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17 votes
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Number of $F_p$-matrices ac=ca, bd = db , ad - da = cb - bc is polynomial in p ? ("Manin matrix variety" - normal ? Cohen–Macaulay ? )

Consider four $n\times n$ matrices $a,b,c,d$ over finite field $F_q$ (or $F_p$ for simplicity), such that they satisfy three equations: $ac=ca,bd=db, ad-da=cb-bc $. Thus an affine algebraic manifold ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Number of unique determinants for an NxN (0,1)-matrix

I'm interested in bounds for the number of unique determinants of NxN (0,1)-matrices. Obviously some of these matrices will be singular and therefore will trivially have zero determinant. While it ...
Ross Snider's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

What are the periodic Dyck paths?

I changed the thread completely so that everything is now elementary linear algebra. A Dyck path of length $n$ is a list of positive integers $[c_1,c_2,...,c_n]$ with $c_i -1 \leq c_{i+1}$ for all $i$...
Mare's user avatar
  • 26.5k
7 votes
1 answer

Bound for largest eigenvalue of symmetric matrices of uniform random variables over $[0,1]$ and fixed $1$s along diagonal and scattered $1$s

Given a $n\times n$ symmetric random matrix whose diagonal elements are all fixed as $1$. In addition, there are $k$ $1$s will be randomly scattered in upper triangular (of course, the corresponding ...
Tony's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Euler numbers and permanent of matrices

Motivated by Question 402249 of Zhi-Wei Sun, I consider the permanent of matrices $$e(n)=\mathrm{per}\left[\operatorname{sgn} \left(\tan\pi\frac{j+k}n \right)\right]_{1\le j,k\le n-1},$$ where $n$ is ...
Deyi Chen's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Count N-tuples of commuting matrices over $F_q$ is given by polynomials with pattern $\sum q^{A_i(N)} P_{i}(q) $, where $P_i$ - do not depend on $N$?

Count pairs of $k \times k$ commuting matrices over finite field $F_q$ is given by certain polynomials in $q$ (which is quite rare phenomena for algebraic varieties) and have interesting generating ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
28 votes
3 answers

Is every positive integer the permanent of some 0-1 matrix?

In the course of discussing another MO question we realized that we did not know the answer to a more basic question, namely: Is it true that for every positive integer $k$ there exists a balanced ...
Timothy Chow's user avatar
  • 82.7k
18 votes
3 answers

Number of invertible {0,1} real matrices?

This question is inspired from here, where it was asked what possible determinants an $n \times n$ matrix with entries in {0,1} can have over $\mathbb{R}$. My question is: how many such matrices ...
Tony Huynh's user avatar
  • 32.1k
16 votes
4 answers

How many minors I need to check to conclude all minors will vanish ?

Given a $m \times n$ matrix $n>m$, I was trying to check if all its $m \times m$ minor vanish. I remember hearing that one really does not need to check all possible minors in order to conclude ...
Vagabond's user avatar
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15 votes
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The rank of a "triangle-free" matrix

This is a version of the question I asked recently, but the assumptions got now strengthened substantially. Suppose that $A=(a_{ij})_{1\le i,j\le n}$ is a square matrix with all elements in $\{0,\...
Seva's user avatar
  • 23k
14 votes
5 answers

Eigenvalues of a matrix with entries involving combinatorics

Let $F(n, l, i, j)$ be the cardinality of the set \begin{eqnarray*} \{(k_1, \cdots, k_n)\in\mathbb{Z}^{\oplus n}|0\leq k_r\leq l-1\text{ for }1\leq r\leq n\text{, }k_1+\cdots+k_n=lj-i\}. \end{eqnarray*...
No_way's user avatar
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13 votes
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Pointwise (Hadamard) matrix product and the rank

$\DeclareMathOperator{\rk}{rk}$ Suppose that $A$ is a square matrix of order $n$. If, for any polynomials $P$ and $Q$ with $\deg P+\deg Q\le 2$, we have $$ P(A)\circ Q(A^t) = P(1)Q(1)\, I_n \tag{$\...
Seva's user avatar
  • 23k
13 votes
2 answers

in search of a transformation between determinants

Motivated by this MO question. Consider the two matrices $A_n$ and $B_n$ with entries $\binom{2j}i$ and $\binom{n+1}{2j-i}$, respectively; for $1\leq i, \,j\leq n$. I can show $\det A_n=\det B_n=2^{\...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Is there an efficient algorithm to check whether two matrices are the same up to row and column permutations?

