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Orientation-reversing homotopy equivalence

If there is an orientation-reversing homotopy equivalence on a closed simply-connected orientable manifold is there an orientation-reversing homeomorphism? It is not true, for instance, that if there ...
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Is there a model category describing shape theory?

Is there a nice model structure on some category of topological spaces compatible with shape theory? In particular, weak equivalences should induce isomorphisms on sheaf cohomology. As an example, ...
Sebastian Goette's user avatar
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Are simplicial finite CW complexes and simplicial finite simplicial sets equivalent?

Edit Originally the question was whether an arbitrary diagram of finite CW complexes can be approximated by a diagram of finite simplicial sets. In view of Tyler's comment, this was clearly asking for ...
Gregory Arone's user avatar
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A curious switch in infinite dimensions

Let $V$ be a finite dimensional real vector space. Let $GL(V)$ be the set of invertible linear transformations, and $\Phi(V)$ be the set of all linear transformations. We can also characterize $\Phi(V)...
Thomas Rot's user avatar
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Homotopy groups of spheres and differential forms

The only infinite homotopy groups of spheres are $\pi_n(\mathbb{S}^n)$ and $\pi_{4n-1}(\mathbb{S}^{2n})$. This is a well known result of Serre. In both cases the nontriviality of these groups can be ...
Piotr Hajlasz's user avatar
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"High-concept" explanation for proof of a theorem of Ochanine?

See Akhil Mathew's notes on Ochanine's theorem for elliptic genera here and here. Let $\phi: \Omega_{SO} \to \Lambda$ be a genus. We might ask when $\phi$ satisfies the following multiplicative ...
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What is operator tmf?

One of the many wonderful things about K-theory, relative to other generalized cohomology theories, is that it can be defined for not-necessarily-commutative C*-algebras. The resulting construction, ...
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
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Etale Slice Theorem

I found the Luna's Slice Theorem very Technical. It will be helpful if someone illustrates the geometry involved in the theorem. Also why this theorem so useful? This is Luna's Slice theorem from a ...
Babai's user avatar
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Elliptic $\infty$-line bundles over $B G$

Theorem 5.2 in Jacob Lurie's "Survey of Elliptic Cohomology" (pdf) states the equivalence of two maps $$ B G \longrightarrow B \mathrm{GL}_1(A) $$ for $A$ an $E_\infty$-ring carrying an oriented ...
Urs Schreiber's user avatar
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Steenrod algebra at a prime power

Let $n=p^k$ be a prime power. When $k=1$, the algebra of stable operations in mod $p$ cohomology is the Steenrod algebra $\mathcal{A}_p$. It has a nice description in terms of generators and ...
Mark Grant's user avatar
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Lipschitz constant of a homotopy

Let $n>0$, $\mathbb S^n$ be $n$-sphere and $1\in \mathbb S^n$ be its north pole. A am looking for an example of compact manifold $M$ with a continuous $n$-parameter family of maps $h_x\colon M\to ...
Anton Petrunin's user avatar
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Can the intermediate Chern classes be expressed as Euler classes?

General question: We know that the top Chern class $c_n(\xi)$ of an $n$-dimensional complex vector bundle $\xi$ is its Euler class, while the first Chern class, $c_1(\xi)$, is the Euler class of its ...
Steve Costenoble's user avatar
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The homology of the orbit space

Suppose we have an acyclic group $G$ and let $X$ be a contractible CW-complex such that $G$ acts freely on $X$ (we do not suppose that the action is proper). Is there a way to understand the homology ...
GSM's user avatar
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Which rings are cohomology rings?

Which rings can arise as cohomology rings of algebraic varieties? To be more specific, take a Weil cohomology theory $H^*$ with coefficients in a field $K$ of characteristic 0 defined for smooth ...
mana's user avatar
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Kan's simplicial formula for the Whitehead product

In his article on Simplicial Homotopy Theory (Advances in Math., 6, (1971), 107 –209) Curtis quotes a formula (on page 197) for the Whitehead and Samelson products in a simplicial group $G$. The ...
Tim Porter's user avatar
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On manifolds which do not admit (smooth) actions of finite groups

Question: Assume a smooth manifold $M$ does not admit any effective smooth group actions of finite groups $G \neq 1$, does it follow that $M$ also admits no continuous effective group actions of ...
Abenthy's user avatar
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Lie algebras vs. graph complexes

A ribbon graph is a graph in which every vertex has valence at least three and is equipped with a cyclic ordering of its adjacent half edges. The ribbon graph complex $\mathcal{G}_*$ is the chain ...
Manuel Rivera's user avatar
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The spectral sequence of a tower of principal fibrations

Assume we have a tower of fibrations (of simplicial sets, let's say): $$\cdots\rightarrow X_{n+1}\rightarrow X_n\rightarrow\cdots\rightarrow X_0.$$ Let $X=\lim_nX_n$ be the (homotopy) inverse limit. ...
Fernando Muro's user avatar
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Is the oriented bordism ring generated by homogeneous spaces?

