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What is the Goldie dimension of the ring of stable stems?

Let $p$ be a prime, and let $\pi_\ast^{(p)}$ be the ring of stable homotopy groups of spheres localized at the prime $p$. This is a nonnegatively-graded-commutative ring with $\mathbb Z_{(p)}$ in ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Extension of isotopies

In what follows $M$ will be a manifold (without boundary, for simplicity) and $C\subseteq M$ will denote a compact subset. In the paper Deformations of spaces of imbeddings Edwards and Kirby prove the ...
Tommaso Rossi's user avatar
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A question about cohomology with local coefficient

Let's consider the next theorem. Theorem [The cohomology Leray-Serre Spectral sequence] Let $R$ be a commutative ring with unit. Given a fibration $F\hookrightarrow E\overset{p}{% \rightarrow }B$, ...
Mehmet Onat's user avatar
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Two arcs in the complement of a disc must intersect?

Let $D=\{z\in \mathbb C:|z|\leq 1\}$ be the unit disc in the complex plane, with interior $U=\{z\in \mathbb C:|z|<1\}$. Let $A\subset \mathbb C\setminus U$ be an arc intersecting $D$ only at its ...
D.S. Lipham's user avatar
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Lie group framing and framed bordism

What is the definition of Lie group framing, in simple terms? Is the Lie group framing of spheres a particular type of Lie group framing? (How special is the Lie group framing of spheres differed ...
zeta's user avatar
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Pontryagin product on the homology of cyclic groups

Consider the cyclic group $C_{p^N}$ of order $p^N$, and let $k$ be a field of characteristic $p$. I would like to know what the algebra structure on the homology $H_*(C_{p^N};k)$ induced by the ...
Chase's user avatar
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Framed bordism and string bordism in 3-dimensions vs topological modular form

In simple colloquial terms, how are the framed bordism and string bordism in 3-dimensions related to the study of the theory of topological modular form TMF? I want to know some simple derivable ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Minimal first Pontryagin class $p_1=1$?

From Hirzbuch theorem, the signature of 4-manifold $\sigma = p_1/3$ with the first Pontryagin class $p_1$. I know that the $\sigma=p_1/3 =1$ so $p_1=3$ for complex projective space $\mathbb{P}^2$. Is ...
zeta's user avatar
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Reference for choosing a path lifting function?

I recall having seen discussion of a Hurewicz or Serre fibration equipped with a chosen path lifting function. Citation??
jim stasheff's user avatar
3 votes
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Is the free algebra functor over an $\infty$-operad symmetric monoidal?

Suppose $F: \mathcal{O}^\otimes \to \mathcal{P}^\otimes$ is a map of $\infty$-operads, and $\mathcal{C}$ is a symmetric monoidal $\infty$-category that admits small colimits, such that the tensor ...
Markus Zetto's user avatar
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A question about the Conner Conjecture

In some sources, Conner conjecture is expressed as follows: Theorem [Conner Conjecture] Let $G$ be a compact Lie group, and let $X$ have the homotopy type of a finite dimensional $G$-CW complex with ...
Mehmet Onat's user avatar
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Generalization of the sphere theorem in dimension at least 4

In 1956, Papakyriakopoulos proved Dehn's lemma, loop theorem and the sphere theorem. The proofs are based on a clever technique called "tower construction". Later, Whitehead, Shaprio, ...
Shijie Gu's user avatar
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Induced fiber sequence and Eilenberg–MacLane space in Whitehead tower of $BO$

In Whitehead tower of $BO$, there is a induced fiber sequence: 1. $$ Z_2 \to B SO \to BO \overset{w_1}{\rightarrow} B Z_2 $$ How does this map $\overset{w_1}{\rightarrow}$ from $BO$ to $B Z_2$? ...
zeta's user avatar
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Topological transversality by dimension

We know that to achieve transverality in the topological category, for example to make a continuous map into a manifold transverse to a topological submanifold, we need the existence of micro normal ...
UVIR's user avatar
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$\mathrm{String}/\mathbb{CP}^{\infty}=\mathrm{Spin}$ or a correction to this quotient group relation

We know that there is a fiber sequence: $$ \dotsb \to B^3 \mathbb Z \to B \mathrm{String} \to B \mathrm{Spin} \to B^4 \mathbb Z \to \dotsb. $$ Is this fiber sequence induced from a short exact ...
zeta's user avatar
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Do objects in the derived category behave stackily?

It is well known that derived categories (I'm particularly thinking of constructible derived categories and derived categories of D-modules) don't form a stack. In particular given morphisms in the ...
l-r-b's user avatar
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Simplicial cochain representing the pullback of a class Poincaré dual of a submanifold

Let $K$ be a simplicial complex of dimension $n$, $M$ be a topological manifold, and $f \colon |K| \to M$ be a continuous map. Let $X$ be an embedded manifold in $M$ of codimension $n$, such that $f(|...
Alex's user avatar
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string bordism group and framed bordism group for $d \leq 6$ and $d \geq 7$

Why do the string bordism group and the framed bordism group coincide the same in dimensions lower than 7 ($d = 0,1,2,3,4,5, 6$)? Why do the string bordism group and the framed bordism group differ ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Determine the Eilenberg-MacLane spaces on the right-handed side of this Whitehead tower?

