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Hailong Dao
  • Member for 15 years
  • Last seen this week
61 votes

What is the insight of Quillen's proof that all projective modules over a polynomial ring are free?

54 votes

Do all exact $1 \to A \to A \times B \to B \to 1$ split for finite groups?

50 votes

Serre's FAC in English

43 votes

Regular, Gorenstein and Cohen-Macaulay

39 votes

Suggestions for special lectures at next ICM

39 votes

How Much Work Does it Take to be a Successful Mathematician?

36 votes

When is the product of two ideals equal to their intersection?

34 votes

Local complete intersections which are not complete intersections

34 votes

Noteworthy, but not so famous conjectures resolved recent years

33 votes

Plagiarism in the community

33 votes

Polynomials with rational coefficients

32 votes

Reference book for commutative algebra

31 votes

Open affine subscheme of affine scheme which is not principal

31 votes

How professional mathematicians deal with discouragement?

30 votes

Every mathematician has only a few tricks

28 votes

Checking whether a variety is normal

26 votes

Short exact sequences every mathematician should know

21 votes

Serre's theorem about regularity and homological dimension

21 votes

How to introduce notions of flat, projective and free modules?

21 votes

Minimal number of generators of a homogeneous ideal (exercise in Hartshorne)

20 votes

Can a module be an extension in two really different ways?

19 votes

Space Curves as Determinantal Varieties

18 votes

Two questions about Cohen-Macaulay rings

17 votes

Nonsingular/Normal Schemes

16 votes

The finite subgroups of SL(2,C)

16 votes

Elementary / Interesting proofs of the Nullstellensatz

16 votes

Seeking Noetherian normal domain with vanishing Picard group but not a UFD

16 votes

Is physical stamina important for doing mathematics?

16 votes

How often do you put your research into trash?

15 votes

The first female algebraist in US/Britain?

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