Define $\mathcal M_n$ as the set of all $n\times n$ matrices with each entry either 1 or $x$. Two such matrices are equivalent iff they can be obtained from each other by swapping pairs of rows and ...
Wolfgang's user avatar
  • 13.4k
8 votes
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Grassmann–Plücker relations for permanents

Let $K$ be a field, $1 \leq d \leq n$ integers and $V$ an $n$-dimensional vector space. The Grassmann–Plücker relations are quadratic forms on $\bigwedge^d V$ whose zero set is exactly the set of ...
Gil Kalai's user avatar
  • 24.7k
8 votes
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"Almost Hankelized" numerical Vandermonde

One of the more utilized determinant is that of Vandermonde's $$\begin{vmatrix} 1&x_1&x_1^2&\dots&x_1^{n-1}\\ 1&x_2&x_2^2&\dots&x_2^{n-1}\\ \ldots&\ldots&\...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Eigenvectors of a matrix with entries involving combinatorics

In the question Eigenvalues of a matrix with entries involving combinatorics No_way asked about eigenvectors of $n\times n$ matrix $M$ with entries \begin{eqnarray*} M_{ij}=(-1)^{i+j}F(n, l, i, j), \...
Alexey Ustinov's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Reference for partial Hadamard matrices

Definition. An $m\times n$ matrix is said to be a partial Hadamard matrix (let's say PHM) if its entries are chosen from $\lbrace -1, 1 \rbrace$ such that the dot product of each pair of row vectors ...
Favst's user avatar
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5 votes
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0-1 matrix combinatorial problem

Let $M \in \{0,1\}^{n \times n}$ and let $r_i$ be its $i$-th row. Given constant $p \in (0,1/2]$, let the number of $1$s in each row be at least $p\,n$. Given constant $c \in (0,1)$, what is the ...
Penelope Benenati's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Guess the next polynoms in the sequence (MO vs. AI :), count anticommuting $F_p$-matrices, P. Hrubeš conjecture

Here is a sequence of polynoms - (presumably) counting N-tuples of ANTI-commuting 2x2 matrices over $F_p, p>2$. (That is just the case of 2x2 matrices, and (surprisingly) it is not so easy to see a ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
3 votes
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Matrices with only two different entries and maximal determinant

Define $\mathcal M_n$ as the set of all $n\times n$ matrices of full rank with each entry either 1 or $x$. I am interested in how big the determinant of such a matrix can be. For this, we define in a ...
Wolfgang's user avatar
  • 13.4k
3 votes
1 answer

Tangent numbers, secant numbers and permanent of matrices

Inspired by Question 402572, I consider the permanent of matrices $$f(n)=\mathrm{per}(A)=\mathrm{per}\left[\operatorname{sgn} \left(\sin\pi\frac{j+2k}{n+1} \right)\right]_{1\le j,k\le n},$$ where $n$ ...
Deyi Chen's user avatar
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Possibility of Disconnected Subgraphs of a $k$ Connected $r$ regular Graph under a given condition

Context: Given a adjacency matrix A of a $r$-regular graph $G$ (not complete graph $K_{r+1}$) . $G$ is $k$ connected. The matrix A can be divided into 4 sub-matrices based on adjacency of vertex $x ...
Michael's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Combinatorial 0-1 vector problem

Let $M \in \{0, 1\}^{n\times n}$. Given a constant integer $c \ge 2$, let the number of $1$s in each row be equal to $\frac{n}{c}$ (assuming $c$ is a divisor of $n$). Let $\mathcal{M}_c$ be the set of ...
Penelope Benenati's user avatar
0 votes
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Combinatorial counting question related to count (anti)commuting N-tuples of matrices (more generally $(X_1,...X_n): F(X_i,X_j)=0$ - only one F)

