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How large must the characteristic of $k$ be, for the cohomology of the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{sl}_n(k)$ to be exterior as in characteristic zero?

$\DeclareMathOperator\SU{SU}$In this question, all Lie algebra cohomology is of the form $H^*(\mathfrak{g}; k)$, with $k$ the trivial one-dimensional representation of $\mathfrak{g}$. All Lie algebra ...
user509184's user avatar
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Shafarevich conjecture for Abelian varieties over global function fields

Let $S$ be a finite set of places of a global function field $K$. Are there finitely many Abelian varieties over $K$ with good reduction outside $S$? What if we exclude isotrivial families?
TCiur's user avatar
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Nilpotent orbits in characteristic $0$ vs. positive characteristics

Let $G_\mathbb{C}$ be a connected reductive group over $\mathbb{C}$ with Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}_{\mathbb{C}}$. For any algebraically closed field $k$, let $G_k$ denote the connected reductive group ...
Dr. Evil's user avatar
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Chromatic representation theory of the symmetric groups?

We know that in characteristic 0, the group ring of the symmetric group $\Sigma_n$ splits via one idempotent for each partition of $n$. In characteristic $p$, I believe the analogous statement is that ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Characters of finite fields - Reference request

Let $\mathbf{F}_q$ ($q=p^f$) be a finite field. We are interested in the characters $\chi: \mathbf{F}_q\rightarrow \mathbf{K}$ ($\chi(0)=0$) where the $ \mathbf{K}$ is an alg.closed field of ...
Grad Student's user avatar
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One unexpected observation related to algebraic curves and their Jacobians

Let $C$ be a projective irreducible algebraic curve over an algebraically closed field of characteristic $0$ (for simplicity). Assume that there is also a cover $\varphi\!: C \to E$ to an elliptic ...
Dimitri Koshelev's user avatar
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Looking for an example of a point $P$ on an abelian variety $X$ such that no curve on $X$ contains all multiples of $P$

Is there an example of an abelian variety $X$ defined over a number field $K$, with $\dim X > 1$, and a $K$-rational point $P$ on $X$, such that no curve $C$ on $X$ (say defined over a number field)...
Vik78's user avatar
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Endomorphism ring of the Jacobian of a generic smooth plane quartic

Let $C$ be an arbitrary smooth plane quartic defined over a number field $K$. Assume $C$ is not hyperelliptic, and denote by $J$ the Jacobian of $C$. How does $\text{End}(J)$ look like for a generic ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Real structure(s) of a Shimura curve ("complex conjugation" of abelian surfaces)

For a complete lattice $L \subseteq \mathbb{C}^2$ let $A_L$ denote the complex abelian algebraic surface that is isomorphic (as a complex manifold) to the complex torus ${\mathbb{C}^2}/{L}$ (this ...
DGrimm's user avatar
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Is the Weil restriction of an elliptic curve self-dual?

$\DeclareMathOperator\res{res}$Let $K=\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-3})$, and let $$p\equiv 1\pmod 3$$ be a prime split in $K$. Assume that $$p=\omega*\overline\omega,\quad\text{where}\quad\omega\equiv 1\pmod 3.$$...
yhb's user avatar
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Reference request showing that a very general Abelian variety $ A $ of genus $ g>1 $ has cyclic class group with ample generator

In Example of a $ \mathbb{Q} $-factorial, CM normal, projective, Mori dream space $ Z $ such that $ \operatorname{Cox}(Z) $ is integral and not CM I asked for an example of a Cohen Macaulay, normal, ...
Schemer1's user avatar
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Is multiplication by $d$ on the Jacobian of a nodal curve étale?

Let $k$ be an alg.closed of char$k=0$ and let $A$ be an abelian variety over $k$. This Lemma on stacks project states that $[d]\colon A\to A$ is étale. In particular, when $A$ is the Jacobian of a ...
Cornelius's user avatar
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The ideal in $\mathbb{Z}[x]$ of all vanishing polynomials of a curve automorphism

Let $C$ be a projective irreducible algebraic curve of genus $g$ over an algebraically closed field of characteristic $0$ (for simplicity). Given an automorphism $\alpha \in \mathrm{Aut}(C)$ of order $...
Dimitri Koshelev's user avatar
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Abelian surface with CM by a prescribed quartic field

Given a quartic field $K$, is it possible to exhibit an explicit abelian surface $A$ defined over a number field with CM by the field $K$? For example, let's take the non-Galois CM-field $K=\mathbb Q(...
user413421's user avatar
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$p$-divisibility of Picard groups

Let $p$ be a prime number and let $k$ be a field with $char(k)\neq p$ such that all finite extensions have degree coprime to $p$. (For example, we can take $k=\mathbb{R}$ and $p\neq 2$ or let $k$ the ...
Boaz Moerman's user avatar
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Derived subalgebra of a restricted Lie algebra

Let $L$ be a restricted Lie algebra over a field of characteristic $p>0$. It is well known that the commutator subalgebra $[L,L]$ is not necessarily restricted (that is, closed under the $p$-map). ...
Rocky Smith's user avatar
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Explicit family of polynomials describing embedded torus in complex projective space

