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Questions tagged [ac.commutative-algebra]

Commutative rings, modules, ideals, homological algebra, computational aspects, invariant theory, connections to algebraic geometry and combinatorics.

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18 votes
0 answers

Deforming a basis of a polynomial ring

The ring $Symm$ of symmetric functions in infinitely many variables is well-known to be a polynomial ring in the elementary symmetric functions, and has a $\mathbb Z$-basis of Schur functions $\{S_\...
Allen Knutson's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

rational singularities of a certain variety

Let $X$ be a variety in $\mathbb{C}^{10}$ defined by the ideal $I=\left<xz'-x'z, y'(u+z)-y(u'+z'), t'(u-z)-t(u'-z')+xy'-x'y\right>$ of $\mathbb{C}[x,y,z,u,t,x',y',z',u',t']$. Note that $I+\left&...
NN guest's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

When do we have derived "Hartogs" for quasi-coherent sheaves?

If $X$ is a noetherian scheme , then for any quasi-coherent sheaf $\mathscr{F}$ on $X$ that satisfies Serre's (S2) condition and an inclusion of an open subscheme $j:U\to X$ with complement of ...
temp's user avatar
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Determinants over commutative rings [closed]

Hello, I am preparing a paper on determinants in commutative rings. Someone can give me examples of applications of determinants in commutative rings to other areas of mathematics or physics. Thank ...
Miguel's user avatar
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A strong form of implicit function theorem (what happens when the derivative is degenerate?)

(this can be considered as some ad) Consider the system of equations $F(x,y)=0$. (Here $x$, $y$ are multi-variables. The equations are over a local ring. e.g. polynomial/analytic/formal/$C^\infty$ ...
Dmitry Kerner's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is a submodule of the sheaf of sections of a smooth vector bundle necessarily finitely generated?

Let $X$ be a finite-dimensional smooth manifold, $\mathcal C^\infty(X)$ its algebra of smooth functions, $V\to X$ a finite-dimensional smooth vector bundle, and $\Gamma(V)$ the space of smooth ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
1 vote
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Question on Hochschild cohomology

Let given ring $A$ without zero divisors and subring $\mathbf{k}\subset Z(A)$. Let also given $M~-$ $A~-$ bimodule, such that $xm = mx, \forall x\in \mathbf{k}, m\in M$. Is it true that if for $\...
sdg123's user avatar
  • 11
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Name of some commutative ring akin to $p$-adics

I need help in identifying the naming convention of some commutative ring described below. Let $p$ be a prime, let $k$ be a positive integer, and let $$\textbf{e} = (e_0,\ldots,e_{k-1})$$ be a list ...
Andrey Rukhin's user avatar
1 vote
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Arbitrary chains of prime ideals in $R[X]$

For a commutative ring $S$ of finite Krull dimension $d$, we have $1+d\leq \dim(S[X])\leq 2d+1$. One proof of this uses the fact that if $Q_1\subset Q_2\subset Q_3$ is a chain of prime ideals of $S[X]$...
Andrew Chiriac's user avatar
2 votes
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Localisation of $\mathbb{Z}_p[[X]]$ at ideal $(p)$

Let $R=\mathbb{Z}_p[[X]]$ where $\mathbb{Z}_p$ denotes the $p$-adic integers and $p$ is a prime. Then what is $R_{(p)}$ $(R$ localised at the ideal $pR)$ $?$
Robert's user avatar
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local rings with finite type maximal ideal

Let $A$ be a local ring with a maximal ideal $\mathfrak{m}$ finitely generated (not principal). Is there a sufficient condition for $A$ to be noetherian? For example, we know that the completion $\...
prochet's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

The rank of a not necessarily finitely generated module.

