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Questions tagged [divisors]

For questions related to divisors in the sense of algebraic geometry (Cartier divisors, Weil divisors and so on). For question on divisors in the number theoretic sense please use the tag divisors-multiples.

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Tor-amplitude [0, 1] in the setting of intersection theory on a regular surface?

The question is coming from Definition 1.5 in Deligne's Expose X in SGA 7 on intersection theory. Let $X$ be a connected regular scheme of dimension $2$ and $Y \subset X$ a reduced divisor that ...
O-Ren Ishii's user avatar
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How close is $h^0(mD)$ to be a polynomial?

Let $X$ be a normal (or smooth if it helps) projective variety over an algebraically closed field $k$. Fix a Cartier divisor $D$: I am interested in knowing how $h^0(mD)$ behaves as $m$ varies. At ...
Stefano's user avatar
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Number of conditions imposed by fat points to a linear system

Let $|D|$ be the linear system of degree $d$ hypersurfaces in $\mathbb{P}^n$ having multiplicity at least $m$ at $s$ general points. Then $|kD|$ is the linear system of degree $kd$ hypersurfaces in $...
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2 votes
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Linear systems and 2-torsion shifts on hyperelliptic curves

Let $C$ be a hyperelliptic curve of genus $g$ and let $D$ be a divisor on $C$ of degree $g+1$. Assume that the linear system $|D|$ is base-point-free. Now add a $2$-torsion point $[E]$ to $D$. I would ...
Rainer Sinn's user avatar
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Psi-classes on moduli spaces of weighted curves

Let $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,A[n]}$ be the stack of weighted genus $g$ curves with weights $A[n]=(a_1,...,a_n)$, and let $\pi:\mathcal{C}\rightarrow \overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,A[n]}$ be the universal ...
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5 votes
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Divisorial contraction: when is the image an algebraic space or a stack?

Let $X$ be a smooth projective surface (in the category of varieties, or schemes), and let $C\subset X$ be a curve (a priori not irreducible, but the irreducible case in itself is already interesting)....
Jérémy Blanc's user avatar
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Special divisors on hyperelliptic curves

I was reading a proof that used the following result Let $C$ be a hyperelliptic of genus $\ge 3$ and $\tau \colon C \to C$ the hyperelliptic involution. If $D$ is an effective divisor of degree $g-1$...
solbap's user avatar
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Rational functions on hyperelliptic Riemann surface

Let $\mathcal R$ be an hyperelliptic Riemann surface of genus $g\geq 1$. Is it true that the only possible rational functions on $\mathcal R$ with $\leq g$ poles are the liftings of rational functions ...
Andrei MF's user avatar
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A question about an intersection number

Let $\pi:Y\rightarrow \mathbb{P}^3$ be the blow-up of two points $p,q\in\mathbb{P}^3$, and then of the strict transform of the line $L$ spanned by them. Now, Let $E_p,E_q, E_{p,q}$ be respectively the ...
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Reference request: log Fano varieties

I need a reference for a proof of the following fact: let $X$ be a toric variety then $X$ is log Fano. Thanks a lot.
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Singular irreducible quadrics

Let $Q\subset\mathbb{P}^n$ be the quadric hypersurface defined by $$x_0^2+x_1^2+...+x_k^2 =0.$$ If $2\leq k\leq n-1$ then $Q$ is irreducible and $Sing(Q)$ is a linear space of dimension $n-k-1$. If $...
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Cremona transformations

Let $f:\mathbb{P}^n_1\dashrightarrow\mathbb{P}^n_2$ be the standard Cremona transformation based on $p_1,...,p_{n+1}\in\mathbb{P}^n_1$ and $q_1,...,q_{n+1}\in\mathbb{P}^n_2$. That is, $f$ is the ...
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Singularities of secant varieties of rational normal curves

Let $C\subset\mathbb{P}^n$ be a rational normal curve of degree $n$, and let $Sec_k(C)\subset\mathbb{P}^n$ be its $k$-th secant variety. By Theorem 1.1 in this paper:
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4 answers

Examples of divisors on an analytical manifold

I am trying to understand divisors reading through Griffith and Harris but it is difficult to come up with any particular interesting example. I have browsed through Hartshone's book but everything is ...
Jesus Martinez Garcia's user avatar
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Does $h^1(D)=0$ imply numerical connectedness on K3 surfaces?

