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Elliptic analogue of primes of the form $x^2 + 1$

I have a project in mind for an undergraduate to investigate next quarter -- a curiosity really, but I'm surprised I can't find it in the literature. I do not want a detailed analysis here... but ...
Marty's user avatar
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Upper bound on prime powers in interval

I just spent a full day on the brutish and thankless task of proving that the Brun-Titchmarsh bound holds for prime powers (including primes), and not just for primes, in the following senses: (a) the ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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9 votes
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Exponential sums over integers with a fixed number of prime divisors

Are there bounds in the literature on sums of the form $$\sum_{\omega(n)= k} e(\alpha n) \;\;\;\;\;\text{or}\;\;\;\;\; \sum_{\Omega(n)=k} e(\alpha n)$$ for $\alpha$ on minor arcs (i.e., not very close ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Cancellation in a sum of Möbius evaluated along a quadratic form

Let $Q(x,y)$ be an indefinite binary quadratic form. Suppose $0 < B < \sqrt{A} $ are such that $B \gg \sqrt{A}$. Is it true one can save an arbitrary power of log from the trivial bound in $$...
George Shakan's user avatar
9 votes
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"Must read "papers on analytic number theory

Question: What would be some must-read papers for an aspiring analytic number theorist? In other words, what are the papers that any analytic number theorist would have read? (Background: Someone ...
7 votes
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"Forthcoming paper" of Goldston-Graham-Pintz-Yıldırım

The above-named authors of [1] and its (significantly different) published version [2] write: In a forthcoming paper, we will show how the methods here can be extended to prove corresponding ...
Charles's user avatar
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Empirical bounds on $\left|\frac{\zeta'(1+it)}{\zeta(1+it)}\right|$

It is reasonable to expect that $$\left|\frac{\zeta'(1+it)}{\zeta(1+it)}\right| < 2 \log \log t$$ for all $t\geq 4$ (say): a somewhat stronger bound is known for $t\geq 10^{165}$ or so (Theorem 5 ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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6 votes
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Conditions under which an $\eta$-quotient becomes a **weak** modular form (reference request for theorems similar to Ligozat's theorem)

For any $z \in \mathcal{H}$, let $q = e^{2\pi iz}$; and the eta function is defined as ${\displaystyle \eta (q) =q^{\frac {1}{24}}\prod _{n=1}^{\infty }\left(1-q^{n}\right).}$ By an $\eta$-quotient ...
Davood Khajehpour's user avatar
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Dickson's conjecture for Beatty sequences

A particular case of Dickson's Conjecture states that for $a_1,q_1,a_2,q_2$ with $(a_1,q_1)=(a_2,q_2)=1$, there are infinitely many $n$ for which $q_1 n + a_1$ and $q_2 n+a_2$ are both prime, provided ...
Joshua Stucky's user avatar
6 votes
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When did the main conjecture in Vinogradov's mean value theorem first appear in literature?

Recently I was asked about the history of Vinogradov's mean value theorem that I was hoping someone here could clarify. Let me first start with some terminology. Let $J_{s, k}(X)$ be the number of $2s$...
Zane Li's user avatar
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Explicit bounds for the Mertens function

It is a consequence of some forms of the prime number theorem that with $\mu$ the Möbius function, for all $A > 0$, there exists $c_A$ such that for all sufficiently large $x$, $$\frac{1}{x}\sum_{n\...
Mayank Pandey's user avatar
5 votes
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Primes generated by cyclotomic polynomials

Let $p$ be an odd prime, and let $f=\Phi_p$ be the $p$-th cyclotomic polynomial. Denote by $S_p$ the set of primes $q$ such that there exists a sequence of primes $p_1,\dots, p_g$ such that $p_1=f(1)=...
Maurizio Moreschi's user avatar
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Taking integer values of a sequence of Beurling primes

Let $P=(p_j)_{j=1}^\infty$ be an increasing sequence of real numbers with $1<p_1$ and $\lim_{j\to\infty}p_j=\infty$. As mentioned in [1], Beurling proved that if the multiplicative group $N_P$ ...
Anon12345's user avatar
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Approximating $\zeta^{(r)}(s)$ by a sum

Let $\eta:[0,\infty)\to [0,\infty)$ be compactly supported, continuous and piecewise $C^1$, with its derivative $\eta'$ being of bounded variation. It is completely unsurprising that one can prove (...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Exponential sums with monomials with divisor-function coefficients

In their paper "Exponential Sums with Monomials," Fouvry and Iwaniec study exponential sums roughly of the form $$ \sum_{m_1 \sim M_1} \cdots \sum_{m_r \sim M_r} c_1(m_1) \cdots c_r(m_r) e\...
Joshua Stucky's user avatar
5 votes
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Asymptotic expansion for the average of $\omega(n)^2$

Let $\omega(n)$ be the prime factors counting function. I computed that for any $k\geq 0$, there exist certain constants $c_{-1},c_0,c_1,c_2,...c_k$ such that $$\sum_{n\leq x}\omega(n)^2=x(\log\log x)...
The Number Theorist's user avatar
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Reference Request on logarithm derivative of L-functions

