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Questions about the branch of algebra that deals with groups.

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Maximal subgroups of PSL(n,q)

Dear All, Does someone know some source for detail description of maximal subgroups of $PSL(n,q)$ , and their indices. Thanks in advance.
kakalotte's user avatar
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A problem with Neumann's lemma.

In a paper I am reading at the moment (Hrushovski Martin, elimination of imaginaries in $Q_p$), in some proof they use the following fact (at least this would be enough to get their proof going, but ...
Silvain Rideau's user avatar
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1-Parameter subgroups

Let $G$ be an affine reductive group defined over a field of characteristic zero $k$, denote by $\bar{k}$ the algebraic closure of $k$, and by $k^{\times}$ the multiplicative group of $k$. Let $Z(G)$ ...
Ana's user avatar
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Reductive groups question

Considering a complex algebraic group G defined over the reals, one knows from an article of Borel and Harish-Chandra (Arithmetic subgroups of algebraic groups, Annals of Mathematics 75 (1962)) that G ...
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Name for number of elements of order (1 or) 2 in an abelian group

Let $G$ be an (additive) abelian group. Is there a concise, standard term for the order of the kernel $K$ of the endomorphism $g\mapsto 2g$? Or alternatively, for the index of $K$?
Mark Meckes's user avatar
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Subgroups of the union of conjugates

This question is an attempt to find a version of this question with a positive answer. In this question, we ask if one can find big subgroups in the union of conjugtes of small subgroups of finite $p$-...
Pablo's user avatar
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Under what conditions there is a one-to-one mapping between a product of matrices and the sequence of matrices leading to the product? [closed]

I have a set of matrices $A_1,\ldots,A_n$. Let $\mathcal{A} = \{A_i\}$. What are some simple conditions under which for any sequence of indices between $1$ and $n$, $a_1,\ldots,a_m$, the product $$\...
kloop's user avatar
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Profinite completion

What is the profinite completion of the group $S^1$? where $S^1= \{ z\in\mathbb{C}: |z|=1 \}$ is a compact and abelian group.
Paulo's user avatar
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How does Sage order the elements of the symmetric group?

In Sage, the symmetric group is a list. For instance if G = SymmetricGroup(3), we have \begin{align*} G[0] & = e \\ G[1] & = (1,3,2)\\ G[2] & = (1,2,3) \\ G[3] &= (2,3)\\ G[4] &= (...
Dan1618's user avatar
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Must finite groups with isomorphic commutators and quotients be isomorphic?

Let G and H be finite groups. Let G' = [G,G] and H' = [H,H] be the corresponding derived groups (commutator subgroups) of G and H. I am looking for an example where G' is isomorphic to H' and G/G' is ...
Manoj's user avatar
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Splitting of a finite group with no abelian subfactor in composition series

Let $G$ be a finite group with no abelian subfactor in its composition series. Is $G$ obtained from simple groups by iterating semidirect products? (Initially it was asked whether $G$ is a direct ...
User01's user avatar
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The X-series (for groups)

It goes without saying that the name in the title tentatively refers to a series whose name one does not know yet and probably in the future I may come with a post titled "The x-sequence" or "The x-...
Unknown's user avatar
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Is there a permutation group satisfying the following property?

Let $n=3^m$ for some positive integer $m$. Let $G\leq S_n$ be a transitive permutation group on $n$ letters. Denote the largest normal subgroup of $G$ with odd order by $O_{2'}(G)$. My question is the ...
Master Gang's user avatar
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about simple non-abelian 2-generated group [closed]

Does there exist a simple non-abelian 2-generated group $G$ and two elements $a, b \in G$, such that $\langle \{a, b\} \rangle = G$, $a^2 =1$ and $\forall c, d \in G$ $\langle \{c^{-1}bc, d^{-1}bd \} \...
1200785626's user avatar
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coloring infinite vertex transitive graph without large cliques

Let $G$ be an infinite vertex-transitive graph (this means that for every $u,w \in V(G)$ there exists an automorphism $\tau$ of $G$ such that $\tau(u) = v$). We assume that $G$ is undirected, and does ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Direct limit of lattice-ordered groups

In general, any abelian group can be expressed as a direct limit of its f.g. subgroups. For the case of $\ell$-group (lattice-ordered group) is that true or not? As an abelian group we do not have ...
Rajnish's user avatar
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Sets with compatible right and left G-actions

Given a group G acting both on the left and the right of a set X, say the actions are compatible if $g \cdot (x \cdot g') = (g\cdot x)\cdot g'$ for all $g,g'\in G$ and $x\in X$. Here are some ...
Sean Howe's user avatar
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Center of a Symmetric Group on an Infinite Set

