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Classifying spaces of amalgamated topological monoids

Let $\mathsf{Top}_*$ be the category of well-based spaces and $\mathsf{TopMon}$ the category of topological monoids. Recall the James construction $\mathcal{J}:\mathsf{Top}_*\to \mathsf{TopMon}$ which ...
FKranhold's user avatar
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On the Gelfand-Kirillov Conjecture

The base field $k$ is of zero characteristic. Notation: $A_{n,s}(k):= A_n(k(x_1,\ldots,x_s))$, the Weyl agebra over a purely transcedental extension of the base field; $F_{n,s}(k)$, the Weyl field, is ...
jg1896's user avatar
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A graded version of the Koethe conjecture

The most straightforward graded version of the Koethe conjecture would seem to say that the result of summing of two graded-nil ideals produces a graded-nil ideal. Here, graded-nil means having all ...
David Feldman's user avatar
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Hochschild homology of acyclic complex

Let $A$ be a differential graded algebra over a commutative ring $R$. Suppose that $H_*(A)=0$, i.e. $A$ is acyclic. Question: Does this imply that the Hochschild homology $HH_*(A)$ also vanishes ...
user155668's user avatar
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Cancellativity of a particular $2$-generated monoid presented by an infinite number of relations

Let $X = \{x, y\}$ be a two-element set, and let $H$ be the monoid defined by the presentation $$ \langle x, y \mid x y^k x = y x y^{k+1} x y, \text{ for } k = 0, 1, 2, \ldots\rangle. $$ That is, $H$ ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Closest generators for matrix algebra which is not semisimple

Given a collection of $n$ commuting $n \times n$ matrices $A_1, \dots, A_n \subset M_n (\mathbb{R})$ which generate a semisimple algebra $\mathcal{A}$, I am interested in finding matrices $E_1, \dots, ...
Eric's user avatar
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Splitting of central simple algebras in the Schur subgroup over residue fields of places

Recall that a valuation domain of ​a field extension ​$K/k$ is a $k$-subalgebra $V$ of $K$ ​not equal to $K$ ​such that for every $a\in K$ at least one of $a$ and $a^{-1}$ is in $V$. A​ ​place of $K/k$...
Fabian Meumertzheim's user avatar
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Is a specific endomorphism of $A_1$ an automorphism?

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero, and let $A_1(k)$ be the first Weyl algebra, namely, the associative non-commutative $k$-algebra generated by $x$ and $y$ subject to the relation $yx-xy=1$. ...
user237522's user avatar
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On the compactification of partial semigroups

We begin by introducing some relevant definitions. Definition: A $\textit{partial semigroup}$ is a pair $(S,.)$ where $.$ maps a subset of $S \times S$ to $S$ and for all $a,b,c \in S, (a.b).c=a.(b.c)...
Surojit Ghosh's user avatar
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Hochschild homology and Chern character quiver with potential

I am a beginner in quiver theory so this question might not be suitable for mathoverflow. Let $(Q,W)$ be a quiver with potential and let $\Gamma$ be the Ginzburg DG-algebra associated to $(Q,W)$. Is ...
Libli's user avatar
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Language representation problem regarding non-commutative, non-associative algebras

Consider a sentence as a series of words with an associated set of labels that tell one how information is passed through the sentence - examples include combinatory categorical grammars or Lambek ...
East's user avatar
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Is the elasticity of a submonoid of the free abelian monoid over a finite set either rational or infinite?

Let $P$ be a finite set, $\mathscr F(P)$ the free abelian monoid with basis $P$, and $H$ a submonoid of $\mathscr F(P)$. Given $x \in H \setminus \{1_H\}$, we let $\mathsf L_H(x)$ be the set of all $...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Intersections of generating sets of subalgebras

Let $A$ be a finitely generated, finitely presented, Noetherian, unital algebra over the complex numbers, which has no zero divisors. We do not assume that $A$ is commutative however. Moreover, let $...
Hans gluckmann's user avatar
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Semigroups containing an ideal with a local identity

I'm looking for some classes of semigroups containing a (proper) ideal with a local identity (i.e., ideal submonoid). Can somebody give some examples or/and theorems for the followings cases: (a) ...
M.H.Hooshmand's user avatar
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Can monoids of "continuous words" be realized as initial monoid objects?

