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Descent for étale covers of proper regular models of elliptic curves

Let $K$ be a complete (but think Henselian suffice for purposes of this question) local field of characteristic $0$ with residue field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$ and ring of integers $R=\mathcal{O}...
user267839's user avatar
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"Genus theory" for elliptic curve $L$-functions

Let $d$ be a positive integer, so that $-d$ is a fundamental discriminant. This means that $d$ is square-free at odd primes and $\nu_2(d) \in \{0, 2, 3\}$. Further, if $\nu_2(d) > 0$ then $-d 2^{-\...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
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Action of Atkin--Lehner involution on CM points

In their first paper on Heegner points and derivatives of $L$-series, Gross and Zagier describe the action of Atkin--Lehner involutions on certain CM $\mathbf{C}$-points of the modular curve $X_0(N)$. ...
Joseph Harrison's user avatar
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looking for reference for two elliptic curves with equal formal group

I am looking for a reference. In this post, @Chris Wurthrich made the following comment: If the formal group laws (probably upon particular choice of coordinates) of two elliptic curves over any ring ...
Learner's user avatar
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On the root numbers of quadruples of quadratic twists of elliptic curves

We got strong numerical evidence for the root numbers and analytic ranks of quadruples of elliptic curves over the rationals. Related to this question. Let $k,k_1,k_2$ be squarefree pairwise coprime ...
joro's user avatar
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Can we get a homomorphism between two elliptic curves if we know a homomorphism between the respective formal groups?

Let $E_1$ and $E_2$ be two elliptic curves over a field of characteristic $0$, and let $\hat{E_1}$ and $\hat{E_2}$ be two formal group laws associated with $E_1$ and $E_2$, respectively. It is known ...
Learner's user avatar
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The rank of elliptic curves and related quadratic twists

Let $E/\mathbb{Q}$ be an elliptic curve, and let $k_1, k_2$ be square-free integers. Can anything be said about the related elliptic curves $$\displaystyle E/\mathbb{Q}, E^{(k_1)}/\mathbb{Q}, E^{(k_2)}...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
9 votes
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Do rational points on $X(1)$ correspond to elliptic curves up to rational isomorphism?

I'm not sure whether this is obvious or not. The curve $X(1)$ parametrices all elliptic curves up to isomorphism class over $\mathbb{ C}$, and a $K$-rational point corresponds to an elliptic curve ...
Camilo Gallardo's user avatar
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Generating algebraic points on elliptic curves

Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over $\mathbf{Q}$. One has the modular parameterisation \begin{align*} \mathbf{H} \to X_0(N)(\mathbf{C}) \to E(\mathbf{C}) \end{align*} where $X_0(N)$ is the modular curve ...
Joseph Harrison's user avatar
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special $g_3^1$ on elliptic curve

Let $C$ be a planar smooth cubic curve. We know that projection from a point $p$ that does not lie on $C$ produces a 3-to-1 map $\pi: C\to \mathbb P^1$, which has 6 ramification points in general. Now,...
AG learner's user avatar
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Nondeterminism in Magma software while computing generators of an elliptic curve

Computing generators of a Mordell curve $$y^2 = x^3 - 44275089430000,$$ can be done in Magma by running the following code: ...
Max Alekseyev's user avatar
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Algorithm for computing isogeny class of elliptic curve

Is there an algorithm for computing the entire isogeny class of a given elliptic curve $E/\mathbb{Q}$? References/ideas are welcome. Thanks!
kindasorta's user avatar
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Is there a correlation between the bifurcation points of dynamical system and the integral points of the elliptic curve $E_d$?

