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Andreas Thom's user avatar
Andreas Thom
  • Member for 14 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
6 votes

Is $\widehat{\mathbb{Z}}[[t]]\cong\widehat{\mathbb{Z}}[[\widehat{\mathbb{Z}}]]$?

5 votes

Can an amenable group have a weak mixing unitary representation without almost invariant vectors?

5 votes

Kazhdan constant and finite index subgroups

5 votes

Telling group algebras apart

5 votes

Spectrum of the sum of generators for irrational rotation algebra

5 votes

Is every countable well-order embeddable in \mathbb{R}?

5 votes

Question on the index of abelianization of groups

5 votes

What $Re(f(z))=c$ can be if $f$ is a holomorphic function ?

5 votes

Is Deligne's central extension sofic?

5 votes

Is "subamenable" the same as amenable?

5 votes

"Probabilistic ultrafilters?"

5 votes

Intrinsically measurable subsets of amenable semigroups.

5 votes

A matrix algebra has no deformations?

5 votes

residually finite-by-$\mathbb{Z}$ groups are residually finite

5 votes

Is $\mathbb R[x,y]_+$ countably generated as a quadratic module?

5 votes

Characterizing residually amenable groups

5 votes

Simultaneous decomposition of three projectors

5 votes

mapping space between classifying spaces

5 votes

Conjugacy classes and reduced group $C^*$-algebra of an amenable group

4 votes

pointwise ergodic theorem and mean sojourn time

4 votes

Commutator Subgroup - Group Theory

4 votes

Kuiper's theorem via approximation

4 votes

States with a unique state extension

4 votes

Which polynomials are determinants of a symmetric matrix with linear entries?

4 votes

Lifting of a ucp map with values in a von Neumann algebra ultraproduct of matrix algebras

4 votes

Finite subgroups of unitary groups

4 votes

Discrete groups G whose full C*-algebra C*(G) is not quasidiagonal?

4 votes

Discrete-compact duality for nonabelian groups

4 votes

Do unitary bijections act invariantly on irreducible representations?

4 votes

Maximal localizations of von Neumann algebras