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parabolic PDE with almost-monotone elliptic operator, existence results?

Are there any existence results for parabolic PDE of the type $$u_t - Au = f$$ in some Gelfand triple setting ($V \subset H \subset V^*$) with $A$ an operator that it is not quite monotone but close: ...
weasd's user avatar
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Two equivalent definitions of weak solution to parabolic PDE; don't understand proof

(Crossposted from MSE due to no replies) I'm trying to understand the proof that (c) implies (a) here in the following proposition (here, $\mathcal{V} = L^2(0,T;V)$). See the very last line in the ...
maximumtag's user avatar
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Find $U \in H^1(\Omega \times (0,\infty))$ such that $\nabla E(u-\bar u)\nabla U \geq 0?$ (PDE harmonic extension)

Let $\Omega$ be a bounded smooth domain. Given $u \in H^{\frac 12}(\Omega)$ with mean value $\bar u = 0$, let $Eu = v \in H^1(\Omega \times (0,\infty))$ solve $$\int_0^\infty\int_\Omega \nabla v\nabla ...
ChristopherB's user avatar
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Want to show rigorously $\frac{d}{dt}\int_{\Omega}|u(t)|^r = r\langle u_t(t), |u(t)|^{r-2}u(t)\rangle_{H^{-1}(\Omega), H^1(\Omega)}$

We have a bounded domain $\Omega$ of $\mathbb{R}^n$. Let $$u \in L^2((0,T);H^1(\Omega)) \cap H^1((0,T);H^{-1}(\Omega))\cap L^\infty((0,T);L^\infty(\Omega)).$$ I want to show for $r \geq 2$ that $$\...
delimit's user avatar
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Elliptic regularity on bounded domains

I'm concerned with a generic uniformly elliptic operator $L$ on $\mathbb{R}^n$. If $L$ is uniformly elliptic and I am studying the equation $Lu=f$ then the way I can deduce regularity on $\mathbb{R}^n$...
Dorian's user avatar
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Subordination identity and heat operator

I was reading the so-called subordination identity that allows one to derive estimates on the Poisson operator $e^{-t\sqrt{-\Delta}}$ from estimates on the heat diffusion operator $e^{t\Delta}$. I am ...
Guest's user avatar
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Positive inuequality of Laplacian with a variable coefficient [closed]

Let $0 < a_0 \leq a(x)$ be a smooth function on $\mathbb{T}=[0,2\pi]$, $a(0)=a(2\pi)$, whether it holds that $$ \int_\mathbb{T} a(x)|\partial_x \varphi|^2 \geq \int_\mathbb{T}\frac{\partial^2_x a }...
Wang Ming's user avatar
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Reference request: density of $C_c^{\infty}(\mathbb R^d)$ in $L^2(\mathbb R^d,d\rho)$

My question is motivated by an optimal transportation approach to PDE's and gradient flows in metric spaces (see e.g Otto's geometry of dissipative evolution equations: the porous media equation and ...
leo monsaingeon's user avatar
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A bound in Sobolev spaces of negative order

Let's consider the domain $U=[-\pi,\pi]\times[-1,1]$. Assume that we have two functions $f\in H^2$ and $g\in H^{1/2}$. I wonder if the following bound is true: $$ \|f g_{x_1}\|_{H^{-0.5}(U)}\leq C(\...
guacho's user avatar
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Laplacian mapping on various function spaces

I have a question related to a certain elliptic operator on $R^N$ but I think i can clarify my confusion if I just consider the Laplacian $\Delta$ on the unit ball in $R^N$. If $ 1 <p< \infty$...
Craig's user avatar
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Reference for existence results for 2D forced viscous Burgers equation

I am looking for results concering the following parabolic PDE $$u\cdot\nabla u + \Delta u = F(x),$$ where $$u\colon\Omega\to\mathbb{R}^2,$$ and $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^2$ is a 2D domain (bounded or ...
jaco's user avatar
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Notion of solution of pde

Let's consider the following Schrodinger equation $$iu_t+\Delta u+F(u)=0$$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$. In Cazenave's book, "Semilinear Schrodinger equation", he defines $H^1$-weak solution as $u\in L^\infty(0,...
Sue's user avatar
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persistence of regularity for nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation

I have been reading the paper on nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation(NLKG) for initial data in modulation space: For detail please see the paper "Klein-Gordon Equations on Modulation Spaces (2014)" (...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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Is there an appropriate weighted Sobolev space to include exponential map and projection map?

