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How to find a set given its support function

Let $\mathcal{U}$ be a convex and compact set. Its support function is defined as $\delta^*(v|\mathcal{U})=\sup_{u\in \mathcal{U}} v^T u$. Assume that we are given the support function $\delta^*(v|\...
Eggplant's user avatar
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Subtour-gluing constraints for ILP formulation of TSPs

If one doesn't want to introduce additional variables to the ILP of a TSP instance, one has to add exponentially many so-called subtour-elimination constraints; in practical calculations subtour-...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Why is Gaussian distribution always chosen for smoothed analysis?

I came across the algorithmic perfomance analysis model of smoothed analysis. In all references that I read a Gaussian distribution was used for perturbation (e.g. Spielman and Teng 2004 for the ...
mc.math's user avatar
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Perfectly balanced spanning trees

I call a spanning tree perfectly balanced if, after a two-coloring of the tree-graph's vertices the two vertex sets that are defined by the assigned colors have equal cardinality and the two vertex ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Minimum circumscribed ellipsoid of $\mathcal H$-polytope

Given matrix $A \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}$ and vector $b \in \mathbb{R}^n$, consider the $\mathcal H$-polytope $P$ defined as follows $$ P := \left\{ x \in \mathbb{R}^n : Ax \leq b \right\} $$ I ...
Daniel Turizo's user avatar
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Any technique for linearization, or linear approximation?

Consider the following Matrix constraint: $$ \begin{bmatrix} -U+\psi\Sigma_b^{-1} & V \\ V^T & -V^TU^{-1}V+\tau_2 -\psi \end{bmatrix} \leq 0 $$ where $\Sigma_b$ is a known positive definite ...
Navid Hashemi's user avatar
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What do optimal tours tell about finite point sets?

Let $T_{\mathrm{MIN}}$ and $T_{\mathrm{MAX}}$ denote the shortest, resp. longest Hamilton cycle through a set of $n=2k+1$ points. Let further $S_{\mathrm{MIN}}$ and $S_{\mathrm{MAX}}$ be the "...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Cutting convex regions into equal diameter and equal least width pieces - 3

We add a bit to Cutting convex regions into equal diameter and equal least width pieces - 2. There, we asked, for example: If we divide a 2D convex region C into n convex pieces such that the maximum ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Iterations of Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition for a Simple Linear Programming problem

This arises from an engineering problem I am working on. Let $\mathbf{c}_i,\mathbf{a}_i,\mathbf{b}_i\in \mathbb{R}^{d}$ be a given set (collection) of vectors where $i\in\{1,\dots,n\}$. Define the ...
dineshdileep's user avatar
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Asymptotic optimal sphericity

How quickly does maximum sphericity of polyhedra with $n$ faces approach 1 as $n→∞$? I can show that sphericity $1 - \frac{5 \sqrt{3} π}{27n} - O(n^{-3/2})$ is possible. Is this, especially $O(n^{-3/...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
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Number of vertices in a polyhedron

Consider polytopes $$A_1[x_{1,1},\dots,x_{1,m_1},z_{1}]'\leq b_1$$ $$A_2[x_{2,1},\dots,x_{2,m_2},z_{2}]'\leq b_2$$ $$B[z_{1},z_{2},z]'\leq c$$ having vertex count $v_1,v_2$ and $v$ respectively. We ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Intersection of descending series in a free group

I have stumbled upon a problem. It can be stated in the following way: Let $E$ be a finitely generated free group. Denote $\gamma_n(E)$ the $n$-th term of the lower central series. Consider a ...
John Conway's user avatar
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Growth of number of isomorphism types of automorphism groups of convex 3-dimensional polytopes

To formulate my question precisely: let $s_k$ be the number of isomorphism types of automorphism groups of convex 3-dimensional polytopes with $k$ faces. Are there any references discussing the ...
JohannesPauling's user avatar
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On Covering a Planar Region with Copies of a Tile of Different Shape

Background: Consider trying to cover the largest possible scaled copy of a planar region $C$ with specified shape with n instances of a tile $T$ of specified shape and size. Several families of this ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Spread of a disease on a modular chessboard (torus) - lower bound

I learned about the following result from one of Peter Winkler's books: It is impossible to infect the entire $n\times n$ chessboard (usual chessboard) starting from fewer than $n$ infected cells. The ...
Steve's user avatar
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Convex optimization under asymmetric loss in infinite dimensional space

The following problem is common in financial economics $$ \min_{m \in L^2} \mathbb{E}[ \phi(y(\theta)-m)] \quad \text{s.t. } \mathbb{E}[ mx ]= q $$ That is, given a random variable $y(\theta)$ ($\...
Dejan Evisal's user avatar
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Vertex configuration to tile repeat unit

I am working with elongated triangular tiling which has a vertex configuration of and noticed that the representative symmetry is not the repeat unit. Is there a general formula to convert ...
Jim Z's user avatar
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Solutions to matrix equations in the non-negative integers

For an integer matrix $S$, and an integer vector $y$, I'm looking for solutions to $xS = y$ where the entries in $x$ are in the non-negative integers. I've been doing this with Sage's mixed integer ...
JonHales's user avatar
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Is there a reversible fully polynomial-time approximation scheme for polygonal billiards?

