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$\ell^1$-norm minimization duality

I am looking for an explicit description and discussion of the dual of the $\ell^1$-norm minimization problem $\lVert A x\rVert_1\to\min$, where $A$ is a matrix, and $x$ belongs to the $n$-simplex $\...
R W's user avatar
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Using Linear Programming as an iterative procedure

Suppose, we have a linear program and an optimal solution to it. Suppose now, we get a new constraint. We want to obtain an optimal solution to the given linear program extended by that new constraint....
D. Rusin's user avatar
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maximize non-convex composite function

I want to maximize a composite function over a convex set \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} & \underset{\mathbf{p}}{\text{maximize}} & & f(\mathbf{p})-g(\mathbf{p})\\ & \text{subject to}...
mycal's user avatar
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Basin of Attraction

I have a function $F$ which is defined as follows: $$ F(x) = \sum_{i=1}^N f(z_i^T x) $$ where ${z_i}$ are known $m \times 1$ vectors, $x$ is an $m \times 1$ vector, and for $t\in \mathbb{R}$, $f(t) = \...
Mkl's user avatar
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Solution of a linearly constrained quadratic programming problem [closed]

What is the solution of the following optimization problem: \begin{align} &\min{\mathbf{p}^\mathrm{T} \mathbf{B} \mathbf{p}}\\ &\text{subject to}: \mathbf{0}\leq{\mathbf{p}}\leq \mathbf{1}. \...
mohsenh01's user avatar
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Is it possible to use linear programming to solve this problem?

I am trying to write software to minimize pricing for cell phone subscription services, ie: choose the optimum plan for each customer in a large group. Could someone comment on whether this is ...
user6546's user avatar
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Min problem on integers

Let $n$ be any integer greater than $2^{10^6}$. Given any $s\le (\log_2 n)/1000$ integers $1=q_1\le q_2\le \cdots q_{s-1}\le q_s=n$. Prove that $$\min_\ell\left(\sum_{i=1}^\ell q_i\right)\left(\sum_{i=...
Nader Bshouty's user avatar
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Existence of nonnegative solutions to an underdetermined system of linear equations

Similar questions have been asked elsewhere, but I think this is sufficiently different to warrant a new post. I have a particular matrix $A$ and would like to know when the system $Ax = 0$ has at ...
bandini's user avatar
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convex polytope integer points

is there a simple proof for the following lemma: An unbounded convex polytope (defined by linear constraints) has either zero integer points or infinite many integer points.
heinz's user avatar
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Calculate the discrete set of points B which are in the convex hull of the set of points A

This problem is likely best described with the following picture: Given the discrete set of points $A$ (shown in blue), I wish to calculate the discrete set of points that are contained within the ...
Brendan Annable's user avatar
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complexity of finding optimal matchings of given fixed size

It is known, that maximal matchings (i.e. matchings with the maximal number of edges) and optimal matchings (i.e. matchings for which the sum of edge weights is optimal) can be calculated in ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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linear programming with OR restrictions

Hi all. I have a linear program with the restriction that every variable can be zero or greater than or equal to a positive constant. That is: minimize: $w^Tx$ subject to: $Ax=b$, $Cx \le d$ and for ...
ashade's user avatar
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Solving a system of linear inequalities

Consider the following system of inequalities: $Ax=b$; $x\geq 0$; A is a $m\times n$ (non-square) and sparse matrix in which some part of entries are rational. How this system can be solved without ...
Star's user avatar
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Does there exist energy-minimizing immersions?

This is a cross-post. Let $M,N$ be $d$-dimensional oriented Riemannian manifolds, possibly with boundary, $M$ compact. Let $E_d:C^{\infty}(M,N) \to \mathbb{R}$ be the $d$-energy, i.e. $$ E_d(f)=\...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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Linear program to maximize the minimum absolute value of linear functions ?

I'd like to compute $\max_{x,t} t$ such that $\forall i$, $t < a_i + |x - b_i|$. where $a_i,\ldots, a_n$ and $b_1,\ldots,b_n$ are fixed and $x \in [0,1]$. Can this be solved with a linear ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Measurable selection for argmin to distance

Let $Y$ be a Banach space and equip $Y$ with the weak topology. Now, let $X$ be a closed, bounded, and convex subset of $Y$ and suppose that the relative (weak) topology on $X$ is metrizable with ...
ABIM's user avatar
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A question about polytopes related to linear programming

Given linear functions $f_1({\bf x}),\dots,f_n({\bf x})$ on ${\bf R}^m$, let $K = \{(a_1,\dots,a_n) \in {\bf R}^n:$ the $n$ halfspaces $\{{\bf x}: f_i({\bf x}) \leq a_i\} $ have nonempty intersection$\...
James Propp's user avatar
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Strong polynomial algorithm for linear programming

