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A parametrix for the $\bar\partial$ operator adapted to a holomorphic foliation

Let $X$ be a compact complex manifold with (regular) holomorphic foliation given by a holomorphic subbundle $\mathcal F$ of the tangent bundle. The foliation induces a filtration on differential forms....
user36504's user avatar
31 votes
7 answers

Intuition for failure of Implicit Function theorem on Frechet Manifolds

When dealing with moduli spaces of, say connections or metrics, I am using the notions of Frechet spaces/manifolds/groups. I have become familiar with Banach manifolds (I think), but Frechet manifolds ...
Chris Gerig's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Dimension of eigenspaces of Laplacian on a compact Riemannian manifold

Let $M$ be a compact smooth manifold, let $g$ a riemannian metric and let $\Delta_{g}$ the Laplacian operator on functions induced by $g$. Is there a (topological?) bound on the dimension of $n$-th ...
student's user avatar
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3 votes
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Delta-convex functions and inner products

A delta-convex (d.c.) function is one which can be written as the difference of two convex functions. The space of d.c. functions includes all C2 functions, and is interesting because it allows many ...
Robin Saunders's user avatar
5 votes
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Constructing a Sobolev space containing the differential k-forms of a Riemannian manifold

I am currently writing a paper about the Hodge theorem for an algebraic topology course. The specific formulation I am proving can be stated thus. Let $M$ be a compact, orientable n-dimensional ...
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3 votes
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Laplacian on coset spaces

Edited after @J. Martel's comment: Let us consider the sphere $S^n$ (embedded in $\mathbb{R}^{n+1}$). We know that if $X_i$ represent the vector fields on $S^2$ giving the rotation about the $x_i$-...
whatever's user avatar
3 votes
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What is visualization of gradient flow of a functional?

I don't work on functional analysis but during my study, I faced gradient of a functional. I read its definition, but I can not understand why it is a useful tool? Why if a flow can be written as a ...
Sepideh Bakhoda's user avatar
3 votes
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Trace theorem for manifolds with boundary

Can I get a reference to a trace theorem for a manifold $M$ with boundary $\partial M$, and I am hoping the inequality $$\lVert Tu \rVert_{L^2(\partial M)} \leq c\lVert u \rVert_{H^1(M)}$$ will hold. ...
michael_faber's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Do eigenfunctions of elliptic operator form basis of $H^k(M)$?

We know that the eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on a compact manifold $M$ form a countable basis of $H^1(M)$ and $L^2(M)$. If $L$ is a $2k$-order elliptic operator, do the eigenfunctions of $L$ ...
michael faber's user avatar
1 vote
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Flat connection, finite-dimensional space of covariant constant one forms

hallo, I have the following question: Let $U\subset \mathbb{R}^{n}$ be an open subset. Furthermore, let $\nabla$ be a flat connection on $U$ (not necessary Levi-Civita). How can one show that the ...
hapchiu's user avatar
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Cotangent bundle in the category of locally convex spaces

I'm trying to understand the definition of a differential form on $M$ in the context of Fréchet spaces or, more generally, locally convex spaces. The standard procedure defines a k-form as a map $\...
Tobias Diez's user avatar
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6 votes
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Banach Manifold

Let $M$ and $N$ be closed manifolds. Is it true that $C^{k}(N,M)$, which is the space of functions $f: N\to M$ such that $f\in C^{k}$, is a $C^{\infty}$ Banach manifold? If so, can you help me to ...
zatilokum's user avatar
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Central Extension of Continuous Loop Group

For the group $LG$ of smooth loops into a simple compact 1-connected Lie group $G$ there is a well-known universal central extension. My qustion is basically whether this extension also exists for the ...
Christoph Wockel's user avatar
2 votes
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Are $\lVert \Delta u \rVert_{L^2(S)}$ and $\lVert u \rVert_{H^2(S)}$ equivalent norms on a compact manifold?

Hi, I am looking for the result: $$\text{The norm} \quad \lVert \Delta u \rVert_{L^2(S)} \quad \text{is equivalent to} \quad \lVert u \rVert_{H^2(S)}$$ for scalar functions $u \in H^2(S)$, where $S$ ...
Henry P's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Space of sections of a fibre bundle with non-compact base space

Let $\pi: E \rightarrow M$ be a fiber bundle over the manifold M and denote by $\Gamma(E)$ the space of smooth sections of $E$. For compact $M$ it is well known (Hamilton 1982, Part II Corollary 1.3.9)...
Tobias Diez's user avatar
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1 vote
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Question about coercivity of a functional

Hi! Let $(M,g)$ be a compact Riemannian manifold without boundary of dimension $2m$. Let $$T:W^{2,2}(M)\rightarrow L^{2}(T^{*}M\otimes TM)$$ be a second order, linear, differential operator (...
Italo's user avatar
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Monge–Ampère operator

