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49 votes
3 answers

Thurston's 24 questions: All settled?

Thurston's 1982 article on three-dimensional manifolds1 ends with $24$ "open questions":       $\cdots$ Two naive questions from an outsider: (1) Have all $24$ now been resolved? (2)...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
40 votes
1 answer

Four circles on the sphere

Consider generic configurations consisting of 4 distinct circles on the sphere. Two configurations are equivalent if they can be mapped onto each other by a homeomorphism of the sphere. How to ...
Alexandre Eremenko's user avatar
31 votes
4 answers

Why do people study representations of 3-manifold groups into $SL(n,\mathbb{C})$?

Varieties of representations and characters of $3$-manifold groups in $SL(2,\mathbb{C})$ have been intensively studied. They have provided tools to identify geometric structures on manifolds, and are ...
Daniel Moskovich's user avatar
30 votes
7 answers

Why are Fuchsian groups interesting?

I keep hearing that fuchsian groups are interesting for other reasons than the Fuchsian model for hyperbolic Riemann surfaces. What are those reasons? Are the Fuchsian groups with fixed points ...
JS.'s user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

SnapPea for the uninitiated

SnapPea ( is a program with extensive facilities for doing various kinds of calculations with hyperbolic 3-manifolds. The official documentation assumes that the ...
Neil Strickland's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Smallest tile to tessellate the hyperbolic plane

Is it known what the smallest tile (in terms of area) that can tessellate the hyperbolic plane is? In particular, it should tessellate the plane by itself. I think it will be a Triangle group, but I'...
Christopher King's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Locus of equal area hyperbolic triangles

Henry Segerman and I recently considered the following question: Given a fixed area $A < \pi$ and two fixed points in the upper half-plane model for hyperbolic $2$-space, what is the locus of ...
Grant Lakeland's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

How to see isometries of figure 8 knot complement

The figure 8 knot complement $M$ is the orientable double cover of the Gieseking manifold, which implies that $M$ has a fixed-point free involution. If we think of $M$ with its hyperbolic metric, this ...
Michael Siler's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

The number of cusps of higher-dimensional hyperbolic manifolds

Suppose $n$ is an integer greater than 3. Sometimes ago I heard somewhere that it is still not known if there exist complete finite-volume hyperbolic $n$-manifolds having exactly one cusp. Could ...
Roberto Frigerio's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

Hyperbolic Volume and Chern-Simons

In the paper ``Analytic Continuation Of Chern-Simons Theory'' (arXiv:1001.2933) Witten postulates that hyperbolic volume of 3-dimensional manifold coincides with the value of the Chern-Simons ...
d1-d5's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

How does hyperbolicity of space time affect our lives?

My main research has been in hyperbolic geometry and geometric group theory. I always thought that the only real "application" of my work was that the universe is a 3-manifold. But recently I found ...
Brian Rushton's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

Examples of the Thurston geometries with transitive Lie group action

Here are some examples of compact homogeneous 3 manifolds for different Thurston geometries: (1) Spherical: $\mathbb{S}^3 \cong \mathrm{SU}_2$ modulo any finite subgroup (2) Euclidean: 3 torus $\...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Hyperbolic manifolds which fiber over the circle

If $N^2$ is a closed, orientable surface of genus at least $2$, and if $\phi$ is an (orientation-preserving) pseudo-Anosov mapping on $N$, then one can form the closed orientable 3-manifold $M^3$ by ...
Steve D's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Are hyperbolic $n$-manifolds recursively enumerable?

Fixing a dimension $n \ge 4$, is the class of closed hyperbolic $n$-manifolds recursively enumerable? Since hyperbolic manifolds are triangulable I can reformulate this in the following more explicit ...
Jean Raimbault's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Bloch group, hyperbolic manifolds and rigidity

I have some questions concerning the hyperbolic geometry side of the rigidity question for $K_3$ which asks if the natural map $K_3^{\operatorname{ind}}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}})\to K_3^{\operatorname{...
Matthias Wendt's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

For which surfaces is Penner's conjecture known to be true?

Robert Penner has proven that, if $A=\{a_1,\dots, a_n\}$ and $B=\{b_1,\dots, b_m\}$ are multicurves in a surface $S$ that together fill $S$, then any product of positive powers of Dehn twists along ...
leone slavich's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Comparing layered triangulations of 3-manifolds which fiber over the circle.

