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Hailong Dao's user avatar
Hailong Dao's user avatar
Hailong Dao
  • Member for 14 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
11 votes

irreducibility of generic linear combination of polynomials?

11 votes

Tor sheaves: what do they tell us about geometry

11 votes

CM for radical ideal

11 votes

Blowups of Cohen-Macaulay varieties

11 votes

Tor and projective dimension

10 votes

Primes that must occur in every composition series for a given module

10 votes

A question about an application of Molien's formula to find the generators and relations of an invariant ring

10 votes

Unique factorisation and the fact that $\mathbb A^2-0$ is not an affine variety?

10 votes

A geometric reference for (affine) Gorenstein varieties and singularities

10 votes

EGZ theorem (Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv)

10 votes

Examples of one-dimensional non-Cohen Macaulay rings

10 votes

Finite number of minimal ideals

10 votes

Is the support of a flat sheaf flat?

10 votes

Are there more Nullstellensätze?

10 votes

Can we say anything about the Krull dimension of a localization?

10 votes

Changing field of study post-PhD

10 votes

When is the reduced subscheme of a Cohen-Macaulay scheme also Cohen-Macaulay?

10 votes

Is an overring of an order reflexive as a module over the order?

9 votes

Commutative algebraic version of algebraic geometric object

9 votes

faithful modules over a finite dimensional commutative algebra

9 votes

Depth under localization over a Cohen-Macaulay ring

9 votes

Some examples of depth

9 votes

Is it true that if the pushforward of a coherent sheaf is locally free, then the original sheaf is locally free?

9 votes

Torsion-freeness of Picard group

9 votes

Length of I/I^2 versus Ann(I)/Ann(I)^2 in Artinian rings.

8 votes

Basic results with three or more hypotheses

8 votes

Line bundles trivial after extension of the base-field

8 votes

Most intricate and most beautiful structures in mathematics

8 votes

Isolated hypersurface singularities, Chow groups and D-branes

8 votes

Diameter of simplicial complex mirrored in property of Stanley-Reisner ring?

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