Given a matrix $M$ of size $n\times n,$ we write its different eigenvalues by $x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_m$ with $m\leq n$ such that $|x_1|>|x_2|>|x_3|>\cdots|x_m|,$ and call $x_2\doteq |\lambda_2|(M).$
Given an integer $n>2,$ we consider a set of indices $S\subset \{(x,y):x,y \in\{1,2,...,n\} \}$ such that $(x,y)\in S\setminus \left(\{n\}\times\{1,2,..,n\}\cup\{1,2,..,n\}\times\{n\}\right)\Rightarrow (x,z)\in S, \forall z\in \{y+1,...,n\}$ and $ \forall x\in\{1,2,...,n\}, \exists z\in\{1,...,n-1\}: (x,z),(x,z+1)\in S. $
Now I fix a set $S$ as above, take $\epsilon>0$ small and I write an optimisation problem:
$\max |\lambda_{2}|(M)-M_{(1,1)}$
such that
$M_{(1,1)}\geq M_{(x,y)},$ $\forall(x,y),x,y\in\{1,2,\ldots,n\},$
$M_{(x,y)}=0,$ $\forall (x,y)\in S,x,y\in\{1,2,\ldots,n\},$
$\sum_{y:(x,y)}M_{(x,y)}=1,$ $\forall x\in\{1,2,\ldots,n\},$
$\epsilon\leq M_{(x,y)}\leq1-\epsilon,$ $\forall(x,y)\notin S,$
$M_{(x,x)}=M_{(x+1,x+1)},$ $\forall(x,x)\notin S\cup \{(1,1),(n,n)\}.$
We call $M_{S,\epsilon}$ to its maximum (it exists, because the function to maximize is continuous (it is in particular well defined in this domain, because the second eigenvalue always exists) and the domain a closed (also convex) set). My question is if there is some idea to solve it. Or if is it possible to say something about its solutions, for example, can we determine $S$ such that $M_{S,\epsilon}>0$ for any $\epsilon>0$ small enough.