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Sharp Sobolev trace inequalities on Riemannian manifolds with boundaries

For $n \geq3$, let $(M,g)$ be smooth $n$-dimensional, compact, Riemannian manifold with a smooth boundary. Then there exists some constant $A=A(M,g)>0$ such that, for all $u \in H^1(M)$ \begin{...
Arghya kundu's user avatar
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Regularity and decay of Fourier-like series on a manifold

Let $D$ be a first-order self-adjoint elliptic differential operator acting on sections of a vector bundle $S$ over a closed manifold $M$. Then it is well-known that the various eigenspaces $E_\lambda$...
geometricK's user avatar
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Smooth approximation in Sobolev spaces for surfaces with boundary

Let $\mathbb{D}$ be the unit disk in $\mathbb{C}$ with closure $\overline{\mathbb{D}}$, and let $\varphi:\partial \mathbb{D}\to \partial \mathbb{D}$ be any continuous homeomorphism. Let $\mu$ be a ...
user158773's user avatar
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Reference Aubin T.- Espaces de Sobolev sur les varietes Riemanniennes. Bull. Sc. Math. 100, (1976) 149-173

I have been searching without success for the reference: Aubin T.- Espaces de Sobolev sur les varietes Riemanniennes. Bull. Sc. Math. 100, (1976) 149-173 It is cited in many related works. In ...
E. Schulz's user avatar
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Sobolev space of maps between manifolds with boundary

Let $(M,g)$ and $(N,h)$ be compact Riemannian manifolds with non-empty smooth boundary. If we consider the Sobolev space $W^{1,p}(M,N)$, is there a reference on how to model this as a manifold? If ...
Somnath Basu's user avatar
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Weak derivatives and Sobolev spaces on Riemannian manifolds

I am decently experienced on Sobolev spaces on Euclidean spaces, but I just know basic ideas on Riemannian manifolds and want to understand something on Sobolev spaces on them. Let $(M,g)$ be smooth ...
Marko Rajkovic's user avatar
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Friedrichs mollifiers and Sobolev spaces

$\renewcommand{\epsilon}{\varepsilon}$The following is from John Roe's book Elliptic operators, topology and asymptotic methods. $S$ is a vector bundle on a compact manifold $M$, but I think for my ...
Carlos Esparza's user avatar
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Is $C^{\infty}(M)$ dense in weighted Sobolev space $W_{X}^{1}(M)$?

Let $M$ be a compact manifold without boudary and let $X_{1},\ldots,X_{m}$ be smooth vector fields on $M$. Consider the following weighted Sobolev space: $$ W_{X}^{1}(M)=\{f\in L^{2}(M)|X_{j}f\in L^2(...
pxchg1200's user avatar
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Equivalence of Sobolev spaces for different metrics

Consider $M$ a manifold and $g_1, g_2$ two different Riemannian metrics. I want to know how the condition $|\nabla^{g_1,k}(g_1-g_2)|_{g_1}\leq C$ implies that the norms of $|\nabla^{g_1,i}u|_{T^{\...
Δημήτρης Ο's user avatar
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Sobolev Multiplication on non-compact manifold

We know that for a compact Riemannian $n$-dim manifold $(M,g)$(the boundary could be nonempty), the Sobolev Multiplication Theorem states that $L^p_k\times L^q_l⟶L^r_m$, where $1/r−m/n>1/p−k/m+1/...
DLIN's user avatar
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Proving the inequality $|\nabla |\nabla^r \psi|| \le |\nabla^{r+1} \psi|$

Following Aubin's book "Some nonlinear problems in Riemannian geometry", we use the notation $$ |\nabla^r \psi|^2 = \nabla_{\alpha_1}\cdots \nabla_{\alpha_r}\psi \nabla^{\alpha_1}\cdots \nabla^{\...
BigbearZzz's user avatar
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Positive square roots of inverse operators on different Sobolev spaces

