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Questions tagged [diophantine-equations]

Diophantine equations are polynomial equations $F=0$, or systems of polynomial equations $F_1=\ldots=F_k=0$, where $F,F_1,\ldots,F_k$ are polynomials in either $\mathbb{Z}[X_1,\ldots,X_n]$ of $\mathbb{Q}[X_1,\ldots,X_n]$ of which it is asked to find solutions over $\mathbb{Z}$ or $\mathbb{Q}$. Topics: Pell equations, quadratic forms, elliptic curves, abelian varieties, hyperelliptic curves, Thue equations, normic forms, K3 surfaces ...

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System of diophantine equations related to Ozanam's problem

Could you please help with finding of general solution of diophantine system for rational a, b, c, d $(a^2+b^2)(c^2+d^2)=A^2$ $(a^2-b^2)(c^2-d^2)=B^2$ for some rational A and B. This is related ...
veg_nw's user avatar
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Simple Diophantine equations for Cartan matrices of Kac-Moody algebras

Let us consider the matrix $A$ defined as follows: $A_{i i} =2$, $A_{i j} = - \frac{2 d_i}{d - 1 - d_{j}}, \qquad i \neq j$; $i, j = 1, \dots, n$. Here $d_1,...,d_n$ are natural numbers, $n > 1$ ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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A trivial application of Wilson's theorem to Brocard's Problem

Proposition: Let $W(1)$ be the set of all Wilson primes of order $1$ and suppose $n=p-1,$ where $p$ is a prime such that $p\notin W(1)$, then there are no integer solutions to the equation $$n!+1=m^2$$...
Maaz-ul-Haq's user avatar
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The existence of solution for special equation on integer ring

I have a question which belongs to the field of number theory. Can we prove or disprove the following claim: For all prime number $p=24t+1$ and the natural number $n=6t+1$, there is at least, one ...
Meysam Ghahramani's user avatar
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When is a cubic polynomial a cube? [closed]

I've been researching cubes and I'm trying to solve this Diophantine equation over the integers. $$ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d = y^3$$where a, b, c, d are parameters for a given $n$. For example, for $n = 5$...
Derek Orr's user avatar
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Question about link between non-terminals of grammars and variables of Diophantine equations

If we change the right arrow in the rewriting rules of grammar into equators , changes all terminals into x and keep the non-terminals unchanged,we get system of equations.In some cases,those ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
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Cassels-Birch-Davenport theorem for multiple quadratic forms of certain type

A classical theorem of Cassels states that if a homogenous quadratic form $Q$ has an integer zero, then there is a zero of small height (bounded solely by the coefficients and number of variables). ...
DmitryZ's user avatar
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Integral points on affine rational curves over $\mathbb{Q}$

Given a rational curve $C:(f_1(t),f_2(t))$, where $f_i(t),i=1,2$ are rational functions with rational coefficients. Question: Is there any criterion(proved or conjectural) for the existence of ...
Y. Zhao's user avatar
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Rational solutions of equations of the form $y^2 x = f(x)$

Let $k$ be any number field, and suppose we want to study the $k$-rational points on $$y^2 x = f(x),$$ where $f$ is a polynomial of degree greater or equal than 3. In other words, $y^2 x = f(x)$ is a ...
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Can six square numbers be simultaneously represented in a single sum of consecutive odd numbers? [closed]

I had some free time from my work to do a little exploration regarding the existence (or non existence) of perfect cuboids. A solution is represented by the set of Diophantine equations: $a^2 + b^2 = ...
Richard Skinner's user avatar
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Diophantine equation over Z[i]

I'm trying to generate the set of solutions of a specific diophantine equation over Z[i]. The equation is the following: $$ z_1^2 + z_2^2 + z_1*z_2 + 39 = 0$$ with $ z_1$ (resp $z_2$) such that $\...
Michel's user avatar
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Quartic case of a theorem of Bombieri and Pila

