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A question about the sheaf supported on the zero section

Let $X$ be the total space of the cotangent sheaf on $\mathbb{P}^{2}$ and $i \colon \mathbb{P}^{2} \hookrightarrow X$ be thezero section. Suppose that $E$ is a coherent sheaf on $X$ which is set-...
Tianle Mao's user avatar
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Counit map surjective

Let $X \to Y$ a (set theoretically) surjective morphism of schemes, $L$ a line bundle/invertible sheaf on $X$ (maybe more generally a locally free coh sheaf, but let's stick firstly on invertible ...
user267839's user avatar
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Is the pushforward of a closed immersion ever fully-faithful at the level of Derived Categories?

Let $i: Z \rightarrow X$ be a closed immersion of schemes. Then, for any $\mathcal{O}_{Z}$-module $\mathcal{G}$, the counit of adjunction $i^{*}i_{*}\mathcal{G} \rightarrow \mathcal{G}$ is an ...
Sunny Sood's user avatar
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Check that a Sheaf is Invertible Etale Locally

A question about following statement from Martin Olsson's book on Stacks. In the proof of Proposition 13.2.9. (p 269) is claimed that certain sheaf $K$ on a nodal curve $C$ is invertible it suffice to ...
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existence of a coherent sheaf

I am doing algebraic geometry. My question is the following: Here $X=\mathbb{A}^1-0$, $\mathbb{A}^1 = Spec A[t]$, $A$ is a commutative, noetherian ring with unity, consider $\mathcal{O}_{Spec A}$ as $\...
KAK's user avatar
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Canonical conics pulling back to polynomials on rational normal curve

(In following all schemes are formed over $\Bbb C$) Let $C:=\nu_d(\Bbb P^1)$ the rational normal curve obtained via $d$-folded Veronese map $\nu_d: \Bbb P^1 \to \Bbb P^d$. The quadrics on $\Bbb P^d$ ...
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Vanishing of higher morphisms for pair moduli

Consider a moduli scheme $P$ of sheaves $F$ on a Calabi-Yau n-fold $X$ with a section $s\in H^0(F)$. Alternatively, such objects can be described as maps $\mathcal{O}_X \xrightarrow{s} F$ called pairs....
Arkadij's user avatar
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Extension by zero operation

Suppose you have a closed subset $Z$ of a topological space $X$, and $F$ is a sheaf on $Z$. Then one can consider the extension by zero sheaf $F^X$ on $X$. What are some examples and situations which ...
maxo's user avatar
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Splitting of counit-trace map for $\ell$-adic sheaf $\Bbb Q_{\ell}$

I have a question about following argument on page 3 in paper by Will Sawin (Proposition 3): The claim is that for a finite, dominant map $f:X \to Y$ between varieties $X,Y$ ...
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When a fully faithful functor from an abelian category to itself will be an equivalence

Let $A$ be an abelian category. Suppose $i:A\to A$ is a fully faithful functor from $A$ to itself. I wonder when the functor will be an equivalence. If $A$ is a "nice" category, I think $i$ ...
Mike's user avatar
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Ampleness verifiable over faithfully flat cover

Let $X$ be a Noetherian scheme over a field $k$ and $\mathcal{L}$ an invertible sheaf. Recall $\mathcal{L}$ is called ample iff for every coherent $\mathcal{M}$ there exist a $n_0(M)$ such that for ...
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Dual of slope semistable vector bundle on higher dimensional variety

Recall the definition of slope semistability, taken from section 1.2 of Huybrechts and Lehn's "Geometry of Moduli Spaces of Sheaves" book. Let $X$ be a projective $\mathbb{C}$-scheme and $E \...
maxo's user avatar
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Cohomology of the complement of a subvariety

Let $X$ be a complex manifold, $Y\subset X$ a subvariety, and $U:=X\setminus Y$ of codimension $d$. It is well known that the restriction map $$ H^i(X,\mathbb Q)\to H^i(U,\mathbb Q) $$ is an ...
fgh's user avatar
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How can I calculate $\chi(\mathscr{O}(P))$

Let be X a reduced and irreducible curve over a field $L_0$. Let $L$ an extension of $L_0$ and set \begin{gather*} \overline{X}=L \otimes X. \end{gather*} Assume $\overline{X}$ also irreducible. Now, ...
MChocko's user avatar
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details of a dévissage argument for constructible sheaves

I am working on the following Künneth-type isomorphism from [SGA5, exposé III, 2,3]: $\mathrm{Settings}.$ Let $X_1, X_2$ be separated finite type schemes over the spectrum of a field $S=\mathrm{Spec}...
Wilhelm's user avatar
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Homeomorphic endomorphism of schemes inducing equivalence of sheaves

Let $F: X \to X$ to be an endomorphism of scheme $X$, which is additionally assumed to induce an universal homeomorphism on the underlying topological space $| X|$. Then it is known that this induces ...
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Trying to understand "Shtukas"

I'm studying Goss' Basic structures of function field Arithmetic, chapter 6 about Shtukas. I'm trying to understand some details about some concepts. This chapter is based on a Mumford's paper An ...
MChocko's user avatar
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Dévissage of stratified structures in Grothendieck's "Esquisse d’un programme"

