Theorem 2 [1, p.46] Let $X$ be a non-singular projective algebraic variety of dimension $n$, and $D$ a numerically effective $\mathbb{Q}$-divisor such that $(D^n)>0$. We assume that the support of the non-integral part $D-[D]$ is a divisor with normal crossing on $X$. Then $H^i(X,O_X([-D]))=0$ for $i<n$.
Proof. We write $-D=[-D]+\sum d_jE_j$, where $0<d_j<1$ and $\sum E_j$ is a divisor with normal crossings. Let $p_j,q_j$ be positive integers such that $d_j=p_j/q_j$. Applying Lemma 5 to the $q_j$ attached to $E_j$, we obtain non-singular covering $f:X'\to X$ such that $f^*E_j=q_jE_j'$. Let $f^*(-D)$ be the divisor on $X'$ defined to be $f^*([-D])+\sum p_jE_j'$. Then $f^*(-D)$ on $X'$ satisfies the condition of Theorem 1. Hence $H^i(X,f_*(O_{X'}(f^*(-D))))=H^i(X',O_{X'}(f^*(-D)))=0$ for $i<n$.
All is Ok for the above.
On the other hand, the trace map: $f_*(O_{X'})\to O_X$ extends to a surjective homomorphism $f_*O_{X'}(\sum p_jE_j)\to O_X$ since $d_j<1$. Hence $O_X$ is a direct summand of $f_*O_{X'}(\sum p_jE_j)$, and $O_X([-D])$ is that of $f_*O_{X'}(f^*(-D))$. Therefore, $H^i(X,O_X([-D]))=0$. Q.E.D.
I am not clear about how the trace map is $f_*(O_{X'})\to O_X$ is defined and how it extends? And how is this related to $d_j<1$? I had thought about the surjective morphism $O_{\sum q_jE_j}\to O_{\sum p_jE_j}\to 0$
[1] Yujiro Kawamata, A Generalization of Kodaira-Ramanujam's Vanishing theorem, Math. Ann. 262 (1982) pp 43-46 (link)