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opposite Banach space

I heard this from Haskell Rosenthal many years ago. If V is a complex vector space, say the opposite of V is the complex vector space with the same elements, the same operations except switch scalar ...
Gerald Edgar's user avatar
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Characterizations of a linear subspace associated with Fourier series

Let $c_0$ be the Banach space of doubly infinite sequences $$\lbrace a_n: -\infty\lt n\lt \infty, \lim_{|n|\to \infty} a_n=0 \rbrace.$$ Let $T$ be the space of $2\pi$ periodic functions integrable ...
TCL's user avatar
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Can I define Fredholm Index using $\dim \ker ST - \dim \ker TS$?

$X$, $Y$ are Banach spaces. Let $S \in L(X, Y)$, $T \in L(Y, X)$, where $L(X, Y)$ denotes the Banach algebra of bounded linear operators from $X$ to $Y$. If we have that $Id_Y - ST \in \mathbb{K}(Y)$ ...
Clark Chong's user avatar
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Is reflexive Banach space valued scalarwise Lebesgue space isomorphic to the Bochner space?

I first specify the setting and then formulate the question precisely. (A very long post follows.) Definitions 1. For $E$ a (real Hausdorff) locally convex space, say that $E$ is suitable iff there ...
TaQ's user avatar
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Absolute norms and 1-unconditional sums

Absolute norm Let $X$ and $Y$ be Banach spaces. Let $Z=X\times Y$ a norm $\|\cdot\|_N$ on $Z$ is called absolute if there is a function $N\colon R^2\rightarrow R$ such that $$ \|(x,y)\|_N=N((\|x\|, \|...
Joss's user avatar
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Continuous projections in $\ell_1$ with norm $>1$

I was trying to find papers and articles about non-contractive continuous projections in $\ell_1(S)$ where $S$ is an arbitrary set. If it is not studied yet, I would like to know results for the case $...
Norbert's user avatar
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Factoring operators $L_\infty \longrightarrow L_2$ as the composition of $n$ strictly singular operators, $n\in \mathbb{N}$

Motivation and background This question is motivated by the problem of classifying the (two-sided) closed ideals of the Banach algebra $\mathcal{B}(L_\infty)$ of all (bounded, linear) operators on $L_\...
Philip Brooker's user avatar
3 votes
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Complemented subspaces isomorphic to $c_0$ in $\mathcal{B}(E)$ [closed]

It is well known that neither 1) $c_0$ is isomorphic to a complemented subspace of $\mathcal{B}(H)$ nor 2) $c_0$ is a quotient of $\mathcal{B}(H)$ for a Hilbert space $H$. Can we replace $H$ above ...
PhotonicCrystal's user avatar
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Form of finite dimensional contractive projection in $L_p$

Let $P$ be a finite dimensional contractive (norm 1) projection in $L_p$, $1 < p < \infty$. Then $P$ is of the following form: $Pf = \sum_{k=1}^n g_k \int h_kf$ Where $\|g_k\|_p = \|h_k\|_q = \...
robibok's user avatar
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A question about Smulian lemma

Smulian lemma says Let $(X, ||.||)$ be a Banach space and$(X^*, ||.||^*)$ and let $x\in S_X=\{x\in X:||x||=1\}$ then (i) $||.||$ is Frechet diffrentiable at $x$ iff $\lim\limits_{n\to\infty}||f_n-...
user62498's user avatar
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When is a fixed point of f^n a fixed point of f?

Let $E$ be a Banach space and $f:E\to E$ be a continuous map. By $f^n$ we denote the $n$-th iterate of $f$, i.e. $f^n:=\underbrace{f\circ f\circ\cdots \circ f}_{\text{n times}}$. Let $x_0$ denote a ...
user3014's user avatar
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Embedding of $\ell_p$ into infinite direct sums

Let $p\in (1,\infty)$ and let $q$ be conjugate to $p$. Is there a subspace of $\ell_1(\ell_p)$ isomorphic to $\ell_q$? Of course, I am uninterested in the case $p=2$.
Bojan Kwitek's user avatar
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Ultrapowers and complemented subspaces

Let $Y$ be a closed subspace of a Banach space $X$, and let $\mathcal{U}$ be a nontrivial ultrafilter on the set $\mathbb{N}$ of all integer numbers. It is not difficult to see that if $Y$ is ...
M.González's user avatar
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Banach spaces with a certain separability property

In Ledoux and Talagrand's "Probability in Banach Spaces", for technical reasons they frequently assume that a Banach space $B$ has the property that the unit ball of $B^*$ contains a countable subset $...
Mark Meckes's user avatar
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Reflexive-saturated Banach spaces

Say that a Banach space $X$ is strongly saturated by reflexive subspaces if every closed subspace $Y\subset X$ contains a further reflexive subspace $Z\subset Y$ with $\mbox{dens }Y=\mbox{dens Z}$. If ...
Bojan Kwitek's user avatar
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A reasonable framework to study properties of operator $A \mapsto KAK$ on Banach space

Let $K$ be a continuous linear operator on $C[0,1]$ (more, precisely, it is a linear integral operator). Then $K$ defines a continous linear operator $\widehat K$ on $\mathcal L(C[0,1])$ by the rule $$...
Appliqué's user avatar
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BM-distances between $B(\ell_p^n)$ and $\ell^{n^2}_p$

Let $\ell_p^n$ be the $n$-dimensional real or complex $\ell_p$-space and let $\mathscr{B}(\ell_p^n)$ be the space of matrices on $\ell_p^n$ endowed with the operator norm. I am looking for any ...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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Does the dual Banach space $B(\ell^\infty)$ have weak* normal structure?