This question is cross-posted (with modifications) from MSE. The original question is probably unfit for MathOverflow (although a professor I asked said that this is very nontrivial), but I'm hoping ...
Paul Cusson's user avatar
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Example of abelian variety over finite field which doesn't lift

What is an example of an abelian variety over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_p$ which doesn't lift to $\mathbb{Z}_p$? This question seems to hint that they should exist, but no example is given. Note that ...
Daniel Loughran's user avatar
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A "comprehensive" family of abelian varieties

I'm looking for a family of abelian varieties $A\rightarrow S$ over a base that is finite type over $\mathbb{Q}$ (or $\mathbb{Z}$) that is "comprehensive" in the following sense: for every ...
Nathan Lowry's user avatar
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Classification of restricted Lie algebras of reductive groups

$\DeclareMathOperator\Lie{Lie}$Let $G/K$ be a reductive group over a field $K$. In characteristic $0$ the Lie algebra is invariant under base change of fields, so to understand $\Lie(G)$ it is enough ...
Martin Ortiz's user avatar
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Product subvariety of a simple abelian variety

Terminology: A subvariety $V$ of an abelian variety $A/\mathbb{C}$ is called a product if there are integral closed subvarieties $U,W\subset A$ such that $\dim U,\dim W>0$ and the sum morphism $U\...
Doug Liu's user avatar
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Failure of injectiveness of maps between cotangent spaces of abelian varieties

Let $p$ be a prime and $K$ a finite extension of $\mathbb Q_p$ with ramification index $e$. Let $\mathcal O_K$ be the ring of integers of $K$ and $k$ its residue field and the unique maximal ideal. ...
Maarten Derickx's user avatar
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Grothendieck-Messing in characteristic 0?

Let $A$ is an abelian scheme over a base scheme $S$. Let $S \rightarrow S'$ be a thickening defined by an ideal of square zero (for example). If $p$ is locally nilpotent on $S$, then Serre-Tate and ...
351910953's user avatar
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Tangent space to the moduli space of abelian varieties

Letting $\mathcal{A}_g$ be the moduli space of principally polarized abelian varieties. I saw without reference that the tangent space of $\mathcal{A}_g$ at a point $t$ could be canonically identified ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
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Étale group schemes and specialization

If $A$ is an abelian variety over a finite field $\mathbf{F}_q$, then $A(\mathbf{F}_q)$ (resp. $A(\overline{\mathbf{F}}_q)$) is a finite (resp. infinite torsion) group, but $A(\mathbf{F}_q(t))$ is a ...
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If $A$ is an abelian variety over $k$ and $S$ is a $k$-scheme, what's $A'(S)$ geometrically?

Let $A$ be an abelian variety over a field $k$ with group operation $m\colon A\times A\to A$, and let $A'$ be the dual abelian variety. I know that $A'(k)$ is isomorphic to the subgroup $\operatorname{...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Néron model, torsion and ramification

Let $B$ a discrete valuation ring, say for simplicity with residue field of characteristic $0$, and $K$ its quotient field. Assume that I have an abelian variety $A$ over $K$ and let $A'$ be its Néron ...
Hans's user avatar
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Ado's theorem and the reduction to positive characteristic

The synopsis: proofs of Ado theorem in positive characteristic are simple, and in characteristic $0$ are difficult. Can one infer the characteristic $0$ case from the positive characteristic case? The ...
Dmitrii Korshunov's user avatar
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Torsion points of abelian variety as zeros of a section of a vector bundle?

Let $A$ be an abelian variety over $\mathbb{C}$ and let $X_m$ the subset of nontrivial $m$-torsion points on $A$. Can we realize $X_m$ as the zero locus of a global section of a suitable vector bundle ...
Hans's user avatar
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Is there a high-concept explanation for why characteristic 2 is special?

The structure of the multiplicative groups of $\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$ or of $\mathbb{Z}_p$ is the same for odd primes, but not for $2.$ Quadratic reciprocity has a uniform statement for odd primes, ...
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
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Abelian varieties with endomorphism structure

Let me stick to principally polarised abelian varieties $X$ over $\mathbb C$. I have seen several definitions of what it means for $X$ to have real multiplication by a totally real field $F$: There ...
Aitor Iribar Lopez's user avatar
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Automorphism of positive characteristic field

Suppose $K$ is a field with $\text{char}(K) \geq 0$. Let $L$ be a cyclic extension of $K$ with degree $2n$. We consider the generator $\sigma$ of the Galois group $\text{Gal}(L/K)$. I am interested in ...
Sky's user avatar
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Why an elliptic curve can be defined as an abelian variety of dimension 1?

Now we define an elliptic curve as "a smooth projective curve of genus one with a specified base point". (A little question by the way: Is the requirement "with a specified base point&...
HaomengXu's user avatar
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From rational to integral generators of Néron–Severi group

Suppose I've found rational generators for the Néron–Severi group $\mathrm{NS}(A)$ for an abelian variety over $\mathbb{C}$. How would I check if they are integral generators for $\mathrm{NS}(A)$. Are ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
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Tate isogeny theorem over varieties?

