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Localization in analytic geometry

Let $X$ be a Stein complex analytic space, and let $Z$ be a closed complex analytic subspace. Set $U=X-Z$. I was wandering if there is any relationship between $A_1:=\mathcal{O}_X(U)$ and the ...
Qfwfq's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

What information do the roots of the generating function of the nontrivial zeroes of the Riemann zeta function encode.

Let $a_{m}$ be the imaginary part of the nontrivial roots of the Riemann zeta function $\zeta(s)$. Suppose we have their generating function $u(x)=\sum_{m=1}^{\infty} a_{m}x^{m}=14.134725\ldots{}x^{1}+...
graveolensa's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Can curves induced by analytic maps wiggle infinitely across a line?

Let $f$ be a function analytic on an open subset $D\subset \mathbb{C}$, and let $\gamma:[0,1] \to D$ be a line segment. $g = f\circ\gamma$ is another curve in the complex plane; is it possible to for $...
Henry Yuen's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

The etale fundamental group of a field

Background and motivation: I am teaching the "covering space" section in an introductory algebraic topology course. I thought that, in the last five minutes of my last lecture, I might briefly sketch ...
Charles Staats's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Amazing examples in complex Algebraic Geometry

Good example teaches sometimes more than couple of theorems. I wonder what are your favourite examples in complex algebraic geometry, the ones that were astonishing for you, the simpler (at least ...
Carlos's user avatar
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42 votes
13 answers

How to draw knots with LaTeX?

I am writing an exam for my students, and the topic is intro knots theory. I have no idea how to put knots into the file, but I know many MO users who can draw amazing diagrams in their papers. Can ...
Hailong Dao's user avatar
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21 votes
7 answers

What should be taught in a 1st course on Riemann Surfaces?

I am teaching a topics course on Riemann Surfaces/Algebraic Curves next term. The course is aimed at 1st and 2nd year US graduate students who have have taken basic coursework in algebra and manifold ...
jlk's user avatar
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1 answer

How to best distribute points on two concentric circles?

An N-subset $\{x_1,\dots,x_N\}$ of a compact set $X\subset \mathbb R^d$ is called a set of Fekete points (named after Michael Fekete) if it maximizes the product $$\prod_{1\le k<j\le N}|x_k-x_j|\...
2 votes
0 answers

What is this effect in Fourier/additive synthesis called?

Hi, I have re-synthesized a cyclic function additively, and I added a fixed offset to the frequency of each partial. So if the function was $\sum a_{n} sin(2 \pi x * n)$ and its frequencies were $n*f_{...
cheater's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Does there exist a holomorphic function which takes given values on the positive integers?

Inspired of course by What's a natural candidate for an analytic function that interpolates the tower function? I am minded to ask what looks to me like a more natural question: given a sequence $...
Kevin Buzzard's user avatar
9 votes
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conformally embedding complex tori into R^3

Let $L$ be a lattice in $\mathbb{C}$ with two fundamental periods, so that $\mathbb{C}/L$ is topologically a torus. Let $p:\mathbb{C}/L \mapsto \mathbb{R}^3$ be an embedding ($C^1$, say). Call $p$ ...
Tom Bachmann's user avatar
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9 answers

How to motivate the skein relations?

I am teaching an advanced undergraduate class on topology. We are doing introductory knot theory at the moment. One of my students asked how do we know to use this skein relation to compute all these ...
Hailong Dao's user avatar
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Lacunar series with an interesting (in-formula) symmetry.

So, I wrote out a table of functions like so: $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} (-1)^{n+1}q^{n}=$ $+q^{1}$ $-q^{2}$ $+q^{3}$ $-q^{4}$ $+q^{5}$ + $\ldots$ $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} (-1)^{n}q^{n^{2}}=$ $-q^{1}$ $+q^{4}...
8 votes
3 answers

what is the formal definition of multi-valued holomorphic function?

It seems that there exists ring structure on all multi-valued holomorphic functions on a punctured disc. Can someone explain the formal definition of multi-valued holomorphic function? I only know ...
JJH's user avatar
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Branched coverings of Riemann surfaces with specified branch points.