Whenever $X$ is a set, write $X^*$ for the monoid freely generated by $X$. The elements of $X$ are, of course, words in the letters $X$. When $X$ is finite, there also seems to be a great many ...
goblin GONE's user avatar
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Reference request: Hecke agebra over non-commutative rings

I think the title sums it up quite well: Is it a useful idea to define the Iwahori-Hecke algebra over a non-commutative $k$-algebra? If so, what shape should the relations attain? Bonus question: ...
Bubaya's user avatar
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Counting the monic atoms $f$ in the semiring $\mathbf N[x]$ with $f(0)=1$, bounded coefficients, and degree $k$ (in the limit as $k \to \infty$)

Let $H$ be the multiplicative monoid of the (usual) semiring of polynomials in one variable $x$ with coefficients in $\mathbf N$. Given $\alpha, k \in \mathbf N$, denote by $\mathcal A_k(\alpha)$ the ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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The group of automorphisms and anti-automorphisms of the first Weyl algebra

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero, and let $A_1=A_1(k)$ be the first Weyl algebra. It is well known (first proved by Dixmier, if I am not wrong) that the group of automorphisms of $A_1$, ...
user237522's user avatar
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Distributive lattices -> left regular bands -> Atomistic lower semimodular lattices

Consider the following construction : let $(L,\vee,\wedge)$ be a finite distributive lattice, and let $(\mathrm{Int}(L),\star)$ be the monoid defined on the set of non empty intervals of $L$ $$\mathrm{...
Olivier Bégassat's user avatar
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Given a primitive finite set $A\subseteq\bf N$ with $0\in A$, find two more primitive sets $B,C\subseteq\bf N$ with $B\ne C$ and $A+B=A+C$

Let $\mathcal P_{{\rm fin},0}(\mathbf N)$ be the monoid of all finite subsets of $\mathbf N$ containing $0$ with the operation of set addition $$ (X, Y) \mapsto X + Y := \{x+y: x \in X \text{ and }y \...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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On the eventually regular monoids and generally regular monoids

Planning the problem: First we give some definitions. An element $s \in S$ is called eventually regular if for every $s \in S$ there exist a natural number $n$ in $\mathbb{N}$ and $x \in S$ such ...
Amir Baghban's user avatar
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Certain conditions on cancellative semigroups

This is extracted from this question following Benjamin Steinberg's suggestion. For a semigroup $S,$ let $P(S)$ denote the power semigroup of $S,$ which is made up of all non-empty subsets of $S$ ...
Michał Masny's user avatar
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dual composition of binary relations

I'm not sure if this is of any interest at all, but I spent some time looking at it a couple of years ago so I'd like to ask for input on this. Given two binary relations $\rho,\,\sigma$ on a set $X,$...
Michał Masny's user avatar
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Non-finitely based varieties and pseudovarieties

The variety of semigroups defined by $B=\Big\{(x^py^p)^2=(y^px^p)^2:p \text{ is prime}\Big\}$ is non-finitely based (Isbell, 1970). Is the pseudovariety defined by $B$ also non-finitely based? More ...
E W H Lee's user avatar
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Pseudomodules, "general coherence theorem"

A pseudomonoid is defined within a monoidal bicategory. It is like a monoid in a monoidal category except that the usual axioms hold up to coherent invertible 2-cells. Pseudomonoid is like a monoidal ...
Dimitri Chikhladze's user avatar
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Number of k-generated semigroups

Given some $k>1$, I am interested in the number of $k$-generated semigroups of order $n$ (either up to isomorphism or all associative binary operations on an n-element set). At first I thought $3$-...
alexbailey's user avatar
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Semidirect products of semigroups [closed]

Let $S,T$ be two semigroups. A function $f:S\to T$ is called multiplicative if for any $x,y\in S$ we have $f(xy)=f(x)f(y)$. If $T=S$ then $f:S\to S$ is called automorphism on $S$. A function $f:S\to\...
David's user avatar
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Computing the Abelianization of an Automorphism Group

Setup: We are working in a Henselian local ring $(R, \mathfrak m, k)$ that way may assume is Cohen-Macaulay, admits a canonical module and is of finite type (so is an isolated singularity). Let $M_1,...
Floresza's user avatar
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Hindman's theorem variant for noncommutative semigroups

The well set proof of Hindman's finite sums theorem applied to noncommutative semigroups yields a sequence of elements such that finite products ordered coherently with this sequence are in one set. ...
P H P's user avatar
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What are the enforceable models of local artinian rings?

I was reading Hodges' "Model Theory" Chapter 8 a propos existentially closed models of $\forall_2$ theories in a countable first order language $L$. He extends the proof of the omitting type theorem ...
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A question of terminology - Unitizations of semigroups

There are at least two standard ways of unitizing a (small) semigroup $\mathbb A$: (i) We add an identity regardless that $\mathbb A$ is already unital. (ii) We add an identity only if none is ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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AS Cohen Macaulay algebras and dualizing complexes

Let $A$ be an $\mathbb N$-graded algebra such that $A_0 = k$ is a field. This are usually called graded connected algebras. One can define a torsion functor with respect to the ideal $\mathfrak m = \...
Pablo Zadunaisky's user avatar
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Software for Combinatorial Algebra sought

I am looking for software which helps me do straightforward tasks in combinatorial algebra. Let me give an example of what I mean by a straightforward task: I have two graded (generally ...
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Tensor power- Notation question

Hi everyone I have a notational question, which is written usually in papers, but I can not figure it out what could be. Let $M$ be an $A$-module. I have seen this notation $$M^{\otimes -n}$$ I ...
M.B's user avatar
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Pulling out factors in a Noetherian Domain

Let $R$ be a Noetherian domain (not-necessarily commutative), and let $S$ be a Noetherian subring of $R$. An element $r\in R$ is left $S$-irreducible if, for any $s\in S$ and $r' \in R$ with $sr'=r$, ...
Greg Muller's user avatar
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on the set of numbers generated by integer linear combination of two real numbers.