I'm looking for references that show almost all Dirichlet characters $\chi \mod q$ satisfy $$|\frac{L'}{L}(1+it, \chi)|=o(\log q)$$ where $t\in \mathbb{R}$ is fixed. I have been able to adapt a method ...
J. Pan's user avatar
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Character sums over a sumset

Suppose that $p$ is a prime, $A$ is a subset of $\mathbb F_p$, and $P$ is a polynomial over $\mathbb F_p$ of degree $d$. Using Weil's bound, it is not difficult to show that $$ \left| \sum_{a,b\in A}...
Seva's user avatar
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An explicit formula for $\zeta(2m+1)$ with good convergence

The question: Is the following formula known? $$\zeta(2m+1)=\frac{(-1)^m 2^{4m+2}\pi^{2m}}{2^{2m}-1} \sum\limits_{k=1}^m \frac{(2^{2k}-1)b_{2k}}{2^{2k}(2k)!}\cdot \sum\limits_{v=k}^m \frac{(2^{2v-2k+...
user90369's user avatar
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Differential Galois number theory

Following, I vainly tried to find ...
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar
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Explicit bounds on gaps between zeros of $\zeta^\prime(s)$

In $\S$9.1 of "Theory of the Riemann Zeta Function", Titchmarsh uses Borel-Carathéodory and Hadamard Three Circles to show that every circle of radius 6 and center $3+iT$ contains a zeros of ...
Stopple's user avatar
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The number of continuously increasing primes gaps in the interval $[2,n]$ is less than $\log n$

A prime gap is the difference between two successive prime numbers. The $n$-th prime gap, denoted $g_n$ or $g(p_n)$ is the difference between the $(n+1)$-st and the $n$-th prime numbers. Using my ...
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
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Reference request for some result of de Bruijn on zeros of some holomorphic function

In a video lecture on Youtube, ''Vaporizing and freezing the Riemann zeta function'', Terry Tao states that ''de Bruijn proved that if for some $t_0$ the zeros of $H_{t_0}$ are contained in the strip $...
Merton's user avatar
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Kaczorowski's Paper on Distribution of Primes

I am looking for a digital copy of the following paper by Jerzy Kaczorowski: ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF PRIMES (mod4)
primefinder's user avatar
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Are there any results about this higher degree Titchmarsh divisor problem?

Does there exist an asymptotic formula for $\sum_{p\le x}\tau(p−1)^n$ ? Here $n$ is an arbitrary positive integer and $\tau$ is the divisor function. The case of $n=1$ was done by Linnik, but when $n$ ...
user97495's user avatar
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Best constant for Maier's theorem?

Maier proved that, for fixed $\lambda>1,$ $$ \limsup_{x\to\infty}\frac{\pi(x+\log^\lambda x)-\pi(x)}{\log^{\lambda-1}x}>1 $$ and in particular $$ \limsup_{x\to\infty}\frac{\pi(x+\log^\lambda x)-\...
Charles's user avatar
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Maximal order of Hooley's Delta function?

There is a large literature on Hooley's $$ \Delta(n)=\max_u\sum_{d|n,\ e^u\le d< e^{u+1}}1 $$ giving its normal and average order. What is known of its maximal order? Clearly $\Delta(n)\le d(n)$ ...
Charles's user avatar
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Translation of an article by Wolfgang Schmidt on normality for real numbers in different bases.

I would greatly appreciate a pointer to a translation from German into English of the article by Wolfgang Schmidt, Über die Normalität von Zahlen zu verschiedenen Basen, from Acta Arithmetica VII, ...
Theodore Slaman's user avatar
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Cardinality of the set $\#\{ 1 \leq n \leq N: \| \alpha n^2/N \| < 1/N \}$

Let $\alpha \in I$ where $I$ is some closed interval that does not contain $0$. I am interested in upper bound for $$ M(\alpha) = \#\{ 1 \leq n \leq N: \| \alpha n^2/N \| < 1/N \} $$ where $N$ ...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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What can be said about the primality of Zsigmondy numbers?

I am cross-posting this from math.stackexchange, as it has received upvotes but no comments/answers after a couple months. Let $\mathcal{Z}(n,a,b)=\frac{\Phi_n(a,b)}{\gcd (\Phi_n(a,b),n)}$ be the $n$-...
Tejas Rao's user avatar
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Reference request Re Vinogradov's ternary Goldbach proof

I believe that I.M. Vinogradov's proof of the ternary Goldbach conjecture used the observation that the number of ways $n$ can be written as a sum of three primes equals $$ \int_0^1 \sum_{p , q , r \...
AndreyF's user avatar
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Reference request for the following results

I am looking for references on the following results. In what follows $\pi(x)$ denotes the prime counting function. Result 1. For all real $k>1$ there exists $x^k_0 \in \mathbb{R}$ such that for ...
S. Das's user avatar
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Generalizing an estimate of Jutila

I'm working on a problem right now in which I need an upper bound for an exponential sum of the form $$ \tag{1} \sum_{N < n \leq 2N} \tau_3(n) e(f(n)), $$ where $\tau_3(n) = \sum_{d_1d_2d_3=n} 1$ ...
Joshua Stucky's user avatar
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On partial sums of the Ramanujan sums