Observe that given a non negative function $\omega: \mathbb{R^2} \rightarrow [0, \infty)$, we can define the weighted $L^{p}(\mathbb{R}^2, \omega) $ spaces. They are measurable functions $f: \...
Ritwik's user avatar
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Density of certain functions in $C_c^\infty(0,T;V)$ in the space $W(0,T) \approx H^1(0,T;V)$?

EDIT: I need to think more about the question I want to ask given comments in the answer below. Please close the thread if required. I leave it undeleted because answer is useful. Let $V \subset H \...
aere's user avatar
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Quantitative estimate of heat dispersion - off diagonal estimates

Consider the heat equation $\partial_t u - \Delta u = 0$ on a compact manifold $M$ (if $M$ has a smooth boundary, then we assume either Dirichlet or Neumann boundary condition). Consider $u_0 (x) = u(...
anonymous's user avatar
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fundamental solution of radial wave equation

i am trying to find resources on the derivation of the fundamental solution to the radial wave equation. any suggestions of or links to books, papers, and/or notes would be much appreciated. i have ...
nikofeyn's user avatar
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How to show this integral on boundary of Lipschitz domain is finite?

Sorry for asking a basic question but this did not get answered on M.SE. Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be a Lipschitz domain. How do I show rigorously that $$\int_{\partial\Omega} \frac{1}{|y|^{...
michael_carbon's user avatar
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Existence of solution for this parabolic PDE

The parabolic PDE $$\langle u', v \rangle + a(u,v) = \langle f, v \rangle$$ has a unique solution $u \in L^2(0,T; H^1)$ with $u' \in L^2(0,T;H^{-1})$ if $a$ is a bounded and coercive bilinear form (...
user28178's user avatar
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Solvability for constant-coefficient partial differential operators

Let $\mathcal{S}$ denote the space of Schwartz functions on $\mathbb{R}^n$, and $\mathcal{S}'$ the space of tempered distributions. Let $L$ denote a linear, constant-coefficient, partial differential ...
Kevin McLeod's user avatar
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If $u \in W^1(0,T;L^2,H^1)$ and $\varphi \in C^1([0,T]\times \Omega)$ then $\varphi u \in W^1(0,T;L^2,H^1)$?

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be an open bounded domain. Define $$W^1 := W^1(0,T;L^2,H^1) := \{w \in L^2(0,T;H^1(\Omega)) \mid w' \in L^2(0,T;H^{-1}(\Omega))\}$$ where $w'$ means the weak ...
soup's user avatar
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Strong solution to parabolic equation without differentiability assumption on coefficient?

Consider on $(0,T)\times \Omega$, $\Omega$ a bounded domain $$u_t(t,x) - a(u(t,x))\Delta u(t,x) = f(t,x)$$ $$u|_{\partial\Omega} = 0$$ where $a$ is real-valued and satisfies $C_1 \leq a(r) \leq C_2$ ...
C_Al's user avatar
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A parabolic PDE with Lipschitz nonlinearity, how to obtain well-posedness?

Let $\Omega$ be a bounded smooth domain in $\mathbb{R}^n$ (or more generally a compact manifold). I'm interested in well-posedness (existence most importantly) of equations of the form $$u_t(t) - \...
student's user avatar
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Showing $\langle \frac{\partial b(v)}{\partial t}, v \rangle_{H^{-1}(\Omega), H^1(\Omega)} = \frac{d}{dt}\int_{\Omega}\Psi^*(b(v))$

Let $b$ be continuous and increasing with $b(0) = 0$. Define $\Psi(t) = \int_0^t b(s)\;ds$ and $\Psi^*(s) = \sup_{r \in \mathbb{R}} (sr-\Psi(r))$. (Note $\Psi^*(b(s)) + \Psi(s) = sb(s)$). Let $v \...
LapLace's user avatar
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Semi-continuity of the dimension of the null space

Suppose $T_n : X \rightarrow X$ is a sequence of Fredholm operators on a Banach space such that $T_k \rightarrow T$ strongly (in the induced operator norm). If $N_k$ and $N$ denote the dimensions of ...
Poincare-Lelong's user avatar
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Manifold structure for the set of solutions to a first order elliptic system?