Let $K$ be a bounded closed convex subset of a Banach space $E$. A point $x$ in $K$ is called a diametral point if $$ \sup_{y\in K} \|x-y\|={\rm diam}(K). $$ where ${\rm diam}(K)$ denotes the ...
BigBill's user avatar
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Banach spaces admitting no proper quasi-affinity

I am interested in examples of Banach spaces $X$ satisfying the following two conditions: (1) Every (continuous linear) injective operator $T:X\to X$ with dense range is surjective. (2) $X$ is ...
M.González's user avatar
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Yet more on distortion

I would like to elaborate a little bit on my previous question which can be found here. Firstly, let me recall that a separable Banach space $(X, \| \cdot \|)$ is said to be arbitrarily distortable ...
Pandelis Dodos's user avatar
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Explicit element of $(\ell^{\infty})^* - \ell^1$? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What’s an example of a space that needs the Hahn-Banach Theorem? It is well known that the dual of $\ell^{\infty}$ properly contains $\ell^1$ (over $\mathbb{N}$, say). ...
Akhil Mathew's user avatar
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Finite codimensional subspaces of L(X,Y)

Let $X$ and $Y$ be separable Banach spaces and $L(X,Y) $ be the Banach space of bounded linear operators from $X$ to $Y$. Suppose $A$ is a norm closed finite codimensional subspace of $L(X,Y)$. My ...
Kevin Beanland's user avatar
3 votes
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Determining continuous functions on Banach spaces

Let $X$ be a real Banach space. For a continuous (not necessarily linear) function $g:X \to \mathbb{R}$ and a family $\mathcal{F} \subseteq X^*$, we´ll say that $\mathcal{F}$ determines $g$ if ...
Ramiro de la Vega's user avatar
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Uniqueness of dimension in Banach spaces

Let $\;\;\; \big\langle V,+,\cdot, \;\; ||\cdot|| \;\; \big\rangle \;\;\;$ be a Banach space over the field $\mathbb{K}$, which is either $\mathbb{R}$ or $\mathbb{C}$. Suppose there exists a subset $...
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Unambiguous "weak" vector valued $L^{+\infty}$ spaces?

For some time, I have been stuck to the problem to be described as follows. The (perhaps not so commonly known) facts given here are taken from R. E. Edwards' Functional Analysis (Holt, Rinehart and ...
TaQ's user avatar
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Subalgebras of $B(E)$

Let me fix an infinite-dimensional (complex) Banach space $E$. There is a cute result of Bracic and Kuzma which says that every maximal abelian subalgebra of $\mathscr{B}(E)$, the algebra of bounded ...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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Birkhoff orthogonal of a Banach space in its bidual

Let $X$ be a Banach space embedded in $X^{**}$ in the usual way. We consider the set $$ O_X := \{ x^{**}\in X^{**} : \|x^{**}-x\|\geq \|x\| \textrm{ for all }x\in X\}. $$ I think this is the ...
M.González's user avatar
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Special kind of operators

Consider an operator $A: H \longrightarrow X$ ($H$ is a Hilbert space and $X$ is a Banach space) that has a representation $$ A = \sum_{j=0}^\infty a_j \langle \cdot, e_j\rangle \cdot x_j,$$ where $(...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar
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Mixed Tsirelson Norm

A couple of days ago I posted this question on Mathematics Stack Exchange. Surprisingly, so far, I haven't received any answers or comments about it (besides my own possible answer). Maybe I can get ...
ragrigg's user avatar
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Cyl(E) = Borel(E) for E non-reflexive Grothendieck Banach space

This is sort of a follow-up to Borel(X) = \sigma(X') for X non-separable PROBLEM: Given a Banach space $E$ over $\mathbb{K} \in \{\mathbb{C}, \mathbb{R}\}$ that has the Grothendieck property. ...
santker heboln's user avatar
6 votes
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The typical size of a random element in a Banach space

Let $X$ be a separable Banach space, and let $\mathbb P$ be a Radon probability measure on $X$ with zero mean and covariance operator $K : X^* \to X$. Let $x$ be an $X$-valued random variable with ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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What is the tensor product of $L^p(\bf R)$ with $L^q(\bf R)$?

