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Properties of microlocalization

Let $i: M\hookrightarrow X$ be the inclusion of a closed submanifold in a smooth manifold $X$. I denote by $T_MX$ the normal bundle to $M$ in $X$, by $T^{\ast}_MX$ its dual bundle, and by $D^b(X)$ the ...
mfox's user avatar
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Coherent cohomological dimension and affine morphisms

For simplicity, all varieties in this question are quasiprojective varieties over an algebraically closed field of characteristic $0$. The coherent cohomological dimension $cd(X)$ of a variety $X$ is ...
Linda's user avatar
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What is an example of a cokernel $B/\phi(A)$ in group schemes which does not have $A=\mu_d$ and requires the fppf topology to be a sheaf?

Let $S$ be affine. A bit of background: Let us think of $S$-group schemes as abelian sheaves over a given site (etale, Zariski, fppf, etc). When we take a cokernel of a morphism $\phi$ this category: $...
Catherine Ray's user avatar
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How to construct the espace étalé (space of sections) for an arbitrary category?

I want to consider the sheaf valued in an arbitrary category (not only of sets, groups, modules and so on) on a topological space, using the language of étalé space. In all references I am reading (...
Zhang Kongzheng's user avatar
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What is the filtration in Leray's spectral sequence?

Leray's theory of spectral sequences considers a continuous map $f : X \to Y$ between topological spaces. The statement is that there exists a filtration $$H^n(X,k) = F^0H^n(X,k) \supseteq ... \...
BrianT's user avatar
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How "commutative" are Cech cochains of a sheaf of commutative (dg) algebras?

Let $X$ be a topological space and $\mathcal{F}$ be a sheaf of commutative dg-algebras over $X$. Let $\mathfrak{U}$ be a fixed open covering of $X$ and $C^\bullet(\mathfrak{U},\mathcal{F})$ be the ...
algebrachallenged's user avatar
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K-flat, K-flabby resolution

Let $X$ be a topological space and $F$ a flat sheaf of abelian groups. It is well known that taking the Godement resolution of $F$ gives rise to a "flabbyflat" or "flasqueflat" resolution, in the ...
Rene Recktenwald's user avatar
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Injective sheaf of $\mathcal{O}_X$ modules

I am trying to verify that: A sheaf of $\mathcal{O}_X$ modules $\mathcal{F}$ is an injective object in the category of $\mathcal{O}_X$ modules iff its local rings $\mathcal{F}_x$ are injective $\...
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Does the de Rham complex induce a functorial soft resolution of the category of cochain complexes of sheaves of vector spaces on a smooth manifold?

I apologize in advance if this is pretty straightforward; I'm a differential geometer and physicist by training so my homological algebra and homotopy theory are a bit weak. Question: Let $M$ be a ...
ಠ_ಠ's user avatar
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Examples of nonstable ∞-categories in which sifted colimits commute with finite limits

What are some natural examples (if any) of nonstable ∞-categories in which finite limits commute with sifted colimits (or rather just colimits over Δ^op)? Stable ∞-categories do satisfy this property,...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
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Constructible sheaves on general stratified spaces

I am not an expert in the field, so my question might be rather standard. Let $X$ be a compact metric space. Assume that $X=\cup_{i=1}^NS_i$ is a finite disjoint union of locally closed topological ...
asv's user avatar
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Push forward of the constant sheaf for a Serre's fibration

Let $f\colon X\to Y$ be a proper continuous map of topological spaces which is a Serre's fibration. $X$ and $Y$ may be assumed to be locally compact, $Y$ is connected topological manifold of finite ...
asv's user avatar
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Extension of ample vector bundles is ample

As I read Huybrechts-Lehn's book on Moduli of Sheaves, it is making a claim that extensions of several (at least 2) ample vector bundles (on curves) is again ample. Somehow, I am unable to see this ...
chhan92's user avatar
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Applications and main properties of hyperfunctions

I am trying to get familiar with hyperfunctions, and I do have some familiarity with the classical theory of distributions. I am wondering whether hyperfunctions have any advantages over ...
asv's user avatar
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Mixed structures on Hom spaces induced by mixed sheaves

Let $D^b_m(X)$ (resp $D^b(X)$) denote the derived category of mixed Hodge modules (resp. constructible sheaves) on a complex variety $X$. Let $rat\colon D^b_m(X)\to D^b(X)$ be the `forgetful' ...
Reladenine Vakalwe's user avatar
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About an argument in `Koszul duality patterns in representation theory' by Beilinson-Ginzburg-Soergel.

I am trying to understand Proposition 3.4.2 in `Koszul duality patterns in representation theory' by Beilinson-Ginzburg-Soergel [BGS]. A copy of the paper can be found at http://home.mathematik.uni-...
Reladenine Vakalwe's user avatar
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Do 'change of coefficients' functors for sheaves commute with the four functors (formalism)?