I am trying to find a Riemannian geometrically well-understood set of generators of the oriented bordism ring, including the torsion parts. By a set of generators, I mean that the set generates the ...
Zhenhua Liu's user avatar
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Rational equivalence of smooth closed manifolds

All spaces below will be assumed simply connected. A continuous map is a rational equivalence if it induces an isomorphism of the rational homology groups. Two spaces are rationally equivalent if they ...
algori's user avatar
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Fibrations whose total spaces are more highly connected than their fibers

The (generalized) Hopf fibrations $S^1 \to S^3 \to S^2$, $S^3 \to S^7 \to S^4$ and $S^7 \to S^{15} \to S^8$ have the property that their total spaces are more highly connected than their fibers. Are ...
Jens Reinhold's user avatar
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Reference request: Milnor rank of spheres

Milnor defines the rank of a smooth manifold $M$ as the maximum cardinality of a linearly independent set of vector fields on $M$ whose elements are pair wise commuting. In other words, the rank of $M$...
Douglas Finamore's user avatar
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Progess on a Problem/Conjecture of Sullivan?

In Sullivan's postscript to his MIT notes he describes some problems and conjectures, where Problem 4 is: "Analyze the action of Gal($\...
Tian An's user avatar
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What would be the simplest analog of Langlands in algebraic topology?

It is oversimplified, I know, but just as a superficial analogy, one may think of the fact that abelianization of the fundamental group is the first homology group, as some remote relative of class ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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Dijkgraaf-Witten topological invariant

We know that given a finite group $G$ and its group 4-cohomology class $w \in H^4[G;U(1)]$, we can obtain a DW topological invariant $Z_{G,w}(M^4)$ as the partition function of the DW theory on a ...
Xiao-Gang Wen's user avatar
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Connected sum is well-defined for surfaces, proof?

EDIT: So my question is distinct from the question asked here because I am asking an easier question. Why should we have to invoke something as powerful as the "Annulus Theorem" to show that the ...
user380206's user avatar
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Grothendieck 's question - any update?

This question is migrated from math.stackexchange. I ask because it is still unclear to me and I did not receive an answer. I was reading Barry Mazur's biography and come across this part: ...
Bombyx mori's user avatar
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Homology classes of subvarieties of toric varieties

Let $X$ be a smooth proper toric variety, $Z\subseteq X$ a smooth subvariety. Is the fundamental class $[Z] \in H_\ast(X) = A_\ast(X)$ nonzero? Background If $X$ is a Kaehler variety, this is of ...
Piotr Achinger's user avatar
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Codimension Two Embeddings in Goodwillie-Weiss Manifold Calculus, and the Difficulty of Fundamental Groups

In manifold calculus, there are various analyticity estimates which run into trouble for codimension two embeddings. For instance, the functor $\operatorname{Emb}(M,N)$ is analytic in $M$ if $\dim M \...
Hiro Lee Tanaka's user avatar
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Embedding of two-dimensional CW complexes which induces a zero homomorphism on second homotopy groups

I am interested in the following question which I asked at MSE and did not get any clues. How to find three two-dimensional CW complexes $K_1, K_2, K_3$ with non-trivial $\pi_2$ and injective ...
Samarkand's user avatar
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Does there exist a closed 4-manifold whose $\pi_2$ contains torsion elements

Does there exist a closed 4-manifold $X$ such that $\pi_2(X)$ contains torsion elements? And, if so, does there exist a closed 4-manifold $X$ such that $\pi_2(X)\neq 0$ but $\pi_2(X)\otimes \mathbb{Q}=...
Boyu Zhang's user avatar
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Lurie's applications of $\infty$-topoi in topology

Lurie's book Higher Topos Theory is extremely interesting, but pretty overwhelming. I don't have the time to read it at the moment. However, the last chapter (7) gives applications of $\infty$-topoi ...
user1022117's user avatar
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Does virtual Morava K-theory have an Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence?

In a recent question, Tim Campion was interested in analyzing the Morava $K$–theory of a space $X$ by dissecting the space into connective and coconnective parts: $$X(m, \infty) \to X \to X[0, m].$$ ...
Eric Peterson's user avatar
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Direct comparison zig-zag between cochain theories

In the paper Cochain multiplication, Am. J. Math 124 (2002) pp 547–566, doi:10.1353/ajm.2002.0017 Mandell gives axioms for a cochain-level characterisation of ordinary cohomology theory, lifting ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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How well-defined is $\bar\kappa$ in the stable $20$-stem?

