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Coxeter matrix of Dyck path

I am trying to understand Gjergji Zaimi's answer in What are the periodic Dyck paths?. In the third paragraph he claims that Next, we define the matrix $X_D$ similarly to the Cartan matrix except we ...
AlgebraicPhantom's user avatar
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Numbers of positive terms in polynomials equal A069999

Let $a(n)$ be A069999 (i.e., number of possible dimensions for commutators of $n \times n$ matrices; it is independent of the field). OEIS states that no generating function is known. Let $P(n,k)$ be ...
Notamathematician's user avatar
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Configurations of signs in a matrix under certain conditions

I have a combinatorial question which is out of my research area. Given a $2^k\times 2^k$ matrix $A=[a_{i,j}]$ with entries in $\lbrace0,\pm1\rbrace$, where $k$ is a positive integer. Is it possible ...
Masayoshi Kaneda's user avatar
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Are the ranks of the following matrices given by these simple expressions?

The question itself is formulated in the title, so below I specify the matrices and expressions mentioned there. In case if this is something known or can be easily deduced from something known, this ...
Nikita Safonkin's user avatar
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Simple algorithm for A107670

Let $T(n, k)$ be A107670 (i.e., matrix square of triangle A107667). Here we define the triangular matrix $P$ by $P(n, k) = \frac{(n+1)^{2(n-k)}}{(n-k)!}$ for $0 \leqslant k \leqslant n$ and the ...
Notamathematician's user avatar
4 votes
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About $CW(512,16^2)$

Definitions: A weighing matrix $W = W(n,k)$ with weight $k$ is a square matrix of order $n$ and entries $w_{ij}$ in $\{0, \pm 1\}$ such that $WW^T=kI$, where $I$ is the identity matrix. A circulant ...
user369335's user avatar
13 votes
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Why is $ULU=NU$ (a refinement of $|N|=q^{n^2-n}$)?

Let $G=GL_n(\mathbb{F}_q)$, $U$, $L$, $N$ the subsets of upper-triangular unipotent, lower-triangular unipotent, all unipotent matrices respectively. Then $ULU=NU$ means that for any $g\in G$ the ...
Anton Mellit's user avatar
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Number of ways to place 4 kings on nxn chessboard

I have a $n\times n$ chessboard and 4 kings inside it. My goal is to count the number of arrangements where some of them are non-attacking or mutually attacking, for example: In the case where the $4$...
Cardstdani's user avatar
3 votes
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Proper Latin sub-squares of generalized Latin squares

Say we have a generalization of a Latin square, where the square is of size $n \times n$, $n = ab$ and each row and each column has $b$ occurrences of each of $[1, \dots, a]$. Is there always ...
user531465's user avatar
6 votes
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Bent vectors and $\pm 1$ eigenvectors with respect to non-Sylvester Hadamard matrices

A Hadamard matrix is an $n\times n$-matrix $H$ where each entry in $H$ is $\pm 1$ and where $H/\sqrt{n}$ is orthogonal. It is well-known that if $H$ is an $n\times n$-Hadamard matrix, then $n<3$ or ...
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
7 votes
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Questions on symmetric Hadamard matrices

Definitions: An $n\times n$ Hadamard matrix (HM for short) is a matrix whose entries are either $1$ or $−1$ and whose rows are mutually orthogonal. If $A$ is a symmetric matrix, then $A = A^T$ and if $...
user369335's user avatar
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Partitions of bent vectors

Let $H=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\begin{bmatrix}1 & 1 \\ 1 & -1\end{bmatrix}.$ Let $A^{\otimes N}$ denote the tensor product of the matrix $A$ with itself taken $N$ times. We say that a vector $v$ of ...
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
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Nilpotent polynomial matrices over $F_q$ - polynomial count variety ? ( Nilpotent cone for Hitchin-Gaudin like integrable system)

Context: Number of nilpotent $n\times n $ matrices over $F_q$ is $q^{n(n-1)}$ classical result due to Ph.Hall, M.Gerstenhaber (see very nice exposition by T.Leinster at n-cat-cafe/arxiv) which have ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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Combinatorial counting question related to count (anti)commuting N-tuples of matrices (more generally $(X_1,...X_n): F(X_i,X_j)=0$ - only one F)