Today I showed, using some ad hoc algebraic topology, that if $\Sigma$ is a Riemann surface and $\mathfrak{p} \subset \Sigma$ is a finite set of points, then there is another Riemann surface $S$ and a ...
Jesse Gell-Redman's user avatar
6 votes
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How would You encourage graduate students to learn algebraic geometry and/or complex analysis? [closed]

Hello, I am the 3rd year undegraduate student of mathematics. After I obtain a bachelor degree I want to study maths at graduate level, especially algebraic geometry and complex analysis. This fields ...
ifk's user avatar
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Infinite projective space

Is infinite (say complex) projective space a scheme? More generally, can schemes have infinite cardinal dimension? It seems that infinite dimensional projective space is not a manifold, since it is ...
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Approximately holomorphic functions

In real analysis one can define something known as the approximative derivative of a function. See here eg Roughly speaking one asks that the limit of the difference quotient exists as long as h goes ...
Johan 's user avatar
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Upper half plane quotient by a discrete group

I was reading Mehta and Seshadri's paper "Moduli of vector bundles on curves with parabolic structures". In the second paragraph, they wrote: "Suppose that $H$ mod $\Gamma$ has finite measure ($H$ ...
4 votes
1 answer

Maximally symmetric smooth projective varieties in CP^2

Let P(X,Y,Z) be a homogeneous polynomial in ℂ[X,Y,Z] whose locus M in ℂℙ2 is a nonsingular curve of genus ≥ 2. Define M to be maximally symmetric if the following is not true: ...
Daniel Asimov's user avatar
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Bessel function in polar coordinates

I want to write the Bessel function of the first kind in polar coordinates $J_\alpha(z)=|J_\alpha(z)|e^{i\varphi_\alpha(z)}$ Is anything known about $\varphi_\alpha(z)$? In particular, I'm ...
Afonso S. Bandeira's user avatar
21 votes
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Holomorphic vector fields acting on Dolbeault cohomology

The question. Let $(X, J)$ be a complex manifold and $u$ a holomorphic vector field, i.e. $L_uJ = 0$. The holomorphicity of $u$ implies that the Lie derivative $L_u$ on forms preserves the (p,q) ...
Joel Fine's user avatar
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Finding Functional form for a given Scaling Condition

Dear all While studying the overlap distribution for two random Cantor sets (long story made short), I came across the following problem. $G(k)$ is a complex valued function, and satisfy the ...
jonalm's user avatar
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16 answers

"Homotopy-first" courses in algebraic topology

A first course in algebraic topology, at least the ones I'm familiar with, generally gets students to a point where they can calculate homology right away. Building the theory behind it is generally ...
6 votes
2 answers

Triangles, squares, and discontinuous complex functions

Is there some onto function $f:$ $\mathbb{C}$ $\rightarrow$ $\mathbb{C}$ such that for each triangle $T$ (with its interior), $f(T)$ is a square (with interior, too) ? I would have the same question ...
Ivan K.'s user avatar
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Power series for meromorphic differentials on compact Riemann surfaces

Suppose I have a compact Riemann surface of $g>1$ given by the quotient $H/\Gamma$ where I do know $\Gamma$ explicit. Is there a way to write down the power series of meromorphic functions, ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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Text/structure for an analysis course for students with pre-existing understanding of some applied aspects of analysis

Greetings, I'm teaching a one-off course (perhaps never to be repeated) in a curriculum that's in transition, and I'm looking for advice on a textbook, or stories from people who have taught similar ...
8 votes
4 answers

How to teach introductory statistic course to students with little math background?

Next semester I will teach an elementary statistic course for the first time (which I am actually quite excited about). A brief description can be found here. I am told to expect very little math ...
2 votes
1 answer

Definition of a complex structure on a vector bundle

Given a Riemann surface $S$, e.g. $\mathbb{P}^1(\mathbb{C})$, with complex conjugation on the coordinates and a holomorphic vector bundle $E$ over $S$. The complex conjugation $f$ is not holomorphic, ...
TonyS's user avatar
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Help determining the asymptotic behavior of an integral involving rational functions.

Let $\phi:\mathbb{P}^1\to\mathbb{P}^1$ be a rational function of degree $d\geq2$. How can one prove, using the normalized spherical measure, that $$\int_{\mathbb{P}^1(\mathbb{C})}|(\phi^n)'(z)|\ d\mu (...
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How to prove that rational functions satisfy a Lipschitz condition in the *chordal metric*?

How can one show that rational functions satisfy a Lipschitz condition in the chordal metric on the Riemann sphere?
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the Cech-cohomology of the sheaf of germs of plurisubharmonic functions defined on a domain in C^n

we all know that if we consider the sheaf of germs of a holomorphic functions defined on a domain in C^n,we have too many beautiful theorems characterizing the geometry of the domain by consider the ...
HKSHLZW's user avatar
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12 votes
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Teaching Methods and Evaluating them

Hey, As a lowly graduate student, I'm on a committee (I'm not sure how important my role really is) trying to evaluate how effective different approaches teaching undergraduates. We are looking at ...
2 votes
4 answers

Undergraduate Derivation of Fundamental Solution to Heat Equation

It is well known that the 1-dimensional heat equation $$\frac{\partial}{\partial t} u(x,t)=a\cdot\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2} {u(x,t)}$$ has the fundamental solution $$K(x,t)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{4\pi a ...
vonjd's user avatar
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28 votes
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Restriction of a complex polynomial to the unit circle