Let $D$ be a self-adjoint (in the $H^0$-inner product) first-order differential operator on a manifold $M$, where $H^i$ stands for the $i$-th Sobolev space on $M$. Then $D$ extends to a bounded ...
geometricK's user avatar
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A question regarding mollifiers on Sobolev spaces on closed manifolds

Let $M$ be a closed Riemannian manifold and denote by $H^s(M), \, s\in \mathbb{R} $ the standard Sobolev spaces on $M$ defined using powers of $1+\triangle$. Let $J_n: \mathcal{D}'(M)\rightarrow \...
S.Z.'s user avatar
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how to use the sobolev inequality to obtain the embedding theorem

I am reading Luca Capogna's article An Embedding theorem and the Harnack inequalitiy for nonlinear subelliptic equations. In this article, the authors proved the following theorem (Theorem 2.3) Let ...
pxchg1200's user avatar
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Modify the jump set of $BV$ function

Let $u\in BV(\Omega)$ be a function of bounded variation where $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^N$ is open bounded with smooth boundary. We use $Du$ to denote the weak derivative of $u$. (So $Du$ is a Radon ...
JumpJump's user avatar
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Norm equivalent to Sobolev norm? [closed]

On the hyperbolic space $\mathbb{H}^n$, it is known that the spectrum of the Laplacian satisfies $\text{Spec}(-\Delta) \subset [\frac{(n - 1)^2}{4}, \infty)$. Consider the operator $P = -\Delta + a$, ...
rook's user avatar
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Sobolev embedding on warped product

Consider the warped product $X = M \times \mathbb{R}$, with the metric $g = dr^2 + \varphi(r) g_M$, where $M$ is a compact manifold. Consider the Sobolev space $H^1(X)$ and let $H^1_{rad}(X)$ denote ...
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Sobolev space and trace theorems on a non-compact Riemannian manifold with boundary ($M \times (0,\infty)$)

Let $M \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be a $C^k$ ($k \geq 2$) compact hypersurface of dimension $n-1$ without boundary. Consider $X=M \times (0,\infty)$ which has boundary $\partial X = M \times \{0\}$. I am ...
ewl's user avatar
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Compactly supported functions and Sobolev spaces on manifolds

It is well-known that if a complete Riemannian manifold has bounded curvature and injectivity radius bounded away from zero, then the space $C^\infty_c(M)$ is dense in the Sobolev spaces $W^{k, p}(M)$ ...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar
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Tensor product of certain Sobolev spaces on non-compact manifolds

Let $M$ be a non-compact Riemannian manifold of bounded geometry (i.e., its injectivity radius is uniformly positive and the curvature tensor and all its covariant derivatives are bounded in sup-norm)....
AlexE's user avatar
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Decay of weak solutions to degenerate parabolic PDEs on manifolds without boundary [closed]

I'm interested in degenerate parabolic equations posed on compact manifolds without boundaries and in particular decay estimates of the weak solution of such equations of the form $$|u(t)|_{L^p} \leq ...
TomJoseph's user avatar
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Sobolev spaces and geometry

This is a very naive question, is there a way to geometrically understand Sobolev spaces without going through analysis and PDE's? To my knowledge, Sobolev spaces where created precisely to study PDE'...
Juan OS's user avatar
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If $f \in H^{\frac 12}$ and $\varphi$ is Lipschitz, is $f\varphi \in H^{\frac 12}$ (on a Lipschitz hypersurface)?

Let $M$ be a bounded hypersurface. Let $f \in H^{\frac 12}(M)$ and let $\varphi\colon M \to \mathbb{R}$ be a Lipschitz function. When $M=\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ an open domain, we know that the ...
soup's user avatar
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Sobolev imbedding on Riemannian manifolds

Let $(M, g)$ be a non-compact smooth Riemannian manifold of dimension $n \ge 2$, and $G$ a subgroup of the isometry group of $(M,g)$, say with $G$ contained in the component of the identy. Let $W^{1,...
HorizonsMaths's user avatar