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Questions tagged [divisors]

For questions related to divisors in the sense of algebraic geometry (Cartier divisors, Weil divisors and so on). For question on divisors in the number theoretic sense please use the tag divisors-multiples.

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Divisor on variety determined by its restriction to curves

Is a (Cartier) divisor on a variety uniquely determined by its restriction to curves inside the variety? If so, how do we see this?
DCT's user avatar
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Is there a divisor in $\mathbb P^2$ such that all analytic maps into its complement algebraize?

Is there a closed subscheme $D$ in $\mathbb P^2_{\mathbb C}$ pure of codimension one such that, for all algebraic varieties $X$ over $\mathbb C$, any analytic map $$ \phi: X(\mathbb C) \to \mathbb P^...
Lars's user avatar
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Psi-classes on moduli spaces of weighted curves

Let $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,A[n]}$ be the stack of weighted genus $g$ curves with weights $A[n]=(a_1,...,a_n)$, and let $\pi:\mathcal{C}\rightarrow \overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,A[n]}$ be the universal ...
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Linear systems and 2-torsion shifts on hyperelliptic curves

Let $C$ be a hyperelliptic curve of genus $g$ and let $D$ be a divisor on $C$ of degree $g+1$. Assume that the linear system $|D|$ is base-point-free. Now add a $2$-torsion point $[E]$ to $D$. I would ...
Rainer Sinn's user avatar
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Sections of a linear system splitting as a product of degree one polynomials

Let $X\subset\mathbb{P}^n$ be a hypersurface of degree $d$ and with multiplicities $m_1,...,m_k$ at $p_1,...,p_k\in\mathbb{P}^n$ general points. Let $S\subseteq |\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^n}(d)|$ be ...
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Zeroes of global sections killed by differential operators

I asked this question some two weeks ago on StackExchange, but received no feedback of any sort ... Let $X$ be a compact connected Riemann surface and let $\Phi:M\rightarrow N$ be an elliptic ...
AdLibitum's user avatar
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Self-intersection of a Cartier divisor

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety, and $D$ a Cartier divisor on $X$ inducing a surjective morphism $f\colon X\rightarrow C$, where $C$ is a curve. May we conclude that $D^{2}=0$?
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A necessary condition for existence of Ricci flat metric on pair (X,D)

Let $X$ be a complex compact manifold with simple normal crossing divisor $D$. Is the condition $K_X +D = 0$ necessary for the existence of Ricci-flat metric?
Jarek's user avatar
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Polarization of the Prym variety

Let $X\rightarrow Y$ a ramifield double cover of curves, $J_X, J_Y$ their jacobians, $P\subset J_X$ the Prym variety, for any line bundle $L$ on $X$ of degree $g_X-1$, denote by $\Theta_L$ the ...
Z.A.Z.Z's user avatar
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Inverse image of a divisor

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a morphism with connected fibers between projective varieties (not necessarily flat). Let $D\subset Y$ be an irreducible divisor. Let us look at the cycle $f^{-1}(D)\subset X$...
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Rigid effective divisors

Let $D\subset X$ be an effective smooth divisor in a smooth projective variety $X$. Assume that $h^0(X,D)=1$. In particular $D$ spans an extremal ray of the effective cone of $X$. Now, let $f:X\...
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13 votes
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Generalization of the rigidity lemma in birational geometry

Let $X,Y,Z$ be projective varieties, and let $f:X\rightarrow Y$, $g:X\rightarrow Z$ be dominant morphisms. Assume that all the fibers of $g$ have the same dimension and are connected. If there exists ...
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Is there an example of integers ($x,p, q ,y$ ) which satisfies the below conditions in this claim? [closed]

Edit 01:In order to look divisibility among power divisor function where i would like to know if there a such integer $n>1 $ with y coprime to $x$ then we have: :$\sigma_y(n)\bmod \sigma_x(n)=0$, ...
zeraoulia rafik's user avatar
7 votes
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How do i show that:$\prod\frac{p^2+1}{p^2-1}=\frac{5}{2}$ without using properties of Riemann zeta function? [duplicate]

In order to know more about product over primes ,I would like to know how do I show that :$$\prod\frac{p^2+1}{p^2-1}=\frac{5}{2}$$ without using properties of Riemann zeta function ? Note01 : it ...
zeraoulia rafik's user avatar
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Is $n=6$ the only integer satisfies ${\sigma}_x(n) \equiv 0\bmod{n}$ for every odd integer $x > 0$ and $2 (\bmod n)$ if $x$ is even integer? [closed]

After a few computations in wolfram alpha about the divisor function for some values of $n$ to look the behavior of $\sigma_x(n)\bmod n$ for $\,n=6,\,$ i got this result : $\sigma_x(6)=0 \bmod 6$ for $...
zeraoulia rafik's user avatar
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Ricci flat metric on pair (X,D)