Let $X$ be a complex K3 surface and $D$ an effective divisor on $X$. We shall say: $D$ is connected if its support is connected. $D$ is numerically connected if for any non-trivial effective ...
Heitor's user avatar
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Degree of the negative part of a divisor

Let $K$ be an algebraically closed field (or $\overline{\mathbb{C}(z)}$ for a more precise condition). And let $P \in K[x,y]$ be an irreducible polynomial of degree $m$ with respect to $x$ and degree $...
Thieu's user avatar
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3 answers

Higher cohomology of sheaves on a projective space

Let $S\subset\mathbb{P}^n$ be a finite set of $s$ reduced points. Let $\mathcal{I}$ be the ideal sheaf of $S$ in $\mathbb{P}^n$. We consider the sheaf $$\mathcal{F}_k:=\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^n}(kd)\...
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symplectic reduction for pair $(M,D)$

Let $M$ be a symplectic manifold with divisor $D$. Then how can we define symplectic reduction for pair $(M,D)$?
Alon's user avatar
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Zeroes of global sections killed by differential operators

I asked this question some two weeks ago on StackExchange, but received no feedback of any sort ... Let $X$ be a compact connected Riemann surface and let $\Phi:M\rightarrow N$ be an elliptic ...
AdLibitum's user avatar
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Effectiveness of the distinguished theta characteristic in characteristic 2

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic 2. Let $C$ be a (smooth projective connected) curve over $k$. Can there exist a rational function on $C$ whose differential is holomorphic ...
kedlaya's user avatar
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Sections of a linear system splitting as a product of degree one polynomials

Let $X\subset\mathbb{P}^n$ be a hypersurface of degree $d$ and with multiplicities $m_1,...,m_k$ at $p_1,...,p_k\in\mathbb{P}^n$ general points. Let $S\subseteq |\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^n}(d)|$ be ...
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Small birational maps and singularities of the pair

Let $f:X\dashrightarrow Y$ be a small birational map, where $X,Y$ are normal $\mathbb{Q}$-factorial varieties. Let $\Delta_X\subset X$ be an effective $\mathbb{Q}$-divisor such that the pair $(X,\...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Canonical bundle of moduli space of rational curves and automorphisms

Let $\overline{M}_{0,n}$ be the usual Deligne-Mumford compactification of $M_{0,n}$ the moduli space of smooth $n$-pointed rational curves. The canonical divisor $K_{\overline{M}_{0,n}}$ can be ...
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Roots of line bundles

Let $k$ be a fixed algebraically closed field and $X/k$ an irreducible scheme smooth and proper over $k$. Can there exist a line bundles $\mathcal{L}, \mathcal{M}$ and an integer $m > 0$ so that ...
LMN's user avatar
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Intersection Matrix of a resolution

Probably this is a very easy question. Let $f:X\rightarrow S$ be a resolution of a projective surface such that $$K_X = f^{*}K_S+\sum_ia_iE_i$$ with $a_i>0$. By Grauert-Mumford theorem the ...
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Does a line bundle on a normal Noetherian algebraic space come from a Weil divisor?

Let $X$ be a normal Noetherian algebraic space and $\mathscr{L}$ a line bundle on $X$. If $X$ is a scheme, then there is locally principal Weil divisor on $X$ that gives rise to $\mathscr{L}$. Is the ...
Question Mark's user avatar
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Weil divisors on non Noetherian schemes

Let X be an integral scheme that is separated (say over an affine scheme). Define a Weil divisor as a finite integral combination of height 1 points of X, where the height of a point of X is the ...
solbap's user avatar
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Family $(X_y,D_y)$ with trivial canonical bundles

Let $i:D\hookrightarrow X$ and $f : X \to Y$ be holomorphic mappings of complex manifolds such that $i$ is a closed embedding and $f$ as well as$ f \circ i$ are proper and smooth and $D$ is a divisor. ...
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On morphisms to projective space arising from a linear system

Context: This question arose as I was reading the proof of Application 6.1 in Mumford's Abelian Varieties. However, I have extracted all of the relevant information below so this question should ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Ricci flat metric on pair (X,D)

Let $(X,\omega)$ be a Calabi-Yau variety and $D$ be a simple normal crossing divisor on $X$ with conic singularities with cone angle $2\pi\theta$, $0<\theta<1$ such that $K_X+D>0$, then is ...
Alon's user avatar
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Schematic image of a relative Cartier divisor of a fiberwise dense open

Let $S$ be a scheme and $A$ an abelian $S$-scheme, i.e., $A \rightarrow S$ is a proper smooth $S$-group scheme whose fibers are $g$-dimensional abelian varieties. Suppose that one has a fiberwise ...
Question Mark's user avatar
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Vague question on $Pic^0$

For a smooth variety $X$ when $Pic^0(X)$ is trivial, we get an isomorphism between $N^1(X)$ and Picard group and life become easier. My question is whether in general there are theorems, criteria ... ...
Mohammad Farajzadeh-Tehrani's user avatar
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Top self-intersection of the tautological line bundle

Let $\mathcal E$ be a rank $n$ vector bundle over a curve $Y$ and let $X=\mathbb P(\mathcal E)$ and let $\pi: X \to Y$ be the projection. I would like to compute the value of the top self-intersection ...
fds's user avatar
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Moving a Weil divisor on a normal surface away from a finite set of closed points