Consider some finite set $S$ (can be matrices over $F_p$), consider some symmetric relation $F(s1,s2)$ which values are True or False (for example - matrices (anti)commutate or not). Question 1: can ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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Guess the next polynoms in the sequence (MO vs. AI :), count anticommuting $F_p$-matrices, P. Hrubeš conjecture

Here is a sequence of polynoms - (presumably) counting N-tuples of ANTI-commuting 2x2 matrices over $F_p, p>2$. (That is just the case of 2x2 matrices, and (surprisingly) it is not so easy to see a ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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Reference request: about “SNF” (Smith Normal Form)

I've read about some studies on the Paley I Construction. Among them I found the following notations ( See this page: ). $$SNF:1,2^a,4^{b},8^{b}...
Matthers's user avatar
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Count N-tuples of commuting matrices over $F_q$ is given by polynomials with pattern $\sum q^{A_i(N)} P_{i}(q) $, where $P_i$ - do not depend on $N$?

Count pairs of $k \times k$ commuting matrices over finite field $F_q$ is given by certain polynomials in $q$ (which is quite rare phenomena for algebraic varieties) and have interesting generating ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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Largest root of the Adjacency matrix of two graphs (comparison)

Let $G$ and $H$ be two graphs whose spectral radius (largest eigenvalue) of the adjacency matrix is the largest root of the following polynomial: $$P_G(x) = x^6-x^5-(2a-n+5)x^4+(2a-n+1)x^3+2(5a-3n+5)x^...
User8976's user avatar
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Number of $F_p$-matrices ac=ca, bd = db , ad - da = cb - bc is polynomial in p ? ("Manin matrix variety" - normal ? Cohen–Macaulay ? )

Consider four $n\times n$ matrices $a,b,c,d$ over finite field $F_q$ (or $F_p$ for simplicity), such that they satisfy three equations: $ac=ca,bd=db, ad-da=cb-bc $. Thus an affine algebraic manifold ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
9 votes
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Counting $m\times n$ $\bigl({1\atop1}{1\atop0}\bigr)$-free $(0,1)$-matrices

Let $G_{m,n}$ denote the number of $m\times n$ $(0,1)$-matrices that avoid the submatrix $\bigl({1\atop1}{1\atop0}\bigr)$. (Submatrices need not be contiguous.) Here are some small values (not yet on ...
ho boon suan's user avatar
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Two questions about three circulant matrices

Consider the following matrix equation in $n \times n$ circulant $\pm 1$ matrices $A$, $B$, $C$ $$2AA^T+BB^T+CC^T=(4n+4)I-4J$$ where $I$ is the $n \times n$ identity matrix and $J$ is the $n×n$ matrix ...
user369335's user avatar
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Is there a combinatorial interpretation for the change of basis matrix in the Frobenius normal form representation?

Let $G$ be a graph on $n$ vertices. Let $A$ be the adjacency matrix of $G$ (i.e., rows and columns of $A$ are indexed by vertices of $G$, and the $(v,w)$ entry of $A$ is $1$ if $(v,w)$ is an edge in $...
Naysh's user avatar
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Remarkable recursions for the A204262

Let $a(n)$ be A204262 i.e. permanent of the matrix $n\times n$ with elements $\min(i,j)$. Let $$ f_{n,\ell}(x)=g_{n,\ell}(x)+f_{n,\ell-1}(\ell)-g_{n,\ell}(\ell), \\ g_{n,\ell}(x)=\int (n-\ell)^2 f_{n-...
Notamathematician's user avatar
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One question about nega-cyclic Hadamard matrices

Let $n$ be a multiple of $4$, is there any $n \times n$ negacyclic Hadamard matrix? If yes - how to construct it? If no - why? Here an $n \times n$ nega-cyclic matrix is a square matrix of the form: \...
user369335's user avatar
5 votes
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On the half-skew-centrosymmetric Hadamard matrices

