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Questions tagged [class-field-theory]

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How do elliptic units generate the module of Euler systems over abelian extensions of imaginary quadratic fields?

I am trying to undesrtand the analogy between the Euler systems over abelian extensions of the rationals and the Euler systems over abelian extensions of imaginary quadratic fields. As Soogil Seo ...
Ash's user avatar
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Theory of extensions of non-archimedian local fields

I'm searching for a recommendable reference dealing with theory of non-Archimedean local fields where I can find proofs of the following claims about finite extensions $L/K$ of non-Archimedean local ...
user267839's user avatar
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A type of principal ideal theorem of class field theory for ramified primes

Let $K$ be a number field and $\mathcal{O}_K$ be its ring of integers. Also let $p$ be a prime number, $\mathfrak{p}$ be a prime ideal of $\mathcal{O}_K$ and $\zeta_{m}$ be a primitive mth root of ...
Ehsan Shahoseini's user avatar
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What are conditions to satisfied by rational prime p so that every prime lying above p is a prime of order 1 and generates class group?

I was reading a paper on Euclidean ideals by H Graves and M. Ram Murthy. I have a problem in understanding one of the claims. setup Let $K$ be a number field and $H(K)$ is its Hilbert class field. ...
SUNIL PASUPULATI's user avatar
13 votes
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Hilbert Class Field Galois over Q?

So if we have a Galois extension $K/\mathbb{Q}$, then the Hilbert Class Field $H$ of $K$ is certainly Galois over $\mathbb{Q}$. But is the converse true? I know many examples of nongalois $K/\mathbb{Q}...
user38495's user avatar
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What is the "ray" in ray class group?

I have never seen any algebraic number theory book discuss the origin of the term "ray class group." Does anyone know where the word "ray" comes from in this context? I always thought it might be a ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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What are the primes that are ramified?

Let $K$ be an imaginary quadratic field and $E$ be an elliptic curve with CM by $\mathcal{O}_K$. We know that the maximal unramified extension (Hilbert class field) $H/K$ is $K(j(E))$. Can we ...
debanjana's user avatar
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Definition of Euler system of cyclotomic units

I am not sure about my understanding of Euler system of cyclotomic unit. This is what I have learnt: Let $F=\mathbb{Q}(\mu_m)$. Let $\mathcal{I}(m)$ = {positive square free integers divisible only by ...
Ash's user avatar
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27 votes
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A problem of Shimura and its relation to class field theory

In Chapter II.10 of The Map of My Life, Goro Shimura mentions a certain problem: The second topic concerns a polynomial $F(x)$ with integer coefficients. Take $$ F(x) = x^3 + x^2 - 2x - 1, $$ ...
bhwang's user avatar
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Hilbert class field tower

Let $K$ is a number field,and $H_{K}^{i},i=1,2,\cdots$ be its Hilbert class field tower,suppose it is finite,and let $L=H_{K}^{n}$ is the top of the tower. Must $L$ be galois over $K$?
fool rabbit's user avatar
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How many ways are there to teach class field theory?

I will soon have to teach class field theory (I do not know whether it will be local or global yet:)) to postgraduate students. I wonder, which approaches to this subject(s) exist now. I definitely ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
16 votes
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An explicit computation in class field theory

Let $K$ be the imaginary quadratic field obtained by joining $\sqrt{-1}$ to the field of rational numbers $Q$. I would like to describe the extension $K^{ab}/Q^{ab}$, where for $F$ a number field, $F^{...
unknown's user avatar
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37 votes
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Topological Langlands?

In a workshop about the geometry of $\mathbb{F}_1$ I attended recently, it came up a question related to a mysterious but "not-so-secret-anymore" seminar about... an hypothetical Topological Langlands ...
Jose Brox's user avatar
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What is the Hilbert class field of a cyclotomic field?

In the answers to Qiaochu's post on defining representations of finite groups over the algebraic integers, it came out that which fields a representation of a finite group is defined over might depend ...
Ben Webster's user avatar
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Field of algebraic functions

We assume $K$ as a field of characteristic zero. By a field of algebraic functions of one variable over $K$ we mean a field $R$ satisfying $R=K(x,y)$ with $x$ being transcendental over $K$, and $R$ is ...
Lei's user avatar
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Why is Class Field Theory the same as Langlands for GL_1?

I've heard many people say that class field theory is the same as the Langlands conjectures for GL_1 (and more specifically, that local Langlands for GL_1 is the same as local class field theory). ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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24 votes
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On the history of the Artin Reciprocity Law

At the beginning of Milne's notes on class field theory, he has a quote by Emil Artin (as recalled by Mattuck in Recountings: Conversations with MIT mathematicians): I will tell you a story about ...
Asvin's user avatar
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class group size of cyclotomic field subextension

In the following, let $\mathbb{Q_1}$ denote the subfield of degree $p$ over $\mathbb{Q}$ in the $p^2$- cyclotomic extension. What is the best known upper bound for the size of its class group, $\text{...
SARTHAK GUPTA's user avatar
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Where can I find online copies of class field theory publications by Kronecker, Weber, Chevalley, Hasse, Hilbert, Takagi, etc?