I'm studying the article of Bedford–Taylor "Fine topology, Šilov boundary…" but I don't understand the proof of the following proposition. Let $u$, $v$ be plurisubharmonic functions defined ...
digital's user avatar
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HyperKaehler manifolds are Ricci-flat

Hi, I have the following question: Let $M$ be a Hyperkaehler manifold with complex structures $I,J,K$ and Hyperkaehler metric $g$. Let $\omega_{I} = g(I *, *), \omega_{J} = g(J *, *), \omega_{K} = g(...
Mina's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Isometric embedding of a Kaehler manifold as a special Lagrangian in a Calabi-Yau manifold

Hallo, I am reading the paper "Hyperkaehler structures on the total space of holomorphic cotangent bundles" by D.Kaledin and I am asking if it is possible to embedd a real-analytic Kähler manifold, ...
Pavel's user avatar
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7 votes
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Functional/variational derivative and the Leibniz rule

I am currently trying to understand the BV-formalism, which makes heavy use of the functional derivative. Let us consider the functional derivative, as defined in for example its Wikipedia article. ...
miramo's user avatar
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Infinite dimensional manifold

In Hamiltonian mechanics, one essentially work with $\mathbb{R}^{2n}$. However, this is only a local description of our configuration manifold $M$. More precisely, the mechanical system is regarded as ...
user27053's user avatar
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Unique symplectic form in an adapted complex structure

I have the following question: Due to Stenzel, Lempert, Szöke etc. we know that a Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$ admits a complex structure on a neighbourhood of the zero section of the cotangent bundle. ...
Joan's user avatar
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4 votes
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Smooth functions tangent to the leaves of a foliation

Given two smooth manifolds $M$ and $N$, it is known that if $M$ is compact, then $C^\infty(M,N)$ is a Fréchet manifold whose tangent space at $f \in C^\infty(M,N)$ is the space $$T_f C^\infty(M,N) = \...
HYL's user avatar
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6 votes
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Ricci-flat metrics on Cotangent bundles in adapted complex structure

greetings, Let $(M,g)$ be a compact Riemannian manifold. On some neighbourhood $X$ of the zero section in the cotangent bundle $T^{*}L$ we have a complex structure $J$ and a Kähler form $\omega$ s.t. ...
dominik's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Kähler manifold with Ricci-flat Kähler form

hallo, I have the following problem: Let $X$ be a $n-$dim Kähler manifold with Ricci-flat Kähler form $\omega$. There is a known fact that then there exists a holomorphic (n,0)-form $\Omega$ such ...
bruno's user avatar
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Is C^{k+1}(X) compactly contained in C^{k}(X) for a closed manifold X?

Hi all, I apologize if this question is too low level for mathoverflow. I'm happy to move it to math.stackexchange if so. Let $X$ be a closed manifold, let $k$ be a nonnegative integer and let $C^k(...
trex's user avatar
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1 vote
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Poisson modification of subharmonic function

Let $u\in C^2(\Omega)$ be such that $\Delta u \ge 0$ on $\Omega\supset \overline{B(a,r)}$. We consider the Poisson modification $U$ of $u$ for the ball $B(a,r),$ that is $U$ equals $u$ on $\Omega-B(...
hardy's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

compactly supported harmonic functions [closed]

Do a significant class of compactly supported smooth functions u on Ω⊂Rn such that Δu≥0 exist? Thanks!
hardy's user avatar
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Solutions to Heat Equations with Obstacles!

Consider a closed Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$ and a positive function $\psi: M \to R$. Fix a point $p \in M$, I have been struggling to construct a solution to the heat equation, $\partial_t u = \...
Sajjad Lakzian's user avatar
12 votes
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What is known about the Yang-Mills stratification over 3-manifolds?

Rade proved in his thesis (Crelle's Journal, 1992, available here: that if $E\rightarrow M$ is a $U(n)$-bundle over a 3-manifold, then the gradient flow ...
Dan Ramras's user avatar
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gluing along a real analytic manifold

hi, I have a general question. Assume we have a real analytic $n-$dim. manifold $X$ and $M$ a real analytic compact submanifold of $X$ (of dimension less that the dimension of $X$, say $k < n$). ...
pascal's user avatar
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partial differential equations with mixed boundary conditions

hi, does anyone know some good references (books, papers) on partial differential equations with mixed boundary conditions ? actually I am intrested in the following: Let $f(x)=(f_{1}(x),...,f_{n}(...
pascal's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

derivative in the Wasserstein space

Villani gives the following formula to find the gradient of a function $F$ of a probability density function $\rho$ in the Wasserstein space : $$\nabla_W F(\rho) = -\nabla.(\rho \nabla \frac{\delta F}{...
WhitAngl's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Exotic spectrum of Laplace operator

Given a closed Riemannian manifold and a generalized Laplace $\Delta$ operator, it is well known that $\Delta$ has discrete spectrum $(\lambda_n)_n$ (arranged in a increasing way, not counting ...
Alex's user avatar
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laplace equation on manifolds with boundary

in aubin's book on page 104 theorem 4.7 there is the theorem: Let $(M,g)$ be a compact $C^{\infty}$ Riemannian manifold. There exists a weak solution $\varphi \in H_{1}$ of $\Delta \varphi = f $ if ...
william's user avatar
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What essential property justifies the name "derivative"?