I am sorry but I am reposting this question because I wasn't logged in when I first asked it. Ian Agol has produced a method to build an ideal layered triangulation of a hyperbolic 3-manifold which ...
leone slavich's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Flat SU(2) bundles over hyperbolic 3-manifolds

Can someone give me a non-trivial example of a flat SU(2)-connection over a compact orientable hyperbolic 3-manifold? The literature on such bundles over 3-manifolds is huge and my naive searches don'...
Joel Fine's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Closed hyperbolic manifold with right-angled fundamental domain

What is an example (as simple as possible, please!) of a closed hyperbolic three-manifold with a right-angled polyhedron as fundamental domain? If we allow cusps then the Whitehead link or the ...
Sam Nead's user avatar
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13 votes
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Detecting a cover of the figure-8 knot complement

I have a specific concrete example of a complete, finite volume, cusped hyperbolic 3-manifold $M$, and I am trying to determine whether or not $M$ is a cover of the figure-8 knot complement (call this ...
aaron's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Best known Margulis constants?

A Margulis number for a hyperbolic $n$-manifold $M=\mathbb{H}^n/\Gamma$ is a number $\epsilon>0$ such that for each $x\in\mathbb{H}^n$ the group generated by the elements in $\Gamma$ which move $x$ ...
b b's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Topology of boundaries of hyperbolic groups

For many examples of word-hyperbolic groups which I have seen in the context of low-dimensional topology, the ideal boundary is either homeomorphic to a n-sphere for some n or a Cantor set. So, I was ...
Harry Baik's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Geodesic current supported on a pencil?

Consider a geodesic current $\mu$ on a closed surface $\Sigma$, as defined by Bonahon ("The Geometry of Teichmüller space via geodesic currents"). These are $\pi_1(\Sigma)$-invariant measures on the ...
Dylan Thurston's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Representation varieties of 3-manifold groups in $\mathrm{SL}(n,\mathbb{C})$

I am looking at the variety of representations of the fundamental group of a hyperbolic 3-manifold into $\mathrm{SL}(n,\mathbb{C})$: $$\mathrm{Hom}(\pi_1(M), \mathrm{SL}(n,{\mathbb C}))$$ It is known ...
ThiKu's user avatar
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13 votes
0 answers

What is the cup-product structure like on a hyperbolic 5-manifold?

Let $X$ be a hyperbolic 5-manifold. Can there be any class in $H^2(X;\mathbf{Z})$ that is torsion and whose square in $H^4(X;\mathbf{Z})$ is not zero? For example, are there hyperbolic 5-manifolds ...
David Treumann's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

The work of Thurston

I seem to remember written or said somewhere that at some point Thurston decided to stop writing down his theorems in order not to repel mathematicians from his field (maybe this is not correct?). I ...
Dmitri Panov's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Is the cut locus of a generic point in a hyperbolic manifold a generic polyhedron?

Let $p\in M$ be a point in a closed riemannian manifold $M$. Recall that the cut locus of $p$ is the subset of $M$ consisting of all points that are connected to $p$ by at least 2 distance-minimizing ...
Bruno Martelli's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Finite covers of hyperbolic surfaces and the `second systole´

We are interested in the following ´relative´ version of residual finiteness for fundamental groups of surfaces. Similar discussions where given in this question: injectivity radius of hyperbolic ...
rpotrie's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Random links and $3$-manifolds

In Jeffrey Weeks book "The Shape of Space" he explaines at the end of Chapter 18 (on page 255) the following about the geometrization conjecture: A non-trivial connected sum $M_1\# M_2$ ...
Marc Kegel's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Is there a contractible hyperbolic 3-orbifold of finite volume?

Let $\mathbb{H}^3:=\operatorname{SO}(3,1)/\operatorname{O(3)}$. Is there a lattice $\Gamma$ in $\operatorname{SO}(3,1)$ such that \begin{equation} X:=\mathbb{H}^3/\Gamma \end{equation} is contractible?...
David.D's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Can you cover a genus a billion hyperbolic surface with 15 balls?

Here's a question I was wondering about this week. Not sure how interesting it is, but I thought it was kind of curious. Question: Given $k$, is there a number $N=N(k)$ such that if a closed ...
biringer's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Some mid-sized ¿hyperbolic? manifolds and SnapPea

I've recently come across some mid-sized 3-manifolds that I think are likely hyperbolic, but SnapPea has some trouble with them. This is related to my previous question can you fool SnapPea? but in ...
Ryan Budney's user avatar
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11 votes
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Rank and hyperbolic volume

Suppose $M$ is a hyperbolic $3$-manifold whose fundamental group has rank $r.$ What is the best (lower) bound on the volume of $M?$ Similar question for rank of $H_1.$ There is a bunch of papers of ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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11 votes
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Why isn't $\langle x,y,z|xyzx^{-1}y^{-1}z^{-1}\rangle$ a hyperbolic surface group?