I am writing an undergraduate thesis on local and global class field theory from a classical (i.e., non-cohomological) approach and am hoping to obtain copies of the early groundbreaking publications ...
32 votes
1 answer

Integers not represented by $ 2 x^2 + x y + 3 y^2 + z^3 - z $

EDIT, 9 March 2014: when I asked this in 2010, I did not have the courage of my convictions, and so did not ask for an if and only if proof, as Kevin Buzzard quite properly pointed out. Such problems ...
Will Jagy's user avatar
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Origins of functional field arithmetic

Background: By function field, we mean a finite extension of the field of rational functions of one variable over a finite field with $p$ elements. Classfield theory for function fields was ...
Regenbogen's user avatar
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Is cohomology of groups all about $H^{i}: -2\leq i\leq 2$?

I am reading Class field theory - Bonn Lectures by Neukirch. Given a $G$ module $A$ he defines Cohomology groups $H^i(G,A) : i\in \mathbb{Z}$ by considering some complete resolution of $G$ modules ...
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On the determination of ambiguous ideal class of the extension $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_5,\sqrt[5]{m})/\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_5))$

let $L=\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt[5]{n},\zeta_5)$ and $K=\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_5)$ the $5^{th}$ cyclotomic fields, we now that $[L:K] = 5$ and $ GAl(L/K) =\langle\sigma\rangle$ so we call $\mathcal{A}$ an ambigous ...
Fouad El's user avatar
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Degree 17 number fields ramified only at 2

The number $17$ is the smallest odd number that occurs as the degree of a number field $K/\mathbb{Q}$ for which the only finite prime that ramifies is $2$. The non-existence for $n < 17$ follows ...
Jeremy Rouse's user avatar
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Does Langlands use the geometric Frobenius or the classical Frobenius in his papers?

In several of Langlands' papers: Representations of Abelian Algebraic Groups, On Artin's L-functions, On the Functional Equation of Artin's L-functions, Langlands takes a finite Galois extension $K/F$ ...
D_S's user avatar
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When is the natural map of Tate cohomology an isomorphism?

First of all I want to say that I am not at all an expert in Group cohomology . Recently I attended a seminar where the speaker mentioned about something called Tate cohomology groups which in ...
Adittya Chaudhuri's user avatar
14 votes
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What is the "reason" for modularity results?

The question is a little wishy-washy, but I take my cues from other popular questions that relate to the philosophy behind the mathematics as Why do Groups and Abelian Groups feel so different? . I ...
21 votes
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Class field theory and the class group

Let $k$ be a finite abelian extension of $\mathbb{Q}$. Class field theory states that $k$ corresponds to some open subgroup of finite index $U_k \subset \mathbb{A}_{\mathbb{Q}}^*/ \mathbb{Q}^*$ where $...
Daniel Loughran's user avatar
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Unramified extensions of quadratic fields

Let $K/\mathbb{Q}$ be quadratic and let $L/K$ be an (everywhere) unramified Galois extension. If $L/K$ is abelian, then one can show that $L/\mathbb{Q}$ is Galois (eg see here). Is $L/\mathbb{Q}$ ...
Jonah's user avatar
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Maximal order of $x^n-d$ and its dependence on $d$

It's well known that the structure of the maximal order of $\mathbb{Q}[\sqrt{d}]$ depends on $d$ modulo $4$: (assuming $d$ is squarefree), the maximal order is $\mathbb{Z}\left[\frac{1+\sqrt{d}}{2}\...
David Corwin's user avatar
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The definition of Langlands' L-function $L(s,\pi,r)$ in the case of $\operatorname{GL}_1$

Let $G$ be a split reductive group over a $p$-adic local field $k$. For $\pi$ an unramified representation of $G(k)$, and $r$ a finite dimensional representation of the L-group $^LG$, Langlands ...
D_S's user avatar
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Are all totally ramified $\mathbb{Z}_p$-extensions of local fields come from (relative) Lubin-Tate formal groups?

The setup is as follows: $k/\mathbb{Q}_p$ is a finite extension, $\mathfrak{p}$ is the maximal ideal of $\mathcal{O}_k$, $q=\#(\mathcal{O}_k/\mathfrak{p})$ $k'/k$ is a finite unramified extension of ...
Jz Pan's user avatar
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The Genus field and Hilbert class field

Is there an example of a number field $K$ for which the genus field of $K$ is contained strictly in the Hilbert class field of $K$?
A. Maarefparvar's user avatar
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Ray class field and ring class field

Let $K$ be quadratic number field and let $O$ be an order of $K$. A modulus $m$ of $K$ is a formal product $m_0\cdot m_\infty$ of finitely many finite primes $m_0$ and finitely many infinite real ...
user86925's user avatar
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Do we need the Weber function to generate ray class fields of imaginary quadratic fields of class number one?