Let $b > a > 0$ be two real numbers. I am interested in the set of numbers $X(p,q) = p a + q b$ with $p,q$ positive integers. Basically this is the set $a \mathbb{N} + b \mathbb{N}$. What ...
Skarr's user avatar
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Idempotent semigroups: Are they all residually finite?

As pointed out by Mark Sapir in his answer to a related question, every residually finite divisible semigroup is idempotent (hence uniquely divisible). On another hand, it is not difficult to prove ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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How canonical is the triangular decomposition of a rational Cherednik algebra?

Introduction: Let $V$ be a finite-dimensional $\mathbb{C}$-vector space, let $G \leq \mathrm{GL}(V)$ be a finite subgroup and let $\kappa:V \times V \rightarrow \mathbb{C}G$ be an alternating bilinear ...
user717's user avatar
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what conditions can one place on a finitely generated periodic semigroup that will ensure the semigroup is finite?

I am not familiar with much semigroup theory, but this question came up in my research and I've been unable to find much on it.
dan's user avatar
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Finitely generated monoids are finitely presented?

I saw in the answer of this post that any finitely generated monoids are finitely presented in the sense that there is a coequalizer diagram $P_1\rightrightarrows P_0\rightarrow M$ with $P_1$ and $P_0$...
Yuhao Huang's user avatar
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Every non-zero submodule of $R_R$ has an indecomposable direct summand: True when $R$ is von Neumann regular?

Let's say that a (right) module $M$ is well complemented if every non-zero submodule of $M$ has an indecomposable direct summand (by the way, is there a better or more standard name for this property?)...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Conjecture about semigroups

Let $G$ be a finite semigroup with order $n$ odd. Let $S_i \in G, i=1,\ldots,\binom{n}{(n+1)/2}$ be all the subsets of $G$ of size $(n+1)/2$. Let $E(S_i)$ be the set obtained "expanding" $...
Fabius Wiesner's user avatar
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Minimal ideals and subalgebras of semisimple algebras

I'm considering an algebra to be a ring which is also a vector space over some field $F$, and the algebra $A$ is said to be semisimple if it is semisimple as a ring, i.e., $A$ can be written as a ...
Henrique Assumpção's user avatar
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Flatness of submodules of free modules

Are submodules of free $\mathbb{Z}[G]$-modules flat? if not what conditions on $G$ makes it true? $G$ is an infinite group. If $\mathbb{Z}[G]$ is a Prüfer domain then this is true. Can a group ring $...
user127776's user avatar
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Central division and quaternion algebras

I would like to know if there are some central-simple algebras $D_1$, $D_2$ and $D_3$ over a field $k$ satisfying the following properties : $ind(D_1)=exp(D_1)=4$ ($ind$ is the Schur index and $exp$ ...
Louis's user avatar
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Gluing data for modules over a ring with idempotents

Let $A$ be a ring. If $e$ is an idempotent, then there is an abelian recollement involving the categories $A\text{-}\mathrm{Mod}$ and $eAe\text{-}\mathrm{Mod}$. This is Example 2.7 in Homological ...
Sergey Guminov's user avatar
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Module complements to rings embedded in a projective module

Let $R$ be noncommutative unital ring and $M$ a projective (right) $M$-module. Assume that $R$ embedds into $M$ as a right -module. A) If $R$ is a semisimple ring, then of course $R$ admits an $R$-...
Dick Johnson's user avatar
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Is Hilbert basis theorem true for positive graded ring?

Let $R=\oplus_{I\geq 0}R_i$ be a positive graded ring(maybe not commutative), where $R_0$ is a commutative Noetherian ring. If $R$ is finite generated $R_0$-algebra, is $R$ Noetherian? In here, Is ...
Jian's user avatar
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Generating totally ordered free commutative monoids

Let’s say I have a set $A$. I build the free commutative monoid $M$ generated by $A$. When can a well-order on $A$ be extended to $M$, in a way that is compatible with its monoid structure? I am ...
Tartrate's user avatar
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Nonnegatively graded algebra $A$ finitely generated as $k$-algebra iff $A_0$ finitely generated, $A_{>0}$ finitely generated as $A$-module?

This is related to my question here. My question is as follows. How do I see that a nonnegatively graded algebra $A$ is finitely generated as a $k$-algebra if and only if $A_0$ is finitely generated ...
Jakob W's user avatar
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