Definition 1: A Hadamard matrix is an $n\times n$ matrix $H$ whose entries are either $1$ or $-1$ and whose rows are mutually orthogonal. Definition 2: A matrix $A$ is half-skew-centrosymmetric if ...
user369335's user avatar
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The combinatorics of the Nullstellensatz for the variety of nilpotent matrices

Let $H_n$ denote the set of $n \times n$ nilpotent matrices with complex entries. The set $H_n$ may be regarded as an algebraic variety. Indeed, consider the polynomial ring $\mathbb{C}[A_{i,j} : 1 \...
Samuel Johnston's user avatar
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Permutation similarity of matrices with many distinct entries

This is related to graph isomorphism. Here matrices are square $n \times n$ with non-negative integer entries. Two matrices $A,B$ are permutation similar if there exist permutation matrix $P$ such ...
joro's user avatar
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Orthogonal vectors with entries from $\{-1,0,1\}$

Let $\mathbf{1}$ be the all-ones vector, and suppose $\mathbf{1}, \mathbf{v_1}, \mathbf{v_2}, \ldots, \mathbf{v_{n-1}} \in \{-1,0,1\}^n$ are mutually orthogonal non-zero vectors. Does it follow that $...
Nathaniel Johnston's user avatar
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Existence of a matrix with bounded entries and large smallest singular value

Is the following statement true? For all $n$ large enough, there exists an $M_n \in [-1,1]^{n \times n}$ such that the smallest singular value of $M_n$, $\sigma_n(M_n) \gtrsim \sqrt{n}$. If $n$ is ...
Mathews Boban's user avatar
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Big triples in a matrix

Consider an $n\times n$ real matrix $A=(a_{ij})$ with non negative entries. Assume that - the sum of the three largest entries in each row is a constant $R$ (the same for all rows), - the sum of the ...
Yaakov Baruch's user avatar
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Exterior powers of the Cartan matrix and Dyck paths

(This question can be formulated purely combinatorially in terms of Dyck paths, which is done in the second part of the question. But I am more interested whether this can be explained by some sort of ...
Mare's user avatar
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Encoding primes via ranks of sign matrices

(Reposted from math.SE) Recently I came across a very simply defined family of matrices: for $n \in \mathbb{N}$, set $A_n := (a_{ij})_{0 \le i, j \le n-1}$, where $$\displaystyle a_{ij} := (-1)^{\big\...
math54321's user avatar
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Number of full-rank binary matrices with given column Hamming weights [closed]

What is the number of $m \times n$ matrices over $\mbox{GF}(2)$ that share the following constraints : They have full rank ($\mbox{rank} = m$, given that $m<n$). Their columns have the given ...
Sapiens's user avatar
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Vandermonde matrix with polynomials

Let us consider the simple Vandermonde matrix $V_n$ with $V_{ij} = \omega^{(i - 1)(j - 1)}$ where $\omega = e^{2i\pi/n}$. Its well known that for a column vector $A$, $VA$ is equivalent to evaluating ...
Aditya Jain's user avatar
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Conjecture on the existence of centrosymmetric Hadamard matrices

I work with centrosymmetric matrices and recently have started exploring the question of the existence of centrosymmetric Hadamard matrices. Definition: An $n \times m$ matrix $A = (a_{i,j})$ is ...
Konrad Burnik's user avatar
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A combinatorial matrix reconstruction problem II

For a positive integer $n$, let an $n$-shuffle be a multiset $S=[(S_i,d_i)|i=1,\ldots,n]$ of pairs $(S_i,d_i)$, where each $S_i$ is a multiset of $n$ numbers containing the number $d_i$. A realization ...
Arnold Neumaier's user avatar
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Deciding if given number is a permanent of matrix

The permanent of an $n$-by- $n$ matrix $A=\left(a_{i j}\right)$ is defined as $$ \operatorname{perm}(A)=\sum_{\sigma \in S_{n}} \prod_{i=1}^{n} a_{i, \sigma(i)} $$ The sum here extends over all ...
Alexandr Dorofeev's user avatar
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A combinatorial matrix reconstruction problem