I'm wondering: What is the tensor product of $L^p({\bf R})$ with $L^q({\bf R})$? (For p=q=2, the answer clearly should be $L^2({\bf R}^2)$; for other values of $p$ and $q$, it is not at all obvious ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Projective tensor powers of Banach spaces over a normed field

Let $E$ be a Banach space over a complete normed field $\mathbb K$. Is it possible to classify all proper $E$ for which the projective seminorm $p_n$ defined on the $n$-th tensor power of $E$ is a ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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Reference request for sums of Grothendieck spaces

I much appreciate your help with my previous question. Now, I'd like to ask about a reference. I need a fact asserting that if $p\in (1,\infty]$ (with emphasis on the case $p=\infty$) then the $\ell_p$...
Alfredo Ortuño's user avatar
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Which Banach spaces have categorical duals?

I was looking carefully at all the definitions, trying to understand exactly what was going on in this question on categorical duals in Banach spaces. It seems that in the category of Banach spaces ...
Andrew Stacey's user avatar
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Weak lower semi-continuity

Which conditions assure the weak lower semicontinuity of, say, an integral functional of the type $F(u):=\int_\Omega f(u(x),Du(x))dx$ on $W^{1,2}(\Omega,\mathbb{R}^N)$ for a bounded, if you will even ...
Sebastian Scholtes's user avatar
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almost projective Banach space, complex scalars

It is well-known that if a real Banach space $E$ is "almost metrically projective" then $E$ is isometrically isomorphic to some $\ell^1(\Gamma)$. We say $E$ is "almost metrically projective" if ...
Fred Dashiell's user avatar
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Integral in a σ−convex set.

Having had no (proper) answer to this question, I formulate the remaining case as a new question as follows. With $I=[0,1]$, let $E$ be a separable (real) Banach space, and let $\gamma:I\to E$ be ...
TaQ's user avatar
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Given that a conditional measure is Gaussian, how bad can the original measure be?

Let $X$ and $Y$ be Banach spaces, and let $\varphi : X \to Y$ be a continuous linear map. Suppose that $\mathbb P$ is a probability measure on $X$ which satisfies the continuous disintegration ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Preduals of $\ell_1$

The space $\ell_1$ has loads of (isomorphic) predulas. They can be as weird as possible but I am interested in Banach lattices. Question: Let $X$ be a Banach lattice with dual isomorphic to $\ell_1$. ...
Jan Vardøen's user avatar
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Quotient of \ell_1 by space of finite sequences

The following question came up during a reading of Rudin's functional analysis. I have not been able to find any information through searching online, but I apologise if the answer is obvious, or the ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Complemented subspaces of $\ell_p(I)$ for uncountable $I$

I was looking for an article mimicing result of Pelczynski for $\ell_p$. I have found this one Rodriguez-Salinas, B. (1994). On the Complemented Subspaces of $c_0(I)$ and $\ell_p(I)$ for $1 < p &...
Norbert's user avatar
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Nonlinear Nuclear Operators ?

Is there a "right" definition of the nuclear operator in the nonlinear framework ? Of course, such an operator must be compact, while a linear operator should be "nonlinearly" nuclear iff it is ...
Ady's user avatar
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Variants of point fixed theorem

Let $E$ be a dual Banach space and $C$ a nonempty convex weak* compact subset of $E$. Let $G$ be a group of weak* continuous linear isometries on $E$. Suppose that $g(C)\subset C$ for all $g\in G$. ...
BigBill's user avatar
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A proof about an unconditional basis theorem

Hello everyone. I'm in a little trouble trying to find the proof of a theorem stated by W. T. Gowers. It is the Lemma 1.6 in his article 'An infinite Ramsey theorem and some Banach space dichotomies' (...
Dan's user avatar
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Unbounded sequences in Banach spaces

Let $X$ be a Banach space and let $T$ be a bounded operator acting on $X$. Suppose for each linearly independent unbounded sequence $(x_n)$ in $E$, the sequence $(Tx_n)$ is unbounded. Must $T$ be ...
Olaf Kummers's user avatar
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Convergence of a function in a metric space to its metric.

Given a metric space $(\mathbb{A},d)$ in $\mathbb{R^n}$ with a metric $d$ being the Euclidean metric: If $\lim_{t \rightarrow \infty}||A_{t+1}-A_t||\rightarrow 0$ is a convergent sequence where $A$ ...
hearse's user avatar
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Suprema and infima in spaces ordered by non-normal cones

Background We shall call a subset $V_+ \subseteq V$ of a Banach space $V$ a cone if $V_+$ is closed, $\alpha V_+ \subseteq V_+$ for all $\alpha \geqslant 0$, and $V_+ \cap (-V_+) = \{0\}$. Cones ...
orlandoweber's user avatar
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Basic sequences

Nowadays, we know that there exist Banach spaces without unconditional basic sequences. Do we know if something a bit milder holds? Namely, is that true each non-reflexive Banach space contains a ...
Sellapan Nathan's user avatar
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Info about Elton–Odell theorem

Hello everyone, could anyone please tell me where can I find information about the Elton–Odell theorem? It states: For any infinite dimensional Banach space $X$ there is a $q > 1$ so that $X$ ...
Dan's user avatar
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