For a morphism $f$ of varieties over a field of characteristic $\neq l$ I can consider the functors $Rf_*$, $f^\ast$, $f_!$, and $f^!$ both for the corresponding derived categories of 'all' (...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Sheaf Cohomology on Zariski-Riemann Spaces

Can sheaf cohomology on the Zariski-Riemann spaces give some sort of classification for field extensions (even just for function fields)? If not, are there any significant or useful results (e.g. for ...
Jizhan Hong's user avatar
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Monomorphisms of sheaves

The following is surely pretty standard, but I have been unable to prove it or find a proof in the literature (many sources assert it without proof). Let $\phi : \mathcal{F} \rightarrow \mathcal{G}$ ...
Nikita's user avatar
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Is Bredon's Topology a sufficient prelude to Bredon's Sheaf Theory?

I intend to try working through Bredon's seminal sheaf theory text prior to graduating (I am currently a second year undergraduate), but it is at a level which is far beyond my own (friends of mine ...
lambdafunctor's user avatar
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"Quasi-coherent" vector spaces in Sch/S

$\DeclareMathOperator\Vec{Vec}\newcommand\Sch{\mathrm{Sch}}\DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom}$Let $S$ be a base scheme. Let me write $\Vec(S)$ to denote the category of $\mathbb A_S$-vector space objects ...
Nico's user avatar
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How to characterize Abelian sheaves that are quasi-coherent?

Let $X$ be a scheme. Suppose you are given a sheaf of Abelian groups $\mathcal{A}$ over $X$. How can you determine if $\mathcal{A}$ is the underlying Abelian sheaf of a sheaf of $O_X$-modules? In ...
Qfwfq's user avatar
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Locally ringed space with noetherian stalks and a non-coherent structural sheaf

I am looking for a locally ringed space the stalks of which are noetherian and such that the structural sheaf is not coherent over itself. Can you provide me an example of this? Notice that one may ...
Gaussian's user avatar
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Explicit examples presheaves associated to higher direct images which fail to be sheaves

So I would like to have a few simple examples where the presheaf associated to higher direct image of sheaf fails to be sheaf. So I'm looking for two (natural and simple) topological spaces $X$ and $Y$...
Hugo Chapdelaine's user avatar
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Why are (pre)sheaves defined as contravariant functors? Why not just reverse the arrows in the first place?

Why not just have arrows in the category of opens represent coverings instead of inclusions? It seems to me like both conventions (whether presheaves are co/contra and which of the two dual orderings ...
Mark Gomer's user avatar
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If one wants to work with $Q_l$-adic sheaves, should the scheme be of finite type over a 1-dimensional one?

In section 6 of his 'Adic Formalism' T. Ekedahl states that $l$-adic sheaves 'behave nicely' for finite type separated schemes over $S$ that is regular of dimension $\le 1$. Is the dimension ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Basic question on projective bundles

Let $\mathcal{E}$ be a coherent sheaf on an irreducible scheme $S$ ($S$ can be pretty nice, say noetherian of finite type), and let $\mathbf{P}(\mathcal{E}):=\mathrm{Proj}(\mathrm{Sym}(\mathcal{E}))$ ...
rfauffar's user avatar
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Singular support of an irreducible perverse sheaf

I was studying Sheaves on Manifolds by Kashiwara and Schapira, and while the singular support seems like a complicated invariant I cannot seem to find a counterexample to the following: Let $X$ be a ...
Ioannis Zolas's user avatar
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Clarification on smooth de Rham theorem

I am misunderstanding something in Theorem 2.1.9 in Dimca’s Sheaves in Topology: Let $X$ be a real smooth manifold. Then the natural morphism from the constant sheaf to the de Rham complex $$\mathbb{R}...
locally trivial's user avatar
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Why abelian sheaves instead of $\mathcal{O}_X$-modules in topology and étale stuff?

Most often than not, the sheaves appearing in algebraic geometry (with the Zariski topology) are $\mathcal{O}_X$-modules, instead of simple abelian sheaves. Now, when dealing with topological spaces (...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Modules, Sheaves and Vector bundles

Given a graded ring $S$ and a graded S-module $M$ we can carry out a construction in order to get $\tilde{M}$, which is a sheaf over the scheme $\mathrm{Proj}~ S$. With this in view, I have an ...
Csar Lozano Huerta's user avatar
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Delta distribution on manifolds

Let $M$ be a manifold. There is the sheaf of distributions $\mathcal{D}'$ and the sheaf of distribution densities $\mathcal{D}(\cdot)'$ on $M$. A delta distribution density $\delta_p \in \mathcal{D}(M)...
psl2Z's user avatar
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Bott & Tu differential forms Example 10.1

In Bott & Tu's "Differential forms", Example 10.1 states: $\textbf{Example 10.1}$ Let $\pi: E \to M$ be a fiber bundle with fiber $F$. Define a presheaf on $M$ by $\mathcal F(U) = H^q(\...
Jaehwan Kim's user avatar
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Is there a Čech-like way of computing $H^\bullet(X,M^\bullet)$ or even $\mathsf{R}f_* M^\bullet$?