Let $X$ be a set, $G$ the group of bijection on $X$. Then it is well-known that if $|X|\geq 3$, $Z(G)$ is trivial. However, I cannot see a way of extending this proof to $X$ being an infinite set (...
ADL's user avatar
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Trans-universality for finitely generated groups

QUESTION: does there exist a group U such that three conditions hold: (a) every finitely generated group is isomorphic to a subgroup of U; (b) for every group G that is not finitely generated there ...
Wlod AA's user avatar
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A question on permutation groups

Let $a_1$, $a_2$, and $a_3$ be three involutions of a finite set such that $a_1 a_2 a_3$ is a cyclic permutation. Is the group generated by $a_1, a_2, a_3$ the symmetric group?
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Are there overwhelmingly more finite posets than finite groups? [closed]

A function $f:\mathbb{Z}_{\geq 1}\to\mathbb{Z}_{\geq 1}$ overwhelms $g:\mathbb{Z}_{\geq 1}\to\mathbb{Z}_{\geq 1}$ if for any $k\in \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 1}$ the inequality $f(n)\leq g(n+k)$ holds only for ...
firn's user avatar
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Can finite index be seen at the level of profinite completion

Let $G$ be a group, and $H$ a subgroup of $G$. Is it possible to "see" from the profinite completions of $H$ and $G$ that $H$ has finite index in $G$? Naively, does $H$ have finite index in $G$ iff ...
Roller's user avatar
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How can we pave the multiplicative semigroup $(\mathbb N,\cdot)$?

Let $(S,\cdot)$ be a semigroup and $W\subseteq S$ be a subset. Let me call $W$ "tile" if the following property is satisfied: there exist $s_1,...s_k\in S$ such that the sets $s_i\cdot W$ are pairwise ...
Valerio Capraro's user avatar
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Is the cross-product of two subgroups another subgroup (as claimed in the following paper)?

Hi.. In the second paragraph of the following paper, there is a statement: "Because the direct product of subgroups is automatically a subgroup.."
krishnamohan's user avatar
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Can we generalise groupoids to monoid-oids? [closed]

Groups correspond to one object categories where every morphism is an isomorphism. Monoids correspond to one object categories. Groupoids correspond to small categories where every morphism is an ...
Diego de la Paz's user avatar
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Faithful irreducible representations of the dihedral group $D_{2p}$, of dimension at most $p-1$

I am curious about the irreducible representations $\rho: D_{2p} \rightarrow GL_n(\mathbb{Q})$ of dimension at most $p-1$, not the real or complex representations. My mind is occupied with these two ...
Tireless and hardworking's user avatar
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Dimension of irreducible representation associated to a Young tableau

This might be a classic question, but since I am new to representation theory of the symmetric group, I am asking it here. Suppose that $\lambda_1 \geq \lambda_2 \geq \dots \lambda_k$ and $\rho$ be ...
Omid Hatami's user avatar
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Group actions on affine space which are almost good

Let $G$ be a finite group acting on $\mathbb A^n_{\mathbb C}$. Let $Y$ be a dense open whose complement is of codimension at least two. Assume $Y$ is $G$-stable, the action of $G$ is free on $Y$, ...
Miele's user avatar
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Which finite cyclic groups can be characterized by Lattice isomorphism and isomorphism between their automorphism groups?

Given a finite cyclic group $G$, we denote by $L(G)$ the lattice of its subgroups, and by $\mathop{\rm Aut}(G)$ the automorphism group of $G$. Let $H$ be any group. Assume that $L(G)\cong L(H)$ and $...
R. Shhaied's user avatar
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Does $\mathbb Z \times \mathbb Z$ mod the obvious $\mathbb Z$ action have more structure than just a set?

$\mathbb Z$ acts on the lattice $\mathbb Z \times \mathbb Z$ by adding an element to itself n times. I am studying some function arising from symplectic geometry which happens in my case to be ...
Yaniv Ganor's user avatar
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For which semisimple element $s$ in finite group of lie type centralizer $C_{G}(s)$ of $s$ is a Levi subgroup ?

Let $G$ be a finite simple group of lie type. Let $s$ be a semisimple element lying in maximal torus $T_{w}$ for $w\in W$ where $W$ is the Weyl group of $G$. Can we say that $C_{G}(s)$ is Levi ...
albert cohen's user avatar
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decreasing chain of subgroups in the Heisenberg group

By Heisenberg group I mean the group with presentation $H$ generated by $x$ and $y$ such that $x$ and $y$ commute with $xyx^{-1}y^{-1}$. Is there an infinite chain of subgroups $H > H_1 > H_2 &...
dave's user avatar
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Finitely generated and finitely presented [closed]

For a group, it seems fairly clear that finitely presented implies finitely generated. But what about the converse? Is there a finitely generated group that is not finitely presented. (Let's say ...
no upstairs's user avatar
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Generators of $SL(n,\mathbb F_2)$? [closed]