Let $n$ be a positive integer and $c_{m}(n)$ denote the $m^{th}$ Ramanujan sum at $n$. What is the best known estimate for $\sum_{m=1}^{N} c_{m}(n)$?
user304368's user avatar
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$L$-functions for quadratic orders and Siegel's solution of the class number problem

Let $K$ be an imaginary quadratic field and $D_K$ its discriminant. Further let $\mathcal O$ be an order in $K$ with conductor $f$ and $$L(\chi,s)=\sum_{\mathfrak a}\chi(\mathfrak a)N(\mathfrak a)^{-...
Shimrod's user avatar
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Questions about the exceptional zeros of Dirichlet $L$-functions

I have couple questions regarding the exceptional zeros of Dirichlet $L$-functions. We have the following result: There is a constant $c_1 > 0$ such that $L(\sigma, \chi) \not = 0$ whenever $$ \...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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Sum of multiplicative arithmetic function over squarefree numbers

In the "Sieve methods" notes of Dimitris Koukoulopoulos (see, the following useful result can be found: Theorem 0.4.1. Let $g$ ...
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A sieve result with two parameters

I proved the following sieve result and - since the proof is quite long and I need to use it in a work - I am looking for a reference to it (or at least something from which it could be proved quickly)...
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Almost primes in short intervals

Define an integer $n$ to be a $k$-almost prime if it has at most $k$ distinct primes factors. A detecting function for the set of such numbers is the generalized von Mangoldt function given by $\...
Dead-End's user avatar
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Oscillatory integral moments of $L(\frac{1}{2} + it, f \times f)$

Understanding moments and subconvexity bounds for $L$-functions is a big topic with a lot of activity. I'm currently looking at a related problem, bounding $$ \int_0^T L\left(\tfrac{1}{2} + it, f \...
davidlowryduda's user avatar
2 votes
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A Brun-Titchmarsh type result for divisor sums; asymptotic/improved bound

In Shiu's work ('A Brun-Titchmarsh theorem for multiplicative functions') he proved that if $r\le x$ is a natural number, we have $$\sum_{r<n\le x}d(n)d(n-r)\ll x\log^2x\sum_{d|r}\frac{1}{d}.$$ I ...
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Division based recurrence with negative coefficients, e.g. $F(n)= -F(\lfloor n/2\rfloor) - F(\lfloor n/3\rfloor)$

A famous problem of Erdos dealt with the division-based recurrence $a_n = a_{\lfloor n/2\rfloor}+a_{\lfloor n/3\rfloor}+a_{\lfloor n/6\rfloor}$ with $a_0=1$ (and was about the limit $\lim_{n\to\infty} ...
D.R.'s user avatar
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Reference for accelerated sum to compute the Meissel-Mertens constant

The Meissel-Mertens constant $$ B_1 = \lim_{n \to \infty} \left(\sum_{p \leq n} \frac{1}{p} - \log\log n\right) $$ has the series representation $$ \begin{equation} \tag{1} B_1 = \gamma + \sum_{n=2}^{...
Greg Hurst's user avatar
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Is Sturm's theorem able to do these?

$\newcommand{\Ord}{\operatorname{Ord}}$Let $p$ be a positive integer and $F(q)=\sum A(m)q^m$ be a formal power series with integer coefficients. Then $\Ord_p(F(q))$ is defined by $$\Ord_p(F(q)):=\min\{...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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On equidistribution of primes in positive characteristic

In S. Lang's book "Algebraic Number Theory" (1986), page 317, Theorem 6 states essentially that given $P$ a set of primes, let $\tau:P\longrightarrow J$ be the typical idèle map taking ...
Hair80's user avatar
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Which sets of natural numbers are "lambda-analytic"?

Begin with a bit of notation. Let $t = t_0, \ldots, t_d$ be a finite sequence of real numbers. Define $$\lambda^t(x) = x^{t_0} \log(x)^{t_1} \log(\log(x))^{t_2} \cdots.$$ for all real numbers $x \in ...
Marty's user avatar
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Advanced texts on analytic number theory?

So a friend of mine is very interested in analytic number theory, and is looking for resources past the basic level. He has studied analytic number theory from several books, among them are Hardy’s ...
2 votes
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Ambiguity about the exact definition of coefficients of modular forms

You can see the parts after my questions in the boxes. I received the answer to my first question in the comments. I am confused about the definition of $a_n$ and $b_n$ in Part II below. I know the ...
Tireless and hardworking's user avatar
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On the Chowla and twin prime conjectures

I'm reading and at some point it is mentioned that, the twin prime conjecture is a variant of Chowla's conjecture that $\sum_{n\leq x} \lambda(n)\...
Q_p's user avatar
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Well-known estimate for $L(s,\chi)$ for $\sigma=\text{Re}s\geq 1/2$

This is a very short question. Let $s=\sigma+it$ be a complex number with $\sigma \geq 1/2$. In the paper 'Jutila, Matti. "On the Mean Value of $L(1/2, \chi)$ FW Real Characters." Analysis 1.2 (...
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