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Robin Chapman's user avatar
Robin Chapman
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
7 votes

Closed form of divergent infinite product?

7 votes

Counting sequences - a recurrence relation.

7 votes

why haven't certain well-researched classes of mathematical object been framed by category theory?

7 votes

Supersingular elliptic curves and their "functorial" structure over F_p^2

7 votes

Additive reduction of elliptic curves

7 votes

Repeated digits of squares in different bases

7 votes

Centers of Semidirect Products

7 votes

From chain complex to simplicial abelian group

7 votes

open but not affine subscheme?example?

7 votes

How do modular forms of half-integral weight relate to the (quasi-modular) Eisenstein series?

6 votes

Schroeder-Bernstein for Rings

6 votes

Inf of a mutivariate function

6 votes

Representation of $*$-automorphism on finite dimensional matrix algebras

6 votes

Is the probability that n and phi(n) (totient function) are coprime one for random squarefree n?

6 votes

Suggestions for sonifying math

6 votes

Inhomogenous recurrence relations

6 votes

What are some fundamental "sources" for the appearance of pi in mathematics?

6 votes

"negative" vs "minus"

6 votes

Are two sheaves that are locally isomorphic globally isomorphic ?

6 votes

Structure Theorem for finitely generated commutative cancellative monoids?

6 votes

Genus of complex projective space

6 votes

Fibered products of cyclic groups

6 votes

Special subalgebras of central simple algebras

5 votes

Commutative subalgebras of M_n

5 votes

Dimension of the space of harmonic functions on the unit ball

5 votes

Which manifolds admit a diffeomorphism of order $n$?

5 votes

Weierstrass Theorem

5 votes

How to construct a vector fields with isolated zeros?

5 votes

Ideals in the ring of single-variable Laurent polynomials with integer coefficients

5 votes

Notation for algebras

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