Let $(X,\omega)$ be a Calabi-Yau variety and $D$ be a simple normal crossing divisor on $X$ with conic singularities with cone angle $2\pi\theta$, $0<\theta<1$ such that $K_X+D>0$, then is ...
Alon's user avatar
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Question about canonical DM stacks

Let $\mathcal{X}$ be a canonical stack (edit: I forgot to say I also want $\mathcal{X}$ smooth), and $\pi : \mathcal{X}\to X$ its coarse moduli space morphism. Let also $D$ be a prime divisor (i.e. ...
Qfwfq's user avatar
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Family $(X_y,D_y)$ with trivial canonical bundles

Let $i:D\hookrightarrow X$ and $f : X \to Y$ be holomorphic mappings of complex manifolds such that $i$ is a closed embedding and $f$ as well as$ f \circ i$ are proper and smooth and $D$ is a divisor. ...
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On triviality and numerical triviality of (classes of) divisors

Let $X$ be a smooth irreducible threefold, and let $H$ be an ample divisor on $X$. Assume that $D$ is a divisor on $X$ such that $D\cdot H^2=D^2\cdot H=D^3=0$. Question 1: Is $D$ numerically trivial?...
gio's user avatar
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Rational functions on hyperelliptic Riemann surface

Let $\mathcal R$ be an hyperelliptic Riemann surface of genus $g\geq 1$. Is it true that the only possible rational functions on $\mathcal R$ with $\leq g$ poles are the liftings of rational functions ...
Andrei MF's user avatar
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Tor-amplitude [0, 1] in the setting of intersection theory on a regular surface?

The question is coming from Definition 1.5 in Deligne's Expose X in SGA 7 on intersection theory. Let $X$ be a connected regular scheme of dimension $2$ and $Y \subset X$ a reduced divisor that ...
O-Ren Ishii's user avatar
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symplectic reduction for pair $(M,D)$

Let $M$ be a symplectic manifold with divisor $D$. Then how can we define symplectic reduction for pair $(M,D)$?
Alon's user avatar
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Fibrations of projective varieties

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a flat morphism of normal projective varieties with fibers of positive dimension (in particular all the fibers are connected and of the same dimension). Let $g:X\rightarrow ...
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On Q-Cartier Divisors

I have my question on Q-Cartier Weil divisor. People say $D$ is Q-Cartier divisor if $nD$ is Cartier for some $n \geq 1$. Especially for $n > 1$, I have never seen the `rigorous' definition of $...
Pierre MATSUMI's user avatar
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Terminology regarding divisor on a curve

Suppose that $D = \sum n_i P_i$ is a divisor on a curve $C$, say, over a field. Is there a standard algebraic geometry terminology referring to the set $\{ P_i : n_i \neq 0 \} \subset |C|$? Support of ...
Byungchul Cha's user avatar
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Degree of the negative part of a divisor

Let $K$ be an algebraically closed field (or $\overline{\mathbb{C}(z)}$ for a more precise condition). And let $P \in K[x,y]$ be an irreducible polynomial of degree $m$ with respect to $x$ and degree $...
Thieu's user avatar
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Blowing-up a point in the singular locus

Let $X\subset\mathbb{P}^n$ be a variety singular along a smooth subvariety $Z\subset X$ of positive dimension. Let us assume that $X$ has ordinary singularities along $Z$. Now, let $\pi:Y\rightarrow \...
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A question on the effective cone

Let $X$ be a projective variety and $G$ a finite group acting on $X$. We consider the quotient $\pi:X\rightarrow Y :=X/G$. I'm interested in the relation between $Eff(X)$ and $Eff(Y)$. In particular,...
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A question about an intersection number

Let $\pi:Y\rightarrow \mathbb{P}^3$ be the blow-up of two points $p,q\in\mathbb{P}^3$, and then of the strict transform of the line $L$ spanned by them. Now, Let $E_p,E_q, E_{p,q}$ be respectively the ...
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Reference request: log Fano varieties

I need a reference for a proof of the following fact: let $X$ be a toric variety then $X$ is log Fano. Thanks a lot.
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Does a line bundle on a normal Noetherian algebraic space come from a Weil divisor?

Let $X$ be a normal Noetherian algebraic space and $\mathscr{L}$ a line bundle on $X$. If $X$ is a scheme, then there is locally principal Weil divisor on $X$ that gives rise to $\mathscr{L}$. Is the ...
Question Mark's user avatar
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Intersection Matrix of a resolution

Probably this is a very easy question. Let $f:X\rightarrow S$ be a resolution of a projective surface such that $$K_X = f^{*}K_S+\sum_ia_iE_i$$ with $a_i>0$. By Grauert-Mumford theorem the ...
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Schematic image of a relative Cartier divisor of a fiberwise dense open

Let $S$ be a scheme and $A$ an abelian $S$-scheme, i.e., $A \rightarrow S$ is a proper smooth $S$-group scheme whose fibers are $g$-dimensional abelian varieties. Suppose that one has a fiberwise ...
Question Mark's user avatar
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Moving a divisor on a (reducible, non-reduced) curve