Consider a bounded domain $S\subset R^2$ and an elliptic system of two first order PDEs, namely a generalization of the Cauchy-Riemann system allowing nonconstant coefficients and lower order terms. ...
Mike's user avatar
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Trace space of $\{ t^su \in L^2(0,\infty;X) \mid t^su_t \in L^2(0,\infty;Y)\}$ for $s \in (-\frac 12, \frac 12)$

Let $s \in (-\frac 12,\frac 12)$ and let $X=D(\Lambda)$ be a Hilbert space with $\Lambda$ the infinitesimal generator of a bounded semigroup of class $C^0$ in $Y$ (which is another Hilbert space), and ...
C_Al's user avatar
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Sobolev trace of $H^1(\mathcal{M} \times I)$ functions

Let $\mathcal{M}$ be a compact Riemannian manifold and let $I=(0,1)$. I seek a trace theorem saying that functions $u \in H^1(\mathcal{M} \times I)$ have a well-defined trace at $\mathcal{M} \times \{...
MichaelL's user avatar
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Variational problems whose lagrangian density depends on derivatives higher than 1.

The usual theory of calculus of variations, as far as I know, is concerned with lagrangian densities which depend on the function and its gradient, namely we try to minimise $\int L(Dw,w,x) dx$. ...
S.A.A's user avatar
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Does these commutator estimates bound in $L^{2}$

According to the basic rules of symbolic caculus,$[a(x,D),x_{j}]=-ia^{j}[x,D]$.So we have $[(1-\triangle)^{\frac{1}{2}},x_i]=\partial_i(1-\triangle)^{-\frac{1}{2}}$ which is $L^2$ bounded. It's also ...
user23078's user avatar
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$L^2$ boundeness of a sequence

Let $f_n \in C^2(\bar{\Omega})$ be a sequence satisfying $\Delta f_n - f_n^3 \to 0 \ \ {\rm in} \ \ L^2(\Omega)$ where $\Omega \subset {\mathbb R}^2$ is bounded and open with a smooth boundary. Is ...
Jeff's user avatar
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A linear operator equation (PDE) with non-monotone term

I'm interested in the existence and/or uniqueness to the following problem. Let $V$ and $H$ be Hilbert spaces and $V \subset H \subset V^*$ form a Gelfand triple. There is a linear operator $L:{D}(L) ...
AACA's user avatar
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About approximate eigenvalue

I am in trouble when read the book "D.Henry, Geometric Theory of Semiliner Parabolic Equations". The question is relate to Page 104,proof Lemma 5.1.4. Suppose $X$ is a real Banach Space, $M$ is a ...
user44565's user avatar
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Free Endpoint of Minimization Problem

Consider the following minimization problem $$\inf \left\{ \int\limits_{-\infty}^0 \left[ (\psi')^2 + m(y)(\psi - F)^2 \right]\; : \; \psi \in H^1(\left(-\infty,0\right]) \right\}$$ where $m(y) > 0$...
k3thomps's user avatar
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The perturbed KdV Equation

I'm now studying KdV Equation$$u_t-6uu_x+u_{xxx}=0$$To solve the initial-value problem,we can use method of Lax pair,so we can alter the original problem to the problem of solving out $u$ in the ...
89085731's user avatar
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well-posedness of heat equation with Neumann BC and periodic data

On a domain $\Omega$ with $f \in L^2(0,T;H^{-1})$ such that $f(0) = f(T)$, consider $$u_t - \Delta u = f\quad\text{on $\Omega$}$$ $$\frac{\partial u}{\partial \nu} = 0\quad\text{on $\partial\Omega$}$$ ...
weasd's user avatar
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Dual space of Bochner space: is there an easier proof to show they're isometric?