Let $P \subset \mathbb{R}^2$ be a polygon with rational coordinates, and consider discrete billiards inside $P$, where a ball (of zero radius) moves by steps of fixed length on each step, in a ...
Ville Salo's user avatar
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Linear programming with exponential inequalities and rational variables

If we are given a set of real linear inequalities then using elimination theory or just linear programming we can decide. If the program also has inequalities of form $2^x\leq g$ in addition to linear ...
VS.'s user avatar
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How many Shapes are possible to create using Voxels?

Let's suppose I have Big Cube of x cm by y cm by z cm, simmilar to this one: This big cube is made of tiny little cubes of t cm. All of this little cubes are transparent, but some of them are red ...
Nau's user avatar
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Slices vs harmonic functions — intuition/definitions question

One can identify functions on slices of the boolean hypercube $[n] \choose d$ with harmonic multilinear functions of degree at most $d$. I don't really understand the intuition behind the harmonic ...
user2679290's user avatar
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Rule to determine rotationally invariant orders of the points of arbitrary 2d splines

I would like to find a rule to determine the order of the points of arbitrary 2d splines, which should be invariant with respect to rotation (as far as possible). To illustrate the problem, let us ...
Nos's user avatar
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Minimizing along independent directions, nonlinear programming

Good afternoon, I am studying the book Nonlinear Programming: Theory and Algorithms (by Mokhtar S. Bazaraa, Hanif D. Sherali, C. M.) particularly the Theorem $7.3.5$. I'm not sure I understand this ...
Rusbert's user avatar
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How can we analytically solve this max-sum-min problem?

Let $I$ be a finite set, and $A_{ij},B_{ij},x_i,y_j\ge0$. I want to find the choice of $x_i,y_j$ maximizing $$\sum_{i\in I}\sum_{j\in J}A_{ij}\min\left(x_i,B_{ij}y_j\right)\tag1$$ subject to $$\sum_{i\...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Converting a vector in a cone statement to inequality constraints

I would like to convert the following condition for $x$ \begin{align} x = N \lambda, \lambda \geq 0 \end{align} to a pure linear inequality form, i.e. find an $L$ and eliminate $\lambda$ \begin{...
Jacob Di's user avatar
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What do square roots as minimums have to do with Harmonic numbers?

In an earlier question where I conjectured (and GH from MO confirmed) that the von Mangoldt function is the limit at s=1 of a certain Dirichlet series: $$\Lambda(m)=\lim_{s\to 1+}\zeta(s)\sum_{d\mid ...
Mats Granvik's user avatar
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Why there isn't lexicographically smallest solution to a bounded linear program?

I am learning computational geometry when I run into this confusion. "A bounded 2D linear program may not have a lexicographically smallest solution", as the book says. I wonder why? I think we can ...
Yifu Luo's user avatar
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Relax a rectangular linear assignment problem

I wonder if there is any literature on the following problem $$\begin{array}{ll} \underset{X \in \mathbb R^{m\times n}}{\text{minimize}} & \displaystyle\sum_{i,j} C_{i,j} X_{i,j}\\ \text{subject ...
Jiaji Huang's user avatar
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Is this Graph Iteration Already Known?

When attempting to set up an ILP formulation for a weight-minimal cubic spanning tree (i.e. one with vertex degrees either 1 or 3) I needed connectivity constraint, but misremembered the contents of ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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linear inequalities and reference request

I have proved and am using the following simple lemma in my current research problem: Let $\{a_1,...,a_m\}$ and $\{b_1,b_2,...,b_n\}$ be set of positive numbers such that $\sum_{i=1}^m a_i < \sum_{...
GA316's user avatar
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What breaks down in the theory of affine hyperplane arrangments?

It appears to me that there is a substantial amount of combinatorial algebra and geometry supporting the theory of central hyperplane arrangements (See Topics in Hyperplane Arrangements, Aguiar and ...
MadcowD's user avatar
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Finding a point in the relative interior of the convex hull of a set of integer-valued vectors

Let $X \subset \mathbb{Z}^n$ be the set of integer-valued vectors satisfying a system of linear constraints. We can suppose that $X$ is the set of integral points in a given polyhydral set $Y \subset \...
rasul's user avatar
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Number of Generators of the Cohomology Ring of the Grassmannians

For complex projective space, its cohomology ring has $1$ generator. Extending up to the first Grassmannian which is not a projective space, that is, Grass$(4,2)$, a direct investigation shows that it ...
Lars Pettersen's user avatar
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Can convex combinations of indicator functions for pairwise non-disjoint sets unordered by inclusion dominate one another?

