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Baire category theorem

Let's call the following conditions (1): $X$ is a complete metric space with metric $d$, $X = \cup_{n=1}^\infty A_n$. Let $\bar{A}$ denote the closure of $A$. Let's call the following statement (2): ...
has2's user avatar
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When is the Minkowski sum of weighted compact sets $w_1 B_1 + w_2 B_2 + \ldots$ (with $w \in L^1$) closed?

Let $B_1,B_2,\ldots,$ be compact subsets of $\mathbb R^d$ and $w_1,w_2,\ldots$ be nonnegative numbers summing to $1$. Consider the set $$ A := w_1 B_1 + w_2 B_2 + \ldots = \left\{\sum_{n=1}^\infty w_n ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Can we say that : $ (A-B)\cap\overline{B}(0,r)\text{ is weakly compact, }\forall r>0 $

Let $X$ be a separable Banach space and $A,B$ are closed convex subsets of $X$ such that $B\subset A$ and $$ A\cap\overline{B}(0,r) \text{ and } B\cap\overline{B}(0,r) \text{ are weakly compact, } \...
kaka Hae's user avatar
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Separability of $L^1$ in $L^2$ topology

In the space $L^1(0,1)$ take the topology generated by the $L^2$-balls $$B^2_r(f)=\{g\in L^1(0,1):\; \|f-g\|_2<r\}.$$ Is $L^1(0,1)$ separable in this topology?
hye's user avatar
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Measurability of integrals with respect to different measures

Let $Y$ be a locally compact Hausdorff topological space (further assumptions like metrizability, separability, etc., may be added if necessary) and let $\mathscr Y$ denote the Borel $\sigma$-algebra ...
triple_sec's user avatar
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Is any submetrizable linear topology linearly submetrizable?

Let $E$ be a vector space. A topology $\tau$ on $E$ is called (linearly) submetrizable if there is a (linear) metrizable topology $\pi$ on $E$ which is weaker than $\tau$, i.e. $\pi\subset\tau$. Is ...
erz's user avatar
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Is a continuous functional on continuous functions the restriction of a continuous functional on the space of all functions?

As sets, we can consider the space $C(\mathbf{R}^n;\mathbf{R}^k)$ - of all continuous functions from $\mathbf{R}^n$ to $\mathbf{R}^k$ - to be a subset of the product space $(\mathbf{R}^k)^{\mathbf{R}^...
SBK's user avatar
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Is the projective limit $\mathcal{D}(\mathbb{R})$ separable?

Let $\mathscr{D}(\mathbb{R})$ be the set $C_0^\infty(\mathbb{R})$ of smooth functions with compact support endowed with the following topology: The initial topology with respect to the family maps $(\...
CoffeeArabica's user avatar
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Variation of concept of a Lusin space

Citing from Wikipedia, A Hausdorff topological space is a Lusin space if some stronger topology makes it into a Polish space. Is there a (previously studied) analogous concept of a Hausdorff (...
iolo's user avatar
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Global control of locally approximating polynomial in Stone-Weierstrass?

Let $X=\mathbb{R}$, and $\mathcal{A}:=\mathbb{R}[x]$ be the subalgebra (of $C(X)$) of univariate polynomials. Given $\varphi\in C_b(X)$ and $K\subset X$ compact, we know from Stone-Weierstrass that $$\...
fsp-b's user avatar
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Reconciling some result about the exponential map, the Chow-Rashevskii theorem, and $\mathrm{Diff}_0(M)$

Let $M$ be a $C^{\infty}$ manifold $C^{\infty}$-diffeomorphic to $\mathbb{R}^d$. I've recently come across some results which I'm trying to reconcile. Let $\mathfrak{X}(M)$ denote the set of ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Properties of the topology of sequential convergence $\tau_\text{seq}$

Let $(X,\tau)$ be a Hausdorff space. Denote by $\tau_\text{seq}$ the topology on $X$ whose closed sets are the sequentially $\tau$-closed subsets of $X$. I have read that $\tau_\text{seq}$ has the ...
BigbearZzz's user avatar
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Relation between the weak star topology and hereditary Lindelöfness

Let $X$ be a Banach space. Is the following implication valid? $$ (X,w) \textrm{ is hereditarily Lindelöf}~ \Rightarrow X^*~ \textrm{is separable} $$ The converse is clearly true, since the ...
ABB's user avatar
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Non-uniqueness in Krylov-Bogoliubov theorem

So apparently the Krylov-Bogoliubov theorem says that every continuous function $f:X\to X$ on a compact metrizable space $X$ has an invariant probability measure $\mu$. Of course, if $X$ is just a ...
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
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Why is an inductive limit of bornological spaces bornological?