What and how to determine the Eilenberg-MacLane spaces on the right-handed side of this Whitehead tower? Namely, how do we know $$ K(Z_2,1)?, \quad K(Z_2,2)?, \quad K(Z,4)? $$ Naively -- in each step ...
zeta's user avatar
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Examples of when $X$ is homotopy equivalent to $X\times X$

I was thinking about this question the other day: When is a topological space $X$ homotopy equivalent to $X\times X$ (with the product topology)? This is essentially a cross-post of this MSE question.....
pyridoxal_trigeminus's user avatar
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Tensor product of objectwise weak homotopy equivalences of $\mathcal{M}$-spaces

I consider the enriched category $[\mathcal{M}^{op},\mathrm{Top}]$ of enriched functors (I call them $\mathcal{M}$-spaces) from the enriched small category $\mathcal{M}^{op}$ to the enriched category $...
Philippe Gaucher's user avatar
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On infinity-morphisms between algebras over algebraic operads

I posted this question in the "Mathematics" stack exchange, but it hasn't got much attention... I hope it will get more here. Let $P$ be a Koszul operad. In the book of Loday-Vallette "...
groupoid's user avatar
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Explicit CW-complex replacement of the space of reparametrization maps

Let $P$ be the space of nondecreasing surjective maps from $[0,1]$ to itself equipped with the compact-open topology: $P$ is contractible. There exists a trivial fibration $P^{cof} \to P$ from a CW-...
Philippe Gaucher's user avatar
12 votes
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Interesting examples of systems of linear differential equations with constant coefficients

In this paper, Gian-Carlo Rota wrote: A lot of interesting systems with constant coefficients have been discovered in the last thirty years: in control, in economics, in signal processing, even in ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
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What happens if I take a doubly-free simplicial abelian group?

Suppose that I have a simplicial set $X_\bullet$. I can take the free abelian group generated by $X_\bullet$, $\mathbb{Z}X_\bullet$. But then I can forget that this has an abelian group structure, ...
Inna's user avatar
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Is there a purely topological definition of $\text{Spin}(p,q)$?

I'm cross-posting this question from Math.SE, as it didn't get much attention there (even after a bounty). A common way to define the group $\text{Spin}(p,q)$ is via Clifford algebras. However, $\text{...
WillG's user avatar
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Intersection cohomology and Poincaré duality

When trying to learn about perverse sheaves I hand-wavingly thought that intersection cohomology is the ‘minimal’ way of fixing the failure of Poincaré duality. But I am very aware that it is risky to ...
l-r-b's user avatar
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How to think about Beilinson's gluing data?

Let $X$ be a complex manifold, $D$ a divisor (that is globally the zero locus of a function) and $U$ its complement. Recall Beilinson's "how to glue perverse sheaves": Given a perverse ...
Pulcinella's user avatar
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Derived category of local systems of finite type on a $K(\pi,1)$ space: an explicit counterexample

Let $X$ be a nice enough topological space. I am mostly interested in smooth complex algebraic varieties. One may ask whether the bounded derived category of the category $\mathrm{Loc}(X)$ of local ...
Sergey Guminov's user avatar
9 votes
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Pullbacks of classifying spaces

In what follows all the groups will be discrete, not necessarly finite. Let $f:G\to H$ be a morphism of groups and $H'\to H$ be the inclusion of a subgroup. It seems to me (but correct me if I am ...
Tommaso Rossi's user avatar
13 votes
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Is $KU\otimes S^1_+$ isomorphic to $F(S^1_+,KU)$ as $E_\infty$ rings?

There are various ways to construct $KU$ as an $E_\infty$ ring spectrum; I will take that as given. Using this, we can make $KU\otimes G_+$ into an $E_\infty$ ring for any commutative topological ...
Neil Strickland's user avatar
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How a circle $S^1$ acts on the Cayley plane $OP^2$ with exactly three fixed points?