Let $N$ be a finite subset of the naturals. Let $P$ be a set of subsets of $N$ such that: 1) $P\neq \varnothing$, 2) $\forall x\in P, |x| >1$, 3) $\forall x,y\in P,$ if $x\neq y$, then $x\not\...
VMfoobar's user avatar
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A seemingly easy integer programming question

Let $k, m \in \mathbb{Z}_{ > 1}$. Let $a \in \mathbb{Z}_{> 0}^m$ and $t \in \mathbb{Z}^k$. Let $\varepsilon = (\varepsilon_{i,j})_{1 \leq i \leq m \\1 \leq j \leq k}$ be a matrix with entries in ...
Alex's user avatar
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Maximum shortest path problem

I have the following problem. You have a graph and every edge has a certain set of possible weights. The question is to find the assignment of those weight which will maximize the shortest path. In ...
Eugene's user avatar
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Number of polyhedra with N faces?

A. Up to isomorphism, how many polyhedra with N faces are there? Assume each face can be a triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, etc... Furthermore each edge can be resized to any nonzero positive ...
Jack Maddington's user avatar
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Question on solving an optimization problem using Variable splitting and ADMM

Tell me if I have found the right approach to the following optimization problem: $$ min_{x} \frac{1}{2}\left \| Ax-b \right \|_2^2 \\ s.t. \ \ \Phi v=x \ , \ {x^T(1-x)}=0 $$ $A$ and $\Phi$ ...
c.Parsi's user avatar
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What is the minimal number of lines needed to partition a simplex into cells of diameter at most $\epsilon$?

I am studying a problem that requires me to partition the simplex into cells using a particular family of hyperplanes. For concreteness, consider the 2-simplex. I would like to construct lines ...
User123321's user avatar
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Efficient sampling from a polytope with large number of contraints [duplicate]

As far as I know, the most popular way to sample from a polytope (in H-representation) \begin{equation} \mathcal{P} := \{z \in \mathbb{R}^n | (Az)_j \le b_j\; \forall j=1,2,\ldots,m\} \end{equation} ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Generalized assignment problem with no integrality gap

Suppose I am solving the generalized assignment problem, so that I am given matrices $U$ and $W$ and a vector $c$ (all three of which have, say, positive entries), and I want to solve $$\text{...
Kevin Jenkins's user avatar
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Toric morphism fiber and kernel dimensions

Given a morphism between two smooth toric varieties $f: X \rightarrow Y$, is the dimension of the kernel of $\mathrm{d}f$ at any point $p \in X$ equal to the dimension of the fiber at $f(p) \in Y$? ...
Qiao's user avatar
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Paths on Cartesian products of graphs satisfying linear constraints

Assume integers $d > r > 0$ and a connected graph $G$ with $d$ vertices. Every point on the $r$-fold Cartesian product of $G$ with itself, $G^{\square r}$, is equivalent to a dimension-$d$ non-...
ematsen's user avatar
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Inverse problem with a rank-1 update

I hope you can help me out with this. I have to find the solution x to an inverse system $$ x=A^{-1}b $$ This inverse problem is basically a least square problem with a rank-1 update. $$ x=[uv^{T}...
user49843's user avatar
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Generalized Sphere Kissing Problem [duplicate]

I am currently researching discrete geometry and I am in need of an upper bound on a generalized kissing number in 3-dimensions dependent upon a parameter $\eta$ which is the radii of spheres touching ...
Samuel Reid's user avatar
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On 'Very Movable' Geometric Configurations (Configurations with a large degree of freedom)

Let $C$ be an $(n_r, b_k)$ combinatorial configuration that admits a geometric realization in the plane. I'm interested in the maximum number of points/lines $M$ of $C$ we can place in general ...
G. Flowers's user avatar
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Big eigenvalues of a special stochastic matrix

Given a matrix $M$ of size $n\times n,$ we write its different eigenvalues by $x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_m$ with $m\leq n$ such that $|x_1|>|x_2|>|x_3|>\cdots|x_m|,$ and call $x_2\doteq |\lambda_2|(M)....
Umberto's user avatar
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Finding linearly independent columns of a large sparse rectangular matrix

I have a problem that necessitates solving a large non-negative least-squares problem. My matrix A is large, sparse, highly rectangular (num rows >> num cols) and nearly binary. However, A is not ...
Rob's user avatar
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Gauss-Newton for quotient functions

I'm optimizing a function of the form $$ \sum \frac{ \|\mathbf{f_i}(x)\|^2 }{ g_i(x)^2 + h_i(x)^2 } $$ where $x$ is a real vector, $\mathbf{f}(x)$ is a real vector, and $g(x)$ is a scalar. My first ...
Alex Flint's user avatar