Motivated by an interest in the interplay between dynamical systems and elliptic curves also On a question of Mordell, I derived a dynamical system corresponding to the elliptic curve: $ E_d: Y^2 = X^...
zeraoulia rafik's user avatar
18 votes
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Serre’s comment on Hurwitz: connecting FLT to points of finite order on elliptic curves

In the paper Sur les représentations modulaire de degré 2 de Gal$(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}/\mathbb{Q})$, Serre makes the following comment: Remarque. La relation existant entre "solutions de l'...
Alon Amit's user avatar
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Computing elliptic periods from modular form

How are the periods of a modular elliptic curve computed as path integrals of its associated normalized weight 2 cusp form on the modular curve? Please provide specific paths for both periods and cite ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Elliptic curves of rank 1 over number fields

I am interested what is known about the following statement: For every number field $K$, there exists an elliptic curve $E$ defined over $K$ with algebraic rank equal to $1$. Is this statement known ...
P. Koymans's user avatar
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How can I prove this stronger version of Fedder's Criterion?

I was reading Fedder's original paper which proved what is now known as "Fedder's criterion". I noticed that the abstract stated something which is a priori stronger than what is proved in ...
Anon's user avatar
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Algebraic degrees of $j\left(\sqrt{-n}\right)$ and $j\left(\frac{1 + \sqrt{-n}}{2}\right)$ and class numbers of $Q(\sqrt{-n})$

Let $n\in\mathbb N$ be squarefree. Denote by $h(n)$ the class number of $Q(\sqrt{-n})$ and by $d_1(n)$ and $d_2(n)$ the degrees of the algebraic numbers $j\left(\sqrt{-n}\right)$ and $j\left(\frac{1 + ...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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Why this genus one curve over $\mathbb{F}_5$ appear to violate Hasse-Weil bound?

Working over $\mathbb{F}_5$, the affine curve $x^4+2=y^2$ has no points. The projective curve $x^4+2y^4=z^2y^2$ has only one point $(0 : 0 : 1)$. Both curves appear to violate Hasse-Weil bound of $4....
joro's user avatar
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Isogeny classes for elliptic curves over quadratic field

Question. Is it possible for an elliptic curve $E$ over quadratic field $K$ to have two separate (yet connected) isogeny classes? There are two $\mathbb{Z}/14\mathbb{Z}$ elliptic curves, $E_1$ and $...
Maksym Voznyy's user avatar
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Large integral points on the quadratic twist $ D y^2=x^3+A x +B$

For integers $A,B,D$ and $D$ squarefree let $E : y^2=x^3+A x + B$ and $E_D$ be the quadratic twist of the elliptic curve $E$: $$ E_D : D y^2=x^3+Ax +B$$ $E_D$ is isomorphic to $ E'_D : y^2=x^3+D^2 A ...
joro's user avatar
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Isogenous elliptic curves and canonical modular polynomials

Let $\ell$ and $p$ be two primes. We are looking for a method for checking whether two supersingular elliptic curves over the finite field $F_p$, given through their $j$-invariants, are $\ell$-...
user447243's user avatar
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Infinitely many coprime solutions of $F(x,y)= k(a_1 x + a_2 y)^2 z^2$?

This might be related to an open problem. Let $F(x,y)$ be homogeneous degree 4 squarefree polynomial with integer coefficients and $h(x,y)=a_1 x + a_2 y$ and $\gcd(F,h)=1$ and $k$ be integer. Consider ...
joro's user avatar
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Are there conditions for an elliptic curve to have a quadratic $\mathbb{F}_q$-cover of the line without ramification $\mathbb{F}_q$-points?

Consider an elliptic curve $E: y^2 = f(x) := x^3 + ax + b$ over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$ of characteristic $> 3$. Obviously, the projection to $x$ is a quadratic $\mathbb{F}_q$-cover of the ...
Dimitri Koshelev's user avatar
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Tate curve and components of special fibre II

Let $K$ be complete local field of characteristic $0$ with ring of integers $R=\mathcal{O}_{K}$ and residue field $k=R/\mathfrak{m}_R$ of characteristic $p>0$. Let $E/K$ be an elliptic curve of ...
user267839's user avatar
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Fixed $a_p=p+1-\#E(\mathbb{F}_p)$ and $a_p \ne 0$ on an elliptic curve infinitely often for fixed curve over the rationals?