I have a question about the intuition behind Grothendieck's proposed notion of so called "Tame topology" in his Esquisse d’un programme. Grothendieck insisted that theory should admit “...
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Bott & Tu differential forms Example 10.1

In Bott & Tu's "Differential forms", Example 10.1 states: $\textbf{Example 10.1}$ Let $\pi: E \to M$ be a fiber bundle with fiber $F$. Define a presheaf on $M$ by $\mathcal F(U) = H^q(\...
Jaehwan Kim's user avatar
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Local freeness of dualizing sheaf

I am reading the dualizing sheaf and duality theorems from Hartshorne’s algebraic geometry book. I am wondering about the following. When does the dualizing sheaf of a projective scheme is an locally ...
KAK's user avatar
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Category of sheaves of vector spaces on BG

Let $G$ be an affine group scheme over $\mathbb{C}$. I am interested in understanding the differences between different notions of sheaves on the stack $pt/G = BG$. For any algebraic stack $X$ one can ...
arczn's user avatar
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Higher direct images of locally constant etale sheaf under smooth proper map locally constant

Let $f:X \to Y$ a surjective smooth proper map between Noetherian schemes and $F$ a locally constant sheaf on small etale site of $X$. Question: Refering to Donu Arapura's answer here, how to see that ...
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Origin of the name Trace resp Integral symbol for the trace map of Dualizing Sheaf

Let $X \subset \mathbb{P}^n_k$ be a normal projective subscheme over $k$ of dimension $n$. The dualizing sheaf is in context of Serre duality a pair $(\omega_X,t)$ (which exists in that case) ...
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Vakil exercise on sheaf associated to the divisor of rational section

This is exercise 15.4.G. of Vakil's notes. Let $\mathscr{L}$ be an invertible sheaf on an irreducible normal scheme $X$ with $s$ a rational section of $\mathscr{L}$. We want that $\mathscr{O}_X(\text{...
Teddy's user avatar
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Hodge bundles associated to a family of complex manifolds

I'm reading Voisin's books on Hodge theory. In the first volume she claimed but didn't prove this theorem: Theorem 10.10 (Voisin) Let $\varphi:\chi\rightarrow B$ be a family of compact complex ...
ZYun's user avatar
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Etale cohomology of relative elliptic curve

Let $E_a: y^2 = x(x-1)(x-a)$ be a smooth proper relative elliptic curve over $\text{Spec}(A)$, with $a\in A$, and assume $\text{Spec}(A)$ is a $\text{Spec}(\mathbb{Q}_p)$-scheme. Let $R^1f_*\mathbb{Q}...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Lifting of quadrics containing hyperplane section for projectively normal curves

Let $C \subset \mathbb{P}^r$ be a projective curve (over $k=\mathbb{C}$), smooth, irreducible and nondegenerate of degree $d$, ie the embedding line bundle $\mathcal{O}_C(1)=(\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^r}...
user267839's user avatar
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Vakil's Generalization of qcqs Lemma

(This was also simultaneously asked on math stack exchange: In the most recent notes of Vakil, this is problem 15....
Teddy's user avatar
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When inverse image presheaf is already a sheaf

Following proof from Milne's Étale Cohomology (page 94) contains an equality I not understand. Setting: assume $X$ is a variety (=absolutely reduced, irreducible scheme of finite type over base field ...
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A stalk criterion for unit map to be an isomorphism on étale site

Let $f: X \to Y$ be a morphism of schemes and $\mathcal{F}$ sheaf of sets/Abelian groups on the small étale site $Y_{ét}$. Assume we manage somehow to show thatat every geometric point $\overline{y} \...
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Čech cohomology refinement mapping

Let us consider the map $t_{AB}^*:H^1(A,F)\to H^1(B,F)$ between the cohomology groups, induced by the refinement map $t_{AB}:J\to I$, where $F$ is a sheaf of abelian groups on $X$, $A$ and $B$ are ...
Alexander Mrinski's user avatar
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Characterization of étale locally constant sheaves over a normal scheme

I have a question about the verification of remark 1.2 in James Milne's book Étale Cohomology stated on page 156: Assume $X$ be a normal & connected scheme with generic point $g: \eta \to X$. Then ...
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Line bundles on curve with nodal singularity

Let $C$ be be an irreducible reduced curve over alg closed field $k$ with only one single nodal singularity $x$ and $f:N \to C$ it's normalization with $f^{-1}(x)=\{x_1,x_2\}$ (as set), and an iso ...
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why is counit called the trace map

Let $f: X \to Y$ be a morphism of schemes, then $f_*$ and $f^*$ form an adjoint pair inducing natural correspondence $\text{Hom}_{\mathcal{O}_X}(f^*\mathcal{G},\mathcal{F})= \text{Hom}_{\mathcal{O}_Y}(...
JackYo's user avatar
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Compatibility of Beck Chevalley condition: sheaves

Given a (not necessarily Cartesian) square of spaces $$\require{AMScd}\begin{CD} X @>g>> \overline{X} \\ @VVfV @VV\overline{f}V \\ Y @>\overline{g}>> \overline{Y} \end{CD}$$ does the ...
Pulcinella's user avatar
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Finding global sections of a sheaf of sets using (some kind of) sheaf cohomology?

