user avatar
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Poisson modification of subharmonic function

Let $u\in C^2(\Omega)$ be such that $\Delta u \ge 0$ on $\Omega\supset \overline{B(a,r)}$. We consider the Poisson modification $U$ of $u$ for the ball $B(a,r),$ that is $U$ equals $u$ on $\Omega-B(...
hardy's user avatar
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Lacunary hyperbolic groups and weak amenability

In the paper called Lacunary Hyperbolic group, Y. Ol'shanskii, D. Osin and M. Sapir define and characterize the lacunary hyperbolic groups, which contains the hyperbolic groups but also Tarski's ...
Denis Poulin's user avatar
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almost projective Banach space, complex scalars

It is well-known that if a real Banach space $E$ is "almost metrically projective" then $E$ is isometrically isomorphic to some $\ell^1(\Gamma)$. We say $E$ is "almost metrically projective" if ...
Fred Dashiell's user avatar
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How to use Galerkin method to obtain existence with spaces $V \subset H$ not compactly embedded

With $V \subset H \subset V'$ a Hilbert triple (separable spaces as well), let's consider $$u' + Au = f$$ in $L^2(0,T;V')$, where $A:V \to V'$ is bounded and linear. If $V \subset H$ is not compact, ...
Chris_A's user avatar
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functional equation, how to solve

Suppose $x_i, y_i \in \mathbb{R}^n$, and $F,G: \mathbb{R}^n \times \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^n$. $$F(x, y) = \frac{x\circ Ay}{x^TAy}$$ $$G(x, y) = \frac{x\circ By}{x^TBy}$$ where $A$ and $B$ are ...
ashim's user avatar
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Integral in a σ−convex set.

Having had no (proper) answer to this question, I formulate the remaining case as a new question as follows. With $I=[0,1]$, let $E$ be a separable (real) Banach space, and let $\gamma:I\to E$ be ...
TaQ's user avatar
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Differentiable Path of Operators and their Inverses

Let $\mathcal{H}$ be a separable Hilbert space. Consider a differentiable map $\mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathcal{B}(\mathcal{H}), t \mapsto A(t)$, where $\mathcal{B}(\mathcal{H})$ is the space of ...
Clark T.'s user avatar
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Inequality regarding $\ell_p$ norms, $p<1$

Let $(x_{i,j})$ be an infinite double sequence of nonnegative real numbers, and $ 0< p<1$. I would like to know whether one can bound from above the sum \begin{equation} \sum_{i,j} x_{i,j}^p \...
newuser's user avatar
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"Frobenius-finite" linear operators on a Hilbert Space

Let $H = L_2(S)$ be the complex Hilbert space over $S$ with the counting measure. (There might be another term for this concept, but) I define a continuous linear operator $L$ on $H$ with matrix ...
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How to handle a scalar product in an integral?

I am having a problem with a certain inequality I try to understand. I think it's just a basic idia (/trick) I'm missing, but I can't seem to find it. Here's a simplification of the problem: $ \...
john_b_werner's user avatar
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weak regularity conditions for regions to assure boundary of measure zero

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^d$ be a region ( bounded, simply connected, open set ). What are some regularity conditions to assure the boundary $\partial\Omega$ is a set of (lebesgue-)measure zero? ...
Alexander Thumm's user avatar
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Subalgebras of von Neumann algebras

In the late 70s, Cuntz and Behncke had a paper H. Behncke and J. Cuntz, Local Completeness of Operator Algebras, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 62, No. 1 (Jan., 1977), pp. 95-...
Andreas Thom's user avatar
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Given that a conditional measure is Gaussian, how bad can the original measure be?

Let $X$ and $Y$ be Banach spaces, and let $\varphi : X \to Y$ be a continuous linear map. Suppose that $\mathbb P$ is a probability measure on $X$ which satisfies the continuous disintegration ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Condition for maximizer of convex combination to be expansion mapping

I have $\Pi_n:\mathbb R^{n+1}\rightarrow \mathbb R$ and $F_n:\mathbb R^2\rightarrow \mathbb R$ with $$F_n(x,a)=\Pi_n(x,...,x,a)$$ $$f_n(x)=\operatorname{ArgMax}_{a\in\mathbb R}\{F_n(x,a)\} $$ such ...
juror's user avatar
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Maximal spectrum of a complex, unital and commutative Banach-algebra

Let $A$ be a complex, unital and commutative Banach-algebra. Question: Is the maximal spectrum $Max(A)$ of $A$ endowed with the topology induced by the prime spectrum $Spec(A)$ of $A$, Hausdorff? ...
Marcus's user avatar
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How do maximum norms relatively change in Euclidean translations

Let $Q$ be the cube $[-1,1]^{3}$ and $\pi$ be a plane in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ that contains the origin but doesn't contain any vertex of $Q$. Suppose that $A$ is an invertible linear transformation from $\...
user9490's user avatar
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Сonvergence of the sum

This is a problem from my exam on functional analysis. I did only trivial case and now I'm just curious about another cases. Let $T : H \rightarrow H$ is a linear continuous unitary ($T^*=T^{-1}$) ...
Fyrwer's user avatar
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Preduals of $\ell_1$

The space $\ell_1$ has loads of (isomorphic) predulas. They can be as weird as possible but I am interested in Banach lattices. Question: Let $X$ be a Banach lattice with dual isomorphic to $\ell_1$. ...
Jan Vardøen's user avatar
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States/functionals on crossed product C*-algebras

Let $A$ be a C*-algebra, $\alpha$ a strongly continuous automorphic action by a locally compact group $G$ on $A$, and consider the crossed product $A\rtimes_\alpha G$. I am looking for references ...
Gandalf Lechner's user avatar
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How to show the identity $\int_0^T \int_{\Gamma(t)}f(s,t)\;dsdt = \int_S f(\sigma)(1+(\mathbf w \cdot \mathbf n)^2)^{-\frac{1}{2}}\;d\sigma$?