In this and this question we show that if $p=27a^2+27a+7$ is prime, then the order of the elliptic curve $y^2=x^3+2$ modulo $p$ is either $p$ or $p+2$. Q1 Can we unconditionally show that the order ...
joro's user avatar
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Existence of supersingular abelian variety over $\mathbb F_p$ with $\mathcal O_E$-action where $E/\mathbb Q$ is quadratic imaginary ramified at $p$

Let $E/\mathbb Q$ be a quadratic totally imaginary number field with ring of integers $\mathcal O_E$. Let $p > 2$ be an odd prime number which ramifies in $\mathcal O_E$. Let $\mathcal P$ be the ...
Suzet's user avatar
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Tate curve and components of special fibre

Let $K$ be a complete local field of characteristic $0$ with ring of integers $R=\mathcal{O}_{K}$ and residue field $k=R/\mathfrak{m}_R$ of characteristic $p>0$. Let $E/K$ be an elliptic curve of ...
user267839's user avatar
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Elements of $\mathbb{F}_p$ represented by an irreducible polynomial $f(x) = x^3 +a_2 x^2 + a_1 x + a_0$, $f(x) \in \mathbb{F}_p[x]$

Let $p \equiv 1 \bmod 3$ be a prime, $\mathbb{F}_p$ be the finite field with $p$ elements, and $a_0$ be a generator of $\mathbb{F}_p^{\times}$ $(\mathbb{F}_p^{\times}$ the group of nonzero elements of ...
jjimenez's user avatar
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Is generating semirandom blake256 hashes until packed points is on the curve, a safe algorithm to avoid the discrete log between the generated points?

I know there are more robust methods, but I wanted to know about this specific one For any distinct said randomly generated point : $P_i,P_j\in \{P_1,...,P_k\}$ it should be hard to find $s$ such that ...
user2284570's user avatar
15 votes
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Can you "slice" a triangular number into three equal slices?

Problem statement: Does there exist positive integers $a<b<c$ such that $$1 + 2 + \dots + (a-1) = (a+1) + \dots + (b-1) = (b+1) + \dots + c?$$ (Note that $a$ and $b$ are not in the sums.) ...
Benjamin Wang's user avatar
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Do automorphisms actually prevent the formation of fine moduli spaces?

I have found similar questions littered throughout this site and math.SE (for example [1], [2], [3],…), but I feel like like most of them usually just say that non-trivial automorphisms prevent the ...
Coherent Sheaf's user avatar
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Evidence for the equivariant BSD conjecture with higher multiplicity

Let $E/\mathbb{Q}$ be an elliptic curve and let $\rho$ be an irreducible Artin representation. Let $K_\rho/\mathbb{Q}$ be the smallest Galois extension such that $\rho$ factors through $\mathrm{Gal}(...
J M T P's user avatar
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Elliptic curve over global function field: poles of $j$-function & ramification of torsion fields [duplicate]

Let $E/ \Bbb C(t)$ be an elliptic curve over $ \Bbb C(t)$ with nonconstant $j$-invariant $j_E \in \Bbb C(t)-\Bbb C$ and $p>2$ some prime such that it is bigger than an order of a pole $v$ of $j_E$. ...
user267839's user avatar
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On the integer solutions of the equation $y^2 = x^3 + n$

Let $n$ be a nonzero integer. I am interested in the integer solutions $(x, y)$ to the equation $y^2 = x^3 + n$. Let $S$ be the set of all integer solutions $(x, y)$ to this equation. I am wondering ...
lolipop's user avatar
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Compactifications of product of universal elliptic curves

Let $\mathcal{E}$ be the universal elliptic curve over the moduli stack $\mathcal{M}$ of elliptic curves. As $\mathcal{E}$ is an abelian group scheme over $\mathcal{M}$, we obtain a product-preserving ...
Lennart Meier's user avatar
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Argument for non-existence of elliptic curve over $\mathbb{C}[t, t^{-1}]$

I have a couple of questions about this answer by Noam D. Elkies showing that there exist no elliptic curve $E$ over $\mathbb{C}[t, t^{-1}]$ having nonconstant $j_E$-invariant. The strategy is to ...
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Does this subset of elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$ have positive proportion?