Given a positive integer $n$. For any symmetric $n\times n$ matrix $M$, write $M_{ik}$ for the $(i,k)$ entry, $M_k$ for the unordered list (multiset) of entries in row $k$, and $S(M)$ for the ...
Arnold Neumaier's user avatar
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Maximum permuted row/column sum of a matrix

Given a real $n \times n$ matrix $A$ (feel free to assume its entries are non-negative, if it helps), what is known about the problem of computing the quantity $$ \max_{\sigma \in S_n} \left\{\sum_{j=...
Nathaniel Johnston's user avatar
17 votes
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Possible values of the determinant for matrices with elements $\{1, 0, -1\}$

For matrices with elements $\{-1, 1\}$ it is known from here that the possible absolute values of determinants of $n \times n$, $n \leq 6$ matrices with entries $\{-1, 1\}$ are as follows: ...
Konrad Burnik's user avatar
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How sparse can a matrix mapping between sparse vectors be?

Let $s$ and $d$ be non-negative integers with $0\leq s<d$ and let $v,u\in \mathbb{R}^d$ be vectors satisfying the sparsity estimate $$ \max\{\|u\|_0,\|v\|_0\}\leq d-s, $$ where, as usual, for any ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Number of {0,1}-matrices with an even number of 1’s in each row vs in each column

I am working on an equation that would be solved if I show the following. Let $k \geq l$, and consider the set of $\{0,1\}$-matrices of size $k \times l$ with exactly $i$ 1’s. Consider the subset $\...
eti902's user avatar
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Cardinality of the maximum points of the determinant on matrices with entries in [-1, 1]

By multilinearity, the maximum of the determinant on matrices with entries in the interval [-1, 1] is attained at a {-1, 1}-matrix. By the following example, the maximum is attained at infinitely many ...
Arun 's user avatar
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Vanishing linear combinations of minors

Let $V$ be the set of $k$ by $n$ matrices ($k<n$) with entries in $\mathbb{C}$, and let $\mathbb{C}[V]$ denote the set of polynomial functions on $V$. For any subset $I \subseteq [n] = \{1,2,\dotsc,...
Jon Elmer's user avatar
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Find the determinant of a matrix given the determinant of all $p\times p$ sub-matrices?

Is it possible to find the determinant of an $n\times n$- matrix, only given the determinant of all $p\times p$ sub-matrices in it? Here $p\leq n$ is fixed. This is obviously true if $p=1,n$. But what ...
Mathew George's user avatar
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Combinatorics and symmetry in matrices under row and column swaps

Suppose we have a $m\times n$ matrix and a sequence of numbers with which to fill the matrix, $\{c_1,c_2 \dots c_k \}$. I like to think of the numbers as colors, hence the notation. How many unique ...
Benjamin van Heerden's user avatar
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Relation graph isomorphism to discrete logarithm

$\DeclareMathOperator\ora{ora}$Let $A_0$ be the adjacency matrix of graph $G$ and $P_0$ permutation matrix of multiplicative order $\rho$. Let $X$ be positive integer and $B_0=P_0^X A_0 P_0^{-X}$. Q1 ...
joro's user avatar
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Combinatorial graph optimization problem on integer adjacency matrices

We are given a $n\times n$ symmetric matrix $M$ whose entries are positive integers. Let $z_{i,j}:=\frac{M_{i,j}}{M_{i,j}+\sum_{k\neq i,j}\min(M_{i,k},M_{k,j})}$ for all $1\le i<j \le n$, and $z:=\...
Penelope Benenati's user avatar
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Computation of the pfaffian of a particular matrix

This question was originally asked in ( I did not find any satisfactory answer there. So I am ...
SiOn's user avatar
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Tangent numbers, secant numbers and permanent of matrices

Inspired by Question 402572, I consider the permanent of matrices $$f(n)=\mathrm{per}(A)=\mathrm{per}\left[\operatorname{sgn} \left(\sin\pi\frac{j+2k}{n+1} \right)\right]_{1\le j,k\le n},$$ where $n$ ...
Deyi Chen's user avatar
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