I am trying to understand the first sentence of the proof of 9.1/5 in "Neron models." There we have a proper curve $X$ over a field $K$ and a line bundle $\mathscr{L}$ on $X$. Our ultimate goal is to ...
Question Mark's user avatar
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3 answers

Movable Divisors

Let $X$ be a projective variety. Does anyone know an example of a movable reducible divisor $D\in Mov(X)$ such that any element in the linear system $|D|$ of $D$ is reducible?
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Cone over the Veronese surface

Let $V\subset\mathbb{P}^5$ be the Veronese surface and let $X\subset\mathbb{P}^6$ be the cone over it. Since $X$ is $\mathbb{Q}$-factorial there are two integers $a,b$ such that $aK_X = \mathcal{O}_X(...
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6 votes
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Blow-ups of $\mathbb{P}^{n-3}$ and $(\mathbb{P}^1)^{n-3}$

Let us consider the points $$p_1=[1:0:...:0],p_2 = [0:1:...:0],...,p_{n-2} =[0:...:0:1],\\ p_{n-1}=[1:1:...:1]\in\mathbb{P}^{n-3}$$ and the blow-up $X = Bl_{p_1,...,p_{n-1}}\mathbb{P}^{n-3}$. ...
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Standard plane Cremona transformation

Let us consider nine general points $p_1,...,p_9\in\mathbb{P}^2$ and the line $L = \left\langle p_1,p_2\right\rangle$. Take the standard Cremona $f_1$ centred in $p_3,p_4,p_5$, then $C_1 = f_1(L)$ is ...
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A question on the secondary fan

I am studying the secondary fan decomposition of the effective cone of a projective variety $X$. Let as assume that $X$ is a Mori Dream Space. As far as I understand passing from a cone of maximal ...
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Canonical bundle of moduli space of rational curves and automorphisms

Let $\overline{M}_{0,n}$ be the usual Deligne-Mumford compactification of $M_{0,n}$ the moduli space of smooth $n$-pointed rational curves. The canonical divisor $K_{\overline{M}_{0,n}}$ can be ...
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A question on klt pairs

Let $D$ be a $\mathbb{Q}$-divisor in a smooth variety $X$. In Lazarsfeld book "Positivity in Algebraic Geometry 2" I found Proposition 9.5.13 saying that if for any $x\in D$ we have $mult_xD < 1$ ...
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Negative degree line bundles over a singular projective curve have no sections?

Let $C$ be a local complete intersection projective curve in $\mathbb{P}^3$. Assume that $C$ is integral. Let $\mathcal{L}$ be a line bundle on $C$ of negative degree. We know that if $C$ is smooth ...
Kali's user avatar
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Singularities of secant varieties of rational normal curves

Let $C\subset\mathbb{P}^n$ be a rational normal curve of degree $n$, and let $Sec_k(C)\subset\mathbb{P}^n$ be its $k$-th secant variety. By Theorem 1.1 in this paper:
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Small birational maps and singularities of the pair

Let $f:X\dashrightarrow Y$ be a small birational map, where $X,Y$ are normal $\mathbb{Q}$-factorial varieties. Let $\Delta_X\subset X$ be an effective $\mathbb{Q}$-divisor such that the pair $(X,\...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Boundedness of the number of curves negative on a varying big divisor

For a divisor $D$ on a smooth complex projective surface $X$, the stable fixed part is the maximal effective divisor $E$ which, for every $n \in \mathbb{N}$, is contained in every memeber of the ...
Vesselin Dimitrov's user avatar
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Cremona transformations

Let $f:\mathbb{P}^n_1\dashrightarrow\mathbb{P}^n_2$ be the standard Cremona transformation based on $p_1,...,p_{n+1}\in\mathbb{P}^n_1$ and $q_1,...,q_{n+1}\in\mathbb{P}^n_2$. That is, $f$ is the ...
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Big divisors and small transformations

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety such that $-K_X$ is ample. Let $f:X\dashrightarrow Y$ be a small $\mathbb{Q}$-factorial transformation. I would like to know if is true or not that: $-K_Y$ is ...
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Dimension of image of a hyperplane section

If we have a surjective morphism $f:X\to Y$, where $X$ is $n$ dimensional projective variety and $Y$ is $m$ dimensional projective variety. If $m<n$, Can we choose a general hyperplane section $H$ ...
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Ample divisors on $\mathbb{P}^n$ blown-up at $k$ general points

Let $X$ be the blow-up of $\mathbb{P}^n$ at $k$ general points. We can assume $k\leq n+4$. Let $$D = aH-b_1E_1-...-b_kE_k$$ be a divisor on $X$. Are there conditions on $a,b_1,...,b_k$ ensuring that $...
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A question about kawamata's proof of vanishing for big and nef $\mathbb{Q}$ divisors

Theorem 2 [1, p.46] Let $X$ be a non-singular projective algebraic variety of dimension $n$, and $D$ a numerically effective $\mathbb{Q}$-divisor such that $(D^n)>0$. We assume that the support of ...
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