I am interested in the ternary case of a theorem of Bombieri and Pila, in E. Bombieri and J. Pila, "The number of integral points on arcs and ovals", Duke Mathematical Journal., 59 (1989), 337-357. ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
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If $n=x^k+y^k$ then also $n=a^2+b^2=c^3+d^3=\ldots =x^k+y^k$ [closed]

Are there infinitely many positive integers with the property: If $n$ is a sum of two $k$th powers then it is also the sum of two $k-1$th powers, the sum of two $k-2$th powers, ... , the sum of two ...
Konstantinos Gaitanas's user avatar
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Solutions of system of diophantine equations

The system of diophantine equations $$\{x^2-y^2+z^2-u^2+q^2-t^2=0,\,xy+zt-uq=0 \}$$ is given. Do the formulas $$x:=(j(p^2-4ps+3s^2)-(p-s)(3p^2-4ps+s^2))k^2+2(j-2(p-s))(p-s)kn+(j-p+s)n^2, $$ $$y:=(p-s)(...
user64494's user avatar
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non negative integer solutions : Diophantine Equations [closed]

I want to know the exact number of non-negative integer solutions of $a_1 + 2a_2 + \ldots + k \cdot a_k = n$. I know that it is the co-efficient of $x^n$ in $(1 - x^{a_1})^{-1} \cdot (1 - x^{a_2})^{-...
Sai Nikhil's user avatar
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On the equation $y^2 = x^3 - z^3$ [closed]

What is the parametric form of the rational solutions of the equation $y^2 = x^3 - z^3 ?$
PRIMES is in P.'s user avatar
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Classification of these Binary Quadratic Forms

What are necessary and sufficient conditions on a binary quadratic form $ax^2+bxy+cy^2$, with integer coefficients and solution set in integers, to be equivalent to $x^2-y^2$, and separately to $x^2+y^...
Peter Newton's user avatar
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On the elliptic curve $y^2 = x^3 + z^{4k}$

Are there any rational numbers $x, y, z$ with $xyz \neq 0$ such that $y^2 = x^3 + z^{4k}$ for some $k \in \mathbb{Z}_{>1}$ ?
Q_p's user avatar
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$y^3=x^4+x$, and computing all rational points on rank $0$ Picard curves

What are the rational solutions to the equation $$ y^3 = x^4 + x, $$ in particular, are there any (finite) solutions other than $(x,y)=(0,0)$ and $(-1,0)$? Context: This is the simplest-looking ...
Bogdan Grechuk's user avatar
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Diophantine equations and modular forms

Let $D$ be a square-free positive integer which is the fundamental discriminant of a real quadratic field. Consider the following quadratic form $$Q_{D}(x,y)=x^2+Dy^2.$$ My questions are : What is ...
Zakariae.B's user avatar
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Special type Diophantine equations with integer solutions

The following problem on Diophantine equation is still solved or not I don't know. However, I found few solutions by trail and error method. Problem: $X^2 - X = Y^5 - Y$ has integer solutions or not? ...
mahoob's user avatar
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The number of solutions of a Diophantine equation [closed]

Is $\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} |\{(x,y) \in \mathbb{Q}(\zeta_n)^2 : y^3 = x^3 + x + 1\}| < \infty ?$ where $\zeta_n$ is a primitive $n$-th root of unity. That is, I am asking whether the number ...
Pablo's user avatar
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System of Diophantine equations

$p + p' = m$ $q - q' = n$ $pp' = qq'$ $(m^{2} + n^{2})\equiv1\pmod 4$ and $n^{2}\equiv0\pmod 4$. Only $m,n$ are known in the above. Are there any known techniques to guess the values of $p$ and $q$...
user16007's user avatar
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Solvability of two-variable quadratic equations with a parameter

(a) Prove that there exist infinitely many values of integer parameter $a$ such that equation $$ 2 x^2+a x y+y^2+1 = 0 $$ is solvable in integers $(x,y)$. (b) The same question for a similar equation $...
Bogdan Grechuk's user avatar
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Rational points on genus 3 curves defined by short equations