Most, if not all, of the notions of derivative that I have so far seen have the property that they are locally defined -- meaning that the derivative of a map-type object at a point depends on the map ...
Victor Dods's user avatar
7 votes
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Yang Mills gradient/heat flow on 4-torus

The classic Donaldson-Kronheimer book (Geometry of 4-manifolds) uses the Yang Mills gradient flow (sometimes called heat flow) on $M$ all over the place, $\frac{d A}{dt} = -\frac{\delta YM(A)}{\delta ...
Daniel's user avatar
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4 votes
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looking for a book on banach manifolds

Hi, I am looking for a book on Banach manifolds. Can somebody recommend me something. Thanks in advance. leo
leoSofart's user avatar
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Parametrizing derivations from the algebra of smooth functions on a manifold to its dual

$\newcommand{\Der}{\operatorname{Der}}$ $\newcommand{\Real}{{\mathbb R}}$ (Disclaimer: I fear this question may be a bit too basic for MO, but in my defence I have essentially zero differential ...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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Will the eigenvalue of the dirac operater tend to negative infinity?

Question: If M is a spin manifold. Condider the dirac operator on a spinor bundle. Can the eigenvalue of this operater tend to negative infinity? If it can, can we choose a riemann matrix such that ...
Lin Jianfeng's user avatar
9 votes
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A differential inequality needed to prove a theorem about odd-dimensional souls

I need a solution to this problem (which is really a calculus problem) in order to prove a rigidity result for open nonnegatively curved manifolds with odd-dimensional souls: Suppose that $f,g:\...
Kris Tapp's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

I was wondering if the set of singular loops is a (somewhere) submanifold of loop space?

The set of all smooth maps $S^1\to M^n$ ($M$ is a smooth manifold) is a generalized manifold(see I was wondering if the set of singular loops (maps ...
Nikita Kalinin's user avatar
8 votes
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frechet manifolds book

hi, does anyone know a good book or some lecture notes on the theory of frechet manifolds ?
7 votes
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Helmholtz-Decomposition on compact Riemannian manifolds

For smooth domains $\Omega$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$ it is known that one can decompose vector fields in $L^p(\Omega)^n$, $1 < p <\infty $ into a "gradient"- and a "divergence-free"-part such that $L^...
Sören's user avatar
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A book on Banach Manifold for a Dynamicist

Hi all, Could you give me a suggestion of suitable book about Banach Manifolds for someone that have background in functional analysis at the level of Conway's book and Do Carmo's book on Riemannian ...
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7 votes
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How to construct a scalar differential operator having the same spectrum as a non-scalar differential operator exploiting symmetries?

I am interested in eigenvalue problems for differential operators acting on one forms on closed two-dimensional manifolds and how they relate to eigenvalue problems of associated operators acting on ...
5 votes
2 answers

Sobolev imbedding on Riemannian manifolds

Let $(M, g)$ be a non-compact smooth Riemannian manifold of dimension $n \ge 2$, and $G$ a subgroup of the isometry group of $(M,g)$, say with $G$ contained in the component of the identy. Let $W^{1,...
HorizonsMaths's user avatar
7 votes
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dependence of eigenvalues on parameters

Let $f$ be a positive real-analytic function on the closed unit disk. Consider the eigenvalue problem $\Delta \phi = \lambda f \phi$, with $\phi = 0$ on the boundary. There exists a sequence of ...
Michael Beeson's user avatar
24 votes
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The third axiom in the definition of (infinite-dimensional) vector bundles: why?

Serge Lang's Differential and Riemannian Manifolds is a no doubt the best available reference for the theory of not-necessarily-finite-dimensional differential manifolds, but unfortunately it suffers ...
slow student's user avatar
16 votes
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Integration of differential forms using measure theory?

Setup: Let $(M,g)$ be a (possibly non-compact) Riemannian manifold with volume density $d_gV$. Then one may think of $(M,g)$ as a measure space $(\Omega,\mathcal{A},\mu)$, where $\Omega:=M$, $\mathcal{...
Meneldur's user avatar
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