I'm a bit confused by the role of the Weber function in generating ray class fields of imaginary quadratic fields of class number one. More specifically, let $K$ be such a field and $E$ an elliptic ...
pierre de fermat's user avatar
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Anticyclotomic extensions via ideles

Let $ K $ be an imaginary quadratic field with ring of integers $ \mathcal{O} $. Let $ \mathcal{O}_{n} = \mathbb{Z} + n \mathcal{O} $ be the order of conductor $ n $. There is an associated extension $...
Chern's user avatar
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Conditions for being an entry in a trace compatible sequence

$\DeclareMathOperator\Tr{Tr}$Let $K$ be a local field and let $q$ be the size of the residue field of $K$. $\pi$ will be a uniformizer of $K$. Let $f(X) = \pi X + X^q$. Then there is a unique formal ...
user474's user avatar
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Are the abelian absolute Galois groups of these local fields isomorphic?

For a field $F$ we denote by $F^{\mathrm{ab}}$ the compositum of all finite Galois abelian extensions of $F$. Is $\mathrm{Gal}(\mathbb{Q}_2(\sqrt[8]{3})^{\mathrm{ab}}/\mathbb{Q}_2(\sqrt[8]{3})) \...
Pablo's user avatar
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The $\ell$- part of the class groups of the $p$-cyclotomic fields

Let $K_n = \Bbb Q(\mu_{p^{n+1}})$ and let $A_n$ be it's class group. Iwasawa theory tells us a lot about the $p$-part of $A_n$. For instance, we know quite a lot about how it varies with $n$. I am ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Image of extension ideal classes homomorphism in ideal class group under Artin map in class field theory

Let $K/P$ be a finite extension of number fields and $\epsilon_{K/P}:[\mathfrak{a}] \in Cl(P) \rightarrow [\mathfrak{a}.\mathcal{O}_K]\in Cl(K)$ be the ideal class transfer homomorphism. It's well ...
A. Maarefparvar's user avatar
15 votes
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Given a number field $K$, when is its Hilbert class field an abelian extension of $\mathbb{Q}$?

Given a number field $K$, when is its Hilbert class field an abelian extension of $\mathbb{Q}$? I am going to be on the road soon, so pleas don't be offended if I don't respond quickly to a comment.
Scarlet's user avatar
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Finite extensions of residue fields of Henselian DVRs

Let $K$ be an Henselian discrete valuation field such that its completion is separable over $K$. Let $F$ be its infinite residue field. Is it true that a finite extension of $F$ is a simple extension ...
Jana's user avatar
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Galois groups and prescribed ramification

What is known about finite groups $G$ for which there exists a Galois extension $K$ of $\mathbb{Q}$ ramified only at $2$ such that $\text{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q}) \cong G$ ? More generally, which groups can ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Reference request: ramified and local geometric class field theory

There are lots of references on global unramified geometric class field theory (following Deligne's $\ell$-adic sheaves approach). There are also some notes talking about how to extend Deligne's ...
wkf's user avatar
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What is the relation of the absolute Galois group and classical profinite groups?

Consider the absolute Galois group $G = \mathrm{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}: \mathbb{Q})$ and $G_p = \mathrm{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}_p}: \mathbb{Q}_p)$. Abelian class field theory gives us for the ...
Marc Palm's user avatar
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Unramified non-abelian extension and Galois cohomology

Is there an example of a finite Galois extension $E/F$ of number fields, such that $G=\mathrm{Gal}(E/F)$ is non-abelian and the order of the cohomology group $H^1(G,U_E)$ is relatively prime to class ...
A. Maarefparvar's user avatar
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Using the Hilbert symbol to find nice field extensions

Let $p$ and $q$ be (not necessarily distinct) odd primes and let $F=\mathbb{Q}_p(\mu_q)$. The $q^{th}$ Hilbert symbol induces a non-degenerate alternating form $$(\cdot,\cdot)_q:F^\times/(F^\times)^q\...
Spencer Leslie's user avatar
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The field generated by the torsion points of an elliptic curve

Let $E$ be an elliptic curve with complex multiplication by an order $\mathcal O$ in an imaginary quadratic field $K$. Let $H=K(j(E))$ and $$L_N=K(j(E),E[N])=H(E[N]).$$ It is not hard to prove that $...
Shimrod's user avatar
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Computing the relative class group (with Galois action) of relatively large cyclotomic groups

For a cyclotomic field $K = \mathbb Q(\zeta_n)$, let $K^+$ be its maximal totally real subfield. We know that $H^+ = Cl(K^+)$ injects into $H = Cl(K)$. I am interested in computing the group $H/H^+$ ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Analogue of j-invariant for CM fields

For any imaginary quadratic field $F$, the Hilbert class field $H$ is generated by the $j$-invariant of any elliptic curve with complex multiplication (CM) by $\mathcal O$, the ring of algebraic ...
guest's user avatar
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