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Finite or polynomial number integral points clarification on Coppersmith's theorems (possibility of ellipse counter example?)

Coppersmith states if $f(x,y)$ is an irreducible bivariate with total degree $\delta$ then if he can list all roots $(X,Y)$ of the polynomial in $\mathsf{poly}(\log D,\delta)$ time if the roots ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Obstruction for points to be contained in smooth hypersurfaces in tterms of inseparability degree of residue field

Let $k$ be an imperfect field of char $p>0$ and $x \in \mathbb{P}^n_k$ be closed point of projective space. In this discussion Qing Liu wrote that Over an imperfect field, a reduced point can not ...
JackYo's user avatar
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Reference for Iwahori-Hecke algebras

I recently came across the notion of an Iwahori-Hecke algebra. I would like to learn the basics about this type of algebras (mainly to get an intuition about them, as they seem to be related to some ...
FPV's user avatar
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14 votes
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Does every non-isotrivial 1-parameter family of elliptic curves have a positive rank specialization?

Let $\mathcal{E}/\mathbb{Q}(t)$ be given by $$y^2=x^3+A(T)x+B(T)$$ for some $A(T),B(T)\in\mathbb{Q}[T]$ and assume $\mathcal{E}$ is non-isotrivial (the $j$-invariant $\frac{6912 A(T)^3}{4A(T)^3 + 27B(...
Jonathan Love's user avatar
4 votes
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The coarse moduli schemes of the "Shimura stacks" are the canonical models of the corresponding Shimura varieties

Let $F$ be a number field, $B$ a central simple algebra over $F$, $*$ a positive involution on $B$ which fixes $F$, and $O_B$ a maximal $O_F$-order of $B$ which is stable under $*$. Assume that $(B, *)...
k.j.'s user avatar
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7 votes
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Weil height vs Moriwaki height

Let $X$ be a projective veriety over a number field. After fixing an embedding into $\mathbb P^n$ (i.e. a very ample line bundle $L$), one can define the Weil height $\hat h_{L}$ by restriction of the ...
Dubious's user avatar
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On inverse limits of $\pi$-adically complete algebras

Consider the following situation, let $\mathcal{R}$ be a discrete valuation ring with uniformizer $\pi$ (say the valuation ring of a finite extension $K$ of $\mathbb{Q}_{p}$. Let $\{ A_{n}\}_{n\in\...
FPV's user avatar
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21 votes
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Cohomology of Shimura varieties and coherent sheaves on the stack of Langlands parameters

In Zhu's Coherent sheaves on the stack of Langlands parameters theorem 4.7.1 relates the cohomology of the moduli stack of shtukas to global sections of a certain sheaf on the stack of global ...
Anton Hilado's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Is there an $\mathbb{R}$-valued cohomology theory for varieties over $\mathbb{F}_p$?

If $E$ is a supersingular elliptic curve over $\mathbb{F}_{p^m}$ with $m\geq 2$ its endomorphism ring is a maximal order in a quaternion algebra ramified at $p$ and $\infty$ so there can't be a Weil ...
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The Weil restriction of a simple algebraic group

Let $F$ be a number field, $G$ an $F$-simple affine algebraic group. Then is the Weil restriction $\operatorname{Res}_{F/\mathbb{Q}} G$ $\mathbb{Q}$-simple? I couldn’t find any references.
zom's user avatar
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A Galois equivariant Weil cohomology theory with coefficients in the rational numbers and a variation of the Tate/Hodge conjecture

A well-known example of Serre shows that there can be no Weil cohomology theory with $\mathbb Q$ coefficients for schemes over $\mathbb F_{p^2}$. However, this example is no obstruction to a Weil ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Smoothness of fibers over finite fields

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a morphism of smooth projective varieties over a finite field of characteristic different from $2$. Is there any result on the existence of a point $y\in Y$ such that $X_y = ...
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7 votes
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Reference request: the geometry of vanishing cycle

I’m currently studying basics on étale cohomology, by Fu’s and Milne’s book. The formalization of vanishing cycle and nearby cycle particularly interests me. I realized it may relate with reduction ...
Wilhelm's user avatar
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Mumford's computation of the determinant of cohomology of a relative curve

In Integral Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem, Pappas mentions that Mumford computed the determinant of cohomology of $f:X\to S$ a relative curve integrally, and thus proved an integral version of GRR ...
xir's user avatar
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Generic finite subgroups, associated to small finite fields, of reductive algebraic groups

Theorem 1 of [LS] Liebeck and Seitz - On the subgroup structure of exceptional groups says: Let $X = X(q)$ be a quasisimple group of Lie type in characteristic $p$, and suppose that $X < G$, where ...
LSpice's user avatar
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Power series corresponding to $[a]\in \operatorname{End}(E)$ ($a \in R_K$) can be expressed as $[a](t)=at+\text{(term higher than degree $2$)}$?