The group mentioned in the title, $\langle x,y,z|xyzx^{-1}y^{-1}z^{-1}=1\rangle$, is in between the torus fundamental group $\langle x,y|xyx^{-1}y^{-1}=1\rangle$ and the two-holed torus fundamental ...
Brian Rushton's user avatar
11 votes
0 answers

Right-angled polytopes

%This question is motivated by the little discussion here at the bottom. The following thing are known about hyperbolic right-angled polytopes: Compact hyperbolic right-angled polytopes do not exist ...
SashaKolpakov's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Small examples of exceptional hyperbolic Dehn Filling of hyperbolic manifolds

For experimental purposes, I would like to have a small (i.e. triangulated with few tetrahedra) example of a manifold $M$ with the following properties: $M$ is a hyperbolic manifold with finite ...
user126154's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Heegaard genera of arithmetic 3-manifolds

UPDATE: Because I was hoping that state the question as concisely as possible, the original post did not include a precise definition of arithmetic 3-manifold only a reference to Maclachlan and ...
Neil Hoffman's user avatar
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10 votes
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Is the spectrum of closed geodesics in a closed hyperbolic 3-manifold asymptotically homogeneously dense?

It seems to me that the results in this important paper of Kahn-Markovich imply the following fact. Let $M^3$ be any closed hyperbolic 3-manifold. For every $\epsilon > 0$ there is a natural number ...
Bruno Martelli's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Question about the Weeks Manifold

I am wondering about the existence of incompressible surfaces in the Weeks manifold. Is this space a Haken manifold?
Vanderson Lima's user avatar
10 votes
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Examples of 3-manifolds with RFRS fundamental group

I'm wondering if anyone knows how to construct hyperbolic 3-manifolds whose fundamental group is RFRS. Clearly the recent work of Agol, Wise, etc. says that such manifolds are abundant, and in ...
Dave Futer's user avatar
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10 votes
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Parabolic subgroups of relatively hyperbolic and CAT(0) groups

Let $G$ be a finitely generated group. We say that $G$ is CAT(0) if it acts properly and co-compactly by isometries on a CAT(0) space. We say it is hyperbolic relative to a collection $\Omega$ of ...
M. Dus's user avatar
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10 votes
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Questions on Thurston's earthquake flow

$\DeclareMathOperator\PSL{PSL}$Here are some questions about the earthquake deformation of hyperbolic surface that I can't answer or find references. I briefly recall the settings. Let's fix a closed ...
Xin Nie's user avatar
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10 votes
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Diameter of hyperbolic 3-manifolds

Is there a good method to estimate the diameter of a closed hyperbolic 3-manifold? I am particularly interested in know the diameter of the Weeks manifold.
Vanderson Lima's user avatar
10 votes
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Space of thick ending laminations

Let $\Sigma$ be a compact closed connected oriented surface of genus $g>1$. Klarreich proved that the space of ending laminations $\mathcal{EL}(\Sigma)$ is the ideal boundary of the curve complex $...
Ian Agol's user avatar
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10 votes
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Compatibility of spherical and hyperbolic geometry for fibred knots

Hyperbolic knots and links have a lovely peculiarity that you can always find a position for them in $S^3$ making two groups the same, one defined using the spherical geometry of $S^3$, and the other ...
Ryan Budney's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

What constant ensures hyperbolicity of Dehn surgery?

I am interested in showing that certain knots having a surgery description are hyperbolic. Unfortunately I have not had time yet to read Thurston's work, so my understanding of this is vague. But from ...
shestipalov's user avatar
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9 votes
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Hyperbolic $3$-manifold groups that embed in compact Lie groups

Is there a closed hyperbolic $3$-manifold whose fundamental group is isomorphic to a subgroup of some compact Lie group? It is known that every surface group can be embedded into any semisimple ...
Igor Belegradek's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Geometry of the space of circles in the Euclidean plane

We know that Mobius transformations, $z\to\frac{az+b}{cz+d}$, permutes circles and lines in the Euclidean plane, $(\mathbb{R}^2, dx^2 + dy^2 )$. It may even be possible to write an explicit formula ...
john mangual's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Do different Dehn fillings produce homeomorphic 3-manifolds ?

Hi, everyone. I am interested in the dehn filling and Hyperbolic 3-manifold. Suppose M be an orientable compact 3-manifold with one torus boundary and int(M) admit a hyperbolic structure. ...
yanqing 's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How many knots are there with hyperbolic volume less than a given constant

Are there any known upper bounds on: $$\#\left\{\text{hyperbolic knots }K\subseteq S^3\middle|\operatorname{Vol}(S^3\setminus K)<M\right\}$$ ? I expect this grows at least exponentially in $M$, ...
John Pardon's user avatar
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