Let $X$ be a topological space (or a site) and let $M$ be a sheaf on $X$. If $X$ is paracompact, or if $X$ is a noetherian separated scheme and $M$ is quasi-coherent, or if $X$ is quasi-projective ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Equivalence of different cohomology groups

Let $X$ be a topological space (may be assumed to be locally compact). Let $A$ be either a field or $\mathbb{Z}$. One can consider various cohomology groups: (1) singular cohomology $H_{sing}^*(X,A)$;...
asv's user avatar
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Sheaf cohomology in non-commutative setup

Let $X$ be a topological space and $A$ a sheaf of noncommutative associative algebras over a fixed field $k$. My questions are: 1) Does the category of modules over A have enough injective? 2) If we ...
vdm123's user avatar
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finite-dimensionality of cohomology groups on compact riemann surfaces

does the finite dimensionlity of the first cohomology group ($ H^1 $) of the sheaf of meromorphic sections of a holomorphic line bundle on a compact riemann surface follow easily from the finite ...
faquarl's user avatar
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Ringed and locally ringed spaces

A pair $(X,O_X)$ is a ringed space if $X$ is a topological space and $O_X$ is a sheaf of rings. If every stalk $O_{X,x}$ is a local ring, then we say that $(X,O_X)$ is a locally ringed space. In the ...
Jesus Martinez Garcia's user avatar
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Internal hom of sheaves

Consider a topos, i.e. the category $Shv$ of sheaves on a Grothendieck site $T$ with values in abelian groups. The category $Shv$ is symmetric monoidal with $\otimes$, the tensor product in every ...
roger123's user avatar
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Is the pushforward of a closed immersion ever fully-faithful at the level of Derived Categories?

Let $i: Z \rightarrow X$ be a closed immersion of schemes. Then, for any $\mathcal{O}_{Z}$-module $\mathcal{G}$, the counit of adjunction $i^{*}i_{*}\mathcal{G} \rightarrow \mathcal{G}$ is an ...
Sunny Sood's user avatar
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Gluing objects of derived category of sheaves

Let $X$ be a locally compact topological space (may be assumed to be a stratified space with finite stratification). Let $\{U_i\}$ be an open finite covering. Assume that over each $U_i$ we are given ...
asv's user avatar
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Canonical product in sheaf cohomology

EDIT: Let $\mathcal{F},\mathcal{G}$ be sheaves of abelian groups on a topological space $X$. Then there exists a canonical cup product $$H^i(X,\mathcal{F})\otimes_\mathbb{Z}H^j(X,\mathcal{G})\to H^{i+...
asv's user avatar
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on the Zariski sheafification of Quillen's K-theory

Let $X$ be a smooth k-variety and denote by $K_n$ Quillen's K-theory sheaf, that is: the Zariski sheaf on $X$ associated to the presheaf $U \mapsto K_n(U)$. The Bloch-Quillen formula says that $CH^n(...
1729's user avatar
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Grothendieck topoi as a constructive property

This question is inspired by Homotopy type theory, but I believe it can be thought about also in other constructive foundations. In HoTT the question could be stated as follows: Given a definition of ...
Ilk's user avatar
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Sheaf cohomology commutes with colimits of sheaves

Let $X$ be a Noetherian scheme over a Noetherian ring $R$ and $(F_{\alpha})_{\alpha \in I}$ a direct system of $O_X$-module sheaves on $X$. I'm looking for source literature where I can find a proof ...
user267839's user avatar
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A few general questions about pre-sheaves and sheaves

I am no specialist in sheaf theory, so I would be glad to get some help regarding the following: I have a pre-sheaf $F$ of abelian groups above a topological space $X$, and I have found an open ...
BrianT's user avatar
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When does derived pullback commute with infinite products?

Let $f:X \to Y$ be a morphism of reasonable schemes (qcqs). Let $f^*: D(Y) \to D(X)$ be the pullback defined on the derived unbounded categories of quasi-coherent sheaves. Question: When does $f^*$...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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Two basic questions on derived categories

Let $\mathcal{A}, \mathcal{B}$ be two abelian categories with sufficiently many injective objects (in my case these are categories of sheaves of vector spaces on a manifold). Let $f_*\colon \mathcal{A}...
asv's user avatar
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Representability of a certain group scheme quotient

Let $k$ be a field. Suppose we have an exact sequence of $k$-group schemes (not finite-type) $$ 1\to H\to G\to K\to 1 $$ In other words, the sheaf quotient $G/H$ is representable by a $k$-group ...
KotelKanim's user avatar
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Vector space structure on the tangent bundle of a scheme and relation to the tangent sheaf

First a word of warning: I am not a trained algebraic geometer, so it is possible (likely) that these questions are inappropriate for MO, if so: my apologies. Said this: As far as I understand the ...
Spinorbundle's user avatar
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