Let $K$ be an imaginary quadratic field and $E/K$ be an elliptic curve which has complex multiplication on $K$. Let $R_K$ be ring of integers of $K$. Let $ \hat{E}$ be its formal group of $E$. Take $...
Duality's user avatar
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Points at which a polynomial becomes reducible

Let $n \geq 10$ and set $\mathbf{y} = (y_1,\ldots,y_n)$. Let $Q_1(\mathbf{y}),\ldots,Q_5(\mathbf{y})$ be non-zero quadratic forms with integer coefficients such that the cubic form $x_1Q_1(\mathbf{y})+...
admissiblecycle's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Further reading in algebraic geometry

I recently finished reading W. Fulton's "Algebraic Curves" and also attended a lecture series on moduli spaces and am interested in learning about them as well. I looked for a few books to ...
-4 votes
2 answers

Do these irrationals exist?

An irrational $a$ verifies : $\{a\times n+k;(n,k)\in\mathbb Z^2 \}$ is dense in $\mathbb R$. If you take $a$ universe then : $\forall b\in \mathbb N^*, \{a\times n^{b}+k;(n,k)\in\mathbb Z^2\}=A(a,b)$ ...
Dattier's user avatar
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Birational geometry over finite fields

I apologize in advance since probably my questions are very naive. I would like to understand some central notions in birational geometry, that are clear to me over the complex numbers, for varieties ...
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Local global principle over infinite extension of $\Bbb{Q}$ which is not algebraically closed

Let $A$ be an algebraic variety over a field $K$, which is finite extension of $ \Bbb{Q}$. We say local global principle holds if $A(K_v) \neq \emptyset$ implies $A(K) \neq \emptyset$, where $K_v$ is ...
Duality's user avatar
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14 votes
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Motivation for the Jacobian Variety

I've been to many talks in Number Theory and for some reason I've yet to fully grasp, we all seem to like Jacobian Varieties a lot. I know that they are Abelian varieties, which give information about ...
Rdrr's user avatar
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Perfect algebraic spaces on a paper of Xinwen Zhu

I have problem reading Xinwen Zhu's paper Affine Grassmannians and the geometric Satake in mixed characteristic about perfect algebraic spaces in Section A.1. Let $k$ be a perfect field of ...
Toney Leung's user avatar
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Does a $p$-adic power series $F(x,y)=\sum_{i,j \geq 0}b_{ij}x^iy^j \in \mathbb Z_p[[x,y]]$ have finitely many zeros in $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathbb C_p}$?

Let us consider the $p$-adic field $\mathbb Q_p$ with ring of integers $\mathbb Z_p$ and maximal ideal $\mathfrak{m}$. Then any $p$-adic power series $f(x)=\sum_{n>0}a_nx^n \in \mathbb Z_p[[x]]$ ...
MAS's user avatar
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Compute de Rham-Witt sheaves

I am really new to this, but I am having a hard time understanding all the de Rham-Witt construction. It seems to be really difficult to compute anything with those beasts: like I cannot find any ...
user197402's user avatar
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Relation between divisibility problem of Shafarevich group and group structure of $Ш(E/K)$

For abelian variety $A/K$, divisibility problem (i.e. $\forall n≧1$, $Ш(A/K)⊂p^nH^1(G_K,A)$ holds for fixed prime $p$?) was asked by Cassels in 1962 and even now discussed. On the other hand, once ...
Duality's user avatar
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28 votes
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Relation between Schanuel's theorem and class number equation

(Crossposted on math stack exchange: It was recently brought to my attention that there ...
Tristan Phillips's user avatar
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Is the ring of power series with $p$-adic coefficients Huber?

I have been reading the Berkeley lectures and got stuck with this question. Let $\mathbb{Q}_p [[t]]$ denote the ring of power series with $p$-adic coefficients. Is there a natural topology (e.g. the ...
Noam Zimhoni's user avatar
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On the upper-bound for a type of quintuple Kloosterman sums

Sorry to disturb, dear experts here. I have a question involving the quintuple Kloosterman sum, and expect some hints to show the upper-bound. My question is, for any $x,y,z,w,\delta \in \mathbb{Z}$ ...
hofnumber's user avatar
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Effective Mordell for (twists of) hyperelliptic curves in $$\mathbb{P}(1,1,g+1)$$

We consider the following model for a hyperelliptic curve: $$\displaystyle C_F : z^2 = F(x,y), \deg F = 2g+2, F \in \mathbb{Z}[x,y]$$ with $F$ homogeneous and non-singular. We also consider twists of ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
35 votes
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The modularity theorem as a special case of the Bloch-Kato conjecture

In the homepage for the CRM's special semester this year, I found the interesting statement that the modularity theorem (formerly the Taniyama-Shimura-Weil conjecture) is a special case of the Bloch-...
Anton Hilado's user avatar
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Vanishing of the local étale cohomology sheaf (?)

Let $X$ be a locally noetherian regular scheme, and let $Z$ be a closed subscheme of $X$ whose codimension $d > 0$ at every point. Let $U$ be the complement of $Z$ in $X$. For a sheaf $\mathscr{F}$ ...
zom's user avatar
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Does a smooth relative curve $X/S$ embed into $\mathbb{P}^3_S$?