This question is motivated by this one. The main point of the question (was) to try to weaken the notion of rank. After the answers and comments, it seems this is not a good way to do it, but perhaps ...
Sándor Kovács's user avatar
8 votes
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Torsion submodule

$A$ a commutative Noetherian domain, $M$ a finitely generated $A$-module. How can I show that the kernel of the natural map $M\rightarrow M^{**}$, where $ M^{ * *}$ is the double dual (with respect to ...
ashpool's user avatar
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Reference request for division algebras, over $\mathbb{Q}_{p}((t))$

I was looking for a possible reference that would answer the following question, Let $\mathbb{Q}_{p}$ be the $p$-adic numbers and $\mathbb{Q}_{p}((t))$ be the field of Laurent polynomials over $\...
TheNumber23's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Can flatness be specified by a natural coherent sheaf?

More precisely: Given a finite-type morphism $f \colon X \to Y$ of nice schemes (say, both of finite type over a field), is there a "natural" coherent sheaf $\mathcal F_f$ on $X$ such that the ...
Charles Staats's user avatar
9 votes
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Weierstrass division theorem for henselian rings

Let $A$ be an henselian local noetherian ring. There is an old result of Lafon ("Anneaux henséliens et théorème de préparation" (1967)), which says that if $A$ is analytically normal and of ...
prochet's user avatar
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Bounded dg algebra vs unbounded dg algebras

1)Let $Cd_{\geq 0}ga$ be the category of non negatively commutative cochain dg algebra over a field $\Bbbk$ of charachteristic zero. Let $w\: : \: Cd_{\geq 0}ga\to dg_{\geq 0}Mod$ be the forgethfull ...
Cepu's user avatar
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When is a power of an indeterminate in an ideal with 2 generators?

If I have an ideal ${\frak a} \colon= (f(X,S), g(X,S))$ of height $2$ in ${\Bbb C}[X, S]$, is it easy to know what power of $S$ is contained in $\frak a$? For example, what is the minimal number $m$? ...
Pierre's user avatar
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on the ``generic" modules of finite length (skyscrapers)

Let $R$ be a local or graded ring. (If it helps, can assume the ring is "good", e.g. $R=k[[x_1,..,x_p]]$, where $k$ is a field of zero characteristic.) Let $M$ be a finitely generated $R$-module ...
Dmitry Kerner's user avatar
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Degrees of generators of ideal of finite number points in the plane

Let $I_X\subseteq \mathbb{C}[x_0,\ldots,x_n]$ be the homogeneous vanishing ideal of a set $X$ of $s$ points in $\mathbb{P}^2$. Let $d_1$ resp. $d_2$ denote the minimal resp. maximal degree of elements ...
Hans's user avatar
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Is the reduction of a flat, finite, surjective scheme over an integral base still flat?

Is the reduction $X_{red}$ of a flat, finite, surjective scheme $X$ over an integral base $S$ still flat? I could possibly add that I am already aware we can assume the base $S$ to be local and ...
name's user avatar
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Center Picard group non-commutative algebra

I am wondering if there is a way to describe the center of the Picard group of a non-commutative algebra. Namely, let $A$ be a finitely generated algebra over a field $k$. Denote by $\mathrm{Pic}(A)$...
Libli's user avatar
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Can normalisations of curves over a perfect field change residue fields?

Does anyone know an example of a curve $X$ over a perfect field $k$ such that if $\tilde{X}$ is its noramlisation, there exists a point $x \in X$ and a point $y \in \tilde{X}$ over $x$ such that $k(y) ...
name's user avatar
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Hochschild cohomology of commutative quotients

Notation: Let $k$ be a commutative local ring and let $HH^{i}(A,N)$ denote the $i^{th}$ Hochschild cohomology $k$-module of a $k$-algebra A with coefficients in an $(A,A)$-bi-module $N$. If $x:=\{...
ABIM's user avatar
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20 votes
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Tropical homological algebra

Has anyone out there thought about homological algebra over the tropical semifield $\mathbb{T}$? For example, I'm interested in the Hochschild homology and cyclic homology of tropical algebras, if ...
Jeffrey Giansiracusa's user avatar
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Separability and smoothness

Let $A \subseteq B$ be commutative noetherian rings. I have found the following claim: "Separability implies smoothness" with the following explanation: "The natural thing is to prove that a separable ...
user237522's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Does every compact Hausdorff ring admit a decomposition into primitive idempotents?

