I'm unable to understand a remark in "Two application of the method of construction by ultrapowers to analysis" by Luxemburg, which uses the ultrafilter lemma to prove the Hahn-Banach theorem, and am hoping that someone here will be able to help me.
Say that we want to extend a functional $\ell$ on a subspace $W\subset V$ which is bounded by a function $p$. Let $L$ be the set of extensions of $\ell$ to any subspace of $V$ which are bounded by $p$. For every $v\in V$, let $L_v$ be the subset of $L$ consisting of functions with domain containing $v$. This paper then shows that any ultrafilter on $L$ which contains each $L_v$ determines an extension $\tilde\ell$ of $\ell$.
At the end of the proof, it remarks that the proof demonstrates that the ultrafilter must be fixed. Presumably it means that $\{\tilde\ell\}$ is in the ultrafilter. I don't see why this should be the case and would appreciate an explanation.
I do see why the ultrafilter containing $\{\tilde\ell\}$ would yield the same extension $\tilde\ell$, but I don't see how this proves the claim.
Thanks in advance!