What is the current state of finding a strong polynomial algorithm for linear programming? Is there any reference?
Hao Yu's user avatar
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Maximizing the $\alpha$-moment of a distributution

Given $\alpha$ and constant $\mu$, $$\begin{array}{ll} \text{maximize} & \displaystyle\int_0^\infty p(x)x^\alpha \,\mathrm d x\\ \text{subject to} & \displaystyle\int_0^\infty p(x)\,\mathrm d ...
Halbort's user avatar
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Sensitivity analysis in conic optimization

I have a conic optimization of the form: $$\min_x \langle c, x \rangle,\ \text{s.t.}\ Ax = b,\ x \in K.$$ where $x \in \mathbb{R}^{n}$, $A$ is an $m \times n$ matrix, $b \in \mathbb{R}^m$, $K$ is a ...
Barrett's user avatar
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For interior point methods of linear programming, what is the "L" in the computational complexity $\mathcal{O}(n^3 L)$?

My question is about interior point methods of linear programming. Suppose the constraint matrix $A$ has $m$ rows and $n$ columns, and $m<n$. The state-of-the-art methods, like primal dual interior ...
RandomStuff's user avatar
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Sherali-Adams relaxation

I am trying to find a book or a paper, which explains, how and why the Sherali-Adams relaxation method works. The original paper (1990) is difficult for me to understand. I need a more basic ...
Erkal's user avatar
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Uniqueness of l1 minimization

Let $A \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}$. Is it true that $$\min \limits_{Q \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times m}}|I - QA|_{\infty} < \frac{1}{2}$$ is criteria for the uniqueness of the 1-sparse solution to $\...
love_backups's user avatar
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Better alternative to solve quadratic programming for large matrices

I have the following problem. Let's say we have $x_{jk}$ it is an expression value of gene $j$ in a sample $k$. It is the average of expression levels across the cell types $s_{ij}$, weighted by ...
neversaint's user avatar
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Bounding the difference in the value of a strongly convex function at its integer minimum and other integer points

I am currently working on a problem where I have to minimize a $m$-strongly convex function $$f ~: ~\mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^+$$ over a bounded integer lattice, $$L = \mathbb{Z}^n \cap [-...
Berk U.'s user avatar
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Has anyone developed a technique to generate a polytope given (possibly redundant) inequality constraints? [closed]

I've found a few papers that deal with removing redundant inequality constraints for linear programs, but I'm just trying to find the vertices for a feasible region, given a set of inequality ...
Nick Sweet's user avatar
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Uniqueness of fixed points for rational transformations

Background Let $a,b,c,d$ be nonnegative constants and consider the map $T\colon [0,1]\times[0,1] \rightarrow [0,1]\times[0,1]$ defined by $$ T(x,y) := \left( \frac{1}{1 + ax + by}, \frac{1}{1 + cx + ...
orlandoweber's user avatar
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Schur complement and negative definite matrices

Hello, My question regards to the Schur complement lemma. Consider the matrix $M=\left( \begin{array}{cc} A & B\\\ B^T & C \end{array}\right) $. According to the lemma $M\geq0$ iff $C>0$ ...
AD1984's user avatar
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how to model a linear program with step-like cost function in the objective

I have a large linear program with the following details. d1 to di are the variables, where di is an integer. The constraints are a series of inequalities of the form d1 < d3 < d7 < d23 (...
Harsha's user avatar
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When is the optimum of an optimization problem affine in the constraint parameter?

While working on a variational problem I have reached to the following question: Let $f:(0,\infty) \to [0,\infty)$ be a $C^1$ function satisfying $f(1)=0$. Suppose that $f(x)$ is strictly increasing ...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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What importance does the Hirsch conjecture have to Simplex Complexity?

The Hirsch conjecture asserts that the graph (i.e. $1$-skeleton) of a $d$-dimensional convex polytope with $n$ facets has diameter at most $n - d$. After being open for decades, Francisco Santos has ...
VS.'s user avatar
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Program to solve Optimization Problem

I have an optimization problem, this problem has linear constraints and nonlinear constraints. I solved the linear part by MATLAB but the nonlinear constraints I could not solve it. I downloaded ...
alhannaki's user avatar
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LP Constraints for Connected Subgraphs of Fixed Size

Question: how can the connectedness-constraint for a subgraph, that is induced by a proper subset $W\subset V$ of the vertices of $G(V,E),\ |V|=n,\ |W|=m$, be formulated in a $LP$ or $ILP$? ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Properties of one dimensional null space

