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Robert Furber's user avatar
Robert Furber
  • Member for 10 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
20 votes

Nonequivalent definitions in Mathematics

15 votes

Is defining measures as functionals ever insufficiently general in practice?

14 votes

A topological vector space $X$ is separable if its dual space $X^*$ is separable?

13 votes

Is there a measure on $[0,1]$ that is 0 on meagre sets and 1 on co-meagre sets

13 votes

Papers that debunk common myths in the history of mathematics

12 votes

Unconditionally convergent series in some functional spaces

12 votes

Is there a connection between representation theory and PDEs?

12 votes

Is $X\times X$ homeomorphic to $X$ for a space of probability measures?

11 votes

Who needs Replacement anyway?

10 votes

Banach space with uncountable basis

9 votes

Example of a Mathematician/Physicist whose Other Publications during their PhD eclipsed their PhD Thesis

9 votes

A characterization of $L_1(\mu)$ in $L_\infty(\mu)^*$

9 votes

Is any dual metrizable locally convex space a Frechet space?

8 votes

Metrizable subspaces of separable spaces

8 votes

Is the ring of $p$-adic integers extremally disconnected?

7 votes

Equivalence of σ-convex hull and closed convex hull

7 votes

Borel $\sigma$-algebra of a Borel subset

6 votes

Exponential objects in the category of measurable spaces

6 votes

Examples of non-isomorphic $C^\ast$ algebras with isomorphic quasi-state spaces

6 votes

A group where the Weil topology induced by the Haar measure does not coincide with the original topology

6 votes

Is the preimage of a face under an affine map a face?

6 votes

About the category of von neumann algebras

6 votes

A combinatorial question about orthonormal bases

5 votes

Duality between Banach spaces and compact convex spaces

5 votes

What is to Stone space of the free sigma-algebra on countably many generators?

5 votes

What's the maximum probability of associativity for triples in a nonassociative loop?

5 votes

Sequence in *-algebra with different limits for two C*-norms?

5 votes

Borel $\sigma$-algebra in $\beta \mathbb N \times \beta \mathbb N$

5 votes

Is the compact-open topology on the dual of a separable Frechet space sequential?

5 votes

Book on Hilbert spaces, including non-separable