Let $Y$ be a normal surface and let $X$ be a closed subscheme of codimension 2, i.e., $X$ is a finite set of closed points. Let $D$ be a Weil divisor on $Y$. Question. Does there exist a Weil ...
Ariyan Javanpeykar's user avatar
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Moving curves and small transformations

Let $f:X\dashrightarrow Y$ be an isomorphism in codimension one between smooth projective varieties. Let $C\subset X$ a curve generating an extremal ray of the cone of moving curves $Mov_1(X)$, and ...
i87456's user avatar
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A question about kawamata's proof of vanishing for big and nef $\mathbb{Q}$ divisors

Theorem 2 [1, p.46] Let $X$ be a non-singular projective algebraic variety of dimension $n$, and $D$ a numerically effective $\mathbb{Q}$-divisor such that $(D^n)>0$. We assume that the support of ...
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When is the Wendt binomial circulant determinant divisible by 3?

The Wendt binomial circulant determinant $W_n$ can be defined quite simply as a resultant: $$ W_n = \operatorname{res}(x^n-1, (x+1)^n-1). $$ Truer to its name, one may also define it as the ...
aorq's user avatar
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On triviality and numerical triviality of (classes of) divisors

Let $X$ be a smooth irreducible threefold, and let $H$ be an ample divisor on $X$. Assume that $D$ is a divisor on $X$ such that $D\cdot H^2=D^2\cdot H=D^3=0$. Question 1: Is $D$ numerically trivial?...
gio's user avatar
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Isolated conics on a del Pezzo surface

Is there anything known about isolated conics in a del Pezzo surface: their number, arrangement, and the corresponding elements of the class group of surface's minimal desingularization? (Isolated ...
mikhail skopenkov's user avatar
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Does every ample divisor "span" a hyperplane?

Let $X\subset\mathbb{P}^n$ be a smooth projective variety of dimension $\geq 2$ and assume that it is not contained in any hyperplane. Now, take some hyperplane $H\subset\mathbb{P}^n$ and consider the ...
Tomasz Lenarcik's user avatar
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Extension of linear system

Let $X$ be a normal irreducible closed subvariety of $\mathbb{P}^n$ and let $\Lambda$ be a linear system on $X$, without fixed component. Then, there exists a linear system $\Lambda'$ on $\mathbb{P}^n$...
Jérémy Blanc's user avatar
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A question on the secondary fan

I am studying the secondary fan decomposition of the effective cone of a projective variety $X$. Let as assume that $X$ is a Mori Dream Space. As far as I understand passing from a cone of maximal ...
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Dimension of image of a hyperplane section

If we have a surjective morphism $f:X\to Y$, where $X$ is $n$ dimensional projective variety and $Y$ is $m$ dimensional projective variety. If $m<n$, Can we choose a general hyperplane section $H$ ...
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Divisors with positive Iitaka dimension

Let $X$ be a non-singular projective variety, and $D$ a divisor on $X$. Saying that $D$ has positive (meaning non-zero) Iitaka dimension is equivalent to the function $n \mapsto h^0(\cal{O}(D))$ ...
Marcos Jardim's user avatar
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Polarization of the Prym variety

Let $X\rightarrow Y$ a ramifield double cover of curves, $J_X, J_Y$ their jacobians, $P\subset J_X$ the Prym variety, for any line bundle $L$ on $X$ of degree $g_X-1$, denote by $\Theta_L$ the ...
Z.A.Z.Z's user avatar
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A question on klt pairs

Let $D$ be a $\mathbb{Q}$-divisor in a smooth variety $X$. In Lazarsfeld book "Positivity in Algebraic Geometry 2" I found Proposition 9.5.13 saying that if for any $x\in D$ we have $mult_xD < 1$ ...
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Moving a canonical divisor on a normal surface away from the singular locus

In a previous question Moving a Weil divisor on a normal surface away from a finite set of closed points I probably asked for too much. As J.C. Ottem pointed out, it is not always possible to move a ...
Ariyan Javanpeykar's user avatar
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Self intersection of blown up points and the lines which they lie on

I'm currently trying to understand the process of blowing-up, and a few things strike me as a little difficult to get an intuitive understanding of what's happening. The current problem is on self ...
philiph's user avatar
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Stable base loci cannot contain isolated points

Let $X$ be a normal projective complex variety. A theorem of Fujita-Zariski says that if $L$ is a Cartier divisor on $X$ such that the base locus $Bs(|L|)$ is a finite set then $L$ is semiample. It ...
Gianni Bello's user avatar
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"rationality" of divisors

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over some field $k$. Then each closed point $x$ has an associated residue field $k(x)$ which is a finite extension of $k$ and a point is rational when $k(x)=k$. ...
rational-lover's user avatar

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