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user21820's user avatar
user21820's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
26 votes

Is V, the Universe of Sets, a fixed object?

22 votes

What do we gain with higher order logics?

21 votes

Request for examples: verifying vs understanding proofs

18 votes

Cauchy reals and Dedekind reals satisfy "the same mathematical theorems"

17 votes

Every mathematician has only a few tricks

14 votes

How strong is this set theory?

12 votes

Revisiting the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics

12 votes

Unnecessary uses of the axiom of choice

10 votes

Taking a theorem as a definition and proving the original definition as a theorem

9 votes

Object of proven finiteness, yet with no algorithm discovered?

8 votes

No canonical isomorphism

7 votes

How to rewrite mathematics constructively?

6 votes

Tiling with similar tiles

5 votes

Why do we need random variables?

5 votes

Virus community spread mathematical modeling

4 votes

Are there proofs of Rice Theorem without using the undecidability of some problem?

4 votes

Can you do math without knowing how to count?

3 votes

Replacement axiom and the von Neumann hierarchy

3 votes

Book recommendation introduction to model theory

2 votes

When is it okay to intersect infinite families of proper classes?

2 votes

Is there a three valued logic whose game semantics corresponds to potentially infinite games?

1 vote

Proving decidability of formula without deciding it

1 vote

A translation of the Cantor set contained in the irrationals

1 vote

Three squares in a rectangle

0 votes

Math talk for all ages

-1 votes

Defining the standard model of PA so that a space alien could understand