Consider some finite set $S$ (can be matrices over $F_p$), consider some symmetric relation $F(s1,s2)$ which values are True or False (for example - matrices (anti)commutate or not). Question 1: can ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Orthogonal matrices with small entries

Is it true that for any $n$, there exists a $n \times n$ real orthogonal matrix with all coefficients bounded (in absolute value) by $C/\sqrt{n}$, $C$ being an absolute constant ? Some remarks : If ...
Guillaume Aubrun's user avatar
18 votes
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looking for proof or partial proof of determinant conjecture

Math people: I am looking for a proof of a conjecture I made. I need to give two definitions. For distinct real numbers $x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_k$, define $\sigma(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_k) =1$ if $(x_1, ...
Stefan's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Find the determinant of a matrix given the determinant of all $p\times p$ sub-matrices?

Is it possible to find the determinant of an $n\times n$- matrix, only given the determinant of all $p\times p$ sub-matrices in it? Here $p\leq n$ is fixed. This is obviously true if $p=1,n$. But what ...
Mathew George's user avatar
17 votes
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The GCD-matrix: generalizing a result of Smith?

Let $M$ be the $n\times n$ matrix, known as the GCD matrix, of entries $M_{ij}=\gcd(i,j)$. In the paper H J S Smith, On the value of a certain arithmetical determinant, Proc. London Math. Soc. 7:208-...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
15 votes
7 answers

Binary matrices with constant row and column sums

My question is about $m \times n$ binary matrices (aka $\{0,1\}$-matrices), whose rows all sum to the same value, and whose columns all sum to the same value (but these two values may be different). ...
Ashley Montanaro's user avatar
15 votes
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Free subgroups of $\mathrm{GL}(2,\mathbb{Z})$

Is there a bound $B$ such that every 2-generator subgroup $G = \langle a, b \rangle \le {\rm GL}(2,\mathbb{Z})$ whose generators do not satisfy a relation of length $\leq B$ is free? If it exists, ...
Stefan Kohl's user avatar
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13 votes
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Is there a row vector $x$ with integer entries such that no entry of $xM$ is $0 \text{ (mod }p\text{)}$?

Let $p$ be a prime and let $M$ be an $n \times m$ matrix with integer entries such that $M\vec{v} \not\equiv \vec{0} \text{ (mod }p\text{)}$ for any column vector $\vec{v} \neq \vec{0}$ whose entries ...
Analysis Student's user avatar
13 votes
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Almost Hadamard matrices

As well-known, a Hadamard matrix is a square matrix with all coefficients $\pm 1$ and pairwise orthogonal rows or columns. Such matrices exist conjecturally in every dimension divisible by $4$. Call ...
Roland Bacher's user avatar
12 votes
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Total positivity of $q$-Pascal matrix?

A matrix of real numbers is called totally positive if all its minors are non-negative. A well-known example is the Pascal matrix $(\binom{i}{j})$. Is it true that the minors of the $q$-Pascal matrix ...
Johann Cigler's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Maximum determinant of $\{0,1\}$-valued $n\times n$-matrices

What's the maximum determinant of $\{0,1\}$ matrices in $M(n,\mathbb{R})$? If there's no exact formula what are the nearest upper and lower bounds do you know?
Igor Demidov's user avatar
11 votes
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A simple proof for a theorem of Szekeres and Turán

Szekeres and Turán found in 1937 a formula for the sum of the squares and the sum of the fourth powers of determinants of all $n$ by $n$ matrices with $\pm 1$ entries. (The sum of squares case follows ...
Gil Kalai's user avatar
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11 votes
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Correspondence between matrix multiplication and a graph operation of Lovász

In his book "Large networks and graph limits", Lovász describes a multiplication operation (he calls it concatenation) on "bi-labeled graphs". An $(m,n)$ bi-labeled graph is a ...
David Roberson's user avatar
8 votes
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Number of all different $n\times n$ matrices where sum of rows and columns is $3$

