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Questions tagged [ac.commutative-algebra]

Commutative rings, modules, ideals, homological algebra, computational aspects, invariant theory, connections to algebraic geometry and combinatorics.

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5 votes
1 answer

A little help with the unmixedness theorem?

I have two smooth subvarieties $Y$ and $Z$ of a smooth variety $X$. Their intersection $Y \cap Z$ has two irreducible components, both of the expected dimension and generically reduced. I want to ...
Nick Addington's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Solve for $A$ and $B$ in $AXB=Y$

Let $R = \mathbb{Z}[x_{1}, \dots, x_{r}]$. Let $X$ be $n \times n$ matrix with entries in $R$. Let $Y$ be $m \times m$ matrix with entries in $R$ formed from $\mathbb{Z}$-linear or $\mathbb{R}$-linear ...
Turbo's user avatar
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2 questions about "monogenic" coordinate rings of affine curves

Suppose $k$ is an algebraically closed field with characteristic 0 and let $X \subset \mathbb{A}^n$ be an irreducible curve. If $f \colon X \to \mathbb{A}^1$ is finite of degree $d$, then the ...
charlie katerba's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

injectivity is a local property over noetherian rings [closed]

Let $R$ be a commutative noetherian ring, and let $M$ be an $R$-module. How I can show that if any localization $M_p$ at a prime ideal $p$ of the ring $R$ is injective over $R_p$, then $M$ is ...
sasha's user avatar
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Embedding of Gorenstein orbifold as a hypersurface

I am trying to understand if three complex dimensional orbifold singularity $\mathbb{C}^3 / \Gamma$ can be embedded as hypersurface in $\mathbb{C}^4$. The condition of being Gorenstein and having ...
Kevin Ye's user avatar
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1 answer

Finitely generated ordered monoids and noetherian subsets

(This question was asked a long time ago on MSE but got no answer so far...) Let $E$ be an additively written cancellable commutative monoid with no non-trivial units. We furnish $E$ with the order ...
Fred Rohrer's user avatar
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A version of Peskine and Szpiro's theorem in vanishing of local cohomology

C. Peskine and L. Szpiro in "Dimension projective finie et cohomologie locale",(Proposition 4.1) proved the following vanishing theorem for local cohomology: Let$R$ be a regular local ring of ...
user900000's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Krull-Schmidt Analogue for Complete / Graded Rings

Over the ring $\mathbb{Z}$, all finitely-generated modules decompose uniquely as a direct sum of indecomposable submodules; that's the Krull-Schmidt theorem. I'm given to understand that if a (...
mvk's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

First-order UFD (factorial ring) condition / pre-Schreier rings

All rings in this post are commutative and with $1$. Everyone knows the definition of a factorial ring, a. k. a. unique factorization domain (UFD). I have been wondering about some variations ...
darij grinberg's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

$k[[x]]$ as a $(k[[x]])^p$ module for ugly fields

Suppose that $k$ is a field of characteristic $p$ such that $k$ is not a finite $k^p$-module. For example, $k = \mathbb{F}_p(x_1, x_2, x_3, ...)$. Is it true that $k[[x]]$ is a free $(k[[x]])^p$-...
Karl Schwede's user avatar
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4 votes
6 answers

Number of A Subset of Monomials

I need to count the number of monomials of degree $n$ in $k$ variables, $x_1,\ldots ,x_k$, that contain at least one variable with a power of 1. The monomials need not include all the variables. ...
Joe Johnson's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

ideal of maximal minors is cohen-macaulay?

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field. Let $A$ be an $m \times n$ matrix with linear forms $a_{ij} \in k[x_1, \ldots, x_p]_1$ as entries. Let $I$ be the ideal generated by the maximal minors of $A$....
Hans's user avatar
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Different term's contribution in zonal polynomial

I am very interested in the contribution of different terms in a zonal polynomial. Let's focus on the simplest case. In (20) in "Distributions of matrix variates and latent roots derived from normal ...
Felix Y.'s user avatar
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3 answers

Behavior of duality under pull-back

I have a technical question on commutative algebra. I am not an expert in the subject, and I would like to know if there are "typical conditions" making the following possible. Let $\varphi:R\to S$ ...
Tommaso Centeleghe's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Symmetric algebra of an ideal and syzygies

Let $(R,\mathfrak{m})$ be a Cohen Macaulay local ring and $I=(a_1,\ldots,a_g,a_{g+1})$ an almost complete intersection ideal of codimension $g.$ Let $R^k\longrightarrow R^{g+1}\longrightarrow I\...
MAT's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Universal coefficient theorem for local ring

Let $R$ be a commutative local artin $k$-algebra,where $k$ is a field with characteristic $0$.I wonder whether universal coefficient theorem holds in this case.Namely,if $C$ is a chain of flat $R$-...
user41650's user avatar
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When is a polynomial ring free over a graded subalgebra?