The $2$-completed stable $20$-stem $\pi_{20}(S)_2$ is cyclic of order $8$. Mimura and Toda (1963, Lemma 15.4) mr=157384 show the existence of a class $\bar\kappa_7 \in \pi_{27}(S^7)$ whose stable ...
John Rognes's user avatar
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Is there an expository account of homology of simplicial sets that does not assume prior familiarity with any variant of homology?

There are numerous expositions of simplicial homology in the literature. Munkres in “Elements of Algebraic Topology” develops the homology theory of simplicial complexes. Hatcher in “Algebraic ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
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Is this an $E_\infty$-algebra?

I have a particular kind of algebraic structure that's come up in my work. It's basically a chain complex equipped with a multiplication which is commutative and associative up to homotopy in a ...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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Cohomology with compact support for determinant varieties

I wonder if anyone knows anything about the cohomology with compact supports for determinantal varieties, such as the varieties of $m \times n$ matrices of full rank.
Gunnar Carlsson's user avatar
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References on Discrete field theory vs Discrete differential geometry vs Combinatorial topology

Let me ask several related questions on discretization of classical field theory: In topological folklore, it is known that cochains are "discrete analogues" of differential forms, and coboundary ...
Mikhail Skopenkov's user avatar
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Reference for equivariant Atiyah-Jänich theorem

The equivariant Atiyah-Jänich theorem is an isomorphism $$ [X,F]_G \cong K_G^0(X), $$ where $G$ is a compact Lie group, $X$ is a compact $G$-manifold, $F$ is the space of Fredholm operators on a ...
Konrad Waldorf's user avatar
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Is this "Homology" useful to study?

In the usual singular homology of a topological space $X$, one consider the free abelian group generated by all continuous maps from the standard simplex $\Delta^{n}$ to $X$. Now we can ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Existence of flat connections via characteristic classes, for nice groups

I have two questions about what I write below (which honestly seems pretty elementary). Is it true (more or less)? Is there a clean reference that I can cite. Let $G$ be a compact Lie group, $M$ a ...
Charles Rezk's user avatar
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Chiral categories versus braided monoidal categories

Let $X$ be a curve over $\mathbf{C}$. As I understand from the 2008 Talbot notes, a chiral category on $X$ consists of a crystal of categories on the Ran space $\mathrm{Ran}(X)$ (see these notes of ...
Akhil Mathew's user avatar
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Homotopy equivalence vs weak homotopy equivalence in Gromov's h-principle

My question concerns Gromov's h-principle for open diffeomorphism-invariant partial differential relations on open manifolds; see e.g. Eliashberg/Mishachev: Introduction to the h-principle, §6.2.A and ...
Marc Nardmann's user avatar
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What is the determinant of Poincaré duality?

For a complex $C^{\bullet}$ of finite dimensional vector spaces, one has a determinant $$|C^\bullet|:= \bigotimes \left(\Lambda^{top} C^i\right)^{(-1)^i}$$ functorial with respect to quasi-...
Vivek Shende's user avatar
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"topological" Ochanine genus?

The Witten genus has famously been lifted to the string orientation of tmf ("topological Witten genus"). For the Ochanine genus, I am aware of a lift to a "spin orientation of Tate K-...
Urs Schreiber's user avatar
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Homotopy groups of the orthogonal group

I'm interested in knowing what $n$-dimensional vector bundles on the $n$-sphere look like, or equivalently in determining $\pi_{n-1}(SO(n))$; here's a case that I haven't been able to solve. Let $n \...
Akhil Mathew's user avatar
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Covers of $Z^k$

This is a question related to covers of $Z^\infty$. Is it possible to cover $Z^k$, $k>1$, with the $l_1$-metric by a constant (not depending on $k$) number of collections of subsets $U^0,...,U^c$ ...
14 votes
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When can we extend a diffeomorphism from a surface to its neighborhood as identity?

Let $M$ be a closed and simply-connected 4-manifold and let $f: M^4 \to M^4$ be a diffeomorphism such that $f^*: H^*(M;\mathbb{Z})\to H^*(M;\mathbb{Z})$ is the identity map. Moreover, let $\Sigma \...
Anubhav Mukherjee's user avatar
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Is this class of groups already in the literature or specified by standard conditions?

In recent work Lifting $N_\infty$ operads from conjugacy data on homotopical combinatorics / $N_\infty$ operads in equivariant homotopy theory, collaborators Scott Balchin, Ethan MacBrough, and I ...
kyleormsby's user avatar

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