Let $\mathbf{R} = (R,\mathcal{T},+,\cdot,0,1)$ be a compact Hausdorff topological unitary ring, and consider the set $I(\mathbf{R}) := \{ e \in R \mid e \cdot e = e \}$ (of idempotents in $\mathbf{R}$)...
Niemi's user avatar
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About the practice of Bernstein-Kushnirenko theorem

The following refers to common roots of bivariate polynomial equations and, in particular to the quim's and auniket's comments. The BKK theorem (cf. arXiv:0812.4688. Theorem 5.4) asserts that if we ...
loup blanc's user avatar
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Iwasawa algebra [closed]

Let $\mathbb{Z}_p$ denotes the $p$-adic integers for a prime $p$. Suppose $M$ is a finitely generated torsion $\mathbb{Z}_p[[T]]$-module such that $\mu(M)=0$. Then $M/pM$ and $M[p]$($p$-torsion ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Hilbert function of points in $\mathrm{P}^2$

Let $\Gamma$ be a collection of $d$ points in $\mathrm{P}^2$, and $I$ the graded ideal of $\Gamma$.If $$ \mathrm{gin_{rlex}}(I)=(x_1^k,x_1^{k-1}x_2^{\lambda_{k-1}},...,x_1x_2^{\lambda_1},x_2^{\...
A.B.'s user avatar
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less than normal

Hi, if we could write a classification about the known regularity which is the known class of schemes that are immediately less good than normal schemes? And which properties have they? thank you
unknown's user avatar
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Theorem 16 , Chapter 5 of Northcott 's, Finite Free Resolutions: p.grade

Let $R$ be a commutative ring with identity. D.G. Northcott's, Finite Free Resolutions, has: and in Theorem 16 of Chapter 5 proves that: $p.grade(I,M) = p.grade(P,M)$ for some prime ideal $P$ ...
user 1's user avatar
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Atiyah-MacDonald: exercise 5.29 - "local ring of a valuation ring"

The exercise is the following: Let $A$ be a valuation ring, $K$ its field of fractions. Show that every subring of $K$ which contains $A$ is a local ring of $A$. Does anyone know what is meant by "...
Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen's user avatar
5 votes
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Ideals of affine space curves

Given some algebraic closed curve in the affine space $\mathbb{A}^3_\mathbb{C}$, is there a way to decide whether its ideal (polynomials in $\mathbb{C}[X,Y,Z]$ vanishing on the curve) is generated by ...
Jérémy Blanc's user avatar
10 votes
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Formally smooth morphisms, the cotangent complex, and an extension of the conormal sequence

I'm reading Daniel Quillen's paper "Homology of commutative rings," in which he proves: A finitely presented morphism of rings $A \to B$ is Formally etale iff $L_{B/A}$ (this denotes the cotangent ...
Akhil Mathew's user avatar
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Milne, Etale Cohomology, mistake in proposition 2.5?

In Milne, Etale Cohomology, Proposition 2.5 (§2) is stated as follows: (All rings noetherian.) Let $B$ be a flat $A$--algebra, and consider $b \in B$. If the image of $b$ in $B/\mathfrak{m} B$ is ...
Jürgen Böhm's user avatar
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Irreducible component of a scheme over a dvr

Let $\mathcal M$ be a (reduced) quasi-projective scheme over a dvr (of mixed caracteristics), $R$. Suppose that the generic fiber $\mathcal M_{\eta_R}$ is (nonempty) smooth and irreducible of ...
user3001's user avatar
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Henselization of valued field

What is the importance of henselization in valuation theory, when the rank of valuation is bigger than one? Thanks
Rajnish's user avatar
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9 votes
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When UFD implies PID