Keep the setting of my previous question and let $I := k[x_1, \dots, x_n] \cdot A_{>0}$ be an ideal of the algebra $k[x_1, \dots, x_n]$ generated by the set $A_{>0}$. It is clear that $I$ is a ...
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

A construction of Kähler differentials and Illusie cotangent complex as colimit over embeddings

Let $\Bbbk$ be a field, $X$ affine scheme of finite type over $\Bbbk$. Let $\mathcal C_X$ be the category of closed embeddings of $X$ into (say affine) smooth $Y$'s of finite type over $\Bbbk$, ...
rrrrrttttttt's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Which commutative rigs arise from a distributive category?

A rig is an algebraic object with multiplication and addition, such that multiplication distributes over addition and addition is commutative. However, instead of requiring that the set forms an ...
Harrison Brown's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

UFD property descends?

Hi, Let $k$ be a field and $A$ a local noetherian $k$-algebra. If its completion is a UFD, is it true that $A$ is a UFD? Proof? Thanks
Nicolás's user avatar
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4 votes
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Formal criterion of flatness

Let $k$ be a field, $S$ and $R$ be local $k$-algebras with residue field $k$ and $\phi:S\to R$ be a local homomorphism. Then $\phi$ induces (obviously) a natural transformation of "functors of points" ...
Piotr Achinger's user avatar
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Reversing the arrows-dual theorems

When one studies homological algebra one learns some basic stuff-diagram chasing, long exact sequences associated to short exact sequence of complexes and so on. Usually one works out the details with ...
truebaran's user avatar
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Doubt in this proof of Horrocks theorem

I'm beginning to study some research papers and I need right now to understand the solution of Vaseršteĭn of Serre's theorem (simplest proof of this theorem), to do so, I'm beginning to understand ...
user26832's user avatar
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5 votes
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Can we express the degree 10 and degree 15 Galois resolvents of sextic binary forms in terms of its basic invariants?

Let $V_6$ denote the 7 dimensional $\mathbb{C}$-vector space of binary sextic forms. For $T = \begin{pmatrix} t_1 & t_2 \\ t_3 & t_4 \end{pmatrix} \in \operatorname{GL}_2(\mathbb{C})$, $T$ ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Does every nontrivial sheaf of rings have a maximal ideal?

Let $R$ be a sheaf of rings on a topological space $X$. Assume $R \neq 0$. Does then $R$ have a maximal ideal? So this is a spacified analogon of the theorem, that every nontrivial ring has a maximal ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can height one maximal ideals in the normalization contract to non-height one primes in the base?

Let $R$ be a local (Noetherian) integral domain of dimension greater than one. Can the integral closure (i.e. normalization) of $R$ have a maximal ideal of height one?
Neil Epstein's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

When is every "solid" perfect complex faithful?

Let $R$ be a noetherian commutative ring. Consider $D^{perf}(R)=K^b(R-proj)$ the category of bounded complexes of finitely generated projective $R$-modules, with maps of complexes up to homotopy. ...
Paul Balmer's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Support of a module over a polynomial algebra

In Atiyah and Bott's paper "The Moment Map and Equivariant Cohomology", they say that for any exact sequence of modules over $\mathbb{C}[u_1,...,u_l]$ $$D \to E \to F,$$ we have that Supp $E \subset$ ...
Samuel Tinguely's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Intersection of localization with finitely generated subalgebra of fraction field

Let $R$ be a (commutative) noetherian integral domain. Let $I$ be a prime ideal of $R$. Let $S$ be a finitely generated $R$-subalgebra of $\mathrm{Frac}(R)$. Is $S \cap R_I$ necessarily finitely ...
kedlaya's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Failure of Fin. Presented and Fin. Generated Modules to be Abelian Categories?

Let R be a ring. I'm trying to understand when the categories of finitely presented R-modules and finitely generated R-modules can fail to be abelian categories. Poking around on the internet has ...
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Weakened conditions for étale + X implies faithfully flat.

Let $F:R \to S$ be an étale morphism of rings. It follows with some work that $f$ is flat. However, faithful flatness is another story. It's not hard to show that faithful + flat is weaker than ...
2 votes
0 answers

Uniform Artin-Rees bound for annihilators in Noetherian local rings

Let $(A,\mathfrak{m})$ be a Noetherian local ring. If $I$ is an ideal of $A$, then by (a weak version of) the Artin-Rees lemma, there exists $j \geq 0$ such that for all $i \geq j$, $$\mathfrak{m}^i \...
Arkandias's user avatar
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1 answer

Division of multivariable polynomials by an ideal

Let $K$ be a commutative field and consider an ideal $I$ of $K[X_1,\dots,X_n]$. Is there a well behaved "reduction modulo I", in the following sense : Given a well-ordering $\leq$ on the set of ...
Drike's user avatar
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A quaternion x generates a left ideal of rank 2 if and only if x, ix and jx are linearly dependent?

