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Gordon Royle's user avatar
Gordon Royle
  • Member for 15 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
  • Perth
85 votes

Most memorable titles

50 votes

Every mathematician has only a few tricks

45 votes

Prominent non-mathematical work of mathematicians

41 votes

What's a great christmas present for someone with a PhD in Mathematics?

34 votes

Algebraic proof of Five-Color Theorem using chromatic polynomials by Birkhoff and Lewis in 1946

28 votes

How often do people read the work that they cite?

24 votes

How Much Work Does it Take to be a Successful Mathematician?

21 votes

Is this graph Hamiltonian?

15 votes

Could the 4-color theorem be proven by contracting snarks?

15 votes

is it possible to have two non-isomorphic non-regular graphs with the same adjacent spectrum and the same laplacian spectrum?

15 votes

When should a result be made into a paper?

15 votes

Is the "Moebius Stairway" Graph Already Known?

13 votes

Smallest strongly regular graph whose automorphism group is not vertex transitive?

12 votes

How do professional mathematicians learn new things?

11 votes

Does graph asymmetry imply all eigenvalues of the graph Laplacian are simple?

11 votes

A labelling of the vertices of the Petersen graph with integers

11 votes

Is there any fast implementation of four color theorem in Python?

10 votes

Is there a bipartite graph with $\sqrt{2}$ as an eigenvalue with high multiplicity, specifically more than in the Heawood graph?

10 votes

Generating 21-vertex 4-regular plane graphs with 8 faces of degree 3 and 15 faces of degree 4

10 votes

What is the smallest uniquely hamiltonian graph with minimum degree at least 3?

10 votes

Can a graph be reconstructed from its cycle lengths?

10 votes

Algorithm to find all (up to isomorphism) perfect matchings of quartic plane graphs

9 votes

Cheeger Numbers for 3-regular Graphs

9 votes

What is the smallest 4-chromatic graph of girth 5?

9 votes

Cubic almost-vertex-transitive graphs with given spanning tree

8 votes

Smallest triangle-free graph with chromatic number 5

8 votes

Algorithms for calculating R(5,5) and R(6,6)

8 votes

Free open-access peer-reviewed math journals

8 votes

Is there a characterization of CI-groups of order less than 100?

8 votes

Graph homomorphisms and line graph