Let $E: y^2 = x^3 + Ax + B$ be a quasi-minimal elliptic curve over $\mathbb{Q}$, i.e. $\gcd(a^3, b^2)$ is $12$th power free. Furthermore, let $\operatorname{rank}(E) = 1$ and $j(E)=\frac{1728 \times ...
Navvye's user avatar
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Elliptic curve with rank at least $6$

I was going through a research paper which proves the existence of an infinite family of rank $6$ elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$ with invariant equal to $0$. Let $k$ be a field of characteristic ...
DEBAJYOTI DE's user avatar
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Semistability of Frey curves: why no additive reduction?

Let $(a,b,c)$ be a hypothetical nontrivial integer solution to the Fermat equation $x^p + y^p + z^p = 0$, where $p \geq 5$ is prime, and assume $a, b, c$ are (pairwise) coprime. From this solution, we ...
Johnny Apple's user avatar
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Abelian extensions of number fields generated by torsion points of elliptic curve (as analogy to Lubin-Tate theory)

According to a remark from wikipedia the motivation of Lubin-Tate theory arose from the analogy to the way in which elliptic curves $E/K$ over a number field $K$ with extra endomorphisms (ie those ...
user267839's user avatar
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Surjection onto endomorphisms of multiplicative group of a field

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p > 0$. Denote by $k^\times$ the multiplicative group of $k$. There is a ring homomorphism given by restriction to $k^\times$ $$ \mathbb{...
Nicholas's user avatar
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Constant term arising in general exact expression for the canonical height of a Mordell-Weil generator point on an elliptic curve $E$

First I shall begin by laying out some notation (I shall be using the conventions that are used by both DLMF and Mathematica which occasionally differ from the standard literature): Let $\Lambda:=\...
KStar's user avatar
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Rational isogenies of prime degree $p\in\{11,17,19,37,43,67,163\}$

Let $p\in\{11,17,19,37,43,67,163\}$ be a prime number. In [1], B. Mazur proves that there are only finite number of elliptic curves $E$ [over $\mathbb{Q}$] having an isogeny of degree $p$. Here is my ...
ZZP's user avatar
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Normalisation of models of elliptic curves in finite extensions and reducedness of fibres

Let $K$ be a complete local field of characteristic 0 with residue field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$ and ring of integers $R=\mathcal{O}_{K}$. Suppose we have an isogeny of elliptic curves: $$f:F\...
David Hubbard's user avatar
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Bad prime of torsor and original elliptic curve ; Definition of Tate–Shafarevich group $Ш(E/K)$

Let $E/K$ be an elliptic curve over number field $K$. Let $M_K$ be a set of all places of $K$. My question is, Does there exist a finite set $S\subset M_K$ such that $\forall C$: $E/K$-torsor, $\...
Duality's user avatar
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Difficulties in the proof of finiteness of n-Selmer group using cohomology

I was reading the proof of finiteness of n-Selmer group $S^n(E/\mathbb{Q})$ from Milne's Elliptic curve book(1st Edition). While reading the proof I had some difficulties in some arguments. 1st ...
DEBAJYOTI DE's user avatar
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Atkin-Lehner involution on the modular abelian varieties

Let $f$ be a CM modular forms with coefficients in the imaginary qudaratic field $K=Q(\sqrt{-3}))$ which correspond to an elliptic curve $E$ defined over $K$. Then Shimura constructed an abelian ...
yhb's user avatar
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Field of definition of elliptic curves

Let $a,b$ be positive integers, $F=\mathbb{Q}(a^{1/3},b^{1/2})$. Let $E$ be the elliptic curve defined over $F$ by the cubic equation $$y^2=x^3+3a^{1/3}x+2b^{1/2}.$$ Then the $j$-invariant $j(E) = \...
ZZP's user avatar
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Finiteness of Selmer group

I was reading the proof of finiteness of $S^n(E/\mathbb{Q})$ but I am unable to understand from the following lemma how it follows that $S^n(E/L)$ finite. LEMMA 3.13 For any finte subset $T$ of $\...
DEBAJYOTI DE's user avatar

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