Let $(E_\alpha,\tau_\alpha,g_\alpha)$ be a family of bornological (locally convex) topological vector spaces $(E_\alpha,\tau_\alpha)$, where a LCTVS $E$ is said to be bornological if every circled, ...
Dominic Wynter's user avatar
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Tietze's extension theorem for compact subspaces

The topological question: Are there Hausdorff topological spaces $X$ which are compactly generated (=Kelly spaces = $k$-spaces, that is, a subset is closed if its intersection with every compact set ...
Jochen Wengenroth's user avatar
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Riesz representation theorem for vector-valued fields

Let $Q$ be a locally compact Hausdorff space, and let $V$ be a topological vector space. Consider the space $X = C_0(Q, V)$ of $V$-valued fields which vanish at infinity. Let $X^*$ denote the dual ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Hausdorff-Lipschitz continuity of cone correspondence

Let $\mathbb{R}_+$ denote the strictly positive real numbers, let $\mathcal{X} \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ and $\mathcal{P} \subset \mathbb{R}^m$ be compact and convex subsets, let \begin{equation} f: \...
Heinrich A's user avatar
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Is $C_0(X) $ Frechet-Urysohn with respect to the compact-open topology?

Recall that a topological space is called Frechet-Urysohn if the operations of closure and sequential closure coincide. Let $X$ be a locally compact Hausdorff space. It is known that $C(X)$ is not ...
erz's user avatar
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Strong topology on a topological vector space

I'm not sure this is an appropriate question for this site but I've tried math stack exchange and got no answers. Also, this problem arose in one of my research problems, so I'm stating it here. The ...
JustWannaKnow's user avatar
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Boundedness of Dirac deltas

Suppose that $X$ is a metric space and let $C_k(X)$ denote the space of real functions on $X$ with the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets. Then $C_k(X)$ is a topological vector space. Let ...
user124321's user avatar
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Is the space of smooth maps $C^{\infty}(M,N)$ with the Whitney $C^{\infty}$ topology locally compact, if $M$ is compact

The title says it all: Let $M$ be a compact manifold and $N$ a (possible non compact) manifold. Equip the space of smooth functions $C^{\infty}(M,N)$ with the Whitney $C^{\infty}$ topology. (The ...
Kathrin L.'s user avatar
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Does the countable $\sigma$-product of a separable Hilbert space have a first countable topology?

Let $\mathcal{l}^2$ be "the" separable real infinite dimensional hilbert space, e.g. the space of square-summable sequences of real numbers. Let $\Box^{\mathbb{N}}\mathcal{l}^2$ be the countable ...
Sven's user avatar
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algebra-geometry duality

For topological spaces $S$ and $T$, denote by $C(S)$ and $C(T)$ the corresponding algebras of continuous real-valued functions. What are the necessary conditions that we need to impose on $S$ and $T$ ...
clark's user avatar
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Topological properties of SpecMax(A)

We consider $A = C_{b}(X)$, the ring of continuous bounded functions on a completely regular space $X$. Let $\DeclareMathOperator{\SpecMax}{SpecMax} \SpecMax(A)$ be the set of maximal ideals of $A$ ...
Rajkarov's user avatar
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Hahn-Banach theorem and ultrafilter lemma

I'm unable to understand a remark in "Two application of the method of construction by ultrapowers to analysis" by Luxemburg, which uses the ultrafilter lemma to prove the Hahn-Banach ...
oggius's user avatar
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Existence of a Borel measurable function

Let $X$ be a compact metric space and $Y\subset X$ be a compact set. Assume that $f_1, f_2: Y \to \mathbb{P}\mathbb{R}^2$ are continuous functions. Let $N \subset \mathbb{P}\mathbb{R}^2$ be a ...
David's user avatar
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Relationship between $C(X\times Y,Z)$ and $C(X,C(Y,Z))$

Let $X$, $Y$, and $Z$ be locally-compact, complete, and separable metric spaces and suppose that $X$ is compact; all non-empty. Consider the spaces $C(X,C(Y,Z))$ and $C(X\times Y,Z)$ both equipped ...
SetValued_Michael's user avatar
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Is the union of good equivalence relations on a compact space good?

Let $X$, $Y_1$ and $Y_2$ be a compact Hausdorff spaces and let $\varphi_i:X\to Y_i$ be a continuous surjection (and so a quotient map). Let $\sim$ be the minimal closed equivalence relation on $X$ ...
erz's user avatar
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Density of functions into the circle glueing

Let $\{U_i\}_{i=1}^2$ be an open cover of $S^1$, with $U_i\cong \mathbb{R}$ (for example, $U_1$ is the lower arc of the circle and $U_2$ is the upper part). Let $\iota_i:U_i\hookrightarrow S^1$ be ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Metrizability of topology of compact convergence

Let $X$ be a separable metric space and $Y$ be a second-countable $\sigma$-compact Hausdorff space. Then the compact-convergence (compact-open) topology on $C(Y,X)$ is metrizable with metric $$ d(f,g)...
ABIM's user avatar
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Hilbert Scale Inclusions

I'm looking at properties of the scale of Hilbert spaces $(X_s)_{s\in \mathbb{R}}$, which are constructed as follows. Starting with $A:D(A)\subset H\to H$, $A$ a densely defined, strictly positive ($...
user2379888's user avatar
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Proving that family of sets has non-empty intersection

Let's say I have an object which can be viewed as family of sets $\mathfrak{S} \subseteq 2^S$, and I want to prove that its intersection is non-empty. What is known already: $S$ is set of measurable ...
Doktor Diagoras's user avatar
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Norm Closure of a Set

Let $q:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{C}$ be continuous and suppose we look to the set $$A:=\{f\in C_b(\mathbb{R}):\ q\cdot f\in C_b(\mathbb{R})\}$$ as subspace of $C_b(\mathbb{R})$ equipped with the ...
Elisha Mcculloch's user avatar
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Can we Characterise Rings of Continuous Functions?