Let $X$ be a compact manifold, say, and $G$ a Lie group, and $H$ a closed Lie subgroup such that $M \cong G/H$ is a homogeneous space. (For my purposes, $X$ and $M$ would be a smooth projective ...
Paul Cusson's user avatar
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Field of fractions of etale stalk of Dedekind domain (Example from Milne's LEC)

Let $X=\operatorname{Spec}(A)$ be an affine Dedekind domain with field of fractions $K$. Let $\widetilde{A}$ be the integral closure of $A$ in separable closure $ K^{\text{sep}}$. A closed point $x$ ...
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Calculate stalk of etale derived pushforward sheaf (Milne's LEC)

Assume $X=\operatorname{Spec}(A)$ is connected and normal (especially integral), and let $g:\eta \hookrightarrow X$ be the inclusion of the generic point of $X$. In Milne's LEC script on Etale ...
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If $\mathcal{F}$ globally generated, then counit map $f^*f_* \mathcal{F} \to \mathcal{F} $ surjective

Let $f: X \to S$ be a morphism, and $\mathcal{F}$ be quasi-coherent $\mathcal{O}_X$-module generated by global sections (eg if $X$ projective, then this holds for the twisted sheaf $\mathcal{F}(n)$ ...
JackYo's user avatar
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Second fundamental exact sequence of sheaves of differentials. Sufficient condition to get a splitting s.e.s

$\def\spec{\operatorname{Spec}}$I am trying to understand the proof of Lemma 0474 of the Stacks Project. I'll give some context to its statement before discussing its proof: In commutative algebra, if ...
Elías Guisado Villalgordo's user avatar
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Equivariant perverse sheaves and orbit stratification

Let $X$ be a complex algebraic variety with an action of a connected algebraic group $G$. The forgetful functor from the category of $G$-equivariant perverse sheaves on $X$ to the category of perverse ...
Antoine Labelle's user avatar
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Is there a simple counterexample to étale proper base change on the unbounded derived category?

The best non-derived version of proper base change on the étale site of a scheme I know is that for $f : X \to Y$ proper and $g : Y' \to Y$ arbitrary, the base change morphism $g^{-1} R f_\star \...
C.D.'s user avatar
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How to read the definition of Grothendieck Pretopology in SGA4?

In SGA4, the first axiom of a Grothendieck pretopology is given as: PT0: Pour tout objet $X$ de $C$, les morphismes des familles de morphismes de $Cov(𝑋)$ sont quarrables. (Rappelons qu’un morphisme ...
Joey Eremondi's user avatar
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Compact generators of $\mathcal{D}\text{-Mod}$ via Mayer Vietoris

Let $X$ be a complex variety (or any space for whom a category of sheaves with the six functors is defined), and $$i\ :\ Z\ \to\ X\ \leftarrow\ U\ :\ j$$ be complementary open and closed embeddings. ...
Pulcinella's user avatar
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Quotient sheaf obtained from a quotient of $\mathrm{SL}_2$ having a section

$\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}$Let $K$ be a field and let $G$ be a $K$-defined, closed, algebraic subgroup of $\SL_2$. Denote by $\mathcal{C}$ the site whose objects are $K$-schemes, with your favorite $...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Who introduced the notion of ringed spaces?

My question is very concise, please forgive it. Who introduced the concept of ringed space? My first try would be that they were introduced by Cartan in his study of analytic functions with sheaves. ...
user234212323's user avatar
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Do we have $\underline{\operatorname{Ext}}^i_\text{fppf}(\widehat{\mathbb{G}}_a,\mathbb{G}_m)=0$ for $i>0$?

Let $k$ be a characteristic zero field and consider the category $(\mathsf{Sch}/k)_\text{fppf}$ of schemes over $k$ with the fppf topology. I know that $\underline{\operatorname{Hom}}(\mathbb{G}_a,\...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Do we have $\underline{\operatorname{Ext}}^i_\text{fppf}(\mathbb{G}_a,\mathbb{G}_m)=0$ for $i>0$?

Let $k$ be a characteristic zero field and consider the category $(\mathsf{Sch}/k)_\text{fppf}$ of schemes over $k$ with the fppf topology. I know that $\underline{\operatorname{Hom}}(\mathbb{G}_a,\...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Global sections of relative characteristic of log-smooth curves

$\DeclareMathOperator\Spec{Spec}$I am currently learning about log-geometry and try to understand the theory in the example of curves with basic log-structure over a general base $S$. Especially, I am ...
Matthias's user avatar
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When morphism of complexes is homotopic to 0?

Let $f\colon A^\bullet\to I^\bullet$ be a morphism of bounded below complexes in an abelian category. Assume all $I^i$ are injective objects. Assume also that $f$ induces the zero map on cohomology. ...
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