Let $X$ be a nice scheme, $\pi:E\to X$ an elliptic curve, and $\ell$ a prime invertible on $K$. Then we can consider the "Tate module" $(R^1\pi_*\mathbb{Z}_{\ell})^\vee=\hbox{''}\varprojlim\...
Curious's user avatar
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Road map for learning about the computational/general theory of modular curves/isogenies of abelian varieties for cryptography

I am a graduate math/crypto student. So I've had some free time last year and I heard about elliptic curves in cryptography and how a resilient cryptosystem got demolished by a spectacular attack ...
Rayane B.'s user avatar
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Vanishing of pushforwards under Fourier-Mukai

In the book Fourier-Mukai and Nahm transforms in geometry and mathematical physics page 85 corollary 3.5 there is the following claim: First some notation. Let $X$ be an abelian variety of dimension $...
user135743's user avatar
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Mumford's definition of an abelian variety's $Pic^0$

I'm not sure whether this is a research-level question, but upon skimming through Mumford book of Abelian Varieties I noticed he gives this definition $$ \begin{equation} \label{eq} \text{Pic}^0(A)=\{\...
Basil's user avatar
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Is there a separable isogeny between any two isogenous abelian varieties?

Question: Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field, and $A,B$ abelian varieties over $k$. Suppose there exists an isogeny $A\to B$. Does this imply existence of a separable isogeny $A\to B$? Known ...
Jonathan Love's user avatar
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Néron–Severi group of Abelian surfaces

Suppose that an Abelian surface $A$ is isogenous to the product of two elliptic curves $E \times E'$. When can we say that the Néron–Severi group is generated by the classes of these two elliptic ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
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Automorphic classification of different types of abelian surfaces

For elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$ the Mumford-Tate group is either $\mathrm{GL}_2$ or $\mathrm{Res}_\mathbb{Q}^F (\mathbb{G}_m)$ if it has CM with the imaginary quadratic field $F$. In this case ...
Alireza Shavali's user avatar
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Finding the mistake in an argument concerning $F$-finite $F$-split local Cohen--Macaulay ring of dimension $1$

Let $R$ be a commutative Noetherian ring, and $\phi: R \to R$ be a ring homomorphism. For an $R$-module $M$, let $^{\phi}M$ be the $R$-module defined via restriction of scalars via $\phi$, i.e., as ...
uno's user avatar
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Tate–Shafarevich group of Jacobian of Selmer curve $3X^3 + 4Y^3 + 5Z^3 = 0$

$C/ \Bbb{Q}: 3X^3 + 4Y^3 + 5Z^3 = 0$ is known to be a nontrivial element of the Tate–Shafarevich group of the elliptic curve $E/\Bbb{Q}:X^3 + Y^3 + 60Z^3 = 0$. It is also an example of an abelian ...
Duality's user avatar
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Is there any work on the intersection loci of the universal theta divisor with torsion sections?

Let $Y$ be a Siegel modular variety of some non-stacky level and genus $g$, carrying over it a universal principally polarized family of dimension-$g$ abelian varieties $A\to Y$. Inside $A$, with fine ...
xir's user avatar
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A regular, geometrically reduced but non-smooth curve

Can anyone give an example of a projective, regular, geometrically reduced but non-smooth curve ? Of course, the base field should be imperfect. In Exercise 4.3.22 of Qing Liu's book Algebraic ...
Yong Hu's user avatar
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Calculation of de Rham cohomology of abelian varieties/ jacobian varieties

It's known that for a elliptic curve like $E:y^2=x(x-1)(x-t)$ we have a basis $\frac{dx}{y}, \frac{xdx}{y}$ for $H_{dR}^1(E)$. But find such a basis is not an easy thing. I wonder for a general ...
Richard's user avatar
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Conductor at 2 of abelian surfaces with real multiplication

Let $A/\mathbb{Q}$ be an abelian surface such that $\text{End}_{\mathbb{Q}}(A)\otimes \mathbb{Q}$ is a real quadratic field $E$. I am interested in bounding the conductor of $A$ at $2$. Let $\mathfrak{...
Jef's user avatar
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Simplicity of abelian varieties and localization

Let $A$ be an abelian variety defined over a number field $K$. Let $v$ be a place of $K$ and denote by $K_v$ the $v$-adic completion of $K$ with respect to $||\cdot||_v$. Assume $A$ is simple, is it ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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How to determine the type of a divisor on a product of elliptic curves?

I already asked this on Math.SE, but didn't receive an answer yet. Say $E_1, \dotsc, E_n$ are elliptic curves (everything over $\mathbb C$), and $D \subset E_1 \times \dotsc \times E_n$ is an ...
red_trumpet's user avatar
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A gap in a proof of Orlov’s result on the group of autoequivalences of the derived category of an abelian variety

Let $X$ be an abelian variety over an algebraically closed field of charactristic $0$. In this paper, Orlov showed that there is a short exact sequence $$0\to \mathbb Z \oplus X \times \hat X \to\...
P. Usada's user avatar
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