(a) Find all pairs of rational numbers $(x,y)$ such that $$ y^3-y=x^4-x. $$ (b) Find all pairs of rational numbers $(x,y)$ such that $$ y^3+y=x^4+x. $$ If not a complete answer, I would be happy to ...
Bogdan Grechuk's user avatar
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How can we solve the following number theory problem? [closed]

Let $m$ and $n$ be positive integers less than $2000$ which satisfies the equation $(m^2-mn-n^2)^2=1$. How can we determine the largest possible value of the expression $m^2+n^2$?
Subodh Khanal's user avatar
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Fastest way to solve non-negative linear diophantine equations

Let $A$ be a matrix in $M_{n \times m}(\mathbb{Z}_{\ge 0})$ without zero column. Let $V$ be a vector in $\mathbb{Z}_{> 0}^m$. Question: What is the fastest way to find all the solutions $X \in \...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Diophantine equations that involve cubes and the volume of square frustums

This week I wondered about diophantine problems that involve the volume of certain cubes and frustums, see the Wikipedia Frustum. I wondered if each one of these problems have infinitely many ...
user142929's user avatar
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On the Diophantine equation $x^{4}+y^{4}= z^n$

I'm told that Ellenberg and Bruin proved that the Diophantine equation $x^{4} + y^{4} = z^n$ has no primitive solutions in which $xyz\neq 0$ and $n\geq 4$. Does the proof use the same methods that ...
Merton's user avatar
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An asymptotic expression for the solution to the squares problem suggested by statistical mechanics

The $s$ squares problem is to count the number $r_s (n)$ of integer solutions $(x_1,x_2,...,x_s)$ of the Diophantine equation $x_{1}^{2}+x_{2}^{2}+...+x_{s}^{2}=n$ in which changing the sign or ...
QHLIU's user avatar
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Is surface $x^2+z^2=2\cdot y^2$ something of a Möbius strip?

This question is naive. My association with Möbius strip comes from not being able to smoothly extract positive solutions of the diophantine equation $$x^2+z^2=2\cdot y^2$$ I got a parametrization (...
Włodzimierz Holsztyński's user avatar
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The "universal" diophantine equation

There is a diophantine equation in some number (I think the minimum is now 9) of variables, that can be used to represent All other diophantine equations (could be wrong on this) Any particular set ...
Cris Stringfellow's user avatar
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Diophantine equations involving recurrence sequences

I am working on a Diophantine equation by using transcendental and reduction methods given by Baker and Davenport. However, when I read some papers i don't understand the reduction step, for example ...
Omega's user avatar
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Is there a method to check if two sections of an elliptic surface are dependent over the endomorphism ring or not?

Let $E\!: y^2 = x^3 + a(t)x + b(t)$ be an elliptic curve over the function field $\mathbb{F}_{q}(t)$ over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_{q}$ of characteristic $5$ or greater. For simplicity, let $E$ be ...
Dimitri Koshelev's user avatar
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Find the positive integers $x^3+y^3=3z^3$ [closed]

By Fermat Last theorem, I don't know if that's been discussed. Find all positive integers $x,y,z$ such $$x^3+y^3=3z^3$$
math110's user avatar
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Are there infinitely many solutions of $2^k=3^z-1$ with $k,z \in \mathbb{N}$? [duplicate]

This question arose as an attempt to answer the following question Relaxed Collatz 3x+1 conjecture. I wanted to show that there is a solution of the equation $2^{k}=3^{z}(2n+1)-1$ for each $n\geq 2$, ...
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Counting solutions of a certain diophantine equation

For some $s, k$, let $J_{s, k}(X; \mathbf{n})$ be the number of solutions to the system $$\sum_{i\le s} (x_i^j - y_i^j) = n_j$$ for $j\le k$ with $x_1, \dots, x_s, y_1, \dots, y_s\in [1, X]\cap\mathbb{...
Mayank Pandey's user avatar
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Find the rational cases where ${t}^{2} - 4$ is a perfect square with height bound $|t| \le N$ for positive integer $N \ge 1$