I am trying to understand the construction of Artin and Mumford of a non-rational unirational threefold in ([1], p.90). Assume $S$ is a smooth projective surface over $\mathbb{C}$ with a smooth ...
Bernie's user avatar
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Are Chow groups a birational invariant?

Let us work in the category of smooth, projective varieties (say, over an algebraically closed field $k$). If $X$ and $X'$ are birational, then do they have the same Chow groups? Is there at least a ...
Adam's user avatar
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7 votes
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Associated graded of double Koszul dual

Let $k$ be a field, and let $A$ be a graded, connected, augmented, locally finite $k$-algebra. If $\Omega^* A$ denotes the cobar complex of $A$ (i.e., the dual $Hom_k(B_*(A), k)$ of the bar complex ...
Craig Westerland's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

A question about how polynomials simplify under substitution

This is a revised and more sensible version of the original question, thanks to the kind help of Anthony Quas and J. C. Ottem. Fix polynomials $f_{1},\ldots, f_{n} \in \mathbb{C}[t]$. Let $M_{k}$ be ...
Sidney Raffer's user avatar
4 votes
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Regular commutative Banach algebras which are not closed under complex conjugate

Let $A$ be a semisimple commutative Banach algebra with the maximal ideal space $X$. Further, assume that $A$ is regular i.e. for every closed set $E\subseteq X$ and $x\in X\setminus E$, there is some ...
Mahmood Al's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Are there any neat algorithm to factor a homogenous polynomial, given we know this polynomial factors into linear forms?

Are there any neat algorithm to factor a multivariable (more than 2 variables) homogenous polynomial, given we know this polynomial factors into linear forms?
user24800's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Krull dimension of a completion

How does one study Krull dimension of some I-adic completion of a ring or, more generally, a module? I know that in case of Noetherian local ring Krull dimension of its completion equals Krull ...
Andrew Penning's user avatar
2 votes
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Classifying Algebras of Convolution

$L^1(\mathbb R^n)$, $L^1(\mathbb R_+)$, $C^0_c(\mathbb R_+)$, $C^\infty_c(\mathbb R_+)$ are algebras of convolution. Question 1: is there a classification of subalgebras of convolution of $L^1(\...
Bazin's user avatar
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Geometry of componentially locally strongly separable algebras

Janelidze's categorical Galois theory yields, for nice adjunctions, a good notion of covering morphism. The category of finitely affine schemes admits such an adjunction into the category of ...
Arrow's user avatar
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When does composing polynomials reduce the degree?

Let $\mathbb{F}$ be the field of size 2. For a function $f : \mathbb{F}^n \to \mathbb{F}$, let $d(f)$ be the smallest integer such that there exists a degree-$d(f)$, $n$-variate, multilinear ...
user94741's user avatar
2 votes
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finiteness dimension

$R$ is a local Noetherian ring. $f_I(M)$, the finiteness dimension of a module $M$ relative to $I$, is defined in ...
user 1's user avatar
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Infinite domain with finite number of prime ideals(elements)

While trying to prove one property of commutative rings with units I can't prove one fact without assuming existence of infinitely many different prime ideals or elements. I tried to test if it was ...
Ostap Chervak's user avatar
3 votes
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Multiplicity of eigenvalues in 2-dim families of symmetric matrices

Say you have 2 symmetric matrices, $A$ and $B$, and you know that every linear combination $xA+yB$ ($x,\\,y\in \mathbb{R}$) has an eigenvalue of multiplicity at least $m>1$. Such a situation can of ...
CuriousUser's user avatar
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When does effective descent of modules hold?

Let $A$ be a commutative ring with identity. I denote by $\Delta_{\leq 1}$ the full subcategory of the simplex category $\Delta$ with objects $[0]$ and $[1]$. Let $B_{\cdot} : \Delta_{\leq 1}^{\mathrm{...
js21's user avatar
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Characterization of a finitely graded (almost) domain

Let $A= \bigoplus_{i=0}^{N}A_i$ be a finitely graded ring with the following property: if $x \in A_i$ and $y \in A_j$ and $i+j \leq N$, then $$xy = 0 \text{ implies } x = 0 \text{ or } y = 0.$$ Hence ...
Exit path's user avatar
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Two-variable polynomials, irreducible as formal power series

Let $k$ be a field and $f\in k[a,b]$ an irreducible two-variable polynomial, $B := k[a,b]/(f)$ and $C$ the integral closure of $B$ in its fraction field. I call $f$ good if it is irreducible in the ...
lfm's user avatar
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Extensions of an ideal-theoretic criterion for a monoid to be BF

Let $H$ be a multiplicatively written, commutative monoid. We denote by $H^\times$ the set of units (or invertible elements) of $H$, and by $\mathcal A(H)$ the set of atoms (or irreducible elements) ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar

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