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11 votes
2 answers

A group action of the Heisenberg group with special symmetries

Suppose we look at the Heisenberg group $H_{d}$ as a matrix group of upper triangular matrices over the ring $\mathbb{Z}/d\mathbb{Z}$. You can even choose $d$ to be prime if you want. A natural ...
7 votes
3 answers

How can we count lines in an n-x-n rectangular array?

Is there a formula for the number of lines that contain exactly two points through an n x n rectangular array of points?
pat ballew's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Abelianization of GL(H)

This is related to Theo's question about the abelianizations of finite dimensionsal Lie groups. I am interested in a specific (infinite-dimensional) case of the above question. Let H be an infinite-...
Mike Hartglass's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

opposite Banach space

I heard this from Haskell Rosenthal many years ago. If V is a complex vector space, say the opposite of V is the complex vector space with the same elements, the same operations except switch scalar ...
Gerald Edgar's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

Minkowski sum of small connected sets

Suppose that the convex hull of the Minkowski sum of several compact connected sets in $\mathbb R^d$ contains the unit ball centered at the origin and the diameter of each set is less than $\delta$. ...
fedja's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Making an l_2 distance out of l_1 distance

If we think of the l1 distance as a grid-distance between points, then we can think of l2 distance as what we get when we "shortcut" the grid by going "inside" a cell. Making the grid finer doesn't ...
Suresh Venkat's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

In a Banach algebra, do ab and ba have almost the same exponential spectrum?

Let $A$ be a complex Banach algebra with identity 1. Define the exponential spectrum $e(x)$ of an element $x\in A$ by $$e(x)= \{\lambda\in\mathbb{C}: x-\lambda1 \notin G_1(A)\},$$ where $G_1(A)$ is ...
Malik Younsi's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to find the Fermat Point using the construction of the tangent to ellipse?

Be done the triangle ABC, it is known the method to finding the point Q that minimises the sum QA+QB+QC among all points Q in the plane (The Fermat point). I want a hint for solving this problem using ...
Vasile Moșoi's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Use of n-transitivity in finite group theory

Hello, apparently finite groups which are n-transitive with n>5 are only the permutation groups Sn or the alternating groups An+2, see e.g. page 226 this book by Isaacs
Thomas Sauvaget's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

A "round" lattice with low kissing number?

Historically, the lattices with high density were studied intensively, e.g. E_8 lattice or Leech Lattice. However, there are situations that lattices with low kissing number are required. Specifically,...
Kore Min's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Hilbert Space as direct sum of subspaces with cyclic vectors

Ok,so this should be easy, however I havent taken functional analysis for a while. But given a compact self-adjoint operator on a hilbert space H(over the complex numbers), we define v to be a cyclic ...
Jamie's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Is there a coalgebraic characterisation of the hyperfinite II_1 factor?

Peter Freyd showed that the real interval [0, 1] is a final coalgebra for a functor on sets equipped with two points, which sends such a set to the 'wedge' of two copies of itself, identifying the ...
David Corfield's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Range of a Certain Linear Operator

Consider the following hermitian form on the sobolev space H^1(I), of an interval I: g(u,v):= \int_I (du/dt dv/dt - \rho(t) u v)dt, where \rho is a nice bounded function on I. Riesz representation ...
Alessandro S's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

High dimensional Steiner tree

Given n affinely independent points in n-1 dimensional Euclidean space, how is the minimum Steiner tree constructed? Or assuming that the topology of the Steiner tree is given, is there an easy way ...
asdf's user avatar
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40 votes
5 answers

Is there a natural measures on the space of measurable functions?

Given a set Ω and a σ-algebra F of subsets, is there some natural way to assign something like a "uniform" measure on the space of all measurable functions on this space? (I suppose first ...
Kenny Easwaran's user avatar
21 votes
5 answers

Isomorphisms of Banach Spaces

Suppose $X$ and $Y$ are Banach spaces whose dual spaces are isometrically isomorphic. It is certainly true that $X$ and $Y$ need not be isometrically isomorphic, but must it be true that there is a ...
Mike Hartglass's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

L_p norm balls for 1<p<2 - is it always similar to an L_q norm ball for some q>2?

The L_1 ball in 2D is shaped like a diamond (L_1 is also known as the Manhattan norm). The L_∞ ball is shaped like a square (L_∞ is also known as the supremum norm). They are similar, i.e. have same ...
user773's user avatar
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7 votes
6 answers

How to partition R^3 into pairwise non-parallel lines?

Problem. How to partition R^3 into pairwise non-parallel lines? A possible solution is to stack infinitely many ``concentric'' hyperboloids, by increasing radius and decreasing slope. And don't forget ...
subshift's user avatar
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23 votes
6 answers

Is there a topological description of combinatorial Euler characteristic?

There are a collection of definitions of "combinatorial Euler characteristic", which is different from the "homotopy Euler characteristic". I will describe a few of them and give some references, and ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Boolean network as a gauge field

Consider a set of N binary-state nodes at "time" t, each of which is a (boolean) transition function of two nodes in the set, evaluated at time t-1. Thus there are N of these boolean functions of two ...
Chris Weed's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

What is the right way to think about / represent general tilings?

For periodic/symmetric tilings, it seems somewhat "obvious" to me that it just comes down to working out the right group of symmetries for each of the relevant shapes/tiles, but its not clear to me if ...
Carter Tazio Schonwald's user avatar
44 votes
11 answers

Algorithm for finding the volume of a convex polytope

It's easy to find the area of a convex polygon by division into triangles, but what is the optimal way of finding the volume of higher-dimensional convex bodies? I tried a few methods for dividing ...
Xerxes's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

How does one find the "loneliest person on the planet"?

I'm looking for the algorithm that efficiently locates the "loneliest person on the planet", where "loneliest" is defined as: Maximum minimum distance to another person — that is, ...
Joe Sinnott's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

a general theory of configurations?

Once I found by accident an article by MacPherson: "Classical projective geometry and modular varieties", in "Algebraic analysis, geometry, and number theory" (Baltimore, MD, 1988), whose introduction ...
Thomas Riepe's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Closest grid square to a point in spherical coordinates

I am programming an algorithm where I have broken up the surface of a sphere into grid points (for simplicity I have the grid lines are parallel and perpendicular to the meridians). Given a point A on ...
Casebash's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Convergence of Affine Transformations

Hi, I was wondering if anyone could point me to any sources regarding the convergence of iterated affine transformation, i.e. sequences where {a_n} is a set of affine transforms and the sequence: ...
streklin's user avatar
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32 votes
4 answers

Largest hyperbolic disk embeddable in Euclidean 3-space?

Hilbert proved that there's no complete regular ($C^k$ for sufficiently large $k$) isometric embedding of the hyperbolic plane into $\mathbb{R}^3$. On the other hand, the pseudosphere is locally ...
j.c.'s user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Can you describe the image of the exponential map $B(H)\to B(H)$?

James Tener asks at the 20-questions seminar: The exponential map $\exp:B(H)\to B(H)$ is just defined by its Taylor series. Can you describe its image?
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