I am reading this paper. Let $\Gamma(t)$ be a smooth closed connected oriented hypersurface for each $t \in [0,T]$. Define the set $$S = \bigcup_{t \in (0,T)}\Gamma(t) \times \{t\}.$$ On page 5 of ...
student's user avatar
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bivariate polynomial

Hello, Let $p(x,y) = \sum_{m=1}^M\sum_{n=1}^N a_{m,n}x^{m-1}y^{n-1}$ be a bivariate polynomial where $\{a_{m,n}\}$ are complex. If $(x_k, y_k), k=1,2,\cdots, MN-1$ are roots of $p(x,y)=0$ where $|...
Frank's user avatar
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Stuck on a convergence argument in $H_0^1(\Omega)$.

I'm trying to verify that a functional I have satisfies the Palais Smale condition for appliction of the Mountain Pass lemma. However I've encountered this step along the way which seems clear to me ...
Dorian's user avatar
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Are coordinate functionals on complete vector spaces always continuous?

(I'm just adding the completeness condition to $V$ from this 2 month old question of mine, because I realized it's relevant to whether Bill Johnson's answer to this 4 month old question of mine ...
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Dirichlet energy with domain $W^{1,2}(M)$ or $W^{1,2}_{loc}(M)$ can be a specific Dirichlet form?

M is a Riemannian manifold, $\varepsilon(f,g)=\int_M \langle {\nabla f,\nabla g}\rangle dvol$. Then with which domain is $\varepsilon$ a strongly local, regular and tight Dirichlet form? $W^{1,2}(M)$ ...
wang mu's user avatar
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Determining the exact form of a projection in a Hilbert space

Let $$\Omega = \left\{f(x) \in \mathcal{L}^2[0,T]: \frac{1}{T}\int_0^Tf(x)dx = \mu,~ a \le f(x) \le b,~\forall x \in [0,T]\right\},$$ where $\mathcal{L}^2[0,T]$ is the set of Lebesgue square-...
mikew's user avatar
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Möbius Transform of a Continuous Possibility Function

In order to be able to use a basic possibility function as a Body of Evidence in the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence, it is needed to transform the function to its Möbius representation. There is ...
SadeghD's user avatar
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A nice overview (and maybe derivation) of the Poincaré transformations of the Vector Spherical Harmonics

With $Y_{lm}(\vartheta,\varphi)$ being the Spherical Harmonics and $z_l^{(j)}(r)$ being the Spherical Bessel functions ($j=1$), Neumann functions ($j=2$) or Hankel functions ($j=3,4$) defining $$\psi_{...
Tobias Kienzler's user avatar
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A problem concerning measures on locally compact spaces

I am stuck on a question for quite sometime now, although in the text it is said to be "apparent". The problem goes as the following : Let $X$ and $Y$ be locally compact Hausdorff spaces. Then $M(X)$ ...
CB_Student's user avatar
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A maximum of a function

When studying the $\text{UMD}$ constants of spaces like $L_{p_1}(L_{p_2}(\cdots (L_{p_n})\cdots))$, I encounter the following question: Let $\alpha > 0$, define $$C(\alpha) : = \sup_{a > 0, b>...
Yanqi QIU's user avatar
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Quotient of \ell_1 by space of finite sequences

The following question came up during a reading of Rudin's functional analysis. I have not been able to find any information through searching online, but I apologise if the answer is obvious, or the ...
Ivan's user avatar
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A question about an equivalent definition of the Schwartz distribution

Hello, Does anyone know a reference or proof of the "if" part of the following statement? $$ \mu\in \mathcal{S}'(R)\quad\text{if and only if}\quad \mu*\alpha\in\mathcal{S}(R),\forall \alpha\in C_c^\...
Anand's user avatar
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When does the adjoint operator map closed convex subsets to closed convex subset?

Let $T:X\rightarrow Y$ be a linear continuous map between Banach spaces $X$ and $Y$ and denote by $T':Y'\rightarrow X'$ the norm adjoint of $T$. Let $M\subseteq U'$ be a subset of the unit sphere $U'$ ...
Andy Teich's user avatar
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Ways to establish equality of measures on locally compact spaces

Let $M$ be a locally compact space and $\mu$ be some probability measure on $M$. Let $y^\ast \in M$, $f(x,y)$ be a real continuous bounded function $M \times M \to \mathbb{R}$. Consider an equality $$ ...
Appliqué's user avatar
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Frames and completeness

Let $H$ be a separable Hilbert space. A sequence $\{f_{n}\}$ is a frame for a separable Hilbert space $H$ if there exists $A,B>0$ such that for all $f$ in $H$ $$ A\|f\|^2 \leq \sum |\langle f, ...
David's user avatar
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