Suppose that $\pi:X\to S$ is a smooth projective morphism of relative dimension 1. If $S$ is the spectrum of an algebraically closed field, then it is known that $X$ embeds into $\mathbb{P}^3_S$. ...
Somatic Custard's user avatar
6 votes
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On the Artin-Rees Lemma for non-commutative rings

Consider a commutative noetherian ring $A$ with an ideal $I\subset A$. The Artin-Rees lemma implies that for f.g. modules $N\subset M$, the $I$-adic topology on $N$ agrees with the subspace topology ...
FPV's user avatar
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What does Colmez's conjecture tell us?

There is the well known conjecture of Colmez, which describes the logarithmic derivative of the $L$-function of a character via the periods of CM-abelian varieties. Equivalently it describes the ...
curious math guy's user avatar
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When is $R$ a direct summand of Frobenius pushforwards?

Let $(R,\mathfrak m)$ be a reduced Noetherian local ring of prime characteristic $p$. For integer $e>0$, let $F^e_* R$ denote the $R$-module which is $R$ as an abelian group, but the $R$-module ...
Snake Eyes's user avatar
11 votes
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Are "large enough" finite etale covers arithmetic?

Let $X$ be a variety over a number field $K$. Then it is known that for any topological covering $X' \to X(\mathbb{C})$, the topological space $X'$ can be given the structure of a $\overline{K}$-...
David Urbanik's user avatar
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Resolution of singularities of the resultant locus

We consider projective space of dimension $n$ as the parameter space of degree $n$ polynomials in one variable. Then, I am interested in resolving the singularities of the "resultant locus" $...
Asvin's user avatar
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On the stability of having a normal formal model under finite extensions of the base field

Let $K$ be a finite extension of the $p$-adic numbers with valuation ring $\mathcal{R}$ and uniformizer $\pi$. Consider a smooth and connected rigid $K$-variety $X=Sp(A)$ and assume that the affine ...
FPV's user avatar
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Description of a Shimura variety

Let $(G, X)$ be a Shimura datum and let $U \subseteq G(\mathbb A_f)$ be an open compact subgroup. By the general theory of Shimura varieties, we get a corresponding algebraic variety $Y(U)$ defined ...
dekimashita's user avatar
43 votes
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A mysterious connection between Ramanujan-type formulas for $1/\pi^k$ and hypergeometric motives

The question below is the follow-up of this question on MathOverflow. Motivation: As is stated in the former question, those identities(formula (35)-(44)) of $1/\pi$ attributed to Ramanujan are ...
Y. Zhao's user avatar
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Does p-adic etale cohomology know the variety has ordinary reduction or not?

For a smooth proper variety $X$ over discrete valuation ring $\mathcal{O}$ of mixed characteristic $(0,p)$, let $X_K$ be the generic fibre over a generic point $\textbf{Spec} K$ and let $X_k$ be the ...
OOOOOO's user avatar
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Selmer groups and fppf cohomology

Let $\mathcal{O}$ be a Dedekind domain and $K = \mathrm{Frac}(\mathcal{O})$ its field of fractions. Let $E / K$ be an elliptic curve and $\mathcal{E} / \mathcal{O}$ its Neron model and $\mathcal{E}^\...
Ben C's user avatar
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16 votes
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Applications of integral p-adic Hodge theory

What are some geometric applications of integral p-adic Hodge theory (as opposed to rational p-adic Hodge theory)? Answers which understand Hodge theory as the study of Galois stable $\mathbb{Z}_p$-...
paul's user avatar
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A comparison theorem between crystalline cohomology and étale cohomology

Suppose $X/\mathbb F_q$ is a smooth projective variety. Katz-Messing (eudml) shows that the characteristic polynomial of the Frobenius on $H^i_{et}(\overline{X},\mathbb Q_\ell)$ and $H^i_{crys}(X)$ ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Purity for proper varieties

Let $X$ be a proper, geometrically connected, geometrically integral variety over $\mathbf{F}_q$. There exists a finite field extension $k/\mathbf{F}_q$ of degree $d$ and an alteration $X'\to X_k$ ...
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Weight of adjoint action on a lower central series extension

Let $\mathcal{U}$ be a unipotent Lie $\mathbb{Q}_p$-group scheme, whose associated gradeds from the lower central series filtration are $\mathcal{U}_0 = \mathcal{U}^{\text{ab}}$, $\mathcal{U}_1 = [\...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Number of points of a quadric hypersurface over a finite field

Let $k = \mathbb{F}_q$ be a finite field with $q$ elements and $Q\subset\mathbb{P}^n_k$ a quadric hypersurface defined over $k$. By the Chevalley-Warning theorem if $n\geq 2$ then $Q$ has a point. Is ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Does an open immersion "cut out" points surviving finite descent?

Let $X$ be a smooth affine curve over a number field $k$, and let $C$ be its smooth compactification. Let $i:X(\mathbb{A}_k) \rightarrow C(\mathbb{A}_k)$ be the induced morphism of adelic points by ...
oleout's user avatar
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References to let me know about current directions of research in arithmetic geometry

I have knowledge of basic algebraic geometry and good deal of number theory. I have studied roth theorem and I am currently studying proof of Mordell-Weil theorem. These two topics come under ...
Arnold's user avatar
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