Let $\mathcal{G}$ be denote the set of all $3 \times 3$ real symmetric matrices and let $\mathcal{G}^+$ denote the set of all $3 \times 3$ positive semidefinite matrices (see definition). Let $S: \...
ashok's user avatar
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Partially optimal solutions in integer linear programming

Linear programs with a totally unimodular system matrix are known to have an optimal integer point. They are therefore solvable via relaxing the integer constraints to intervals. An other interesting ...
Ben's user avatar
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Java library for SDP [closed]

People who frequently code semi definite programs, is there any java library for solving sdps? I have tried my luck but all I can find is C/C++ libraries or matlab toolboxes. I can write wrappers to ...
I J's user avatar
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Mathematical Programming with other Algebras than Linear

Linear Programming is strongly entwined with linear algebra, as are many of its generalizations under the heading of mathematical programming / convex optimization. What analogies are there for ...
DoubleJay's user avatar
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Handling absolute value and other discontinuities in numerical optimization methods that use gradients

Suppose we have difficult peak fitting problems where the the users wish to fit asymmetric peaks to their experimental data by the least squares method. One such function is illustrated below: Here $...
ACR's user avatar
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Minimize total area bounded by $N$ lines in general position

Suppose we have $N$ lines in general position (any two lines, but no three lines, meet at a point) ($N\geq 3$). Let the smallest bounded region have area $1$. Determine the minimum (or possibly ...
Lieutenant Zipp's user avatar
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Optimal Kelly criterion for process with N discrete outcomes

I am trying to come up with a generalisation of the Kelly formula for optimal fractional betting but and have hit a roadblock. The Kelly criterion is usually explained via a game that ends in 1 of 2 ...
lotuspaperboy's user avatar
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Trying to prove an inequality

I am working on a problem and for that purpose, I need to prove the following inequality. Let $t\in [0,1]$ and set $$ z_0=1-4t(1-t)\sin^2(4x)\\ z_1=1-4z_0(1-z_0)\sin^2(3x) $$ I need to show that for ...
MO B's user avatar
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Equality constraints in mixed-integer optimization

Suppose I have a linear mixed-integer optimization problem of the form $$MIP: min_{(x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^n \times \mathbb{Z}^m} c^\top x + d^\top y \hspace{0.2cm} \text{s.t.} \hspace{0.1cm} Ax+By \leq ...
Christoph Neumann's user avatar
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Maximize a sum of log of sum

For a matrix $c (m\times n)$ of non-negative constants, find values of $\lambda_1, \lambda_2, \ldots, \lambda_n$ that satisfy $\sum_{k=1}^n \lambda_k = 1$, $\lambda_k \ge 0 \, \forall k$ and maximize ...
Vuong Bui's user avatar
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Constrained vs Unconstrained Optimization

I'm currently working on an optimization problem with a linear objective with linear and nonlinear constraints, i'm facing difficulties reaching a good solution, so i was advised to move the nonlinear ...
user3355577's user avatar
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Maximum of a mollified/convolution function

I have a function $f:{\mathbb R}\rightarrow {\mathbb R}_+$ which has a unique maximum at $x=0$. $f$ can be symmetric or asymmetric. I am interested on the mollified-f function $$\tilde{f}(x)=\int_{-\...
Mole's user avatar
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ILP for minimum edge coloring problem

We know that for a graph $G=(V,E)$, minimum edge coloring is a coloring of $E$, i.e., a partition of $E$ into disjoint sets $E_1, E_2, \dots, E_k$ such that, for $1 \leq i \leq k$, no two edges in $...
Dave's user avatar
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Name search for special Linear Integer Program

I am looking for a name for the following question in literature! (and if you know it, then it would be great) I couldn't find it and due to wide audience here, presumably you know more. Thank you $...
JensLans's user avatar
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Grading a non-graded poset as squeezed as possible

Here is a curiosity question (motivated by the recent revamp of ranked-poset routines in Sage). Let $P$ be a finite poset. We look for a family $\left(a_p\right)_{p\in P}$ of real numbers summing up ...
darij grinberg's user avatar
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maximization of a quadratic function with a quadratic constraint

I have the following quadratic maximization problem $\max_{\mathbf X} \quad tr(\mathbf A\mathbf X\mathbf B\mathbf X^H)+tr(\mathbf C\mathbf X)+tr(\mathbf C^H\mathbf X^H)$ subject to the quadratic ...
Saeed's user avatar
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Techniques for solving linear inequalities

For $n$ real variables $x_1, \ldots, x_n$, I have a bunch of inequalities of form $2 x_i > x_j + x_k$ or $2 x_i < x_j + x_k$, where $i,j,k$ are distinct. My goal is to determine whether this set ...
Dmitry's user avatar
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