Consider the invertible matrices in $\mathbb F_2^{n\times n}$ which are a multiplicative group structure. Is there a finite set of $2k$ (at a $k\in\mathbb Z_{\geq1}$ independent of $n$) generators for ...
Turbo's user avatar
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the number of minimal generating subsets of a group

Clearly every finite group has a minimal generating subset. Is there any formula for the number of minimal generating subsets of a finite group? Is it known which groups have a unique minimal ...
khers's user avatar
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Representation Theory of $U(N)$

(1) Is it true that the category of representations of $U(n)$ is equivalent to the category of representations of $SU(N) \times U(1)$? If so, how is it proved, or what is a good reference. (I guess ...
Andrea Pena's user avatar
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A simple group that its order divide order of an alternating group

Let $G$ be a simple group such that 1) $|G|\mid|\mathrm{Alt}_{p}|$ 2) $p\mid | G|$, and $p>13$ is prime. 3) $G$ hasn't any elements of order $rp$ for every prime number $r$. My question: (...
User1257's user avatar
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Unipotent orbit in adjoint group over finite field

[Editted: The assertion is wrong; see Jay's answer] My apology if this question is too simple. I am reading Deligne-Lusztig "Reductive groups over finite fields" and at the beginning of Chap. 4, ...
Cheng-Chiang Tsai's user avatar
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The number in the join of conjugate class and centralizer

I want to know that whether follow equality holds: $ |N_G(C_G(a)):C_G(a)|=|a^G\cap C_G(a)|.$ It is easy to see that the left hand is no more than the right hand. I think this equality does not ...
Wei Zhou's user avatar
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Maximal subgroups of abelian groups and Q-algebras

Let $G$ be an abelian group which does not have a maximal subgroup. Does it follow that $G$ is a $\mathbb{Q}$-algebra? It is easy to see that $\mathbb{Q}$-algebras do not admit any maximal subgroups. ...
DoubtingThomas's user avatar
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Sp(2n) intersect Sp(2n,H)? (Please read for explanation of notation)

First let me fix some notation: Let $O(n)$ be the group of $n \times n$ real matrices $T$ which are "orthogonal", $U(n)$ be the group of $n \times n$ complex matrices $T$ which are "unitary" and $Sp(...
zipuni's user avatar
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Torsion-free subgroup of affine group

Let $G$ be a finitely generated group and $\varphi:G\to \operatorname{Aut}(\mathbb C)$ a homomorphism, where $\operatorname{Aut}(\mathbb C)$ is the group of complex affine transfromations $a z+b$. Can ...
Mjr's user avatar
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Are all Coxeter groups virtually free or virtually surface groups?

From Surface subgroups of Coxeter and Artin groups (Gordon, Long and Reid, 2003) DOI link, we can read that (Theorem 1.1) a Coxeter group is either virtually free or contains a surface group ($\pi_1$ ...
Jacques's user avatar
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Example of a representation of a finite group where Weyl's unitary trick is necessary?

Is there an example of a representation $\rho: G \rightarrow GL(V)$ for some finite group $G$ where say $W \subset V$ is a $G$-invariant subspace for $\rho$ but the orthogonal complement (in the ...
Fdost's user avatar
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$\text{Max}\big(\text{Sub}(\text{Sym}(\omega))\setminus \{\text{Sym}(\omega)\}\big)$

If $G$ is any group, then by $\text{Sub}(G)$ we denote the collection of all subgroups, ordered by $\subseteq$. If $(P,\leq)$ is a partially ordered set we let $\text{Max}(P)$ and the set of maximal ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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simple groups all sylow subgroup is nonabelian

Thanks for any help or comments How can I find the list of all non abelian simple groups (particularly simple lie type) such that all $p$-Sylow subgroups are non abelian for odd prime $p$?
Maryam's user avatar
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When are groups subgroups of a same group?

I put this question on Stackexchange : but it got no answer, so I post it here. Let $\mathcal{G}$ be a ...
Panurge's user avatar
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4th Order Floretions: Floret's Equation [closed]

Update: I've marked this question as answered. If you are thinking "What the heck are floretions?", go right to the answer provided by the Grinch. I definitely should have added clearer information on ...
Dement's user avatar
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Must a group of defficiency > 1 be nonabelian?

Let $F$ be a free group of finite rank $n > 2$, and let $S \subseteq F$ be a subset of cardinality at most $n-2$. Denote by $S^F$ the normal subgroup of $F$ generated by $S$. Must $F/S^F$ be ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Is there a classification of possible linear actions?

In a vector space, linear transforms can act on points of the space by the usual matrix multiplication rule, but in this note I am reading they use a different action (The Möbius transformation). It's ...
muad's user avatar
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