Suppose $K$ is some nice space, for example $\mathbb R$ or $\mathbb C$. Let $X$ be a set and $C$ a ring of functions $X \to K$. Is there any way to determine, from the algebraic structure of $C$, ...
Daron's user avatar
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A commutative Banach algebra with an abundance of discountinuous functions

Let $A$ be the algebra of all bounded functions from $[0,\;1]$ to $\mathbb{C}$. For $f\in A,\;$ $\omega_{f}$ is the standard oscillation function.. Each of the following two (equivalent) norms on ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Function series of normal lower semi-continuous functions

For a real-valued $f$ on a topological space $X$, the upper limit of $f$ at $x\in X$ is defined as follows: $ f^{\ast }\left( x\right) =\inf \left\{ \sup \left\{ f\left( y\right) :y\in U\right\} :U\in ...
Mehmet Onat's user avatar
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Equicontinuity-like property of a convex compact set

Let $X$ be a Tychonoff topological space and let $x\in X$. Let $B\subset C(X)$ be convex and compact in the topology of pointwise convergence, and such that $f(x)=1$, for every $f\in B$. Is there an ...
erz's user avatar
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Density of continuous functions to interior in set of all continuous functions

Let $M$ be an $m$-dimensional manifold and $N$ be an $n$-dimensional manifold with boundary. Suppose also that the topology on $N$ can be described by a metric. Thus, the set $C(M,N)$ can be endowed ...
ABIM's user avatar
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The completeness of spaces of continuous functions with the compact-open topology

For a Tychonoff space $X$ let $C_k(X)$ denote the space of continuous real-valued functions on $X$, endowed with the compact-open topology. Problem. Is the space $C_k(X)$ Polish if it is Polishable ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Approximate selection for finite-valued upper hemicontinuous/semicontinuous maps?

I'd like to know if there are any known-results on the existence of continuous approximation theorems for upper hemicontinuous (aka upper semicontinuous) maps $\phi: X\rightarrow Y$ which are finite ...
Fred's user avatar
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characterization of normality by selection theorem

The Urysohn's extension theorem states that a space $X$ is normal iff every continuous function $f:A \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, with $A$ a closed subset of $X$, can be extended to a continuous function $...
Kasper Cools's user avatar
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A question about Skorokhod metric

I have a question related to the Skorokhod distance. Let $\Omega:=D([0,1],R)$ be the space of cadlag functions $x$ defined on $[0,1]$. Let $\Lambda$ be the collection of non-decreasing continuous ...
CodeGolf's user avatar
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Skorokhod distance between $\omega, \omega\circ f_{\varepsilon}$ and $\omega, \omega\circ b_{\varepsilon}$

Let $\Omega:=D([0,1],R)$ be the space of cadlag functions $x$ defined on $[0,1]$. Let $\rho$ be the Skorokhod metric on $\Omega$, see e.g. Now define ...
CodeGolf's user avatar
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Characterization of a subset of [0,1] $III$

I have a question related to the previous one. Characterization of a subset of [0,1] $II$ Let $T\subseteq [0,1]$ be some subset closed under lower limit topology, i.e. $t_n$ is said to converge to $...
CodeGolf's user avatar
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Probability measures on $L^p$

Let $(X,\mathcal X,\mu)$ be a fixed measure space, and suppose that $\mu$ is stationary and ergodic with respect to the (left) action of a topological group $G$. Stationarity means that $\mu = g_* \mu ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Properties of the weak-$*$ topology

Let $X$ be a topological affine space over a complete base field $\mathbb S := \mathbb C$, $\mathbb R$ or $\mathbb Q_p$. Let $X^*$ be the dual space of continuous affine functionals equipped with the ...
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union of Stone-Cech remainders

Can anyone point me to a reference or further information on the following construction? Let $X$ be a compact metric space such as $[0,1]$. Let $A$ be the commutative pre-C*-algebra consisting of [...
Douglas Somerset's user avatar
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Extension of a tangent vector field

Let $\Omega$ be an open subset of $S^2$ with $\overline{\Omega} \neq S^2$. Suppose a continuous tangent vector field $G$ is defined on $\partial \Omega$ such that $|G(y)| = 1$ for all $y \in \partial \...
MathLearner's user avatar
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Continuity of Kernel Mean Embeddings

Given some kernel $k: X \times X \to \mathbb{R}$ with RKHS $H_k$ we say that $k$ is characteristic on the space of signed Radon measures over $X$, denoted by $\mathcal{M}(X)$, if the kernel mean ...
Gaspar's user avatar
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