For a given positive integer $n$, I need to learn the number of $n\times n$ matrices of nonnegative integers with the following restrictions: The sum of each row and column is equal to $3$. Two ...
Mehmet Aktas's user avatar
7 votes
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Result attribution for eigenvalues of a matrix of Pascal-type

A few years ago, I wanted to cite a result in a paper, for which I could not find a reference. I ended up not using the full strength of it, and the part that I needed could be easily proved. Still, I'...
Alexander Burstein's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

How to calculate one Cauchy type determinant

As we know, a Cauchy determinant of size n admits the following explicit formula: $$\det \left(\frac{1}{x _i+y _j}\right) _{1\le i,j \le n}=\frac{\prod _{1\le i < j\le n} (x _j-x _i)(y _j-y _i)}{\...
cd14's user avatar
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7 votes
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Covering the zeros of 0/1 matrix with submatrices

The matrices I am dealing with are $n\times n$ of the following type (with $n=7$): $M_7=\begin{pmatrix}1&0&0&0&0&0&1 \\ 1&1&0&0&0&0&0 \\ 0&1&1&...
user85022's user avatar
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6 votes
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Rank and frequency of permutations

(a) Let $[n] = \{1,\dotsc,n\}$, and let $\pi:[n]\to [n]$ be a permutation. Define an $n$-by-$n$ matrix $A=A(\pi)$ as follows: $A_{i,j}=1$ if $j>i$ and $\pi(j)>\pi(i)$, $A_{i,j}=-1$ If $j<i$ ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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5 votes
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Invariants on matrices

Take all the $n\times n$ matrices of 0's and 1's and define an equivalence relation as follows: Two matrices are equal if there is a way to pass from the one to another by alternating the columns and ...
Asterios Gkantzounis's user avatar
4 votes
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On the real and finite field rank of a $0/1$ matrix - I

Let $M\in\{-1,0,+1\}^{n\times n}$ be a matrix of rank $r$. Consider the matrix $f(M)\in\{0,+1\}^{mn\times mn}$ where $0$ in $M$ is replaced by $m\times m$ all $0$ matrix, $+1$ in $M$ is replaced by $m\...
Turbo's user avatar
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Distributions over permutation groups $\mathcal{S}_n$

Partly inspired by recent developments in enumeration of pattern avoiding permutations, which is known to be connected with Brownian excursions [Hoffman&Rizzolo]. The exciting milestone is the ...
Henry.L's user avatar
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Relation graph isomorphism to discrete logarithm

$\DeclareMathOperator\ora{ora}$Let $A_0$ be the adjacency matrix of graph $G$ and $P_0$ permutation matrix of multiplicative order $\rho$. Let $X$ be positive integer and $B_0=P_0^X A_0 P_0^{-X}$. Q1 ...
joro's user avatar
  • 25.4k
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A combinatorial matrix reconstruction problem

Given a positive integer $n$. For any symmetric $n\times n$ matrix $M$, write $M_{ik}$ for the $(i,k)$ entry, $M_k$ for the unordered list (multiset) of entries in row $k$, and $S(M)$ for the ...
Arnold Neumaier's user avatar
3 votes
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Number of full-rank binary matrices with no rows of weight 1

For $m > n$, I want to calculate the number of binary matrices with $m$ rows and $n$ columns for which two conditions hold: the rank of a matrix is $n$ (i.e. it is full-rank, as $m > n$); there ...
Yauhen Yakimenka's user avatar
3 votes
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Number rank-k 0-1 matrices (characteristic 0)

What is the number of $n\times n$ 0/1-matrices with rank $k$? (The rank is taken over the rationals.)
DOT's user avatar
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Permutation similarity of matrices with many distinct entries

This is related to graph isomorphism. Here matrices are square $n \times n$ with non-negative integer entries. Two matrices $A,B$ are permutation similar if there exist permutation matrix $P$ such ...
joro's user avatar
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