I am pretty sure that the following statement is true. I would appreciate any references (or a proof if you know one). Let $f(z)$ be a polynomial in one variable with complex coefficients. Then there ...
senti_today's user avatar
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Slicing the fibres of a meromorphic function with the zero set of a section of an ample line bundle

I'm going through a proof of a vanishing theorem by Sommese ($H^{p,q}(X,L) = 0$ for $p+q > n+k$ if $L$ is $k$-ample) and have hit the following brick wall: I've got a complex projective manifold $...
Gunnar Þór Magnússon's user avatar
7 votes
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Using Weierstrass’s Factorization Theorem

I am trying to factorize $\sin(x)\over x$ which by Taylor series expansion and using the roots is $$a \cdot \left(1 - \frac{x}{\pi} \right) \left(1 + \frac{x}{\pi} \right) \left(1 - \frac{x}{2\pi} \...
vonjd's user avatar
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Has the Weierstass transform been used to give Hermite series representations of the Riemann zeta function?

The inverse of the Weierstrass transform expands a function as a series of Hermite polynomials $H_{n}$. There are several ways to invert the Weierstrass transform which led me to the following ...
Craig Calcaterra's user avatar
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About vertex algebra, mode expansion

A vertex operator is a linear map associating every state to a operator-valued distributions (quantum field) on a algebra curve, which is also called operator-state correspondence. Chose a local ...
Xuexing Lu's user avatar
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bounding roots of a polynomial with Rouche's Theorem

Suppose f(z) = z^n - k [ z^(n-1) + ... + z + 1 ] where n is a positive integer and k is a real constant such that nk<1. I have shown that a root of this ...
Josh's user avatar
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51 votes
6 answers

What does it take to run a good learning seminar?

I'm thinking about running a graduate student seminar in the summer. Having both organized and participated in such seminars in the past, I have witnessed first-hand that, contrary to what one might ...
10 votes
2 answers

What do the numbers G_4 and G_6 of a lattice actually measure?

If you have a lattice $L \subset \mathbb{C}$, you can compute the following numbers: $ G_4(L) = \sum_{\omega \in L, \omega \neq 0} \frac{1}{\omega^4}, \quad G_6(L) = \sum_{\omega \in L, \omega \neq 0}...
Bruce Bartlett's user avatar
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Is a function which is finitely multiple-valued in each variable separately, also finitely multiple-valued in all its variables jointly?

It is well known that under suitable conditions, a function which is: a polynomial in each variable separately is a polynomial in all its variables jointly. a rational function in each variable ...
Mark B Villarino's user avatar
18 votes
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Looking for an introductory textbook on algebraic geometry for an undergraduate lecture course

I am now supposed to organize a tiny lecture course on algebraic geometry for undergraduate students who have an interest in this subject. I wonder whether there are some basic algebraic geometry ...
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An integral arising in statistics(2)

The integral I am interested in is: $$t(x)=\int_{-K}^{K}\frac{\exp(ixy)}{1+y^{2q}}dy$$ $K<\infty$, q natural number For q=1 one can use contour integration. So for K>1 we have : $$\pi/2-\...
vilvarin's user avatar
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11 votes
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Approximation to divergent integral

Hi everyone, I'm a physicist working on stochastic processes and I've come up against an integral that I'm not able to approximate using steepest descent (I don't have a large or small parameter), ...
Irwin's user avatar
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6 votes
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Zeros of the Weierstrass $\wp$-function

This question was prompted by the post here, and I asked this earlier, deleted it, and due to pressure exerted by Ilya Nikokoshev, I am asking it again. Apologies to Pavel Etingof. Q1. Let $\Lambda$ ...
Anweshi's user avatar
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Simultaneous convergence of powers of unit complex numbers

Let $z_1,\ldots,z_n$ be complex numbers of modulus one. Does it exist an increasing sequence $k_j\in\mathbb{N}$ such that $\lim_{j\to\infty}z_i^{k_j}=1$ for all i?
AndreA's user avatar
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What does the incidence algebra of the lattices in C tell us about modular forms?

I have two different and probably unrelated questions that can both be superficially described by the title, so I hope you'll forgive me if I ask them together. They both fall under the category of ...
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
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An integral arising in statistics

The integral I need: $$t(x)=\int_{-K}^{K}\frac{\exp(ixy)}{1+y^{2q}}dy$$ $K<\infty$, q natural number For q=1 this integral is $$\pi/2-\int_{Arc}\frac{\exp(ixy)}{1+y^{2}}dy $$ Where Arc ...
vilvarin's user avatar
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