The following result is too elementary, both to state and to prove, not to be known. Can someone give a reference? Is there any hope if you don't suppose UFD (i.e. move that from the hypothesis to ...
Michael  Barr's user avatar
3 votes
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Example of a homogeneous (not monomial) $(x,y)$-primary ideal $I$ in $K[x,y]$

Is there any example of a homogeneous (not monomial) $(x,y)$-primary ideal $I$ in $K[x,y]$ such that $I$ is complete and and there exists a minimal reduction $J$ of $I$ such that $J\overline{I^n}=\...
Cusp's user avatar
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Factorization of linear recurrences

For each (commutative unitary) ring $R$, let $\mathfrak{R}(R)$ be the set of all linear recurrences over $R$, that is, the set of all sequences $(a(n))_{n \geq 0}$ in $R$ such that $$a(n+k) = r_1 a(n+...
user avatar
1 vote
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section of reduced structure map

Let $R$ be a commutative ring whose characteristic is either prime or $0$, such that $R/N$ is an integral domain, where $N$ is the nilradical, and $p: R \rightarrow R/N$ the canonical map. Is there a ...
Neil Epstein's user avatar
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What is the German translation of "catenary ring"?

I am looking for the correct technical term in German for the notion of catenary ring in commutative algebra. Does anyone know? For those who don't know what a catenary ring is but would like to: ...
Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen's user avatar
6 votes
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Algebraic closedness in field of fractions

If $A\subseteq B$ are affine domains over an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic zero, such that $Q(A)$ is algebraically closed in $Q(B)$, how can one show that $Q(A)$ is also ...
sagnik chakraborty's user avatar
7 votes
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Does $ \text{mult}(R / I) = d_{1} \cdots d_{r} $ imply that $ (f_{1},\ldots,f_{r}) $ is an $ R $-regular sequence?

We define the multiplicity of an $ R $-module $ M $ of dimension $ d > 0 $ to be $$ \text{mult}(M) \stackrel{\text{df}}{=} \text{LC}(P_{M}) \cdot (d - 1)!, $$ where $ P_{M} $ denotes the Hilbert ...
Ella Smith's user avatar
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M is an R-module which is not finitely generated. is it true that $\inf \{ i| H^i_I(M)\neq 0 \}\le ht_M I?$

Let $R$ be a commutative noetherian ring (with $1$), $I$ an ideal of $R$, and $M$, a finitely generated $R$-module such that $IM \neq M$. Then, by Theorem 6.2.7 of BRODMANN-SHARP's Local Cohomology ...
user 1's user avatar
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Does a polynomial system with precisely e solutions have a Groebner basis of degree bounded by e?

Let $k$ be a field and let $R=k[X_1,...,X_n]$ be a polynomial ring. Let $F \subset R$ be a finite subset generating a radical ideal $I$ with precisely $e$ solutions over an algebraic closure of $k$. ...
Michiel Kosters's user avatar
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Artin approximation theorems over non-regular rings/non-Noetherian rings

In Artin1968 he considers $\underline{analytic}$ equations, but over the ring $R=k\{x_1,..,x_n\}$. In Artin1969 he works with $R=k\{x_1,..,x_n\}/I$, not necessarily regular, but considers $\underline{...
Dmitry Kerner's user avatar
4 votes
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Existence of infinitely many pairwise non-associate atoms in a ring of polynomials in $k$ variables over a Dedekind-finite unital ring

The following comes as a by-product of a more abstract result, and I'm essentially looking for a reference to it (or to something more general than it). Corollary. Let $R$ be a non-trivial Dedekind-...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
3 votes
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Counting the monic atoms $f$ in the semiring $\mathbf N[x]$ with $f(0)=1$, bounded coefficients, and degree $k$ (in the limit as $k \to \infty$)

Let $H$ be the multiplicative monoid of the (usual) semiring of polynomials in one variable $x$ with coefficients in $\mathbf N$. Given $\alpha, k \in \mathbf N$, denote by $\mathcal A_k(\alpha)$ the ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar

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