The complex projective $CP^2$, the quaternionic projective space $HP^2$, and the octonionic projective space $OP^2$ each admit a circle action with $3$ fixed points. The circle action on $HP^2$ can be ...
hao dong's user avatar
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Unordered configuration space with non-distinct points

Consider a topological space $X$, a natural number $n>0$ and the quotient topological space $Q_n(X)$ of $X^n$ by the equivalence relation : $x\sim y$ if and only if there is a permutation $\sigma$ ...
Phil-W's user avatar
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Projective objects in chain complexes of an abelian category: Further question

Yes, I see there are other Q&A's on this, for instance here: Projective objects in the category of chain complexes I am wondering why a level-wise projective chain complex $P$ which is split ...
locally trivial's user avatar
6 votes
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Removing a submanifold from a closed manifold

Let $M$ be a simply-connected closed manifold. Can we find a closed submanifold $N \subsetneq M$ such that $M\backslash N$ is simply-connected and has finite second homotopy group?
Zhiqiang's user avatar
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Module structure of $\Omega_*(Z_p)$

In Conner-Floyd's book, Differentiable Periodic Maps in (46.1), for p an odd prime and $k=1,2,\dots$, it is posted the identities: $$p\alpha_{2k+1}+[M^4]\alpha_{2k-3}+[M^8]\alpha_{2k-7}+\dots=0$$ in $\...
Carlos Segovia's user avatar
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How exactly does the Kreck-Stolz description of elliptic homology match the one by Totaro?

In Kreck, Matthias; Stolz, Stephan, $\mathbf H\mathbf P^2$-bundles and elliptic homology, Acta Math. 171, No. 2, 231-261 (1993). ZBL0851.55007. the $n$th elliptic homology group of a space $X$ is ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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A variation of necklace splitting

Our problem is the following: Let $n$ and $k$ be integers. We are given two (unclasped) necklaces, each with $n$ colored stones: a top necklace which has $k$ colors and a bottom necklace which has 2 ...
Sam King's user avatar
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Conjugacy problem in pure mapping class group of finitely-connected planar domain

Let $D$ be a finitely-connected planar domain, or, even more particularly, a domain obtained from the sphere $S^2$ by removing finitely many disjoint open topological disks. Let $\mathrm{PMCG}(D)$ be ...
A B's user avatar
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Version of pseudo-isotopy $\neq$ isotopy for $(n+1)$-framings

Let $M$ be a closed $n$-manifold and $\varphi$ be a self-diffeomorphisms of $M$. There is a bordism from $M$ to itself given by $M\times [0,1]$ with the identification $M \cong M \times \{0\}$ induced ...
Daniel Bruegmann's user avatar
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Is the oriented bordism ring generated by homogeneous spaces?

I am trying to find a Riemannian geometrically well-understood set of generators of the oriented bordism ring, including the torsion parts. By a set of generators, I mean that the set generates the ...
Zhenhua Liu's user avatar
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Lazard module structure of rings with formal elliptic curve

Recently in algebraic topology I was working with a certain graded ring $R$ equipped with an elliptic curve $C$. Now completion at the identity gives a 1-dimensional formal group $G$. This induces a ...
Reihe27's user avatar
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Zigzag vs direct map in rational homotopy theory

I was reading these notions from "Rational Homotopy Theory" by Felix, Halperin, and Thomas. The notion of weak homotopy type is as follows: two spaces $X$ and $Y$ are said to be weak ...
bishop1989's user avatar
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"Inclusion" between higher categories of framed bordisms?

Let $\mathrm{Bord}_n$ be the bordism $(\infty, n)$-category of unoriented manifolds. It can be viewed as an $(\infty, n+1)$-category whose $n+1$-morphisms are equivalences. If $n$ is large enough, ...
Daniel Bruegmann's user avatar
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What are some examples of 3-dualizable $(\infty,2)$ categories?

From the cobordism hypothesis, we know that (the space of) symmetric monoidal functors from the $(\infty,3)$ category of framed cobordisms into a symmetric monoidal $(\infty,3)$ category is the same ...
Andy Jiang's user avatar
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Classifying abelian (but non-central) group extensions using homotopy theory

Let $G$ be a group and let $A$ be an abelian group equipped with an action of $G$. Group extensions $$1 \longrightarrow A \longrightarrow \Gamma \longrightarrow G \longrightarrow 1$$ inducing the ...
Andy Putman's user avatar
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1D topological defects in $d>3$ spatial dimensions

I am trying to construct a 1D topological defect solution in 4 spatial dimensions, i.e., a solution to some PDE (likely the equations of motion of some Lagrangian) on $\mathbb{R}^{4}$ which is ...
math_lover's user avatar
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$C^0$-limit of volume-preserving maps on $\mathbb R^n$

Let $f_k:B_1\rightarrow \mathbb R^n$ be a sequence of injective differentiable volume-preserving maps (i.e. $\mu(f_k(A))=\mu(A)$ for any measurable $A\subset B_1$) that converges uniformly to $f:B_1\...
Tian LAN's user avatar
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Spaces that are contractible mod diagonal

I bumped into a seemingly natural strengthening of contractibility, which I refer to as "contractible mod diagonal". I'd like to know if this is something standard and whether it appears ...
Ville Salo's user avatar
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Spectral sequence construction of Euler class of group extension

Let $A$ be an abelian group equipped with an action of a group $G$ and let $$1 \longrightarrow A \longrightarrow \Gamma \longrightarrow G \longrightarrow 1$$ be an extension of group inducing the ...
Lauren's user avatar
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