Find the unique cases when ${t}^{2} - 4$ is a perfect square say, ${n}^{2}$, with height bound $|t| \le N$ for positive integer $N \ge 1$, when $t$ is a rational where $t = p/q$ and integers $p$ an $q$...
Lorenz H Menke's user avatar
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Quadratic diophantine equation in $\mathbb C[T]$

I am trying to solve the following quadratic diophantine equation in $\mathbb C[T]$, but I did not manage. I hope someone could give some hints or solutions to my problem. Here is the equation $$\...
joaopa's user avatar
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Linear diophantine equation in n variables

Let n>3. Is there any way to generate all integer solutions of linear diophantine equation in n variables, or at least to determine number of such solutions? Thanks in advance.
Gordon Trevor's user avatar
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Rational solutions of homogeneous equations

Can every solution of a homogeneous linear system be approximated by a solution in rational numbers? In mathematical terms: Let $$Ax=0$$ be a homogeneous linear system in $n$ determinates for an $m\...
ThiKu's user avatar
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Can $P(z)$ have a divisor in a given congruence class?

In the answer to this previous question , Noam D. Elkies proved that for any integer $x$, $x^3-x^2-2x+1$ can only have a divisors equal to $-1$, $0$, or $1$ modulo $7$. I would like to know what is ...
Bogdan Grechuk's user avatar
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Integers representable as binary quadratic forms

It is known that odd prime $p$ can be represented as $p=x^2+y^2$ if and only if $p \equiv 1$ mod $4$, represented as $p=x^2+2y^2$ if and only if $p \equiv 1$ or $3$ mod $8$, represented as $p=x^2+3y^2$...
Bogdan Grechuk's user avatar
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Reference request: on sums of the form $ax^m + by^n = h$

I know that equations of the form $$\displaystyle ax^d + by^d = h$$ with $a,b,h \in \mathbb{Z}$ have been thoroughly investigated as a special (and interesting) case of the Thue-Mahler equation, for ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
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Like Diophantine equation

Dear all, I have posted this question on m.s.e. Unfortunately, no one responded to answer. I hope, this site and members of this site will answer my questions. The equation $x^n - ny^x-nxy$ = $0$ ...
jihadi's user avatar
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The (last step of the) proof that the set of badly approximable matrices has measure zero

An $m \times n$ matrix $A$ is called badly approximable if there exists $c > 0$ such that for all integer vectors $p \in \mathbb Z^m$ and $q \in \mathbb Z^n-\{0\}$ we have $$ \|A q + p \| \ge c \| ...
No One's user avatar
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Diophantine equations that involve Lehmer means with all digits equal to $1$ in their $x-$adic expansions

In this post I present my variations of the problem involving Nagell-Ljunggren equation, that is explained in pages 10 and 11 of Highlights in the Research Work of T. N. Shorey by R. Tijdeman, from ...
user142929's user avatar
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All the integer solutions of a certain semi-algebraic system

I would like to find all integer solutions of the following system: $$a+b+c+ab+ac+bc=-2,$$ $$a,b,c\le a+b+c-1.$$ One solution is $2,2,-2$. Is it possible to describe all others?
aglearner's user avatar
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Solutions of the equation $X^4-DY^4=z^4$

In order to obtain infinite integer non trivial solutions of the equation $X^4-DY^4=Z^4$ (all numbers natural) we do the following. We set $X=(r_1●p+p)$, $Y=p$, $Z=(r_1●p)$, $D=(4r_1^3+6r_1^2+4r_1+1)$...
Vassilis Parassidis's user avatar
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Bilinear system of Diophantine Equations

$\forall i,j \in$ $\{$$1, \cdots,n$$\},$ let $x_{i},y_{i}$ be unknowns and $n_{ij} \in \mathbb{Z}$ with $i \le j$ be the knowns. Consider the following $\frac{n(n+1)}{2}$ with $n > 2$ ...
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