It is known that $[L^p(0,T;H)]^* = L^q(0,T;H^*)$. If $p=q=2$ and $H$ is a Hilbert space, is there an easier proof to show that the spaces are isometric? The proof that I know for the general case ...
michael_f's user avatar
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Variational inequality on Manifold

Let $(M,g)$ be a Riemannian manifold. Consider $A : W^{1,r}(M,\mathbb{R}) \rightarrow W^{-1,r'}(M,\mathbb{R}), k \mapsto Ak$, where $Ak$ is defined by $(Ak)(\varphi) = \int_{M}g(\nabla k, \nabla \...
Paulo G.'s user avatar
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A bilinear estimate in Lp space

Let $\varphi(D)$ be a Fourier multiplier with symbol $\varphi(\xi) = \xi/(1+|\xi|^2)$. It's easy to prove that \begin{equation} \|\varphi(D)u^2\|_{H^s(R)}\lesssim \|u\|^2_{H^s(R)} \quad (*) \end{...
Wang Ming's user avatar
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Passing to the limit in a PDE (subsequence problems)

For $w \in L^2(0,T;H^1)$, consider the PDE $$\int u'(t)v(t) + \int g(w(t))\nabla u(t) \nabla v(t) = \int f(t) v(t)\quad \forall v \in L^2(0,T;H^1)$$ where $u \in H^1(0,T;L^2)\cap L^2(0,T;H^1)$, and $f$...
TheBook's user avatar
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Discrete Sobolev space of $R^n$ valued maps

Can some one tell me the reference or any idea how to take the Discrete Sobolev space work defined for a scalar valued map to the space of maps which are vector valued.Let's say $f:\Omega \...
user26265's user avatar
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Variational Principle for a System of Differential Equations

I am studying a differential operator of the form $$ L\left(\begin{array}{c} u \\ v \end{array}\right) = -\Delta \left(\begin{array}{c} u \\ v \end{array}\right) + V(x)\left(\begin{array}{c} u \\ v \...
k3thomps's user avatar
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Localization of Laplacian eigenfunction on the unit square?

Let A be the unit square, $\{u_k\}$ is the set of all L2-normalized Laplacian eigenfunctions with Dirichlet boundary condition. Is it true that for any open subset V, $C_V = \inf\limits_k \int\...
Denis Grebenkov's user avatar
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Extension divergence-free, curl-converging vector field

Hi. Consider a smooth open Set $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^3$ and a bounded sequence of vector fields $(u_n)_n \in L^2(\Omega)$ having $0$ divergence. I know how to extend this sequence to the whole ...
Ayman Moussa's user avatar
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Green's function for wave equations in R² or R³

Hello, For almost one year, I am searching for the Green's function for wave equation in R² or R³ with some boundary conditions. As far as I know, when the boundaries permit the method of images, we ...
Anand's user avatar
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Pointwise a.e. formulation of parabolic PDE, what if null set depends on test function?

Let $u \in L^2(0,T;V)$ with $u_t \in L^2(0,T;V^*)$ be a solution of $$\langle u_t(t), v \rangle + a(t;u(t), v) = \langle f(t), v \rangle$$ where $f \in L^2(0,T;V^*)$ and we have the usual assumptions ...
MMML's user avatar
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Showing a normal-derivative operator is a (sort of) contraction (related to Crandall-Liggett and PDEs)

Denote by $\mathbb{E}(g)$ the solution of the PDE $$\Delta v(x,y) = 0 \quad\text{in $\Omega$}$$ $$v(x,0) = g(x) \quad\text{on $\partial\Omega$}.$$ Let $X=L^1(\partial\Omega)$. Let $h(t)$ be a ...
TheBook's user avatar
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Minimizing some $H^{-1}$ functional over (a subset of) probability densities in $R^d$

Let me consider the following subset of probability measures in $R^d$ $$ \mathcal{K}_M=\left\{0\leq u(x)\in L^1(R^d):\quad \int u(x)dx =1,\,\int|x|^2u(x)dx\leq M,\,\int u(x)|\log u(x)|dx\leq M\right\} ...
leo monsaingeon's user avatar
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How to use, $(|u|^{2}u - |v|^{2}v)(s)= (u-v)|u|^{2}(s)+ v(|u|^{2}-|v|^{2}) (s)$; to prove contraction in a Banach space $C([0,T]; M^{p,1})$?

(May be this is very basic question for MO) (For details or this question you may see the paper page no. 9, MR2506839, Local well-posedness of nonlinear dispersive equations on modulation spaces; ...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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Reference request - Compact embedding of intermediate space

Given two Banach spaces $X_0$ and $X_1$ with norms $\|\cdot\|_0$ and $\|\cdot\|_1$, respectively, such that $X_0\subset X_1$ and $X_0\hookrightarrow X_1$, i.e., $X_0$ is continuous embedded in $X_1$. ...
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